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2011-04-20 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hello everyone,

Just thought I would share because my endorphins are in high gear right now.  This is the first week back to training (because of a race last week).  It is going amazing!  I actually just did the race distance of my swim in the pool this morning without stopping. (only 300yrds).  I'm feeling a lot more confident about the races I have set up for this year and know that if I keep up with the training that I'll be just fine!


2011-04-20 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3456043

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Andrew, that's great!  Did you post a race log for last week?

I'm feeling pretty good too.  Per suggestion, I did a mini tri last night - race distance s/b (450 yd, 12.5 mi) and a 10-minute run.  I got bored with the run b/c it was on a very small track indoors, but still felt good after the 10 mins.  So maybe I can complete a race after all!

I'm a little concerned about weather though.  Winter returned to Chicago this week, and I only have 3.5 weeks until my race.  I hope spring comes back!

2011-04-20 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

OK everyone, all these success stories, btw Great Job Andrew/Steph, have me feeling a weeeeee bit more motivated than I have been.  Weather in Idaho sucks in the spring, too cool, too damp. 

If you all don't hear from me every few days.  Please feel free to KICK ME IN THE BUTT!

So.....what's everyone got planned for the weekend?  Me, I'm hanging with the GF, group ride Sat. morning and leave for a week in Little Rock, AR on Sunday morn.

2011-04-20 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3456043

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED


Outstanding-that is a great accomplishment in the water (trust me I know, I teach swimming for a living!!)  Congratulations and thank you for sharing!!


Edited by peteacher 2011-04-20 10:13 AM
2011-04-20 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3453998

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-18 10:42 PM

Just remember that by getting out the door you are more of an athlete than most! Keep it up. 

Truer words were never spoken!

2011-04-20 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3453989

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-18 9:31 PM

So I am reading and learning like crazy so far.  I am seeing people like me and people way ahead of me.  I love this type of connection with others in training!!

And with that said, I have a question.  I am 9 weeks away from my event (sprint tri 600-11-3.1) and it is my first.  I have been following a BT customized plan for the last eight weeks (and will until race time).  I am struggling a little with motivation at this point and it is not because i can't do them but because life's little nuances are showing up here and there.  So in analyzing this slump I have been experimenting with something and I want to know if it's a bad idea.  Up until this last week and a half I have stayed with what the plan laid out (set times to bike, set times to run, etc).  Now I am feeling like at this point I feel more comfortable with more flexibility and need to ask for feedback.  I still plan on doing the same distances/times on a 2-2-2 schedule but thinking instead of doing a textbook plan I say "okay today I feel like I want to do the run instead of the swim the schedule said and instead throw the swim in the next day"  So at the end of the week, I have accomplished all markers but didn't necessarily do them in the order they came in. 

I do avoid doing both runs on back to back day, same with bike and swim but maybe I don't need to?  I just feel if I try this I won't feel so much pressure to train a certain area if I don't want to that day but instead a day when I will be able to give it the umph it deserves?!

Hopefully that makes sense-PLEASE let me know if it doesn't!!


It is fine to mix up the workouts.When you make up the workout plan there is actually a place where you decide what workouts you do on which days so just stick with it and get them in. Not doing back to backs is a good idea too.

2011-04-20 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3454148

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peterssonb - 2011-04-19 5:05 AM

p>Something I did in a former mentor group was have everybody post their goals for each discipline for the month.  That way we can hold each other accountable and help motivate you.

I like this idea.

For me I have a PAT test today for the Sheriff's Dept. This has been my focus for the last several weeks (Which is why I haven't logged much) So when it is done, I am going to hit my tri training. Ending April and heading into May I would like to get back to 6 workouts per week not including weights and gym time, workouts that are either swim, bike or run. Thats it. Just get back on track and refocused.
2011-04-20 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3456043

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
agrant3 - 2011-04-20 5:17 AM

Hello everyone,

Just thought I would share because my endorphins are in high gear right now.  This is the first week back to training (because of a race last week).  It is going amazing!  I actually just did the race distance of my swim in the pool this morning without stopping. (only 300yrds).  I'm feeling a lot more confident about the races I have set up for this year and know that if I keep up with the training that I'll be just fine!


