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2010-05-10 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2849680

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-10 6:53 PM
Artemis - 2010-05-10 11:13 AM
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-08 10:39 PM so, I need to start upping my bike miles to be ready for a metric in 5 weeks but tomorrow they are calling for 20mph winds; I'm not sure I'm that hard core. What to do?

Did you ride?

Yes, I did 35 miles with 15-25mph crosswinds (a little headwind, too, but not much tailwind). My average mph was pretty pitiful.

I've got 40 miles scheduled for Saturday. Maybe, just maybe, we won't have a windy weekend. Please?

Good job!  I'm hoping next weekend is less windy, too.

2010-05-12 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
So good news & bad news. Good news: x-ray was negative for a stress fracture!!! Bad news: my back has been killing me and has basically put me out of training for two weeks. I finally went to the chiro today to get realigned and it hurts even more now! GRRR. More bad news: I have a race in a little over 2 weeks and basically haven't trained ANY of May. Really frustrated, slightly depressed, but I know I'll get through it. Please send healing thoughts my way
2010-05-12 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2854816

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
morrisel - 2010-05-12 4:59 PM So good news & bad news. Good news: x-ray was negative for a stress fracture!!! Bad news: my back has been killing me and has basically put me out of training for two weeks. I finally went to the chiro today to get realigned and it hurts even more now! GRRR. More bad news: I have a race in a little over 2 weeks and basically haven't trained ANY of May. Really frustrated, slightly depressed, but I know I'll get through it. Please send healing thoughts my way

brace yourself, healing thought about to hit you. 

feel better soon!

2010-05-16 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
did another 5K today. i may be really slow but this was a PR for me. i felt good during most of it. i had to walk up most of the hills but there were enough downhills to help make up for the uphills. when i got to 40 mins i really tried to pile it on. i really wanted to break 50 mins. i'm so proud of myself for doing that. this is the first time i've done that. i was 309/336 overall and 15/17 for my age group. go me!

2010-05-16 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2861728

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
UNCI - 2010-05-16 4:51 PM did another 5K today. i may be really slow but this was a PR for me. i felt good during most of it. i had to walk up most of the hills but there were enough downhills to help make up for the uphills. when i got to 40 mins i really tried to pile it on. i really wanted to break 50 mins. i'm so proud of myself for doing that. this is the first time i've done that. i was 309/336 overall and 15/17 for my age group. go me!


Yes, Go You!

2010-05-16 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2861758

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-16 5:22 PM
UNCI - 2010-05-16 4:51 PM did another 5K today. i may be really slow but this was a PR for me. i felt good during most of it. i had to walk up most of the hills but there were enough downhills to help make up for the uphills. when i got to 40 mins i really tried to pile it on. i really wanted to break 50 mins. i'm so proud of myself for doing that. this is the first time i've done that. i was 309/336 overall and 15/17 for my age group. go me!


Yes, Go You!


yeah, the problem now is that my knee is hurting again.  i'm rice ing it again but it's frustrating.  i think i should get it looked at but i won't be able to until the end of May.  i'm going out of town tomorrow (for my grandsons baptism.) won't be back till the 26th and then i leave again on the 28th for Memorial day with my brother in NY.  i had planned on doing some running and maybe biking while i was away.  do you think if i wait a few days i'll still be able to run while away?

2010-05-17 1:50 AM
in reply to: #2861728

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
UNCI - 2010-05-16 4:51 PM did another 5K today. i may be really slow but this was a PR for me. i felt good during most of it. i had to walk up most of the hills but there were enough downhills to help make up for the uphills. when i got to 40 mins i really tried to pile it on. i really wanted to break 50 mins. i'm so proud of myself for doing that. this is the first time i've done that. i was 309/336 overall and 15/17 for my age group. go me!


