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2009-05-11 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2143247

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Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 8:44 AM

Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 11:41 AM The wife has been busy in LA and hasn't been able to talk on the phone as much as she usually does when away.  No big deal...

But yesterday she said she needed to get dressed and her makeup on because her and her friend are going to someone's house for a BBQ.

How come that makes me feel uneasy?  I mean, she goes out with friends all the time here and never a thought.  She goes out to clubs with friends when she travels and I don't think anything about that either...  I'm not the jealous type, generally.

But this BBQ thing makes me feel oogy, even thought I know I have nothing to worry about.
Because she said she was putting on make-up for the BBQ? Does she normally get cuted up for those sorts of things?

She always puts a little on.  I'm not sure how cuted up she realy got.

So is it worth bringing up that I sort of felt jealous.  At least mention it...  Or just let it slide.  Compared to the guys that are with her friends, I am the most supportive and least jealous one out there...  So it's not like it's a stalker husband/BF kind of thing.

2009-05-11 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2143256

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Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 8:47 AM

Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 11:45 AM I think it has to do with a couple things.

First know one knows her or ME in LA.  So fewer 'boundaries' for someone to hit on her?

Maybe because the BBQ is so personal.  A way to get to know people, where a club or going out is not...

I just can't help thinking that she and her friend may be the 'center of attention'.  Or maybe it's the whole 'new meat' thing.  People maybe wondering who the new person Sarah (her friend) brought to the party.

AWww It'll be all right

Yeah, she drives back in after the show on weds (gets in at 2am) then we fly out together for our little vacation to see friends in Denver.  Vacations are good for us.

Plus I gave her something to 'remember me by' before she left , or is that TMI?

Edited by Aikidoman 2009-05-11 10:50 AM
2009-05-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2143264

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 11:49 AM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 8:47 AM

Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 11:45 AM I think it has to do with a couple things.

First know one knows her or ME in LA.  So fewer 'boundaries' for someone to hit on her?

Maybe because the BBQ is so personal.  A way to get to know people, where a club or going out is not...

I just can't help thinking that she and her friend may be the 'center of attention'.  Or maybe it's the whole 'new meat' thing.  People maybe wondering who the new person Sarah (her friend) brought to the party.

AWww It'll be all right

Yeah, she drives back in after the show on weds (gets in at 2am) then we fly out together for our little vacation to see friends in Denver.  Vacations are good for us.

Plus I gave her something to 'remember me by' before she left , or is that TMI?

I need a vacation...

2009-05-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2143264

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Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
I think I am going to stare at some plans on the pretense of 'reviewing' them.  That's about all the mental energy I can whip up right now.
2009-05-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2143270

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Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 8:51 AM

Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 11:49 AM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 8:47 AM

Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 11:45 AM I think it has to do with a couple things.

First know one knows her or ME in LA.  So fewer 'boundaries' for someone to hit on her?

Maybe because the BBQ is so personal.  A way to get to know people, where a club or going out is not...

I just can't help thinking that she and her friend may be the 'center of attention'.  Or maybe it's the whole 'new meat' thing.  People maybe wondering who the new person Sarah (her friend) brought to the party.

AWww It'll be all right

Yeah, she drives back in after the show on weds (gets in at 2am) then we fly out together for our little vacation to see friends in Denver.  Vacations are good for us.

Plus I gave her something to 'remember me by' before she left , or is that TMI?

I need a vacation...

Vacations are the best.

Edited by Aikidoman 2009-05-11 10:52 AM
2009-05-11 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2142468

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Arch-Bishop of BT
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

alright folks... I am off to a conference... don't know if I will have the interwebs with me... but I'll be back Wednesday so I hope you all can survive without me...

sunshine lollipops and... rainbows!

2009-05-11 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2143283

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Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
akustix - 2009-05-11 8:55 AM

alright folks... I am off to a conference... don't know if I will have the interwebs with me... but I'll be back Wednesday so I hope you all can survive without me...

sunshine lollipops and... rainbows!

safe travels.
2009-05-11 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2142468

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On your right
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Maybe she was just going to the BBQ because it's something different than she normally does, and she just wanted a little change of pace?  Plus there's usually a bunch of things to eat for people with all sorts of tastes. 

