BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2014-01-02 11:12 AM
in reply to: doxie

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by doxie

Hey, is there room for one more? If so, I"ll post a more complete bio.

In the meantime, a few things about me: I'm training for IM Wisconsin this year, which will be my first IM.  I'm ready for the big dance in 2014!


Hi Melissa, yes there is room so post a bio.  Welcome!

2014-01-02 12:30 PM
in reply to: hotalinge

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Sorry to have been gone a while...I was home for the holidays and we live in a really rural place with really lousy internet connectivity (think 5 minute wait each time you click for a new screen) planned races (at the moment) are:

Snake River Sprint Tri - March

Onion Man Olympic Tri - April

???? - May

St Joe half marathon - June

Calgary IM 70.3 - July

???? - August

Black Diamond 70.3 - September

Happy New Year everyone!




2014-01-02 12:51 PM
in reply to: goricky

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hi Jim, Room for one more? Will post bio shortly...

Fun TrevorC fact.......... I met you in T2 at IMC in 2011.
2014-01-02 1:49 PM
in reply to: TrevorC

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by TrevorC Hi Jim, Room for one more? Will post bio shortly... Fun TrevorC fact.......... I met you in T2 at IMC in 2011.

You're welcome to join us Trevor!  Hmmmm....T2.....IM Canada......2011......that was must have been on the medical staff?  Ended up DNF'ing on that one and fell asleep in T2 trying to re-set my stomach.

2014-01-02 2:00 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by TrevorC Hi Jim, Room for one more? Will post bio shortly... Fun TrevorC fact.......... I met you in T2 at IMC in 2011.

You're welcome to join us Trevor!  Hmmmm....T2.....IM Canada......2011......that was must have been on the medical staff?  Ended up DNF'ing on that one and fell asleep in T2 trying to re-set my stomach.

I came in to T2 tent to change and you were sitting in the chair across from me. You were in a 'fog' for sure. I recognized who you were from your gear/pic on here.

Doing IMMT this summer so will look for some knowledge from you for sure. Looks to be a few people in the group doing it as well.

Bio soon to come.
2014-01-02 2:21 PM
in reply to: TrevorC

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by TrevorC
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by TrevorC Hi Jim, Room for one more? Will post bio shortly... Fun TrevorC fact.......... I met you in T2 at IMC in 2011.

You're welcome to join us Trevor!  Hmmmm....T2.....IM Canada......2011......that was must have been on the medical staff?  Ended up DNF'ing on that one and fell asleep in T2 trying to re-set my stomach.

I came in to T2 tent to change and you were sitting in the chair across from me. You were in a 'fog' for sure. I recognized who you were from your gear/pic on here. Doing IMMT this summer so will look for some knowledge from you for sure. Looks to be a few people in the group doing it as well. Bio soon to come.

Its a small world.  I'm amazed how many people I've never met in person recognize me in races due to my postings on BT.  Unfortunately, sometimes they get to see the nutritional crash and burns I've had in the past as well.  Even though I've had some very competitive results in my career, those crash and burns have kept me humble, but hopefully, folks can learn from my past mistakes.  We should have a nice group of folks from this mentor group as well as BT in general racing at Mont-Tremblant.   I'll be racing the 70.3 there In June as well as the IM in August.

2014-01-02 5:22 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

The first run of 2014 is in the books!  It was a balmy 0 degrees when I finished but it didn't feel too bad.

2014-01-02 6:54 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Thx for the welcome!

About me:

Name: Doxie/Melissa

Story: I'm 31 & I've been racing triathlons since 2009. I did my first as a relay and then in 2010 tackled the sprint distance solo. Kept building up year by year.

Family status: Married for almost 4 years. We have a dog (you can probably guess the breed)

Current training: I had a decent fall, training-wise, but in December I seemed to have gotten lazy. I have an auto-immune disease that has been acting up for the past 6 weeks or so, although I've been reluctant to pin this bout of laziness on that. I train in a group (Chicago Endurance Sports), which kicks off full-time at the end of March. It's three group coached workouts a week, one per sport. I love group training. I have trained with them for 3 years. Besides swimming that starts next week, I try to bike and run 4x a week each.

