BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-01-03 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Finally back to the routine today.  Not that I'm glad to be back at work or that I didn't enjoy spending time with the family and indulging a little more this past weekend, but I'm glad to be done with all the holiday hoopla.  I did another sufferfest this morning - Fight Club.  It felt good to get back on the bike again, but that was a tough video!  Loved the sweat, though.  I got a gift certificate for suffering this past weekend, so I am excited to try out more videos.  I managed to squeeze in 10 miles of running this weekend, including a 4-miler on the same course as my first tri in 2012.  Boy to do I need to work on hill training.  I was hoping the first to races on my calendar would open for registration, but no luck yet.  Anyone else register this weekend?  Hope 2012 is starting out great for everyone!

2012-01-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3967982

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
It is great that you are getting back in the swing of things. I have only been able to register for the INdy Mini. Still waiting on the rest to open. I was told this week will be the week.
2012-01-03 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

I have a question about fitting other sports into training.  I play hockey, generally once per week, occasionally twice.  Games usually fall on a day on which, according to my program, I should be doing a bike and a run workout.  So my question is, do you try to do all 3?  If not, which workout do you drop?  I am competitive--I generally go all out at a hockey game.  So should I drop the 'hard' workout (which would be the bike)?  Or do I drop the run because it is my strongest sport (only because I have been doing it much longer than biking)?


2012-01-03 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3967982

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

SEwantstobeFe - 2012-01-03 10:20 AM Finally back to the routine today.  Not that I'm glad to be back at work or that I didn't enjoy spending time with the family and indulging a little more this past weekend, but I'm glad to be done with all the holiday hoopla.  I did another sufferfest this morning - Fight Club.  It felt good to get back on the bike again, but that was a tough video!  Loved the sweat, though.  I got a gift certificate for suffering this past weekend, so I am excited to try out more videos.  I managed to squeeze in 10 miles of running this weekend, including a 4-miler on the same course as my first tri in 2012.  Boy to do I need to work on hill training.  I was hoping the first to races on my calendar would open for registration, but no luck yet.  Anyone else register this weekend?  Hope 2012 is starting out great for everyone!

Hi Dave,

good to see you are hitting this bike fair and square! This sufferfest certainly does sound like it's a great motivator. So far I've been on the trainer with Superbad and Gangs of New York, sweat was there but in moderate proportions :-)

I am officially in for Ironman 70.3 Mont-Tremblant on Jun 24th, quite a thrill! I have also listed potential other events as inputs for my 2012 plan.

Are you guys done with your 2012 plan yet?

2012-01-04 1:06 AM
in reply to: #3965953

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Ok, so I figured out my breathing issue.  I went for my swim tonight.  Started with a 400 warm up, which I usually do breaststroke.  I went 200 breast, then did the second 200 crawl until I was sucking wind, then switched to breast for long enough to catch my breath.  Finished the 400 without stopping, but was gasping.  Next up was a 300.  Did the same, crawl until I needed to catch my breath, then breast.  Finished the 300, gasping.  Then 2x150.  Realized during the first 150 that although I was only doing 2 kicks per stroke, they were as hard as I could kick.  Tried relaxing my kick--success!  Was able to do the rest of the workout (another 150, 4x75, 4x100) without any being out of breath.  Feels great to have those breakthroughs!
2012-01-04 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3967982

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

SEwantstobeFe - 2012-01-03 11:20 AM Finally back to the routine today.  Not that I'm glad to be back at work or that I didn't enjoy spending time with the family and indulging a little more this past weekend, but I'm glad to be done with all the holiday hoopla.  I did another sufferfest this morning - Fight Club.  It felt good to get back on the bike again, but that was a tough video!  Loved the sweat, though.  I got a gift certificate for suffering this past weekend, so I am excited to try out more videos.  I managed to squeeze in 10 miles of running this weekend, including a 4-miler on the same course as my first tri in 2012.  Boy to do I need to work on hill training.  I was hoping the first to races on my calendar would open for registration, but no luck yet.  Anyone else register this weekend?  Hope 2012 is starting out great for everyone!

I'm still waiting on three races to open registration, but for a couple of them it's not a big deal as I'm not sure if I will be in the right shape to do them. I seem to get a bit overzealous at the beginning of the year and my eyes are far bigger than my lactic threshold. I'm signed up for Eagleman, which is my big race for the first half of the year. I signed up for that within the first hour of registration being open. TriColumbia has gotten very popular so I wanted to lock that one down early. Iron Girl registration this year was in such high demand the server crashed the morning it was opened.

