Other Resources Challenge Me! » Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour. Rss Feed  
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2013-10-03 7:08 PM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Look at all the Ghoules!

Very nice!

I drove all day. 11 hours which is a new record time and no drama (except from the cat, and that is expected).

We got to Mom's house and unloaded JUST before the rain came. It is still raining. No pool this pm. tomorrow is unloading and lunch with Aunt.. unless lunch with Aunt happens Saturday. I am trying to free up Saturday to visit with Shaun n Nadine (Shaun is one of my very first BT contacts, Nadine is his Ironman wife)!

I'll catch up later Ghoulies.

2013-10-03 10:01 PM
in reply to: iowagander

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by iowagander Hey gang! Day two of my "construction" goal is done. Ann - This week I'm helping our work crews with getting our modular offices ready to go out to our customers. I.e. painting, cleaning, and all sorts of prep stuff. "Highlight" of today was pulling up bad tiles. Tomorrow will start with laying the new ones. That'll be fun. Or something. Amy - missed you too! I hope everything is going well up there. Spending a lot of my time right now keeping my boy and girl entertained until their school starts back up. This is being made difficult by the fact that Comcast apparently takes two weeks to get customers started up. Hence the no internet at home (or cable for that matter). Friday can't come soon enough. Kendra - great to see you too! That new office space looks nice. I'll try and post a picture of my new office once I'm able to get one to upload. OK, time to tend to furry people and then short people. Have a great night everyone!


Last I heard you have at least one short person in your house that isn't so short (isn't he almost as tall as you now???)

2013-10-03 10:03 PM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

I'm in the office today but I'm regretting that decision. Instead of sitting in my desk chair I'm sitting on a wood box that I usually use to prop my feet up on under my desk.


Boo! Hiss! I hope you're feeling lots better by now (and still better by the time you read this!)

2013-10-03 10:11 PM
in reply to: kns57

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by kns57

Good morning Ghoulies!

Ann, why sitting on a box?  Is it still your back and the chair is no good for that?  

Robin, I imagine you are getting ready for a drive to Fla soon.  Safe journeys.

Tom, it is so good to see you back in the village.  Can't wait to hear what you are up to.

Amy, hoping that this is not going to backfire, but how is the house coming along?

Dee, all quiet on the western front?

Well...it has been going really well...I drive by every day, and get out and walk around in it almost every day. It was going great until we got to the part where the framing was almost done and they tried to confirm when the roof trusses would be delivered *which was supposed to be the next business day)...found out that they hadn't even started building the trusses yet. So, we are half way through a 3 week forced hiatus. I'm keeping myself busy in my spare time looking at kitchen cabinets, flooring, fireplaces, and as of tomorrow kitchen appliances and whatnot. Hubby is keeping himself busy on another continent per his usual routine. So, it's all good. I'll have to share a couple pictures on FB message. 

2013-10-04 6:33 AM
in reply to: givemashot

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!

Happy FFFFriday!

2013-10-04 10:40 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Happy Friday.

That is all.

2013-10-04 7:55 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
DH is trimming the maple tree back from the roof.  Needed to be done but I sure hope he doesn't fall off the ladder! Surprised
2013-10-04 8:03 PM
in reply to: deehtz

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by deehtz DH is trimming the maple tree back from the roof.  Needed to be done but I sure hope he doesn't fall off the ladder! Surprised

Me too! *stay safe Dee's hubby!*

2013-10-04 8:03 PM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

Happy FFFFriday!

Right back atchya!

2013-10-05 9:42 AM
in reply to: givemashot

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Happy Saturday, Ghoulies.

Hope you are having tons of fun at the 2-day, Kendra. I can't wait to see pics.

I got 2 runs in down here. Home tomorrow and the hubbie is picking me up and we are going MTB riding at the US Whitewater Center.... if the weather is ok.

I'lll catch up tomorrow evening or Monday.

2013-10-05 2:11 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ceilidh

Happy Saturday, Ghoulies.

Hope you are having tons of fun at the 2-day, Kendra. I can't wait to see pics.

I got 2 runs in down here. Home tomorrow and the hubbie is picking me up and we are going MTB riding at the US Whitewater Center.... if the weather is ok.

I'lll catch up tomorrow evening or Monday.

Have fun Robin!

2013-10-06 1:53 PM
in reply to: deehtz

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
My workout today is patience. 8 hour delay in the airport on a BEAUTIFUL day in both Fla and NC. I was supposed to land then go mountain bike riding with the hubbie. No money to get public transport to the beach or no interest in calling the family to spend more time with them so... here I am.
2013-10-06 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4865140

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Robin, sorry to hear about the delay. Hope you made it home safe and sound.
2013-10-07 6:04 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!

My back is about 75-80% I'm in the office today but I'm already uncomfortable sitting in my chair.

Had a rough night sleeping, too, don't know why. Keri did, too, she was up at 3:30, when I got up. She told me she didn't fall back to sleep, but I'm thinking she probably did a little, she did get up early this morning though. Hope she isn't too grumpy today.

2013-10-07 6:04 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Robin, where are you at now?

2013-10-07 6:15 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Another busy weekend.

Friday when I was done working my dad went with me to get groceries. Friday was Donnie's birthday and the kiddos and I were taking him out to dinner. After we got home I had to bake a cake, which Keri decorated. I put away the cold items, and saved the rest for Caleb to take care of when he got home. He put groceries away while I supervised the cake decorating, and she made some brownies too to donate to soccer.

Friday night we went out to dinner, and did a little bit of shopping.