2014 Races: I'm racing the ITU Chicago in June (Oly distance), Racine 70.3 in July and IM Wisconsin in September. I think I've had a good lead up to Wisco - this will be my third year racing Racine and I am definitely ready to tackle the full challenge in 2014. Looks like this group has a lot of people in the Midwest, so I'm excited for the experience in this group and also people who can commiserate about the foot of snow that's been dumped on us the past few days  

2014-01-02 6:59 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first run of 2014 is in the books!  It was a balmy 0 degrees when I finished but it didn't feel too bad.

Zero degrees that's a foriegn word, ran yesterday without a shirt on :-) You had asked about my nutrition for HIM. Usually 3_4 gels(hammer is my prefered gel Ok with gu) 150 cal of hydration and something solid to get to that700 to 750cal for the bike. I know Ironman perform is used on course, I've drank it but never in competition. I'm OK with the taste so I don't think it will be an issue fot Texas.
2014-01-02 9:44 PM
in reply to: tri/tbay

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
My official bio.....

My story.....Grew up living a very active lifestyle. Then like a typical guy, I got married, had kids and got fat.
Joined a gym about 6 years ago, got a trainer for a few months and shed alot of the weight.. ~ 50 lbs. Hit my long-term training goal weight of 199lbs prior to my 1st season of tri's. Had never been a runner, so this lifestyle started as a great way to mix up my training and get me out of my comfort zones.

FAMILY STATUS: Married almost 10 years, 2 little girls (8 and 6), and a Wheaten Terrier named Kona (we were married in Hawaii, I had no idea about this ironman thing back then)

Past Races: Completed IM Canada in 2010 & 2011. A bunch of other 1/2's,Olympics, 10k,etc.

2013 Races: Took 2013 'off'. from racing, but still did the Vancouver Marathon in May & a 1/2 IM in July.

2014 Races: on the schedule so far: 10k in March,21k in April, sprint in May, Oly in June, 1/2 IM in July, and IMMT in August.


I packed on a bit of weight, 'taking it easy' this summer and fall. I'm 6' roughly 220lbs right now. 2. Really need/want to shed 20 lbs before the summer.
I don't feel like my nutrition is what it should be, so this will be another test.

I've been around the site for roughly 5 years, but looking forward to getting some insight from others, and to help get the fire lit under me again.

I've kept up a reasonable amount of running in the offseason, but haven't swam since July, and had a good bike ride since September.

2014-01-02 10:23 PM
in reply to: hotalinge

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by hotalinge

Just out of curiosity, what months are everyone's goal races in? Just curious who will be training more or less in parallel...

I'm planning:
March - marathon
Aug - Olympic
Sept - ITU long course (between HIM and IM dist)

My only scheduled race currently is July 27th for IM Canada. Having never raced a full before I am a little leery about scheduling more because I don't want to derail training.

2014-01-02 10:30 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Same or Different?
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by k9car363

Hey Jim,

I have a question.  I think I know the answer but not entirely sure so I will ask.

Over the next few weeks, I have one day each week which will be my "day from hell."  It happens to fall on the same day as my medium bike ride.  On that day, I can either get on the bike before the sun comes up, get on the bike after the sun goes down, or break the ride up into a couple shorter rides and fit it in during the day.

Say I have a scheduled 90 minute ride.  If done on the same day, are two 45 minute rides or three 30 minute rides or one 90 minute ride all equivalent?

Scott, as you probably guessed...they are not all equivalent. A 90 minute ride is a 90 minute ride.  I'd urge trying to get it done as planned, but life simply gets in the way.  If you can't pull off the 90 minute ride I would opt for the 2 x 45' as a last resort and maybe ride them a little more intensively.  I wouldn't bother with 3 x 30' because you spend too much time warming up and cooling down.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I dislike the trainer but dislike riding in the dark even more soooooo . . . Guess I suck it up, put on a Sufferfest video and hit the trainer.