2012-01-04 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3969860

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

bcraht - 2012-01-04 2:06 AM Ok, so I figured out my breathing issue.  I went for my swim tonight.  Started with a 400 warm up, which I usually do breaststroke.  I went 200 breast, then did the second 200 crawl until I was sucking wind, then switched to breast for long enough to catch my breath.  Finished the 400 without stopping, but was gasping.  Next up was a 300.  Did the same, crawl until I needed to catch my breath, then breast.  Finished the 300, gasping.  Then 2x150.  Realized during the first 150 that although I was only doing 2 kicks per stroke, they were as hard as I could kick.  Tried relaxing my kick--success!  Was able to do the rest of the workout (another 150, 4x75, 4x100) without any being out of breath.  Feels great to have those breakthroughs!

Congrats on your breakthrough on the swim! I know I was thrilled when I finally learned how to properly control breathing while swimming. It feels really nice to be able to swim continually without getting totally winded. Keep at it.

2012-01-04 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Tough and cold morning today. I have a 25k trail race on Saturday so I'm in a small taper. I wanted to run about 4-5 miles to test out my new fuel belt to make sure it fit properly (nothing new on race day), but as I was getting ready to leave at 5:00 this morning I saw that it was 14 degrees. I ran around for about 1/10th of a mile before I let the excuse of the cold force me back to the warmth of the treadmill at the gym. I thought I would look like a total tool wearing a fuel belt on a treadmill so I left it home, but I think it fits really well and should be good for Saturday. Of course now I feel a bit bad because I let both the weather and "looking good" derail my training plan for the day. So much for starting off the year with the right focus and attitude.
2012-01-04 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3969915

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Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Hitting the treadmill to me means you still got your workout in.. and last time I checked, 14 degrees is pretty effing cold.
2012-01-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3969860

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

That is awesome. Congrats!

Next stop is 1000yds.

Sounds like you had a major breakthrough.

2012-01-04 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Kirsten - way to go on the swimming.  I'm getting back to the pool on Friday - should be interesting.  I am going to use this program:  Anyone else used this before?

Johnny - have fun with the trail run.  I agree that a treadmill workout is still a workout and 14 degrees is below my comfort level.

My boot camp instructor had to take a job in the city, so no more boot camps, unfortunately.  So today I did some insanity including upper body weight training with some extra pushups and pullups.  There are a lot of different opinions about weight training and whether it benefits tri training or not.  I'm going to keep doing it mainly because I like it and it gives me a break from all the s/b/r.

Have a great day!

2012-01-04 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3969750

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

I cheated a bit and bought my training plan from

I had great success with their plan last year and decided to buy their long distance (HIM) plan this year. I liked it because these plans offer three different levels of training and are very detailed.

I improved my sprint time by almost 20min. after starting to use them half way through the season.

Okay, I know I should create my own plan, but I would rather spend that time training. Do any of you create your plans using the Joe Friel “Training Bible” book?

Any thoughts on this approach?


2012-01-04 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3966342

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
johnnyfulltime - 2012-01-02 11:59 AM
sdanaher - 2012-01-02 11:44 AM
bmeere - 2012-01-02 7:36 AM
brianclyde - 2011-12-29 8:18 AM

I have a question.  Is 20 days in between a olympic triathlon then a Half ironman enough time for proper recovery?


I don't want to bonk on the Eagleman.




I would say yes for sure.  The olympic shouldn't take that much out of you.  As long as your fitness is sufficient to do the 1/2 anyways, the Oly shouldn't bother you...Good luck, let us know how you make out.


Generally agree with this statement.  But of course it depends on what effort you take at the OLY.  You can't treat both as an A race, it just won't work.  Pick one that is your A race and let the other be a training day.  In other words, don't smoke it.  

So I'm throwing this out more to get a better understanding training and not to be the dissenting voice. How do you fit an olympic race into your training plan for a HIM? I'm guessing 4 weeks prior to the HIM (the week prior to the Oly) isn't your peak week, or I would imagine there might be some problems there. If you tried to do a peak week prior to the Oly race you might be a bit tired for the race, and/or the race itself might not give you enough of a workout for your HIM prep. Is that week a recovery week on your calendar, and is it pre or post peak? I won't even pretend to know what the best arrangement of this should be, but I'd love to hear someone more experienced break out how to make this scenario work optimally.


I've got a couple thoughts in reply to this... first, what's the real goal in doing this?  You WANT to do both races or you want to do the best you possibly can at Eagleman?  Regardless if your answer it may still be an OK idea.  If Eagleman is supposed to be your super-duper A race, and mentally doing an OLY 4 weeks out messes you up because you need to think of things in terms of periodization, then I wouldn't do it.

