General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2013-01-15 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4580063

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United States
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
devilfan02 - 2013-01-15 5:02 PMOut of curiosity, when is everyone starting their training for IMAZ?  This will be my first IM so I'm interested in hearing when everyone's gettin goin.
I'm doing Wildflower in May, then likely taking a few weeks to chill and starting back up. Last year I used the Be Iron Fit Compeitive Plan, which is 30 weeks. I felt it was a great plan if you're looking for one.

2013-01-16 9:34 AM
in reply to: #4580425

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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

bencoy - 2013-01-15 8:23 PM
devilfan02 - 2013-01-15 5:02 PMOut of curiosity, when is everyone starting their training for IMAZ?  This will be my first IM so I'm interested in hearing when everyone's gettin goin.
I'm doing Wildflower in May, then likely taking a few weeks to chill and starting back up. Last year I used the Be Iron Fit Compeitive Plan, which is 30 weeks. I felt it was a great plan if you're looking for one.

Thanks for the Be IronFit recommendation.  I've seen a lot of folks here using that plan and they all seem to like it.  I decided to join a tri club out here in the Scottsdale/Tempe area so I'll be going with their plan.  They always have a large contingent participate in IMAZ each year so I figured they would be a great resource.  This year, there will be 24 of us doing IMAZ.

I'm also doing a HIM in May (Oceanside on 3/30) and plan on taking it fairly easy in April.  I haven't talked to our coach too much about IMAZ specific training yet but I'm hoping to really ramp things up in late-April or May.  That would fall in-line with your 30 week plan. 

2013-01-16 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4580878

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

THanks Bencoy! Glad to know I am not alone.

I started the day we signed up. Try to do at least a 3-4 hour ride weekly (but I am not running). Working a lot of form in swim but endurance swims are up to 3k. I normally try to keep HIM fit and then really bear down on the last 4 months or so. Subbing strength somewhat for running.

My philosophy is lower intensity higher volume building the base/mitochondria/efficiency, but I cap the endurance sessions generally until that time when we buckle down.

2013-01-17 9:57 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Detroit, MI. Kinda.
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Just a shout out to you guys in for're in for a great venue!  Loved the 3 loops, the crowd was so awesome!  I have nothing to compare it to, since 2012 was my first, but I can't imagine a better venue for a first IM.  Best of luck training injury-free this year!


Kenny, my man....congrats on choosing a new life!  As a fellow 100 pound loser, if I can offer any advice it's this: Be patient but tenaciously persistent.  On tough diet days look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself who you are. (hint:  YOU ARE AN ATHLETE.  Don't you fu**ing forget it!)  On tough training days remind yourself that not long ago you struggled on distances you wouldn't blink an eye at today. Today you're struggling on what seemed inconceivable to even attempt a little while ago. Smile and be proud of where your persistence has gotten you!

Here's a little film that was made of my journey...perhaps you may find a tidbit of useful inspiration or information on it or my blog (in my sig).  If I can be of assistance in any way, don't be afraid to message.

2013-01-18 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4580425

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I'm also doing Wildflower in May and IMAZ. I'm on TrainingPeaks and was actually going to try to use their ATP plan for the year (use their recommended hours and fill in the workouts on my own). Has anyone else tried to do that? 
2013-01-18 4:29 PM
in reply to: #4580403

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Anyone happen to see Craig Alexander's post on facebook yesterday? If not, here it is:

"4 weeks into training. I think I am finally turning the corner and regaining some fitness! Thank goodness."


Nice to know it take the pros a bit to shake off the cobwebs too!!

Edited by Dino019 2013-01-18 4:32 PM

2013-01-18 10:16 PM
in reply to: #4585169

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I am going to look into that too.
2013-01-22 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Hey all,

When my wife and I were out volunteering at the race this past November, we saw a lot of family of triathletes with support T-shirts that had their athletes bib number printed on them. They looked like they had the official IMAZ logo, but not for sure. Does anybody know anything about these shirts. I thought they would be nice to have since we have such a large group coming out to race along with our families for support. Any info appreciated.

Thanks, Roger.

2013-01-22 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Hi!  I'm a little late to the introductions, but here goes...