Good job!!
2010-05-17 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Hey everyone.  I am back!!!  I fell off the bandwagon and fell hard.  It has been 7 weeks since I have done any training.  Reason:  My knees were starting to bother me again so I was taking some time off to let them rest and here I am 7 weeks later.  WOW time flies.  Looks like everyone is doing well.  I have not got all the way through the forum to catch-up.  I will later. 

Welcome to the group Judy.

I honestly dont know how much running I will be doing and It seems that I just dont have anytime to get to the "Y" at lunch to swim as well.  So for right now I will just be biking and maybe trying to run like once a week.

Just wanted to catch-up and say "hi"

2010-05-19 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2863231

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
TRIMAN413 - 2010-05-17 11:45 AM Hey everyone.  I am back!!!  I fell off the bandwagon and fell hard.  It has been 7 weeks since I have done any training.  Reason:  My knees were starting to bother me again so I was taking some time off to let them rest and here I am 7 weeks later.  WOW time flies.  Looks like everyone is doing well.  I have not got all the way through the forum to catch-up.  I will later. 

Welcome to the group Judy.

I honestly dont know how much running I will be doing and It seems that I just dont have anytime to get to the "Y" at lunch to swim as well.  So for right now I will just be biking and maybe trying to run like once a week.

Just wanted to catch-up and say "hi"

Welcome back... I think I'm finally coming to the conclusion that becoming athletic at 38 means resting and rehabbing though a series of injuries. And that that's okay. I don't need to pin all my hopes and dreams on one race. I threw myself a little pity party for a few days because I hurt my ankle mowing the lawn (damn hole) right after PT for my back. And discovered I couldn't run on it.

That was my self-absorbed way of saying good for you for getting back on the bike or whatever you can manage while the knees heal.

And for everyone out there struggling through injuries, good for all of you too!
2010-05-19 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Hey all...I've been lurking for the last couple of weeks, but not been very social.  I am really depressed at the moment, but that is hormone related and will pass.

I'm sorry to hear that there have been so many injury issues in the group. 
2010-05-20 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
My dad is going to a nursing home today.  He has been fairly unresponsive lately.  There will be a few days that he looks like he could pass at any moment and then he will rally for a day or two.  It is really hard to have this up and down thing going on...there have been several months of this.

2010-05-21 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2871072

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-05-20 12:06 PM My dad is going to a nursing home today.  He has been fairly unresponsive lately.  There will be a few days that he looks like he could pass at any moment and then he will rally for a day or two.  It is really hard to have this up and down thing going on...there have been several months of this.

Sorry to hear about your Dad Melissa.  I know that is tuff.
2010-05-21 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2871072

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-05-20 12:06 PM My dad is going to a nursing home today.  He has been fairly unresponsive lately.  There will be a few days that he looks like he could pass at any moment and then he will rally for a day or two.  It is really hard to have this up and down thing going on...there have been several months of this.

I'm sure that this has been hard on you. Hang in there.
2010-05-22 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Thanks for the support guys...

I visited yesterday and spend 3 hours with him.  Helped him get some fluids and tried to find something interesting on TV.
2010-05-25 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Feeling really blue...haven't been to school regularly in the last few weeks and am rapidly falling behind.  There is less than a month left in the quarter and I have an incredibly huge amount to get done.

I haven't been working out much either.  I need to get a bike operational.  I would really like to make it to the Luna Chix group workout this evening, but it is a OWS/bike brick and will require me to fix a bike and get my wetsuit from my storage unit.  I am not sure if I would be able to breathe once I've squeezed myself into it.

Did I mention that I'm feeling blue and just want to sleep the day away?
2010-05-25 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2881012

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-05-25 11:58 AM Feeling really blue...haven't been to school regularly in the last few weeks and am rapidly falling behind.  There is less than a month left in the quarter and I have an incredibly huge amount to get done.

I haven't been working out much either.  I need to get a bike operational.  I would really like to make it to the Luna Chix group workout this evening, but it is a OWS/bike brick and will require me to fix a bike and get my wetsuit from my storage unit.  I am not sure if I would be able to breathe once I've squeezed myself into it.