As far as telling her you got jealous, I personally wouldn't say it.  I might, however, say something like "I really wish I could have been at the BBQ with you.  *assuming she says she had a good time there* It sounds like you had a great time, and I was missing you and wishing I was having a good time with you."  Of course it's kind of silly, but it seems like the truth from what you've said.

And now I wish I was having a bbq.  But I think I'll go to sleep instead.  I'm going on 21 hours of being awake now, and if I want another workout tonight, I'll need a nap.

So peace out girl scouts. 
And guys, um, don't take any wooden nickels.
2009-05-11 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2143251

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Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 10:45 AM

mr2tony - 2009-05-11 8:43 AM 'Kido ... it's OK. Just chillax and don't let those feelings invade your brain. They're poison! Hi TAN. I'm back from my 24-mile half marathon.

Yeah, time to let it go.

That makes no sense...  BTW.  wrong turn?

It'll be OK man. Just relax and don't let it eat at you.

And yes, many wrong turns. One that took me nine miles out of the way.
2009-05-11 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2143312

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Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
mr2tony - 2009-05-11 9:02 AM
Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 10:45 AM
mr2tony - 2009-05-11 8:43 AM 'Kido ... it's OK. Just chillax and don't let those feelings invade your brain. They're poison! Hi TAN. I'm back from my 24-mile half marathon.

Yeah, time to let it go.

That makes no sense...  BTW.  wrong turn?
It'll be OK man. Just relax and don't let it eat at you. And yes, many wrong turns. One that took me nine miles out of the way.

I would have quit...  Nice work though.  I have gone a couple miles out of my way on the bike and stuck with it.  but 11 on the run?

I looked at your logs.  Was this just a training wrong that went horribly wrong?

Edited by Aikidoman 2009-05-11 11:11 AM
2009-05-11 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2143205

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Eureka, Ca
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Aikidoman - 2009-05-11 8:35 AM I mentioned this a couple times over the weekend, but one last time.

Wifey is going to be on American Idol weds. night.  She is going to be a backup dancer/showgirl for when Katey Perry performs on the show.

that's awesome! I saw the video on VH1 this weekend

2009-05-11 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2143347

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2009-05-11 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2143347

Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Angels and Demons opens this weekend.  I'm looking forward to it.  It was a decent story/book.
2009-05-11 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2143390

Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Spokes - 2009-05-11 9:25 AM Its only bad to take wrong turns if a) you're in a race or b) you're just draining - er- training - and you're either out of food, gu, water, etc. and starting to bonk.

I have learned the hard way to take more food than I think I need... and to stick with routes where water is plentiful.

Speaking of things bicycle, I sold my single speed this weekend. I think almost all of my leg/knee problems can be traced to when I bought that bike. I'm sticking with geared from now on... I'm too old to ride trendy sheot.

You used to love that bike and rode it all the time...  too bad.
2009-05-11 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2143397

Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
I took a wrong turn on my MTB ride last friday and got into some terrain that was not very fun.  Had to walk over a lot of technical stuff.  I won't be making that mistake again...

Edited by Aikidoman 2009-05-11 11:28 AM
2009-05-11 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2143390

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2009-05-11 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2142468

Austin, Tejas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Hiya TAN!!!
2009-05-11 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2143397

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2009-05-11 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2143409

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2009-05-11 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2143418

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2009-05-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2143421

Austin, Tejas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Spokes - 2009-05-11 11:35 AM

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 9:30 AM Hiya TAN!!!


How goes it, Spokes?

2009-05-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2143431

Checkin' out the podium girls
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Spokes - 2009-05-11 12:37 PM

Finally, two last things... storage with bikes is always an issue, and even though you can hang them, more than a couple is enough haha

And, my Dad rode single/fixed as a child and worked on my geared bikes when I was a teen (he also serviced the bottom bracket on a Peugeot I had in college) and rode both and has said "hands down, why would ANYONE want to ride a non-geared bike? Its so much easier on you!"

2009-05-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2143409

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
ATXtri - 2009-05-11 11:30 AM

Hiya TAN!!!

Whattup Killer?
2009-05-11 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2143442

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2009-05-11 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2143461

Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Damn.  I barely work as it is, and I STILL have no desire to be here today...
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