Name: Trish

What is your Ironman resume? IMFL 2010,  TTT 2011, IMLP 2011, IMFL 2012

Why did you choose Ironman Arizona? Racing with a large group of friends/team mates, my Kona Crush moved to Scottsdale and hopefully will race too!

What are you goals for IMAZ 2013? Always, (knowing IM is a LONG day and anything can happen) #1 FINISH!, #2 PR the run, 3# Big overall PR!

What are you most looking forward to? Coming back to AZ to race (loved it when volunteering!), executing an IM to my potential, boozin' it up post race with my peeps!

Veterans, any advice you can give? IM doesn't give a sh*t if you do your workout or not...consistency is KEY! Nutrition should be practiced in training on those long days leading to the race, and HAVE FUN!  It's your day!

2013-02-04 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4509327

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Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa.
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Hope everyone's January training went well.  It's been a really cold January in Iowa and I can't wait to get off the trainer and on the road.  Take care everyone.  Stay injury free (knocking on wood right now), keep training and enjoy the tri season as it is right around the corner.

2013-02-04 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4509327

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Hey guys!  How are the accommodation plans going?  We have family in the area but we are a lot of people.  Our oldest lives in Phoenix but the other 4 will be traveling with us.  My thought is for the kids to stay with family the 2 days leading up to the race, my husband and I would stay in the Courtyard Marriott and after the race we would all move to a VRBO condo in Tempe.

Thoughts?  Maybe we (husband and I) just stay in the hotel the night before?  The Courtyard does not have a minimum.  I just don't want to kept up by the kids the night before and worry about waking everyone the morning of.


Regarding training - I've been focusing on my run this winter.  I did a HM in December and have another in March.  Olympic distance tri in April and then IMAZ training starts in May.  I am doing the Redman full aqua-bike in September. Anybody else heading to OK?

2013-02-22 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4607747

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Hey guys! Hope the training is going well for everyone. Been seeing a lot of chatter on the boards the last two days about IMCDA (supposedly) moving away from the mass swim start, with speculation that the rest of the IM races may move that direction this year as well. Personally, I'd be bummed if they did that at IMAZ this year. Anybody know how that would work if they moved to a wave/flow start in a deep-water start like IMAZ? Seems like that would be tough logistically.

Edited by TriManGA 2013-02-22 3:25 PM
2013-02-23 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4509327


Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

This is my first IM. I decided 2013 was the year to do it. Im opening my own business and thought if I don't do it now, I will never have the time to do it. Im in Denver as well and have friends and family close enough to drive to AZ to support me on this venture. Im one of the "just finish" types, but I should probably set a little higher goal based on my 70.3 time. So, Im going to put it out there...15 hrs. (Still probably a little conservative, but Im going to respect the distance and go with that!)

Does anyone know of any IMAZ training groups in Denver that are ok with a "just finish" minded athlete?


2013-02-23 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4634154

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Snephanephanie - 2013-02-23 8:00 AM

This is my first IM. I decided 2013 was the year to do it. Im opening my own business and thought if I don't do it now, I will never have the time to do it. Im in Denver as well and have friends and family close enough to drive to AZ to support me on this venture. Im one of the "just finish" types, but I should probably set a little higher goal based on my 70.3 time. So, Im going to put it out there...15 hrs. (Still probably a little conservative, but Im going to respect the distance and go with that!)

Does anyone know of any IMAZ training groups in Denver that are ok with a "just finish" minded athlete?


I don't know about any IMAZ training groups in the Denver area. But there are quite a few different tri clubs in the aea. Rocky Mountain Tri Club is the biggest. They're actually having the annual kick off party/meeting on March 4th. It's free to anyone that wants to attend. Their website is Other than myself, I don't think anyone with RMTC is doing IMAZ. But there have been groups of people doing weekend rides almost every weekend......since our Winter has been pretty weak. Since the club is so large there are usually 2, if not 3, different levels of group rides on the weekend. I know the group that got together today planned on a 50-60 mile ride at 15-17mph pace. Good luck with your training. How's it going so far?
2013-02-25 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Has anyone thought about how they are going to transport their bike to AZ?  I will be flying so there is no way I can drive my bike there.  I have heard mixed reviews about TriBike transport.  Is it too early to be even thinking about this?
2013-02-26 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4636814

