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2008-12-22 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1866837

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - FULL UP
QueenZipp - 2008-12-22 3:38 AM

Welcome to Suzi, Linda, Daren and Pam.  I'm thinking that's going to close us out.  We'e at 15 which is pretty big but doble with 2 of us as mentors.

As Kathy mentioned--log you workouts

If you are working on weight issues log your food.  Sometimes it takes seeing all that we shove in our faces to realize what needs to be eliminated.  Think about food as what you need to fuel your training/race day.  Not the be all-end all of existence.  A good read is  Chris Carmichael's "Eat Right to Train Right"  for nutrition info.  He is Lance Armstrong's coach. It's not one you can read a lot of at once.  I loaned my copy to a friend but when I get it back wouln't mind mailing it aound.

Owww, that was a tough message. My eating habits have changed, I have been inhaling food I thought I would never eat. Thanks for the hinney kick! Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is an awsome program also, but there is alot of protein involved. I do not like meat very well. I can stand chicken, turkey, lean burger, but hate steak and fish.

2008-12-23 2:33 AM
in reply to: #1868638

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2008-12-23 2:18 PM


Goal for each of us in unique and we need to push our comfort level and do challenge ourselves. I remember when I started to train for my first tri, I would only run at night in the dark as I didn't want the neighbors to see me and I was embarrassed. It was scary and hard to do everything the first few times and feeling comfortable doing something new. 

I can really relate to this... I run in the gym on the treadmill (I got to an old dodgy run down gym where people wear the weirdest things and its never packed) OR in the mornings when no one is around to see me..

The thought of going for a run outside in the middle of the day or after work where there will be PEOPLE around is not something Im at... although its desperatley something I NEED to get out there an do... especially while Im on holodays and not going to be at the gym regularly... 

You can do a 5k - you can even WALK some of it! ANd you will have a blast!!! 

2008-12-23 2:35 AM
in reply to: #1868401

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

kristinc0916 - 2008-12-23 11:14 AM I would really really like to get 10 hours of excercise in this week. For me that is a bit of a magic number. I should be able to do it, notwithstanding the holidays as I am home for the rest of the week. Hopefully going to hit some snowshoeing on Wednesday before Christmas Eve Dinner, so that should knock off a couple hours. If I can work 3 runs in, some biking in the basement, and not skip Karate on Sunday I should be good. Sheesh...Im happy if I do about 1/2 of that off season. Good for you!!!! Today was typical for me - got to the gym and felt good then proceeded to come home and eat cupcake batter. rats. oh well, it's the holidays, right???

My goal this week is to not GAIN weight... so whether I eat crap and exercise some or be conservative with my eating  I dont care as long as I balance out somewhere... 

I know I like my goodies! So I know I will enjoy and get on with it next week!

2008-12-23 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Morning all...thought we could use a cool name for the group...ideas?? I have already taken to calling Judi and Kathy the Mentor Chicks.....cause they are!!
2008-12-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1868506

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


Pam - i was thinking about you on the treadmill this AM because i've said many times " i hate to run" really "i hate it!" but then i realized that it's not that bad if you have the right frame of mind....  and lots of people will say "its ok to walk during a 5K" and i'm here to say YES IT IS!!! infact since i've started including walk breaks in my running routine i've gotten faster!!!  

So get out there and start SMALL – walk a little and run a little, repeat.  You'll be surprise how quickly your body will get on board! I started reading Jeff Galloway’s info a month or so ago and it just makes sense.  The last thing I read was so simple "there's never a need to remove the walk break from your running routine.” Hell - that’s a plan i can believe in!!


have a great day everyone!

edit #1

and OH YA!! Helen, i love any team name that has 'chicks' in it!!  

edit #2:

how can i get the team box into my blog?? who can help the not-so-techno-savy?


Edited by RedSoxChick 2008-12-23 9:07 AM
2008-12-23 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1868582

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Okay, I've got a strange question.  I know it's a bit different, but my strength has always been my swimming.  I swam in HS and a bit in college, took off 15 years, then started swimming masters when my kids started competing.  I've been out for a while, like 4 years, but when I got back in, it pretty much all came back.  I can do a 4000 yard work out in 75 minutes, and I can hold 1:35 100s for at least 10 rounds.   So then....the running is coming along okay, I'm actually starting to enjoy it.  The biking is harder.....I'm really having to work at it.   How do I structure my training?  Do I need to be swimming 3 days a week, or doing more biking?   My 'A' race is IMW in September, but I'm also aiming for the Napa Marathon in 10 weeks, and the Wildflower HIM in 20 weeks.

 I overdid the training a bit last week....did my biggest run ever, by 50%, 15 miles on Thursday, then equaled my longest bike, 50 miles, on Saturday, then ran 10 miles in the hills on Sunday.  THAT was stupid, and I'm wiped.  The hardest part is knowing when to push and when to stop.   Doesn't help being married to an Ironman who also doesn't know when to quit!!