If you can approach training a littler differently and still react OK, you'll be fine.  Also, an OLY is a great threshold day.  You are going to be going hard for a while, maybe 50% of the duration of your HIM.  But you'll be going harder in terms of RPE or possibly HR.  Great training day.  4 weeks for recovery from an OLY should be very, very reasonable.

Now, if your goal is NOT to do the best you possibly can at Eagleman, but rather to do both races because you WANT to, then do it and disregard anything else.  You can definitely do it if you train for Eagleman.

2012-01-04 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3966354

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
mikar_68 - 2012-01-02 12:04 PM


You just hit on something I have never given any thought to since I have only participated in sprints.

That is nutrition. This is an area that should be straight forward, but yet I have so much trouble with.

What are your staple foods for your every day training needs. What are the kind of foods you typically eat on a daily basis during your training season? I struggle with being creative with my meal choices. Also, do you have a strategy for the amount of food you consume?


Another area I need to start looking at is nutrition in preparation, week before, and during my OLY and HIM since this will be my first for both and I do not have a clue what to expect during these races.

It would be good if we could tackle these in similar order to the above questions since we don't need to worry about race nutrition yet.


Agree, let's avoid race nutrition right now.  As a note, IM race nutrition is pretty different from other distances.  

For just training days, it is just the general eating advice that most people get.  Eat big early and slow down throughout the day.  I'm usually finished 70% of my food by 5pm.  If not more.  

And it isn't just calories.  It is quality of food.  Nuts are dense and high in nutritious things, those are great calories.  Soda is worthless calories.  It won't fill you up nor provide anything your body needs (ok, ok, maybe caffeine ).

I snack on some combination of the following: nuts, homemade granola bars or muffins (make 1x a week and eat all week), fruit.

I eat a big breakfast: maybe 3/4 cup of steel cut oats with some agave nectar, walnuts, and blueberries, a muffin (I make them, so I know they are healthy), orange juice.

On days I do a good job tracking my nutrition my breakfast can be as high as 700 calories - especially during peak IM training.  Sounds like a lot, but I eat well the rest of the day.

Oh, and generally people recommend to eat something after any workout 30m or longer.  It doesn't need to be a full protein bar or anything.  Maybe a glass of choc milk, or whatever makes sense.


Note: Not trying to provide weightloss advice there.

2012-01-04 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3968570

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-01-03 2:57 PM

I have a question about fitting other sports into training.  I play hockey, generally once per week, occasionally twice.  Games usually fall on a day on which, according to my program, I should be doing a bike and a run workout.  So my question is, do you try to do all 3?  If not, which workout do you drop?  I am competitive--I generally go all out at a hockey game.  So should I drop the 'hard' workout (which would be the bike)?  Or do I drop the run because it is my strongest sport (only because I have been doing it much longer than biking)?



I have the same issue, I play Sunday nights though so usually do whatever I am "supposed" to do anyway, that being said, hockey is a great cardio sport depending on how you play and how many lines you have.  I would say if you avg 2 lines, then I would substitute it for one, if you have 3 lines though, I would just add it to the pile...

One other question/thought.  If, when you are biking, you are working on form and applying pressure all the way around the cycle, then I don't think I would skip this as there is a lot to be gained in "perfecting" this muscle memory...

2012-01-04 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3970291

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

This is great info. I appreciate you sharing this with the group.

Care to share your muffin recipe?

It looks like I need to focus more on the "more calories early in the day" than spreading it out evenly throughout the day. This seems like great advice. I will give this a go for the next few weeks to see how it feels.

2012-01-04 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3970277

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Hi Shane, trying to set my personal objective for my HIM. I know my "meet" will be to finish it! But I would like to set "exceed" and "far exceed" targets, and I have no baseline apart from 2 oly (super flat course)  and 2 hm. Also, this is the first year of this race, so no stats to play with.

I have seen online tools to predict marathon time based on half. Have not found equivalents for tri. Would you have ideas on how to approach this? As for the 'why' for this, just for the personal pleasure of setting targets and measure deviations...

2012-01-06 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Got my first swim of 2012 in this morning - it went pretty well.  Not very long but that's ok with me.  I guess this kind of kicks off my HIM training plan, at least the swim portion.  Somebody mentioned something about buying a fully made plan vs. creating your own.  I am all for the fully made plan, but a lot of times those plans don't seem to fit my schedule both week to week and as my season gets going.  Another lame excuse is that especially with the BT plans, they almost get too detailed for me (especially the swim workouts) that I don't understand or want to remember all of that.  So I am opting to take specific sport training from different tri and/or running plans.  I mentioned the 0 to 1650 swim plan, then I stole the bike plan from the trifuel site, and I'm probably going to use a Higdon plan for running due to my half marathon at the beginning of the season and marathon at the end.  Any thoughts on this?  Or would I be better using a HIM-specific tri training plan, maybe adding a little more running, then picking up a marathon plan after my last HIM (about 7 weeks then until the marathon)?