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
We have a club trailer that we are using to transport all of our bikes. As far as TBT, my wife and I used them for IMCDA. It's kind of a long story, but our bikes were not there when we arrived. We were freaking out. Apparently the driver "forgot" to stop by the bike shop in Kansas City to pick them up. They called the bike shop and sure enough they were still there. They paid to overnight them to the race site, but this meant they had to be disassembled and boxed up. The next part of the story was probably the bike shop's fault as they sent my wife's bike and somebody else's bike to the race site, but not my bike. After another call to the bike shop by TBT, they located my bike and overnighted it to the race site. It got there Saturday morning, bike check in dead line was 1:00. After they reassembled it, I took it out for a test ride and got my bike checked in with 30 minutes to spare. Needless to say, I was a little stressed about the whole situation. I must say though that TBT had excellent customer service. They did everything in their power to accomodate me, they even offered me a replacement bike for the race in case my bike didn't show up on time. They ended up refunding all of our money and shipped the bikes back for free also. After all that, I probably would use TBT again, just because of the way they treated us. I'm not sure what the snafu was as far as not getting our bikes in the first place, but looking back on it now, I felt like they took really good care of us. Hope this helps.

2013-03-15 12:09 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
?Is IMAZ always the third Sunday of Nov?  I did it last year and it was nice having it right before Thanksgiving. I'm signed up again this year not realizing that wasn't the case this year. Not a big deal, I still be there unless work gets in the way. Looks like it will be a few years before it's right before turkey day again, but that's ok, was going to try other IM courses for the next few years if I can get it.

Cozumel is on my must do list, but I'm having a hard time convincing my wife to give up her black Friday shopping for a year. She has been to Coz about 6-7 times with me and loves it, so I can't figure out why it's so hard to get her to go, I guess I'll have to bribe her.

In other news it's about time I get back into training, I've gotten too out of shape since Nov. I always say it's not going to happen over the winter, then it does.

I do have small concern though, I just had a trip to South America come up in Nov. dates aren't firm yet but looks like I will have to leave around 21-22 Nov. I hope they don't try to make it any earlier because that would surely mess up IMAZ for me, I was already going to take the whole week after off but that won't be the case now, earliest I could be back unless I fly would be Tuesday night after, and of course I have trip kits I'd have to pack etc before my South American work trip, so, here's hoping it doesn't change any earlier.


2013-03-16 6:50 PM
in reply to: #4661193

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
cstoulil - 2013-03-15 11:09 AM ?Is IMAZ always the third Sunday of Nov?  I did it last year and it was nice having it right before Thanksgiving. I'm signed up again this year not realizing that wasn't the case this year. Not a big deal, I still be there unless work gets in the way. Looks like it will be a few years before it's right before turkey day again, but that's ok, was going to try other IM courses for the next few years if I can get it.

Cozumel is on my must do list, but I'm having a hard time convincing my wife to give up her black Friday shopping for a year. She has been to Coz about 6-7 times with me and loves it, so I can't figure out why it's so hard to get her to go, I guess I'll have to bribe her.

In other news it's about time I get back into training, I've gotten too out of shape since Nov. I always say it's not going to happen over the winter, then it does.

I do have small concern though, I just had a trip to South America come up in Nov. dates aren't firm yet but looks like I will have to leave around 21-22 Nov. I hope they don't try to make it any earlier because that would surely mess up IMAZ for me, I was already going to take the whole week after off but that won't be the case now, earliest I could be back unless I fly would be Tuesday night after, and of course I have trip kits I'd have to pack etc before my South American work trip, so, here's hoping it doesn't change any earlier.



