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2013-08-16 12:45 AM
in reply to: EV3110

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
So 2 of my IM's don't count because they were not IM brand, so after Tahoe I still have the 10 more to qualify then the 1 the year of Kona so "only 12 more IM's to go before Kona, assuming I get in the first year I apply.......

Hrm may have eaten something bad for lunch off to bed, could be a stomach thing unrelated, ya never know, had to rest a bit between workouts. And training staff all day tomorrow.

2013-08-16 10:52 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hello all. Sorry for the extended absence.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. My IM will be next weekend. 8/25 in Lousiville. I am really excited and think I am ready for the race. My nerves are completely shot thinking about the swim. I have put in time swimming so I am confident I can survive physically. It's the mental aspect of the swim that has me concerned.

My bib number is 2509. I am hoping to be towards the front of the start to allow me the maximum amount of time to complete the swim without being too taxed. Still refining my nutrition plan.

Good luck Mike with your HIM this weekend. I am sure you will be outstanding.
2013-08-16 11:21 AM
in reply to: kmatt318

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good luck, Ken!! You'll do great.

Let me know what you thing of IMLou. I'm thinking about taking a shot at it next year. Hope the temps stay down.

2013-08-16 11:47 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good luck this weekend to Ken & Mike!

Ken, bet once you get going on the swim you will be fine. Channel your inner Mike, and you're all good.

Steve, nice to have that long range goal for Kona. What a journey you will have to tell to the kids/grandkids . Hope the stomach but passes quickly!

Speaking of which, hubby is home sick today (his birthday). Think he caught the stomach virus from his dad. I gave him Cowboy tickets as his gift, and thankfully the game isn't until September. Short spin on the trainer this morning followed by PT, which wasn't as painful as last time AND I get to try running a teensy bit tomorrow .
2013-08-16 1:55 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ken -- I'm with Carol. You'll be good on the swim. Remember -- the first part is the only section 'up river' and half of it is behind the island. Make that turn around bouy, and its all down river . You will do great!
2013-08-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good luck this weekend Ken and Mike!

Mike, I totally get why you're bagging the'll be better off for it if you truly rest your hammy for a bit after this weekend!

I can't get this black cloud that is hovering above me to go elsewhere. I ended up buying a used Mitsubishi Outlander (which looks like a Subaru Outback/Forester for comparison) which seemed to be the most logical for us. We live on a dirt road so the AWD ability is helpful and its 4 doors with enough room for the kids...and gas milage isn't awful for my commute. Well, yesterday, the check engine light popped on. I took it back to the dealership for their service team to look at it...they gave me a rental on them. Today, we called after I got out of work and found out their service people have no clue what's going on and are sending it to the Mitsubishi dealership to figure out the problem. Needless to say my wife and I are frustrated beyond words with cars and this nonsense that seems to be happening. I have races coming up soon and very little training for them. My nightmare of being underprepared for my races (again) is staring me in the face....only this time its life doing it, not my motivation. I feel like my posts are so Debbie Downer lately but sadly...this is my reality.

2013-08-16 4:32 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, sorry that life is full of complications right now. They sure do seem to come in bunches! We do this stuff for run, not to add stress on top of stress. Maybe you can back down to shorter distances in some of your upcoming events and just go have a "training day" at the races?

2013-08-16 7:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ken, the time-limit cutoff from the swim is 2:20 from when the last age group swimmer enters the water. So you will get the full 2:20 no matter when you enter the water. I really wouldn't start out at the front because you will get run over by the fast swimmers. Its not fun. Just waiting 30 seconds makes for a much more reasonable start and that will still give you probably a 5 minute headstart on the 2:20 time limit. Ken looking at your swim times even at a just practice level you have at least a 35 minute cussion on your swim cutoff for your IM. Once you get to the bike you will be fine pace wise and if you don't cook the bike you should be good for the run (don't cook the run). Just take the swim steady don't go out fast just go out steady, you will get there eventually 8).