 Any input would be great!!!



2008-12-23 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Ooh, you beat me to it, Lisa!!

Last year I donated a couple bucks to a woman and her husband (I'd run into them at local 4 mi fun runs more than once) who had charity numbers for the Boston Marathon.  They did all their training and completed the marathon with Jeff Galloway's run-walk program that basically has you run 8min followed by walking 2.  Prior to that, she and I were barely finishing those 4 milers!  No one would ever say they ran 80% of the Boston Marathon - what they say is OMG you finished a marathon!! cause they did.

So - never be ashamed to walk part or all of a 5 k when you start out, or to continue to walk when you're finally feeling like a seasoned runner.  Walking is a great training tool and a great racing tool to push your endurance that you should always feel you have available to you.  I can't run more than 10k (in fact, I usually don't run 100% of those, either!) but I know I can eek out more than 7 miles on a good day when I incorporate some walking into it... which in my book is much better than sprinting a couple miles then packing it in early.

And, remember: there is NO SUCH THING AS TOO SLOW!  You are ALWAYS faster than the guy sitting on the couch!

2008-12-23 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1869349

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
velcromom - 2008-12-23 11:34 AM

Okay, I've got a strange question.  I know it's a bit different, but my strength has always been my swimming.  I swam in HS and a bit in college, took off 15 years, then started swimming masters when my kids started competing.  I've been out for a while, like 4 years, but when I got back in, it pretty much all came back.  I can do a 4000 yard work out in 75 minutes, and I can hold 1:35 100s for at least 10 rounds.   So then....the running is coming along okay, I'm actually starting to enjoy it.  The biking is harder.....I'm really having to work at it.   How do I structure my training?  Do I need to be swimming 3 days a week, or doing more biking?   My 'A' race is IMW in September, but I'm also aiming for the Napa Marathon in 10 weeks, and the Wildflower HIM in 20 weeks.

Like you, Linda, swimming is my strength and I always feel like I can jump back into it after swimming all through HS and doing one season of Masters many years later proved.  Still not great, but much better there than I am a runner and WAY better than on the bike.  I'm trying to figure out the balance, too, but I have found that my running suffers a little when I back off of the swimming too much.  I feel like any pool time gives my body (knees, mostly) some time to recover while still contributing to leg strength and endurance.  Instead of making drastic increases in your other disciplines (the running rule is never to increase more than ~10% of mileage each week) perhaps adding more kick drills if you feel you really want to be contributing to the other two rather than focusing on swimming could be helpful?  That way you may be able to work out a gradual shift toward the disciplines that need more work, but keeping your swimming base and go back to it as needed.

I haven't figured out any magic formula for me yet, but I know that I've always gotten myself in trouble adding too much of anything too quickly, except for swimming - I know my body will always forgive me for that.


2008-12-23 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

A few more things:

1. I'll update the linked table and help out those who want to add to their blog later today or tomorrow. (back to work!)

2. Idunno about Chicks as a team name... not sure Darren is down with that, or I'm down with doing that to poor Darren

3. I'm scared about blogging my meals!  I promise I'll have that little discussion with my brain that I need to fess up, and start writing it all down soon.  Just after today... with the office cookies and the holiday cocktails and the... (If my wrist is hurting jotting it all down in my li'l notebook, that's probably a bad sign, right?!?Tongue out

2008-12-23 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1869349

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


Are you following a plan? That would be my recommendation and pick one that is bike focused. You are a good swimmer you probably could cut back to 1-2 times a week and maintain it. To improve cycling you need to do more of it. Not always longer but a balanced program ideally on the bike 4x a week. Nice thing about cycling is you can do lots and not have risks of injury like running.

I'd suggest looking at HIM plans here on BT that are bike focused. See when they would start and back into things from there. If you have a few weeks or month or two before the plan starts you could look at winter bike focus plans to fill the gap.

The 10% rule applies mostly to running not so much to riding as injury potential is less.

Are you following a plan for your Mary? Be really careful about doing two long for you runs in one week and not following that 10% rule.

You have awesome goals...only concern I have is you will lose critical time training for your HIM tapering for your Mary and recovering for it, so you need to be a bit ahead on the bike as your run and swim fitness will be there.


velcromom - 2008-12-23 11:34 AM

Okay, I've got a strange question.  I know it's a bit different, but my strength has always been my swimming.  I swam in HS and a bit in college, took off 15 years, then started swimming masters when my kids started competing.  I've been out for a while, like 4 years, but when I got back in, it pretty much all came back.  I can do a 4000 yard work out in 75 minutes, and I can hold 1:35 100s for at least 10 rounds.   So then....the running is coming along okay, I'm actually starting to enjoy it.  The biking is harder.....I'm really having to work at it.   How do I structure my training?  Do I need to be swimming 3 days a week, or doing more biking?   My 'A' race is IMW in September, but I'm also aiming for the Napa Marathon in 10 weeks, and the Wildflower HIM in 20 weeks.