Nice work! The snowball effect is amazing. Once you get going its fun to keep going and you don't wanna stop. Love it!

2011-04-20 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Transitions -

Thought we could all post some hints about this area of triathlons that might be helpful. For those of us who are looking to race for the first time this year, transitions can be tricky. For thoise of us who have raced a bit....they are still tricky. So if you have a helpful hint, post it.

My favorite is that I swim with my socks on. I was at a race and I saw a pro doing this.I couldn't resist asking so I did. He said that it keeps his feet clean. Instead of worrying about drying and cleaning his feet after the swim and run into transition he just rips off the socks and stuffs his foot into a bike shoe and off he goes.No more sand and grass that grinds between your toes on the bike. I tried it at the next race and have done it ever since. This of course has one have to be used to riding with no socks. If you do it don't wait until race day.Get used to no socks ahead of time. Since doing this I also run with no socks. Again, get used to this before race day. You could also put socks on before the run if you wanted to. Your feet will be dry by then and they go on much easier.

Anyone else?
2011-04-20 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3456563

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-20 11:50 AM Transitions - Thought we could all post some hints about this area of triathlons that might be helpful. For those of us who are looking to race for the first time this year, transitions can be tricky. For thoise of us who have raced a bit....they are still tricky. So if you have a helpful hint, post it. My favorite is that I swim with my socks on. I was at a race and I saw a pro doing this.I couldn't resist asking so I did. He said that it keeps his feet clean. Instead of worrying about drying and cleaning his feet after the swim and run into transition he just rips off the socks and stuffs his foot into a bike shoe and off he goes.No more sand and grass that grinds between your toes on the bike. I tried it at the next race and have done it ever since. This of course has one have to be used to riding with no socks. If you do it don't wait until race day.Get used to no socks ahead of time. Since doing this I also run with no socks. Again, get used to this before race day. You could also put socks on before the run if you wanted to. Your feet will be dry by then and they go on much easier. Anyone else?

I'll chime in here. As this is my 2nd racing season, I lived through a broke & simple first season. In the last race I did last year, I was so fortunate to station my bike next to what looked like an all-you-can-eat buffet (we were stationed numerically). The person next to me had so many snacks, crackers, grapes, skittles, you name it, that it took up her entire towel and left no room for the important stuff (running shoes, towel to dry your feet). And on top of that, I may have accidentally trampled her set up since her towel was a half sized beach towel and impeding into my space.

So my mantra is this - bring as little into transition as you will be wearing, drying off with or eating/drinking. I also make sure what I put on first goes on top of the pile (I raced last year in my one-piece suit and put clothes on top - slow transition I know...but it was cheap). So I had my shoes on bottom (which I rode in), socks inside shoes. My socks were rolled so I could put my toes in the very bottom and then just roll them right up. Next my shorts, then bike helmet with sunglasses inside and on top was my shirt. That made for a very small, manageable transition where I didn't forget anything since I just put on everything in the pile. 

2011-04-20 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3454148

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Something I did in a former mentor group was have everybody post their goals for each discipline for the month.  That way we can hold each other accountable and help motivate you.

As for the flexibility of your training program...I would imagine there is room for that.  Youare halfway to race week, keep going, you are going to be thrilled after your first event.  Good Luck!

My goal to hit by the end of April is to get medically cleared to start running again and try and run 3 minutes, walk 5, alternating for 30 minutes. Also, by the end of the month, I'd like to bike a total of 100 miles and swim a total of 10,000 meters. I'd also like to get in four weight sessions by the end of the month. And then next month just build from there.

