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2008-12-18 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1862207

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Yikes -- the chlorine gas stuff sounds very scary. I've always wondered what kind of damage I did to myself spending 2-4 hours 4-6 days/week in the pool year after year after year. So far I seem to be faring OK, as thousands of other swimmers and divers are as well!! Still, your experience is a bit on the scary side. Hope they get that under control.

So my workout today turned into hill repeats: My kids wanted to ski so I towed 'em up the hills in our 'hood and they skied down. We did at least 20 of these. I also raked my front steps (yes, raked, as I can't find the shovel -- it was last seen by my son who is digging a quarry in the back yard). No chance to sit on my bike, but I will try to do that tomorrow. School has already been called off for tomorrow, so I'll work around that (I hope)!

2008-12-19 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1862275

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kkcbelle - 2008-12-18 7:08 PM Yikes -- the chlorine gas stuff sounds very scary. I've always wondered what kind of damage I did to myself spending 2-4 hours 4-6 days/week in the pool year after year after year. So far I seem to be faring OK, as thousands of other swimmers and divers are as well!! Still, your experience is a bit on the scary side. Hope they get that under control. So my workout today turned into hill repeats: My kids wanted to ski so I towed 'em up the hills in our 'hood and they skied down. We did at least 20 of these. I also raked my front steps (yes, raked, as I can't find the shovel -- it was last seen by my son who is digging a quarry in the back yard). No chance to sit on my bike, but I will try to do that tomorrow. School has already been called off for tomorrow, so I'll work around that (I hope)!


I think hill workouts pulling your kids is quite a good workout for the day    Weve got bad weather here today.   Looks liek a relaxing day from home (once i get back home!)

2008-12-19 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: Preparing for New Years

Need some opinions on what I should do next week. I am going to be in New York City for New Years. I'm gonna be leaving immediately from work on Tuesday 12/30 and not getting back home until Sunday 1/4. I'm not going to be able to bring my bike and trainer and I won't have access to a pool, so I'm only going to be able to run Wed-Sun (taking Tuesday off). On top of this my training program starts 12/29, with 12/29 being a rest day!! (I figure I can get by missing the first week, my dad got away with missing weeks in Feb and April the past couple years)

My question is regarding from now up until I leave...What should I do?? As you can see from my log I have been focusing more on running the past few weeks. Being that I will the only thing I will be able to do for 5 days is run, should I slow down on the running and focus on the swim and bike?? Keep going? Something else??

2008-12-19 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1863248

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Extreme Veteran
Southeastern Michigan
Subject: RE: Preparing for New Years
zee744 - 2008-12-19 11:17 AM

Need some opinions on what I should do next week. I am going to be in New York City for New Years. I'm gonna be leaving immediately from work on Tuesday 12/30 and not getting back home until Sunday 1/4. I'm not going to be able to bring my bike and trainer and I won't have access to a pool, so I'm only going to be able to run Wed-Sun (taking Tuesday off). On top of this my training program starts 12/29, with 12/29 being a rest day!! (I figure I can get by missing the first week, my dad got away with missing weeks in Feb and April the past couple years)

My question is regarding from now up until I leave...What should I do?? As you can see from my log I have been focusing more on running the past few weeks. Being that I will the only thing I will be able to do for 5 days is run, should I slow down on the running and focus on the swim and bike?? Keep going? Something else??

Can you do some weights or core work while you are gone?  I don't think it would hurt you being just a few days focused on running...

We had a snow day today so the school pool was closed.  I did some weights and plan on riding my bike on the trainer later this afternoon.  I will just rearrange my workouts for this weekend.  That means the kids will go to the pool with me tomorrow...good exercise for everyone!

2008-12-19 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1860372

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2008-12-17 10:18 PM
hollybushellehill - 2008-12-17 4:35 PM

OTHER STUFF: I'd really like to improve my swimming, seems like it was the major limiting factor in my races last year. Of course, one probable first solution is to go to the pool! I'm a vegetarian (pescaterian, actually, i occasionally eat fish) and am interested in nutritional aspects of training. For me, training and racing is all about keeping it fun. If it's not fun, I tend to lose interest quickly. I bought a bike trainer last month and have yet to use it! I'm really excited to have team motivation and to learn from all of you and your training experience.