On work days I work from 6am to 6pm. With good gear and a good headlight I honestly like riding early because of the lack of traffic. Sometimes I leave the house around 3:30-4am and get a good ride in before work. It really is peaceful but good gear and headlight is essential. Don't forget a good tail light either.
2014-01-03 8:00 AM
in reply to: holt1997

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The Same or Different?

Originally posted by holt1997 

On work days I work from 6am to 6pm. With good gear and a good headlight I honestly like riding early because of the lack of traffic. Sometimes I leave the house around 3:30-4am and get a good ride in before work. It really is peaceful but good gear and headlight is essential. Don't forget a good tail light either.

The problem isn't so much the dark, or the cool temps (I know, all of you back east right now would argue our 30 degree overnight temps are not cold).  I use to live in Indiana and have done rides when it was well below freezing and actually enjoy riding when it's dark if I have the road to myself.  The problem is IDIOT drivers in the dark.  I live far enough out from Los Angeles that rush hour starts about 4:00 a.m.  I have a couple different rides I really like, good mix of hills, flats, lack of stop lights, etc.  Unfortunately, they all follow what would be fairly busy roads during rush hour.  Making matters worse, the roads are all 'wide open' - very few stop lights or signs - and people tend to treat them like the Autoban so traffic is fast.  The same is true in the evening as rush hour extends later into the evening here because we are so far out from L.A.  Combine the dark with idiots behind the wheel, late for work or anxious to get home and it makes for a less than safe situation.  I have seen three different accidents involving runners or cyclists over the summer and fall.  I don't really have any desire to be the next one.

I'll just stop my whining, suck it up, and get on the trainer.  Looking at the weather map, I really have nothing to complain about.  It is one ride a week for a couple weeks.  If I were still back east, I'd be on the trainer for the next few months.

2014-01-03 8:03 AM
in reply to: holt1997

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Subject: RE: The Same or Different?
Got my first swim of 2014 in this morning. And it was rough getting up to -10 degrees below zero outside to get in the car to go to the pool. Thankfully, once immersed in the warm water all was right with the world (other than the fact that I really let my swimming lapse since September).

Jim, when you get a chance could you maybe list your favorite IM venues. I'm looking at doing another probably in 2016. I'd mainly be interested in "atmosphere" and scenery on the course - not so much challenge or trying to PR. Thanks.

2014-01-03 8:32 AM
in reply to: trei

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New user

New Brunswick
Subject: RE: Watches - GPS and HRM
Hi Folks,

I need a new watch and would be interested in any suggestions or comments from the group. I've used Suunto and Timex over the past several years and am now looking at the Garmin Forerunner 910XT. So far, I've heard from a few people using them localy and they are generally positive, especially due to its use for all 3 sports.

It would be great to hear from you if you are using a 910XT now or have other suggestions.


2014-01-03 9:30 AM
in reply to: jmwies

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Subject: RE: Watches - GPS and HRM
Originally posted by jmwies

Hi Folks,

I need a new watch and would be interested in any suggestions or comments from the group. I've used Suunto and Timex over the past several years and am now looking at the Garmin Forerunner 910XT. So far, I've heard from a few people using them localy and they are generally positive, especially due to its use for all 3 sports.

It would be great to hear from you if you are using a 910XT now or have other suggestions.



I have had the Garmin 305, then the 310 and now the 910.

The 310 and 910 are similar, but the 910 has some added features that if you use them, are well worth the money.

You can track your pool swims lengths/intervals.etc. Once you program the watch to recognize you are in a 25m pool, it is quite accurate. Obv helps with the longs sets where counting becomes an issue!
As well there is the power component. If you have a powermeter,etc,etc you can sync it up to read off of that. I do not have power, so I can not speak to that piece.