Jaime, I actually used to live in Viera, Florida, as recently as January. I love the ProHealth Fitness Centers and most of my blood, sweat & tears is on the floor in the Viera location. Just a suggestion if you need a gym.

2011-04-20 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

My goals in April include 25.5 hours total training per plan: 7.5 swim, 12 bike and 6 run.  I also have a personal goal by first week of May to run consistent <10 min. miles. 

Not sure I'll make the first goal since I had a bad week last week, but I'll see how much of it I can safely and practically make up.  As to the second, I've run 9'38 miles before, but I can't pace and my times recently have all been above 10.

Problem is I don't have a nice Garmin and don't know how far I'm running unless it's on the health club track.  Weather necessitates that right now but hopefully I'll be back outdoors soon - the track is boring!!!

2011-04-21 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3457901

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-20 11:35 PM

My goals in April include 25.5 hours total training per plan: 7.5 swim, 12 bike and 6 run.  I also have a personal goal by first week of May to run consistent

Not sure I'll make the first goal since I had a bad week last week, but I'll see how much of it I can safely and practically make up.  As to the second, I've run 9'38 miles before, but I can't pace and my times recently have all been above 10.

Problem is I don't have a nice Garmin and don't know how far I'm running unless it's on the health club track.  Weather necessitates that right now but hopefully I'll be back outdoors soon - the track is boring!!!

Good luck with the goals.

As for distance, there are some other options to the "nice Garmin".  If you have an ipod there is a piece you can add on to measure distance, speed, etc for about $30.  You can also use this site to plot a route ahead of time (or others like,,  with a little planning you can map out our running route ahead of time.  With time, and many miles, you will learn your pacing at different levels of exertion.   

2011-04-21 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3456408

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-20 10:57 AM

Andrew, that's great!  Did you post a race log for last week?

I'm feeling pretty good too.  Per suggestion, I did a mini tri last night - race distance s/b (450 yd, 12.5 mi) and a 10-minute run.  I got bored with the run b/c it was on a very small track indoors, but still felt good after the 10 mins.  So maybe I can complete a race after all!

I'm a little concerned about weather though.  Winter returned to Chicago this week, and I only have 3.5 weeks until my race.  I hope spring comes back!

Thanks!  Yea I posted a race Log for it!  Of course it took me a week to realize I didn't make it public, but it should be viewable now!  Good job on the mini tri!

2011-04-21 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3456563

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-20 11:50 AM Transitions - Thought we could all post some hints about this area of triathlons that might be helpful. For those of us who are looking to race for the first time this year, transitions can be tricky. For thoise of us who have raced a bit....they are still tricky. So if you have a helpful hint, post it. My favorite is that I swim with my socks on. I was at a race and I saw a pro doing this.I couldn't resist asking so I did. He said that it keeps his feet clean. Instead of worrying about drying and cleaning his feet after the swim and run into transition he just rips off the socks and stuffs his foot into a bike shoe and off he goes.No more sand and grass that grinds between your toes on the bike. I tried it at the next race and have done it ever since. This of course has one have to be used to riding with no socks. If you do it don't wait until race day.Get used to no socks ahead of time. Since doing this I also run with no socks. Again, get used to this before race day. You could also put socks on before the run if you wanted to. Your feet will be dry by then and they go on much easier. Anyone else?

Wow I had never heard of swimming with your socks on! 

My question about transition is with bike shoes.  If you guys leave your shoes clipped in, how long or how much practice did it take to get used to sliding your feet in your shoes after getting on the bike.

My plan was to spend a couple of days during my Taper week preparing for that transition by practicing that in a parking lot a couple times that week.  Is that enough?  I've also heard of people using rubber bands or taping one of the shoes in an flat/horizontal position so that it makes it easier to get that first foot in.  Anybody do that?