Holly-I am Pescatarian also. I eat salmon about once a week, and occassionally some shrimp. One of my goals in joining a mentoring group is to get some info about nutrional needs, so I'm glad there's atleast 2 of us with similar diets.

Hi Heidi! Great to know we can share nutritional tips! The longer I go not eating meat, the less fish I tend to eat as well. I worry sometimes about protein. I try to get protein through yogurt and soy milk. Do you take any vitamin supplements?

2008-12-19 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1863330

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Preparing for New Years
Bronwyn1968 - 2008-12-19 11:46 AM
zee744 - 2008-12-19 11:17 AM

Need some opinions on what I should do next week. I am going to be in New York City for New Years. I'm gonna be leaving immediately from work on Tuesday 12/30 and not getting back home until Sunday 1/4. I'm not going to be able to bring my bike and trainer and I won't have access to a pool, so I'm only going to be able to run Wed-Sun (taking Tuesday off). On top of this my training program starts 12/29, with 12/29 being a rest day!! (I figure I can get by missing the first week, my dad got away with missing weeks in Feb and April the past couple years)

My question is regarding from now up until I leave...What should I do?? As you can see from my log I have been focusing more on running the past few weeks. Being that I will the only thing I will be able to do for 5 days is run, should I slow down on the running and focus on the swim and bike?? Keep going? Something else??

Can you do some weights or core work while you are gone?  I don't think it would hurt you being just a few days focused on running...

We had a snow day today so the school pool was closed.  I did some weights and plan on riding my bike on the trainer later this afternoon.  I will just rearrange my workouts for this weekend.  That means the kids will go to the pool with me tomorrow...good exercise for everyone!

I will still be able to do some weights. My concern is if I should cut back on the running and focus more on the swim and bike over the next week and a half seeing as how I can't do either for 6 days.

2008-12-19 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1863248

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: Preparing for New Years
zee744 - 2008-12-19 10:17 AM

Need some opinions on what I should do next week. I am going to be in New York City for New Years. I'm gonna be leaving immediately from work on Tuesday 12/30 and not getting back home until Sunday 1/4. I'm not going to be able to bring my bike and trainer and I won't have access to a pool, so I'm only going to be able to run Wed-Sun (taking Tuesday off). On top of this my training program starts 12/29, with 12/29 being a rest day!! (I figure I can get by missing the first week, my dad got away with missing weeks in Feb and April the past couple years)

My question is regarding from now up until I leave...What should I do?? As you can see from my log I have been focusing more on running the past few weeks. Being that I will the only thing I will be able to do for 5 days is run, should I slow down on the running and focus on the swim and bike?? Keep going? Something else??


I would hit the pool and trainer until you leave, and then when your gone, do your normal running then, and maybe some lifting/core stuff like Bronwyn suggested.    Missing  a  little now is better than in the middle of your IM training

2008-12-19 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Elgin, Ok
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Weather finally cleared. I will be back outside with the kids (team) today. Christmas break starts tomorrow. It will be hard to stay motivated.
2008-12-19 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
OK, this group has already served its purpose for me, as I probably would have bagged doing anything today had I not really THOUGHT about it. Third snowday in a row, I'm tired and have a sore throat. (Woe is me. ) But I know I am grumpy when I don't get my HR up. So....

Got on the trainer this morning and logged 45 minutes while Dad kept the kids from fighting until I was done. So yay. While spinning I thought about weekend goals. I will do SOMETHING on Sat/Sun, and if I can't go outside I will do the trainer for at least 1:00/day. Would love to run, but lots of snow and more coming (plus wind).

So thanks for the cyber-pressure, or cyber-accountability, or whatever you want to call it.

And to the pescatarians... I am not a vegetarian but don't eat much meat at all. I am pretty diligent about healthy eating and strive to eat local and organic whenever possible. Would love to participate in any nutrition discussions. As for protein, I rely mostly on yogurt (daily smoothies) and whole grains and beans, but am always looking for higher-protein snacks that aren't cheese. I turn to nuts, but don't find them overly satisfying so feel like I need to be careful not to eat too many. Hummus w/pita chips is a favorite snack. So are apples w/peanut butter or toast w/almond butter. What are your favorite snacks?