 I overdid the training a bit last week....did my biggest run ever, by 50%, 15 miles on Thursday, then equaled my longest bike, 50 miles, on Saturday, then ran 10 miles in the hills on Sunday.  THAT was stupid, and I'm wiped.  The hardest part is knowing when to push and when to stop.   Doesn't help being married to an Ironman who also doesn't know when to quit!!

 Any input would be great!!!



2008-12-23 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1869071

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
RedSoxChick - 2008-12-23 9:24 AM


Pam - i was thinking about you on the treadmill this AM because i've said many times " i hate to run" really "i hate it!" but then i realized that it's not that bad if you have the right frame of mind....  and lots of people will say "its ok to walk during a 5K" and i'm here to say YES IT IS!!! infact since i've started including walk breaks in my running routine i've gotten faster!!!  

So get out there and start SMALL – walk a little and run a little, repeat.  You'll be surprise how quickly your body will get on board! I started reading Jeff Galloway’s info a month or so ago and it just makes sense.  The last thing I read was so simple "there's never a need to remove the walk break from your running routine.” Hell - that’s a plan i can believe in!!


have a great day everyone!

edit #1

and OH YA!! Helen, i love any team name that has 'chicks' in it!!  

edit #2:

how can i get the team box into my blog?? who can help the not-so-techno-savy?


It seems like more and more people are doing the run/walk workout. I've read a few race reports that say they did the 8/2 plan or something similar. Nothing wrong with that at all! Like that old nike slogan - Just Do It! Happy training, folks

2008-12-23 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

This is a little late, but here's my bio..... 

NAME: zeefraugtries/ real name Sharon

STORY: I am a type2 diabetic, diagnosed in June 2002. At the time, I was at my highest weight of 198lbs (I'm 5'3". I lost about 20lbs initially after my diagnosis and started playing tennis. I had always wanted to participate in triathlons after watching all those inspirational Kona IMs on TV but it was always more of a "dream goal". 2005 was a difficult father, who is also a diabetic, died of pancreatic cancer and I was also having medical issues with my diabetes management. I had been sick because my endocrinologist at the time had put me on insulin to manage my diabetes and it was not the right course of action. I gained 20 lbs while on insulin and had severe bouts with hypoglycemia. December 2005 started my road back to health when I found a new endocrinologist and she put me on new meds and I started to lose the weight I gained while on insulin. My father's passing had a huge impact on me because of our shared medical history/genes.  So I started training for my first triathlon in the spring of 2006. I had a great first that I have not yet repeated. I finished 4 sprint triathlons and also ran my first half marathon in January 2007. In the spring of 2007, I went through some personal changes and triathlon training took a backseat. 2007 and 2008 have been focused on my personal life and things in that respect have been going very well and now I'm ready and eager to go back to training and improving my health and fitness again.

FAMILY STATUS: I have a wonderful partner who also does triathlons and we have 2 dogs and 1 cat and fishies. We recently moved into our dream home and are currently busy trying to finish up with the move and getting the old house ready to rent, so training has not really been a focus because of it.

CURRENT TRAINING: See above. I actually decided to get back to some form of training in the summer and joined a local USAFit program to train for my first marathon. I was on track until October when I suffered an injury that sidelined me. It was very disappointing to not be able to finish my marathon training with my group and run to the finish with them, but everything happens for a reason because after my injury, we found our dream house a few short weeks later. So I am thankful for that.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did not race in 2008. My big race was supposed to be my marathon in December, but I got injured.

2009 RACES:  I'm still working on a race schedule. I know I want to get back to triathlons again, would like to see if I can get back to running longer distances as well and perhaps pick back up the marathon training. I've been toying with a 3 mile swim event in Florida but it's in May and I'm not sure if I can get fit fast enough to have the endurance to do it.

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently around 165 lbs. I started triathlons at around 181 lbs and managed to drop down to around 155 lbs by the end of the first season. My goal weight is around 150 lbs which is not a skinny-minny, but I have a high lean body mass index and I can't fathom going below 140 lbs....I weighed around 155lbs in high school and 170lbs seems to be my happy body weight. But personally I would love to get down to a size 10....I'm a 12/14 right now.

WHAT is important to you next few months: Getting back to health and fitness. I want to get back to a regular routine of working out and finding that balance between family, work and workouts. I used to be rabid with workouts and my first triathlon season found me working out a lot but neglecting my personal life. I need that balance. I am never going to place in my AG and I want to focus my training to directing myself to better health, instead of focusing on winning...I'm very TypeA and very competitive and found myself disliking triathlons and training because I was focusing too much on placement rather than just finishing.