2011-04-21 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey guys!  Haven’t been around much lately – it’s been one of those weeksUndecided.  Hopefully I can “recover” some over the long weekend.  I get tomorrow off work and am not planning to do anything except for maybe a swim – and catching up hereTongue out.  I’m still trying to get all my workouts in although I did miss a short run on Monday.  I just wasn’t feeling well. 

I registered for my June tri yesterday.  I’m familiar with the run course, but not the bike course.  I downloaded a map though so I may go check it out this weekend.  It would be nice to know what kind of course/road surface/etc I’ll be dealing with.  It’s supposed to be fairly flat – but other people’s idea of flat doesn’t always mean the same to me, lol! 

2011-04-21 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3458300

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
agrant3 - 2011-04-21 7:40 AM

My question about transition is with bike shoes.  If you guys leave your shoes clipped in, how long or how much practice did it take to get used to sliding your feet in your shoes after getting on the bike.

My plan was to spend a couple of days during my Taper week preparing for that transition by practicing that in a parking lot a couple times that week.  Is that enough?  I've also heard of people using rubber bands or taping one of the shoes in an flat/horizontal position so that it makes it easier to get that first foot in.  Anybody do that? 

Practice this EVERY time you get on/off your bike.  When you finish a ride, slip out of your shoes just before ou get to your driveway.  When you start your ride, position you crank arms (and you still-attached shoes) at 3 and 9 o'clock, step onto the shoe, throw a leg over and go.  Wait til it's safe to slip your feet into your shoes.  I rarely ever take my shoes off the bike.

2011-04-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3458912

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2011-04-21 10:02 AM

agrant3 - 2011-04-21 7:40 AM

My question about transition is with bike shoes.  If you guys leave your shoes clipped in, how long or how much practice did it take to get used to sliding your feet in your shoes after getting on the bike.

My plan was to spend a couple of days during my Taper week preparing for that transition by practicing that in a parking lot a couple times that week.  Is that enough?  I've also heard of people using rubber bands or taping one of the shoes in an flat/horizontal position so that it makes it easier to get that first foot in.  Anybody do that? 

Practice this EVERY time you get on/off your bike.  When you finish a ride, slip out of your shoes just before ou get to your driveway.  When you start your ride, position you crank arms (and you still-attached shoes) at 3 and 9 o'clock, step onto the shoe, throw a leg over and go.  Wait til it's safe to slip your feet into your shoes.  I rarely ever take my shoes off the bike.

I totally agree with Jeff. Practice a lot and it will become second nature. I thought I could practice a couple of tmes and then do it in a race. At the race I picked myself out of the bushes (Go ahead and laugh, I do) unclipped my shoes by hand, put them on, got back on the bike and went on my merry way. I just had to look down for too long to see what I was doing and I had not practiced enough for slipping on my shoes to become second nature. So as Jeff said Practice a lot!
2011-04-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3458912

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2011-04-21 10:02 AM

agrant3 - 2011-04-21 7:40 AM

My question about transition is with bike shoes.  If you guys leave your shoes clipped in, how long or how much practice did it take to get used to sliding your feet in your shoes after getting on the bike.

My plan was to spend a couple of days during my Taper week preparing for that transition by practicing that in a parking lot a couple times that week.  Is that enough?  I've also heard of people using rubber bands or taping one of the shoes in an flat/horizontal position so that it makes it easier to get that first foot in.  Anybody do that? 

Practice this EVERY time you get on/off your bike.  When you finish a ride, slip out of your shoes just before ou get to your driveway.  When you start your ride, position you crank arms (and you still-attached shoes) at 3 and 9 o'clock, step onto the shoe, throw a leg over and go.  Wait til it's safe to slip your feet into your shoes.  I rarely ever take my shoes off the bike.

I totally agree with Jeff. Practice a lot and it will become second nature. I thought I could practice a couple of tmes and then do it in a race. At the race I picked myself out of the bushes (Go ahead and laugh, I do) unclipped my shoes by hand, put them on, got back on the bike and went on my merry way. I just had to look down for too long to see what I was doing and I had not practiced enough for slipping on my shoes to become second nature. So as Jeff said Practice a lot!