2008-12-19 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1860479

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Gregkl - 2008-12-18 5:29 AM
slow turtle - 2008-12-17 11:18 PM
hollybushellehill - 2008-12-17 4:35 PM

OTHER STUFF: I'd really like to improve my swimming, seems like it was the major limiting factor in my races last year. Of course, one probable first solution is to go to the pool! I'm a vegetarian (pescaterian, actually, i occasionally eat fish) and am interested in nutritional aspects of training. For me, training and racing is all about keeping it fun. If it's not fun, I tend to lose interest quickly. I bought a bike trainer last month and have yet to use it! I'm really excited to have team motivation and to learn from all of you and your training experience.

I have a trainer but really don't like riding on it, but I have to due to the weather.  However, I am a little more motivated since I started a 14 week cycling program hosted by a Bt'r here.  It gives me a goal for each workout and is much better than just sitting on the trainer and slogging out an hour or so.  I am behnd, but that's okay.  His forum is in the mentor section under; 14 week cycling power program or something like that.  He has a link to his other blog site and you can download each weeks workout.  If you want to start at week one, I have it and can send it.  Or you can start at whatever week he has posted.  I think he keeps a couple weeks on there. 

If you wouldn't mind sharing the program from the first week that would be awesome. My email is [email protected] I am determined to get on the trainer this weekend and get in a run somewhere although the temps here have been just brutal. -24 forecasted for tomorrow!

2008-12-19 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

I know that some have expressed weight loss and or watching diet.   Currently I run a Biggest Loser contest program with my tri club.  Would you guys be interested in creating something within our little group through the holidays and through our time with the group to keep on track/get thinking about what you can change for the next year/and lose some weight?   We could do a weekly weigh in, post some suggestions, tips, etc.  We dont have to do anything formal, but maybe a weekly post on here (say Friday check in) on how we did with our weight and eating through the week? 

 Let me know your thoughts.  This is your group, so we can make it whatever you want

2008-12-19 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1863708

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2008-12-19 2:28 PM

I know that some have expressed weight loss and or watching diet.   Currently I run a Biggest Loser contest program with my tri club.  Would you guys be interested in creating something within our little group through the holidays and through our time with the group to keep on track/get thinking about what you can change for the next year/and lose some weight?   We could do a weekly weigh in, post some suggestions, tips, etc.  We dont have to do anything formal, but maybe a weekly post on here (say Friday check in) on how we did with our weight and eating through the week? 

 Let me know your thoughts.  This is your group, so we can make it whatever you want

Kellie- Sounds like a great idea! I don't have a real weight loss goal, as I've been holding fairly steady for over a year now. But I can definately use accountability for eating/drinking healthier. I have a hard time drinking enough water, and tend to drink too much diet coke.

Edited by slow turtle 2008-12-19 2:30 PM
2008-12-19 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1863841

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2008-12-19 2:24 PM
kellc09 - 2008-12-19 2:28 PM

I know that some have expressed weight loss and or watching diet.   Currently I run a Biggest Loser contest program with my tri club.  Would you guys be interested in creating something within our little group through the holidays and through our time with the group to keep on track/get thinking about what you can change for the next year/and lose some weight?   We could do a weekly weigh in, post some suggestions, tips, etc.  We dont have to do anything formal, but maybe a weekly post on here (say Friday check in) on how we did with our weight and eating through the week? 

 Let me know your thoughts.  This is your group, so we can make it whatever you want

Kellie- Sounds like a great idea! I don't have a real weight loss goal, as I've been holding fairly steady for over a year now. But I can definately use accountability for eating/drinking healthier. I have a hard time drinking enough water, and tend to drink too much diet coke.


Yeah, some of us in the Biggest Loser challenge dont have much to lose, but more so joined for some motivation through the holidays, etc to keep a eye on what we were doing and eating and not let it get too out of control.   So it can be for everyone even if you dont have a weigh loss goal!   