Samantha, is IM now doing a rolling swim start as in your time doesn't start until you cross the timing mat to enter the swim and you self-seet your in the line by starting near folks who swim about your pace like with regular run races start?

Edited by Baowolf 2013-08-17 2:04 AM
2013-08-17 6:54 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve -- I believe I read yesterday that IM Tahoe will be a rolling start. As you said, self seeding based on expected finish swim time, and cut off timing starts after the last guy goes in.

I'm off to NH for check in, bike check in, and all the other pre-race hoopla that goes with it. I'm getting a new bib # today, so I'll post that as soon as I find out what it is. I was supposed to get a low # via the Make A Wish team, and they screwed mine up, so when I get there today, I'll find out my new #. Our MAW team gets to rack next to the pros, so it will be interesting to see them at the start of the race -- I'm quite sure I won't see them anywhere else out there .
2013-08-17 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
At Pro Panel discussion at race site, and these folks are nuts. 2-3 HIM a month leading to Kona. Incredible.
2013-08-17 12:26 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ken, good to see you back. Try to check back with us before your race next weekend.

Mike, good luck this weekend!

Steve, hope that bug doesn't last long. At least you got it out of the way before Tahoe.

Jay, I'm so sorry about the car. Sometime things just all seem to conspire to take us down.

Carol, we are revoking your Type B card after that bike incident! You crack me up. Way to show that cocky little cyclist.

Mitzi, where art thou? You have a race next weekend too, I think.

The morn I got up at 6 to go for a run. Turned on an outside light and no rain which was great. Walked across the kitchen and heard the bottom fall out. Since they are predicting 5 to 8 inches for us this weekend, I decided I wouldn't go out in that but I've got a problem - my hubby is out there. While we usually welcome rain because it cools things for us, that was a bad blitz. So I got in the car and went looking for him. 8 miles and 25 min in the rain and I still can't find him. Came home and went to bed. He finally came in 30 min later - soaked but he had a blast.

I finally got out at 10:30 and thankfully the rain had our temps in the 70s. That is unusual for FL but it's very welcome.

2013-08-17 2:48 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey guys... Just a quick check in. work has had me through the roof busy!

Wishing the racers this weekend the best of luck!

Training is going pretty well for me, although no swimming. Have an Olympic dist in 3 weeks. Bike feels good, run is getting back. Swim.... Will survive.

Did an 8.84 miler this morn. splits were pretty good for where I'm at with my run. 8:37, 8:28, 8:35, 8:49, 8:46, 8:51, 8:51, 8:48, 8:47

I will catch up on posts soon and I wishing all of you the best!
2013-08-17 10:03 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Oh I'm fine health wise was probably just some minor food poisoning from our quality restaraunts in town, I ate out with the new boss during preservice trainings (I get to do 20 ish hours of training over the end of last week and beginning of this week.).

Puts with my bike to get the shifting a bit smoother (new cables stretch a bit after about 500 miles or so), took longer than I had planned because the dumb youtube video had the directions wrong.... where is their quality control. Anyway got in a 70 mile bike, starting off with a nice35 miles into a headwind and a couple hills 800 ish feet elevation gain each and some minor hills.

Rolling start will be soooo much better.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-08-18 12:57 AM
2013-08-18 10:21 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mitch, nice run! Bet it's good to be back out there feeling solid again.

Pam, I'm with your hubby, running in the rain is one of the beautiful things in life! LOL on the type b card. I actually call myself a recovering perfectionist...quite a lot more type a in my past re: career and such. LOL, I think I've recovered very well, but flashes of the A still come through .

Steve, thanks to you, I will never take having my choice of LBS for granted!

Hope our racers are doing well right now!

I agree...Mitzi, let us know how you are doing!
2013-08-18 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey all!

Timberman 70.3 finisher here. Swim and bike were good (35 min swim felt. Awesome!). Run was the walking sufferfest I expected. Andy Potts put the finisher medal around my neck. So cool. He also was today's overall winner.