Did I mention that I'm feeling blue and just want to sleep the day away?

Hey Melissa!  Sounds like your goin' thru a tough time right now..... hang in there girl! Take it one step at a time.... one day at a time....  
Thinking about you and sending you positive "vibes" and a cyber hug to make you feel better!!!

2010-05-27 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Well I made it to the Luna Chix workout...forced myself to go and felt a lot better for it.

I am still struggling with ongoing depression though.  Yesterday I took part in some retail therapy...I visited REI to pick up some rewaterproofing stuff and ended up spending $300...I had forgotten that they were having their anniversary sale. 

I then went to a really cool game store that I'd heard about and picked up an anniversary present for my sister and her hubby.  It's a board game called Small World...sub titled 'It's a World of (S)laughter.'  Yay for poking fun at Disney.

I ended up buying myself a new board game too.  Then I visited my BF and figured out how to play it.  It is a great game as well. 

Here it is morning again...I really should be getting to school. 
2010-05-27 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2885854

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-05-27 11:33 AM Well I made it to the Luna Chix workout...forced myself to go and felt a lot better for it.

I am still struggling with ongoing depression though.  Yesterday I took part in some retail therapy...I visited REI to pick up some rewaterproofing stuff and ended up spending $300...I had forgotten that they were having their anniversary sale. 

I then went to a really cool game store that I'd heard about and picked up an anniversary present for my sister and her hubby.  It's a board game called Small World...sub titled 'It's a World of (S)laughter.'  Yay for poking fun at Disney.

I ended up buying myself a new board game too.  Then I visited my BF and figured out how to play it.  It is a great game as well. 

Here it is morning again...I really should be getting to school. 

I did the same thing at REI.  I am currently banned.  But I got great stuff!!  I love the Anniversary Sale.

Big Hugs!  Hope things get better for you soon.
2010-06-02 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I had a great holiday weekend with my boyfriend, but now I am back home and have to face all the realities of life again. 

I need to get my act together, but have been mired down in a blue funk.
2010-06-02 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
ok...just want to add a very fun shows a lego felt tip printer in operation that some guy created from scratch.

Edited by mchally 2010-06-02 12:18 PM
2010-06-03 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2896787

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-06-02 1:17 PM ok...just want to add a very fun shows a lego felt tip printer in operation that some guy created from scratch.

On the one hand, that's really awesome.  On the other hand, I think he has *way* too much free time. 

2010-06-04 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2896787

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-06-02 1:17 PM ok...just want to add a very fun shows a lego felt tip printer in operation that some guy created from scratch.

Wow that was so cool.  Could you imagine having to wait for that to print a big document?
Thanks for sharing
2010-06-05 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2898895

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2010-06-03 8:48 AM
mchally - 2010-06-02 1:17 PM ok...just want to add a very fun shows a lego felt tip printer in operation that some guy created from scratch.

On the one hand, that's really awesome.  On the other hand, I think he has *way* too much free time. 
I was thinking the same thing...
2010-06-12 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!


Today my father passed away.  He has gone to a better place, a place where there is no more pain or suffering.  He is at peace and with The Lord.  I will miss him very much, but trust that someday I will see him again.

I am grateful that I was able to be with him at the end.  I spoke to him about all the special times we shared and how I loved him.  I was holding his hand as he took his last breaths.
2010-06-29 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
so i did the Baltimore Women's  Challenge on Sunday.  i was 1834/2060 total and 198/247 in my age group. not too bad. better than last year.  i did ok considering i was nursing a sore knee. it's been ok lately but i haven't wanted to push it too hard. i've been doing short, slow runs for a month or so. didn't know if the knee would hold up but it did fine. a couple of times it started to tweak a little so i slowed down and it got better. i walked a fair amount, almost all of the last mile. just couldn't get my breath. think it was the heat that did me in. it was my third worst time for 5Ks but i'm happy since i wasn't even sure the knee would let me finish. 

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