Saturday we were off early. Had to stop at the feed mill on the way to Keri's 9:00 soccer game. Her team won, they're 5-0 now, and she scored her first goal of the season. The second half she played goalie. She had 4-5 saves, and didn't allow any goals. Her game got started late, and it was going to be close getting Caleb to his game on time. Another family has kids on both teams. So I made arrangements for them to take Caleb to the game, they had to pick up another boy along the way, ended up being 2 boys. We took their daughter to the game then. The girls talked in the back seat the entire way.

Caleb told his coach he didn't want to be goalie anymore. So he played mid-fielder. He played the best soccer I'd ever seen him play. He had moves. He protected the ball, he passed well, he stole the ball. It was so fun to watch. His team won 4-3, they are 2-3 on the season.

After soccer we headed home, got there around 2:30. I was just going to now a small section of yard between the house and the barn, ended up mowing the entire yard. Donnie was out running around. Keri was dancing in the driveway. Caleb was playing on the xbox with his friends. Keri and I got showered up and were waiting for Donnie to return. We thought we had to run to pick up some wire for the fence. Donnie got home and told us to go without him. We did. We were almost where we needed to be and he called and said he didn't need wire, so Keri and I went to dinner.

Yesterday Keri and I were off early again. Nearby there is what they call The National Apple Harvest Festival. It's huge. On a good day they'll have 65-75,000 people there, and we were told on Saturday they had a record setting crowd. We picked up my parents and got there early. We spent 3 hours walking around, looking at crafts, and eating food. Keri got her face painted, and her hair spray colored. It was getting hot, and too crowded, so we headed out.

Then I napped.

2013-10-07 7:53 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Nice weekend Ann. I bet you napped after all of that. We need to see a pic of Kerri's face painted.

Kenrdra, how was the 2-day?

Dee, did you race this weekend?

I got home at 11:30 last night. That was 14 hours in transit. I drove it in 11, though it was much easier hanging around an airport than driving.

It was a nice trip to Fla in spite of my Brother. I didn't have to see him much. He is an angry, bitter person. I got to meet up with my BT buddy Shaun and his wife Nadine. Shaun was one of my very first BT buddies and I have been trying to meet up with them for a while now. We just had an hour and a half, but it was good.

Today is catchup Monday.

2013-10-07 7:54 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Get your workouts in Ghoulies and log them in the spreadsheet. We have reputations to uphold here!
2013-10-07 8:17 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Welcome back Robin.

I didn't get any workouts in last week because of my back, going to try to rectify that this afternoon.

Can I teleport myself and the kiddos down there for the day? We are in a severe thunderstorm warning, and a tornado watch right now. The kiddos have a 2 hour delay, and should be getting on the bus in the next 10-15 minutes. They don't have a long ride to school fortunately.

2013-10-07 8:25 AM
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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ironannekidd

Welcome back Robin.

I didn't get any workouts in last week because of my back, going to try to rectify that this afternoon.

Can I teleport myself and the kiddos down there for the day? We are in a severe thunderstorm warning, and a tornado watch right now. The kiddos have a 2 hour delay, and should be getting on the bus in the next 10-15 minutes. They don't have a long ride to school fortunately.

Come on down. It is a cloudy day here and a bit drizzly. We had that weather during the night. I slept through most of it, after getting the dog settled from the thunder. Woke up this am and we had 2.33 inches of rain since midnight! Be careful!!!!!

Edited by ceilidh 2013-10-07 8:26 AM
2013-10-07 8:34 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by ironannekidd

Welcome back Robin.

I didn't get any workouts in last week because of my back, going to try to rectify that this afternoon.

Can I teleport myself and the kiddos down there for the day? We are in a severe thunderstorm warning, and a tornado watch right now. The kiddos have a 2 hour delay, and should be getting on the bus in the next 10-15 minutes. They don't have a long ride to school fortunately.

Come on down. It is a cloudy day here and a bit drizzly. We had that weather during the night. I slept through most of it, after getting the dog settled from the thunder. Woke up this am and we had 2.33 inches of rain since midnight! Be careful!!!!!

Looking at the weather map I'll get to drive home in it. :-/

2013-10-07 8:40 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good Morning!

Glad you finally made it home, Robin!

What a weekend, Ann!  as usual  Smile  your weekends are amazing!  That festival sounds like a lot of fun.  Why didn't you get your hair spray colored?

2013-10-07 8:40 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ironannekidd
Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by ironannekidd

Welcome back Robin.

I didn't get any workouts in last week because of my back, going to try to rectify that this afternoon.

Can I teleport myself and the kiddos down there for the day? We are in a severe thunderstorm warning, and a tornado watch right now. The kiddos have a 2 hour delay, and should be getting on the bus in the next 10-15 minutes. They don't have a long ride to school fortunately.

Come on down. It is a cloudy day here and a bit drizzly. We had that weather during the night. I slept through most of it, after getting the dog settled from the thunder. Woke up this am and we had 2.33 inches of rain since midnight! Be careful!!!!!

Looking at the weather map I'll get to drive home in it. :-/

Don't, it was a fairly short storm, wait it out!

2013-10-07 8:42 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by deehtz

Good Morning!

Glad you finally made it home, Robin!

What a weekend, Ann!  as usual  Smile  your weekends are amazing!  That festival sounds like a lot of fun.  Why didn't you get your hair spray colored?

Hi Dee!

That is a good question!

2013-10-07 8:42 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
DH finished trimming the maple tree.  It looks really nice; he did such a good job.  Then he started on one of the two evergreens that we will eventually take all the way down.  He sure got a lot done.  I finally finished setting the moss back around the brick porch.  Sure looks nice!
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