Now stuck in traffic 90 miles from home. I'm kinda tired ??
2013-08-18 4:02 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Glad your race was memorable and that you managed to get through it given your health issues. Nice swim... I need to borrow you swim instructor for a year or two.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-08-18 4:20 PM

2013-08-18 4:23 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Mike_D

Hey all!

Timberman 70.3 finisher here. Swim and bike were good (35 min swim felt. Awesome!). Run was the walking sufferfest I expected. Andy Potts put the finisher medal around my neck. So cool. He also was today's overall winner.

Now stuck in traffic 90 miles from home. I'm kinda tired ??

Fantastic Mike! Congrats! Swim sounds dreamy! Race report coming soon? Hope ya get home for a shower and a rest!
2013-08-18 4:46 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, so glad you enjoyed most of the day! Sounds like a great experience from pre-race meetings to Andy Potts presenting your medal. Hope the drive home is moving along faster now so you can get home and write your race report .
2013-08-18 10:11 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pam, somehow missed your post about your hubby's run in the rain, your worry & your inablility to find him. I laughed when I read that your drove home and went back to bed.

This week I've made the decision to run everyday. 2 mile min. NEED to get back to what makes my body feel good!
2013-08-19 6:02 AM
in reply to: EV3110

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'm back at the office this AM, and feeling a bit tired and sore in a few places. Will work on race report today -- so much to discuss! It was a fantastic weekend. Quick summary of the race -- maybe the best swim of my life, just felt fantastic, Bike was tough - big hills first 12 and last 12 miles; nearly ended my race in T2; run started bad, but was overall OK based on what I figured I was in for. Finish was truly fantastic. More later. I need food
2013-08-19 10:51 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike - What an awsome experience that must have been. 2-3 HIM must be a warm up for those guys. Sure would be nice to be in that kind of shape.

Jay - When it rains it pours. Keep the faith and the clouds will break and the sun will shine in ways that you least expect it.

Staying motivated with no race on the calendar is tough. The pool is closed till next month and that is great recovery as to me there is something very theraputic about the water. Could have used it as I tweeked something in the left glute. Was acting up but went out for a couple more runs last week but it did not get better. Rested Friday late and saturday then sunday had to do something and had a nice bike ride. Still not 100% but a lot better than Friday or saturday. Will see if I can get an easy 5k in tonight.

2013-08-19 12:15 PM
in reply to: 0

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
2013-08-19 12:37 PM
in reply to: Tri-solar

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey Joe, good to hear from you. Careful with the glute pain. What are you training for? Totally hear you on the pool. It is logistically the hardest thing to do, but definitely seems to have a restorative effect.

Mike, hope you have an easy work day going on, or at least one that is not at all physically demanding. You do have a race report to write.

Steve, my bet is on you to make it to Kona. Perseverance, you got it, and that is what it will take.

So I jogged 3 half mile intervals yesterday. Still had some glute pain, but recovered very well and felt good on a spin this morning. Before even the bike was irritating it, and I can tell that the muscle(s) involved are much looser now in terms of foam rolling and stretching, deep tissue massage is not feeling quite so intense, so I think progress is there. PT thinks so as well, so we're going to try a similar "run" a couple times this week, allowing plenty of time for recovery. Headed to San Francisco the end of this week to accompany hubby to a work conference. His meals/hotel are covered, and we fly free, so too good to pass up. Taking my laptop/work, but plan to do my best to keep that to a minimum and really soak up the city. Hoping to be able to at least jog/walk a bit in the mornings along the Embarcadero, and have my eye on renting a bike to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. Thankfully my parents will be staying at our house to take care of pets and be here in case FIL has a crisis. Sounds good on paper anyway .
2013-08-19 12:55 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Report is up!

I have to say as the day goes on, I'm getting more tired & sore. I'm also incredibly hungry.
2013-08-19 12:58 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Great report! Y'all have to read this. I won't tell you who Mike's new friend is .
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