Race fever picked up a little this week - my oly race opened up so I am registered and managed to save a whole $5!

2012-01-06 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Oops - one other training plan question.  I noticed some of you are gold members.  One thought I had was to use the create-your-own training plan by upgrading to the gold membership.  Have any of you gold members used this and how do you like it?
2012-01-06 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3974646

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

SEwantstobeFe - 2012-01-06 9:12 AM Oops - one other training plan question.  I noticed some of you are gold members.  One thought I had was to use the create-your-own training plan by upgrading to the gold membership.  Have any of you gold members used this and how do you like it?

I'm using it for the first time this year.  So far so good.  I had to do about 5 or 6 builds to tweak the settings how I wanted them.

In regards to too much detail for swim workouts... don't totally ignore the drill stuff.  It really helps.  They all have reasons... FTP (fingertip drill) is to help you ensure your elbow is high enough outside the water...  CFD (closed fist drill) is to give you a better feel of how to drag your open hand underwater to best create motion... catchup to learn how to glide the best...


etc, etc... important stuff.  I dropped 6 or 7 minutes year over year for the same 140.6 swim split and I swam less the second year, but more drills, especially early season (ie. now).

2012-01-06 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3974646

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

SEwantstobeFe - 2012-01-06 10:12 AM Oops - one other training plan question.  I noticed some of you are gold members.  One thought I had was to use the create-your-own training plan by upgrading to the gold membership.  Have any of you gold members used this and how do you like it?

I'm quite fond of the custom training plan, but as Shane already said, it does take some tweaking. Last year I used the custom plan to train for a HIM and at the end I was in great shape and didn't have any injuries. I like that the plans take the guesswork out of things like peaking and tapering for me. I did vary from my plan when it came to the swim because I got a swim coach last summer. I think if you can get the personal one on one attention from a swim coach that understands triathlon training, you can probably get away with not following the drills listed on the plan. In fact, I really really recommend getting a swim coach if you can, as my swim experience a huge breakthrough.

2012-01-07 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
First weekend of the new year for training!  Felt great today!  Did an outdoor ride and a run right after!  How's everyone else doing this first week?  Keeping your real food in line, too?
2012-01-07 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3976837

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

sdanaher - 2012-01-07 2:40 PM First weekend of the new year for training!  Felt great today!  Did an outdoor ride and a run right after!  How's everyone else doing this first week?  Keeping your real food in line, too?

Did my 25k trail race this morning. It was my first time attempting this kind of distance on trails, but I had a blast. The trails were fairly muddy and the hills were enough to leave my legs in shambles. The race distance was actually 15.8 miles, and I ended up taking a wrong turn and losing 5-6 minutes, but I ended up crossing the finish line 2:53 after the start. It was a great workout and I learned a lot about how to properly run on trails at a longer distance, but the real lesson for me today was nutrition. I debated my strategy for today over the last week, and decided I would use today's information to help me better prepare nutritionally next time. Hopefully recovery goes well and I can be at full training next week.

2012-01-07 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Wanted to be outside on my bike this am, but that didn't happen.  Was supposed to be just a chance of showers here in the morning, but by the time I got up, it was raining.  I don't generally sleep late, but I didn't wake up today until 10:45!  It was my first week back at work after the holidays, and I wasn't very good about going to bed on time, so I guess it caught up with me.  Did a 45 min trainer ride when I did get up and felt good.  Going for a run later as well.
2012-01-08 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3976944

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

bcraht - 2012-01-07 3:05 PM Wanted to be outside on my bike this am, but that didn't happen.  Was supposed to be just a chance of showers here in the morning, but by the time I got up, it was raining.  I don't generally sleep late, but I didn't wake up today until 10:45!  It was my first week back at work after the holidays, and I wasn't very good about going to bed on time, so I guess it caught up with me.  Did a 45 min trainer ride when I did get up and felt good.  Going for a run later as well.


Wow!  10:45!  That's unheard of in my house.  I mean.. with a 4 year old... to be expected.  My NY resolution was up by 5am M-F and as needed for workouts on the weekend.  

Trainer is a great workout if you push yourself.  Really great place to use an HRM to ensure you are hitting the RPE you want to.

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