When I was trying to book a rental house for this year, back in September, WTC had not posted/released the race date for this year....yet. So I went back & looked up all the race dates from the previous years since it was changed to a November race. (2007 or 2008) Turns out IMAZ had been on the Sunday of Thanksgiving week every year. So I found a rental house & put down a deposit, assuming the date would be same for this year. And the date works out perfect for my wife as well.....she's a teacher and had the entire week of Thankgsgiving off. So she could fly out after me & drive back to Denver with me, to give me a break. Then the WTC released the athlete guide a month before IMAZ & the the date this year turned out to be one week earlier......DOH!!! So I contacted the owner of the rental house & nobody else had inquired about race week yet. So She was pretty nice about switching the date.........she already knew I was renting the house because of IMAZ. The only thing that stinks is that I'll be driving back to Denver solo, on Tuesday after the race. Oh well that's what ice baths & compression tights are for, right?  


2013-03-18 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

IM Cozumel is a blast (if the weather behaves).  Did it in 09 and the weather was perfect.  Did it again in 2011 and it poured rain during the marathon.

First time doing IMAZ. Selected it in part because I hear the weather is pretty dependable.  I like the November timeframe AND that it's driving distance.  Sounds like there's a few folks driving from Denver.  Caravan?

2013-03-19 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4665382

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
soares3711 - 2013-03-18 8:31 PM

IM Cozumel is a blast (if the weather behaves).  Did it in 09 and the weather was perfect.  Did it again in 2011 and it poured rain during the marathon.

First time doing IMAZ. Selected it in part because I hear the weather is pretty dependable.  I like the November timeframe AND that it's driving distance.  Sounds like there's a few folks driving from Denver.  Caravan?


I'm heading down to AZ on Wednesday, the 13th & coming back on Tuesday the 19th. I'll leave at 5am on the 13th, and I have a "lead foot." I live in the Thornton/Northglenn area.

That's makes two of us driving. Anyone else from Denver driving down for IMAZ??

2013-03-19 11:08 PM
in reply to: #4509327

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Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa.
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I'm driving from Iowa.  Yeh, 24 hour drive. 

Little nervous about flying my bike.  Maybe by the time August hits I won't care too much but she's my only daughter (I have three sons), and I have to make sure she is safe.  HAHAHA.

Me and another NW Iowan and future IMAZers are driving down together.  Our wives are of course flying.

Holy Shnikies, 8 Months.......   Gulp.

2013-03-20 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4509327

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

There about about 16 racers or so coming down from the Omaha area, I'll be driving not sure about the rest.

Last year I was there a full week in advance then the wife and kids flew down on thur and rode back with me on Monday.

Yeah not fun driving back with a detour through the Grand Canyon, but it wasn't too bad.

Not sure if I will have them come down again or not with my potential tight turnaround to get back down there and back.

2013-03-22 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4509327

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Hi All,

also a bit late with introduction. I am in for IM Arizona 2013.

I am living in cold Finland / Europe and IM Arizona will be my 7th long distance. After finishing 14th in the Agegroup 35 in Texas last year, i hope to get a Kona slot in Arizona this year in my new Agegroup 40

Right now i am still in base training, just checking flights to Phenix etc.

Good luck for your training everybody - i´ll follow the thread here and write a blog here:

Does anybody have recommendations for hotel (incl. kitchenette) close to Tempe. We will definetely rent a car there, but i want to cook by myself and possible start training (run, bike) from the hotel.

Cheers & have a great weekend,





2013-03-22 5:09 PM
in reply to: #4667062

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
siouxcityhawk - 2013-03-19 10:08 PM

I'm driving from Iowa.  Yeh, 24 hour drive. 

Little nervous about flying my bike.  Maybe by the time August hits I won't care too much but she's my only daughter (I have three sons), and I have to make sure she is safe.  HAHAHA.

Me and another NW Iowan and future IMAZers are driving down together.  Our wives are of course flying.

Holy Shnikies, 8 Months.......   Gulp.


If you're driving to AZ, why are you flying your bike down?

2013-03-26 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4509327

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Hi All,

we (my wife and me) have just booked our flight to Phoenix - its getting serious now

We´ll be in Arizona from Nov 8th - Nov 22nd. Now we are searching a reasonable hotel room with own kitchen/kitchenette to be able to cook by ourselve if necessary.

Any hints ? - most hotels offer only fridge (Days Inn etc.), but kitchen would be nice.

Then about sightseeing - what else except Grand Canyon

7 months of training ahead !

cheers, erwin




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