2008-12-19 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1863881

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I think its a good idea. I'm not necessarily trying to lose a lot of weight immediately. Having to report to other people how I did over the week would definitely keep me on track more. I know since I have other people looking at my log is why I jumped on the trainer today since I couldn't go to the gym!!
2008-12-20 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1863607

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kkcbelle - 2008-12-19 1:43 PM OK, this group has already served its purpose for me, as I probably would have bagged doing anything today had I not really THOUGHT about it. Third snowday in a row, I'm tired and have a sore throat. (Woe is me. ) But I know I am grumpy when I don't get my HR up. So.... Got on the trainer this morning and logged 45 minutes while Dad kept the kids from fighting until I was done. So yay. While spinning I thought about weekend goals. I will do SOMETHING on Sat/Sun, and if I can't go outside I will do the trainer for at least 1:00/day. Would love to run, but lots of snow and more coming (plus wind). So thanks for the cyber-pressure, or cyber-accountability, or whatever you want to call it. And to the pescatarians... I am not a vegetarian but don't eat much meat at all. I am pretty diligent about healthy eating and strive to eat local and organic whenever possible. Would love to participate in any nutrition discussions. As for protein, I rely mostly on yogurt (daily smoothies) and whole grains and beans, but am always looking for higher-protein snacks that aren't cheese. I turn to nuts, but don't find them overly satisfying so feel like I need to be careful not to eat too many. Hummus w/pita chips is a favorite snack. So are apples w/peanut butter or toast w/almond butter. What are your favorite snacks?

Hope you're feeling better!

I'm glad I'm not the only one being effected by snow! We have over a foot this morning, with more coming in. I've had to rearrange my training plans for the past 2 days, adn that will effect what I do today also.

For diet issues, I have a challenge because I don't like beans (it's a texture thing). I try to add them into some dishes, but I just don't like them! I do like Hummus though!!

Edited by slow turtle 2008-12-20 7:16 AM
2008-12-20 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1863708

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Extreme Veteran
Southeastern Michigan
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2008-12-19 2:28 PM

I know that some have expressed weight loss and or watching diet.   Currently I run a Biggest Loser contest program with my tri club.  Would you guys be interested in creating something within our little group through the holidays and through our time with the group to keep on track/get thinking about what you can change for the next year/and lose some weight?   We could do a weekly weigh in, post some suggestions, tips, etc.  We dont have to do anything formal, but maybe a weekly post on here (say Friday check in) on how we did with our weight and eating through the week? 

 Let me know your thoughts.  This is your group, so we can make it whatever you want

I will do what everyone else wants....I am planning on taking a more serious approach to weight loss starting Dec 26th.  I am going to weigh and take measurements and face up to the damage done.  I definitely am not comfortable at this weight.

On the other hand, I am usually VERY motivated to train but this morning I had a barrier.  My youngest daughter won't let me go to the gym!!! I only have custody of my girls 40% of the time but they are at my house for 10 days over the holidays (so they don't see me as much as they would like).  Well, the gym doesn't open until 8am on Saturday and I was trying to leave to go run on the treadmill there and she woke up! Usually, I am gone when they wake up and they watch tv until I get home (my fiance is here to watch them).  Well, she wouldn't let me leave and wouldn't go with me! So, no running today unless I go outside later today.  It really bummed me out though.

I try to accommodate my kids...for example, I am not going out with my fiance to the comedy club tonight because they are here...but when it comes to my training getting messed up, I am not happy.

I am taking all the kids to the pool later where I can swim laps while they play in the pool.  

Tomorrow I HAVE to run 7 miles outside!!  I like to wait until at least it is daylight out cuz it is so freakin' cold!!

That is my rant today about my routine being messed up!

Edited by Bronwyn1968 2008-12-20 7:56 AM

2008-12-20 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around. Finally got home to Kalispell late last night, so I'm busy trying to catch up on this thread. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

2008-12-20 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1859617

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - OPEN

kkcbelle - 2008-12-17 2:36 PM I'm not sure how to include a quote... But hi Roni -- I live in the PacNW (Bellevue, WA). I, too, am struggling with motivation to get on the trainer with the weather. It is so easy for me to throw on shoes and head out for a run, no matter what the weather. I think part of that is also that I'm never sure just what to do on a trainer to make it worth my while. I can choose a run in advance, or play around with pace as the mood hits, or decide to tackle a few hills, but I don't have that same creativity when I'm going nowhere. Have you chosen your 09 marathon? Looking forward to the group. Kellie, you mentioned adding you as a friend -- I'm not sure how to do that? Kyla