2014-01-03 9:37 AM
in reply to: TrevorC

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Watches - GPS and HRM
Hi Everyone! Is there still room to join this group??

a little about myself

Name- Matt

Age- 30 & Married with no Kids


This is my 5th season of triathlons and endurance sports. I have completed several olympics, half marathons and one HIM.

2014 Schedule-

I am racing my first IM at Ironman Mont Tremblant in August and am really excited about it. I am also doing a half marathon or two in the spring but so far I have not signed up for any other triathlons ($$ is the main reason)

Why I want to be a part of this group-

Birkie, I feel like you always offer great advice on the Forums and I know you have raced IMMT before and will be there with me to race this year and I would like to learn as much as possible about IM distance training and racing so I can successfully finish IMMT.

Training Plan-

I will be starting Don Fink's Competetive Program on 1/21/14. This off season I have been doing some Crossfit and other Cross Training to mix things up a bit so I didnt burn myself out prior to starting my training program.

I look forward to being part of this group and learning with all of you.
2014-01-03 9:39 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by LarchmontTri

Hey all, sorry it took me a couple of days to get back with my intro bio....I look forward to getting to know everyone better and hopefully we can all have a kick a$$ 2014 season.

NAME: Larchmonttri - Brian

STORY: Not that dissimilar to alot of was the annual Kona coverage that got me started. A few years ago, I was watching the Kona coverage and there was an 81 year old nun (whose name escapes me right now) finishing Kona. If I recall correctly, she had completed a dozen or so IM races and she was still going strong. And there I was on my couch. I had been watching the Kona coverage for years and never thought I could actually do it. Well, if an 81 year old nun could, then so could I. Not sure if that qualifies as divine intervention, but in any case I got up the next morning and laced up my running shoes and that's how it all started. My first season, I completed an olympic distance race. I've since moved up to 70.3 and 140.6 distance races.

FAMILY: Married and a 7 yo daughter

CURRENT TRAINING: Yes, I am currently training. Averaging 5-7 hours of SBR per week right now...that said, mostly just running and biking. Trying to do at least 1-2 abs and upper body workouts per week to complement my SBR. The upper body work is fairly light (ie. not trying to bulk-up) - just some push-ups, pull-ups, some curls, etc. My logs here on BT are up-to-date with my SBR training (I generally don't log my abs/upper body workouts). I fairly pleased with where I am right now, though I need to work in more time in the pool.

2013 RACES: I raced the Musselman in mid-July. The Musselman is a 70.3 distance race in upstate NY. I did ok. That said, I know I can go faster, but it was pretty hot that day and that's my kryptonite.

2014 RACES: Syracuse 70.3 and IMMT

WEIGHTLOSS: Probably could lose some, but as my training increases, I think that'll take care of itself. That said, I'm also incorporating more interval/sprint into my training regimen, and that should help as well.

WHY I WOULD BE A GOOD MEMBER: I love triathlons and realise that I still have alot to learn, so while I've done some long-distance races, I think I'm still on a fairly steep part of the learning curve.

Hope this works. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Tuesday and happy new years to all!

Glad to see you are in the group too Brian.
2014-01-03 10:09 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Watches - GPS and HRM

Originally posted by dmbfan4life20 Hi Everyone! Is there still room to join this group?? a little about myself Name- Matt Age- 30 & Married with no Kids History- This is my 5th season of triathlons and endurance sports.!!!!!!

2014-01-03 10:12 AM
in reply to: jmwies

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Watches - GPS and HRM

Originally posted by jmwies Hi Folks, I need a new watch and would be interested in any suggestions or comments from the group. I've used Suunto and Timex over the past several years and am now looking at the Garmin Forerunner 910XT. So far, I've heard from a few people using them localy and they are generally positive, especially due to its use for all 3 sports. It would be great to hear from you if you are using a 910XT now or have other suggestions. Thanks! Mark.