2008-12-23 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1868685

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - FULL UP
ilucy2 - 2008-12-22 9:44 PM
QueenZipp - 2008-12-22 3:38 AM

Welcome to Suzi, Linda, Daren and Pam.  I'm thinking that's going to close us out.  We'e at 15 which is pretty big but doble with 2 of us as mentors.

As Kathy mentioned--log you workouts

If you are working on weight issues log your food.  Sometimes it takes seeing all that we shove in our faces to realize what needs to be eliminated.  Think about food as what you need to fuel your training/race day.  Not the be all-end all of existence.  A good read is  Chris Carmichael's "Eat Right to Train Right"  for nutrition info.  He is Lance Armstrong's coach. It's not one you can read a lot of at once.  I loaned my copy to a friend but when I get it back wouln't mind mailing it aound.

Owww, that was a tough message. My eating habits have changed, I have been inhaling food I thought I would never eat. Thanks for the hinney kick! Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is an awsome program also, but there is alot of protein involved. I do not like meat very well. I can stand chicken, turkey, lean burger, but hate steak and fish.
Well, even if you only log it at home to look it over and not post it in the log it makes you more aware without carrying the baggage of everyone else will see that I ate "-------".  I don't want anyone to feel shame for things, special days and events happen.  Eating is such an emotionally charged issue for some of us.  Look it over at home and think about what you were feeling if it was a stress -eat reaction.  Maybe there's a way to diffuse that process once you're more aware of it.
2008-12-23 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
I like the idea of a team name Helen, I just don't want to stick Darren with tri CHICKS   Unless he's okay with it of course
2008-12-23 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1870191

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

QueenZipp - 2008-12-24 10:12 AM I like the idea of a team name Helen, I just don't want to stick Darren with tri CHICKS   Unless he's okay with it of course

What about 'Darren and the hot tri chicks'? 

I cant see him objectins... for 'Darren WITH the hot tri chicks'.... 

2008-12-23 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
What about 'Darren and the hot tri chicks'?

love it! are you married? will your wife be jealous???

2008-12-23 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1870353

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

kristinc0916 - 2008-12-23 7:06 PM What about 'Darren and the hot tri chicks'? love it! are you married? will your wife be jealous???

ehhhhh, last year I was in Brian and the tri tarts, sounds kinda similar.  How can we switch it up?  Hot tri Chicks and Big DH??  Big DH found the HOT tri chicks?



2008-12-23 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Darren....what combination of you and hot tri chicks would you prefer?   You pick!!

 I am feeling way better today (have been hacking up a lung) . Actually took the day off training today....I have heard that there is something called a "rest day" ?? Does anyone recognize this term?

2008-12-24 1:22 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Oh you crazy girls.

The Mentor Chicks is fine. Best to keep my name out of it, I would not want anyone to get the wrong idea. People may think that I was cruising for a group with only hot tri chicks, and really that is not the case, just a pleasant coincidence.

Frankly, Mentor Chicks really only speaks to the Mentors, not the mentees. And, if I could keep up wither either of them or some of the mentees, then call me a chick if you want to.

Hope everyone is gearing up for the next couple days. With the time off of work, there really is no excuse not to put in a couple of workouts.

2008-12-24 1:24 AM
in reply to: #1870353

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kristinc0916 - 2008-12-23 6:06 PM

What about 'Darren and the hot tri chicks'?

love it! are you married? will your wife be jealous???

Yes, and we are expecting our first on March 5, so I think she will definitly appreciate me being in a group full of women who will give me creative ideas to be a good dad and husband while keeping up with my training.

2008-12-24 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, Happy holidays to those that do not!  Wishing you happy, safe training, and a wonderfully successful 2009.  Sounds like DH has it all scheduled out.....congrats on the upcoming addition, we'll keep you in line!!


2008-12-24 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


2008-12-24 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! Looking forward to 2009.
2008-12-24 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Nice Chicks! Laughing


KathyG & QueenZipp 's Group
link to the forum pg1


I did a new table with just usernames since we have such a big group. Other changes-- links to everyone else's training pops up in a new window or tab (instead of replacing yours) and there's now a link to the forum. Once you copy and paste, you can edit colors or add our team name. (Was there one we settled on? I'll have to go back and catch up on all the chat from yesterday!) Feel free to PM if you need help doing any of that, but you should just be able to select the entire table and copy and paste directly into your "Goals" section.

I am officially on vacation!!!!!!! It'll feel so nice to workout at my own pace rather than trying to squeeze it in between work and errands! For Xmas eve: abs, a 2 mile run, and either a cycle or a swim... probably should take advantage of the pool before they close for the holidays for a couple days!

Happy holidays, All!

Edited by running4beer 2008-12-24 11:27 AM
2008-12-24 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Thanks for the table.
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