Hi Kyla! I'm going to do the Yakima River Canyon Marathon on April 4th. It follows the Yakima River from Ellensburg to Selah, WA. It's a pretty small event, but I've read lots of reports from people who have done it in the past and they all had really positive things to say about it. Yeah, I know what you mean about how much easier it is to run during the Winter. That's why I try to focus on run training in the Winter, but last Winter I didn't bike or swim at all other than a few spin classes and I felt like I had lost alot of my base fitness in biking and swimming when I got back to it in the Spring. That's why I'm trying to keep atleast 2 bikes and swims in my training schedule this Winter for maintenance. The trainer is definitely a struggle though! One thing that has helped me some is the cycling threshold training that jorge is doing here on BT. You can find the posting in the "mentor group archives" under "increase your cycling power over winter. It give you a program to follow with intervals and different workouts each day on the bike which does make it more interesting. I'm still struggling to be consistent though.


2008-12-20 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

I'm a little late on this, but my plan for the weekend is:

Sat: speedwork on the indoor track and 2500yd swim

Sun: Need to get in a 2 hour run with temps below zero and over a foot of snow on the ground. I'm thinking maybe an hour on the track and an hour outside? Hate the treadmill, and can't even fathom doing that long of a run on it

2008-12-20 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
2008-12-20 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

2008-12-20 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
2008-12-20 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Sorry for the ridiculous number of reposts! My computer freaked out on me! I can't figure out how to erase them eitherFrown.

What I was trying to ask was: Does shoveling a foot of snow from my 5 car driveway count as a workout today?Laughing

Edited by slow turtle 2008-12-20 12:15 PM
2008-12-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1864588

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Bronwyn1968 - 2008-12-20 7:55 AM
kellc09 - 2008-12-19 2:28 PM

I know that some have expressed weight loss and or watching diet.   Currently I run a Biggest Loser contest program with my tri club.  Would you guys be interested in creating something within our little group through the holidays and through our time with the group to keep on track/get thinking about what you can change for the next year/and lose some weight?   We could do a weekly weigh in, post some suggestions, tips, etc.  We dont have to do anything formal, but maybe a weekly post on here (say Friday check in) on how we did with our weight and eating through the week? 

 Let me know your thoughts.  This is your group, so we can make it whatever you want

I will do what everyone else wants....I am planning on taking a more serious approach to weight loss starting Dec 26th.  I am going to weigh and take measurements and face up to the damage done.  I definitely am not comfortable at this weight.

On the other hand, I am usually VERY motivated to train but this morning I had a barrier.  My youngest daughter won't let me go to the gym!!! I only have custody of my girls 40% of the time but they are at my house for 10 days over the holidays (so they don't see me as much as they would like).  Well, the gym doesn't open until 8am on Saturday and I was trying to leave to go run on the treadmill there and she woke up! Usually, I am gone when they wake up and they watch tv until I get home (my fiance is here to watch them).  Well, she wouldn't let me leave and wouldn't go with me! So, no running today unless I go outside later today.  It really bummed me out though.

I try to accommodate my kids...for example, I am not going out with my fiance to the comedy club tonight because they are here...but when it comes to my training getting messed up, I am not happy.

I am taking all the kids to the pool later where I can swim laps while they play in the pool.  

Tomorrow I HAVE to run 7 miles outside!!  I like to wait until at least it is daylight out cuz it is so freakin' cold!!

That is my rant today about my routine being messed up!


Days like that will happen.  Switching it to swimming so you can get something in, and move the run to tomorrow is ok.   I know how frustrating it can be when your schedule gets thrown off though!!   For family who you dont get to see all the time though, the exception every now and then is not going  to hurt you in the end

2008-12-20 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1864588

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Don't be hard on yourself, Bronwyn. Family comes first. But we all do tend to feel better when we can get those workouts in. My family is (slowly) learning I am a happier and better mother when I get to train a little bit. It is hard to feel grumpy when you can't do what you wanted or planned -- but it happens.

Good luck with the outside run. I got in 7-ish miles before our pending wind/snowstorm. Did it on snowy trails and it wasn't fun as the footwork was really treacherous. But I am happier for having done it, of course!
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