Edited by holt1997 2011-04-22 3:49 PM
2011-04-22 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Transition question - I've read several times about having a bucket of water to rinse your feet in after the swim.  I've also read it being laughed at.  Does anyone here do it?
2011-04-22 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3457848

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
morrisel - 2011-04-20 9:49 PM

Something I did in a former mentor group was have everybody post their goals for each discipline for the month.  That way we can hold each other accountable and help motivate you.

My goal:

  GET OUTSIDE!!  It's April and it's still winter in Wisconsin!!  It's not just cold, it's cold an WET!!  I was so ready to get out about three weeks ago (had finally overcome a lot of fear training in my first season!!) and the opps are just not there yet!  I know they will be soon and I am still following a schedule, it's just all inside! 

  So that's my first goal, my second being to feel WAY more comfy on the bike.  I thought running was intimidating, not even close to biking for me.  Now keep in mind I haven't gotten outside yet but even that freaks me out!  I am a little high anxiety!

  All things will come together in due time but man, I could use a little help in the weather dept!!

Pray for warm!!


2011-04-22 9:52 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

A quick question:

  If there is any first or second timers on the sprint tri's-what is your average swim workout distances?

Edited by peteacher 2011-04-22 10:11 PM
2011-04-23 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3282419


Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Cool idea on wearing socks to swim! I think I'd have to try coupling that with having dry socks rolled up in the shoes and just have a towel to dry off the extra moisture at first. But I'm not looking to be in competition on times. I'm just looking to finish ANY sprint Tri this year.

I'm way behind most of you here. I am still working out a time to meet a swim coach. I have two I'm in discussions with now and whichever one has a time slot open will be the one I go with. My bike is in the shop getting a tune up so I'm still on the stationary and I started the Insanity workout because I couldn't get to my cross training classes anymore since they're in the evenings. Six kids and evening activities don't work out very well during the school year.

Running is still slow beginner level. I'm just creating a base. I can do 2 miles consistently but not quickly. Working on moving up to a consistent three mile run and then will do speed workouts after I get that base. Can't find a good running buddy. I tried to pair up with another runner last week and she had knee issues. Motivation is better for me when I meet with someone. Does that make me a fraud???

I guess just trying is better than not trying at all though! - Maureen

2011-04-23 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Greetings all - I've been reading, but haven't had time to join in the posting until now.  

I'm a brand new triathlete so I can't offer anything on the transitions.  

For my monthly goals, I'm focusing on improving my swimming technique while prepping for a century ride Memorial day weekend.  As a result, I'm sacrificing some run fitness to make sure that my legs have the cycling miles in so I can enjoy the long ride.

@Pete - Our tri team swims on Tues and Thurs for an hour and most of the novice folks will do 1500ish+, the more experienced folks will get over 2K, and the former college swimmers, well, I don't even ask them.

@Used2Be - Realizing you need a friend (i.e. accountability) is not a weakness at all!  I've found that even if I just let folks at work know what my goals are, they hold me accountable by asking how it's going.  

2011-04-23 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'm on a down week in my training cycle so after my ride of 5.8 miles Wednesday, I had some clip-less pedels installed.  Before the pedals it took me 22:35 minutes to make the ride.  (3:53 per mile, 15.21 mph)  That was pedaling as hard as I have been my entire training period.  I was told the clip-less pedal would increase my speed.  So I went for the same 5.8 mile ride with the clip-less pedals this evening.  After the pedals it took me 19.12 minutes.  (3:18 per mile, 18.13 mph)  That was a drastic change.  I didn't feel like I was pushing that much harder than before.  Not sure how much of it was mental and how much is attributed to equipment.  Does this sound like a normal increase when changing pedals?
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