I have been using the 910xt since it first came out and really like it.  However, the real-time run pace function jumps around a lot and recent firmware upgrades doesn't seem to have fixed it.  It is not a necessary feature, but it would be nice if it worked properly.  I really like the multi-sport mode, however something happened on the bike at IM Arizona in November and it stopped collecting data after about 80 miles.  Not sure if I mistakenly hit a wrong button while fueling or what, but I had to exit multisport and go into bike mode and then run mode after T2.  Not sure if this was due to a software bug or it was my mistake.  I would still recommend the 910

2014-01-03 10:15 AM
in reply to: trei

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: The Same or Different?

Originally posted by trei Got my first swim of 2014 in this morning. And it was rough getting up to -10 degrees below zero outside to get in the car to go to the pool. Thankfully, once immersed in the warm water all was right with the world (other than the fact that I really let my swimming lapse since September). Jim, when you get a chance could you maybe list your favorite IM venues. I'm looking at doing another probably in 2016. I'd mainly be interested in "atmosphere" and scenery on the course - not so much challenge or trying to PR. Thanks. Todd

Nice job on the swim!   I can definitely put down some thoughts on the IM venues I've raced at...but its only 5 venues (raced WI 5x) out of the many out there with many new ones.  I can say without a doubt right now that Mont-Tremblant is my favorite venue so far.  Will write more on venues soon

2014-01-03 12:03 PM
in reply to: trei

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The Same or Different?

Originally posted by trei Got my first swim of 2014 in this morning. And it was rough getting up to -10 degrees below zero outside to get in the car to go to the pool. Thankfully, once immersed in the warm water all was right with the world (other than the fact that I really let my swimming lapse since September). Jim, when you get a chance could you maybe list your favorite IM venues. I'm looking at doing another probably in 2016. I'd mainly be interested in "atmosphere" and scenery on the course - not so much challenge or trying to PR. Thanks. Todd

You want 'atmosphere' and 'scenery?'  Lake Tahoe certainly fits the bill.  Tough course though, the lake is at 6,225 feet.  The bike course goes up to something like 7,300 feet and the run has about 300 feet of elevation change.  Then there is the potential for bad weather - last year the temps were in the low 30's on race day and it snowed the day before - unseasonable but always a possibility in the high Sierra-Nevada mountains.   I don't think you could find a more scenic area anywhere.  It is 'loosely' on my list for 2015.

2014-01-03 12:05 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

My name is Alex and I'm new to Tri, but certainly not endurance sports. I began running xc in high school and was on the varsity team at my school. Since then I spend all the free time I can muster as a 29 year old engaged engineer and engineering student riding my bikes (mtn & road), swimming and running. I ran several 5k's this past year with times in the 20-21 minute range and completed a 1/2 marathon the year previous with my PR of 1:52:00.

I love the variety of the three disciplines and was pushed by my soon-to-be brother-in-law who completed his first Ironman this summer to start competing in Tri. He suggested starting with a sprint distance first but I'm looking to grow into Olympic distances.

I read through many of the bios in this mentor thread and it sounded like a good fit. I hope there is still room because I'm looking to learn a lot from the experienced people and formulate a great training routine around a busy lifestyle through advice from a great mentor and the amazing community here.

While I'm new to Tri, I swim regularly (roughly 60 minutes/session with 30 second breathers between sets of 200-500m), and ran with a trail running group all last summer (5 miles each session) but some challenging steep trails through the national park near my house in Cleveland, OH. I often ride my road bike for several hours at a time through the metro parks across the street from my house.

Often I stack swimming sessions with biking and running sessions on the weekends and can't get enough of being outside and working hard.

I'd love to learn from the experienced members about technique (in all disciplines), breathing while swimming, and how to structure swim workouts (my weakest area, but with lessons its come a long way in the last year).

So with that said, I hope I can tag along with the group here if you'll have me. Thanks for letting me share a little about myself.

2014-01-03 1:24 PM
in reply to: e_powered

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

You are welcome to join us Alex!!

2014-01-03 1:59 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Happy New Year everyone. If it's not too late to join, I would love to be a part of this group. I could always use additional insights and knowledge. Have pretty much been a lurker on these boards the past year and thought it was time to get more involved. Call it a NYs resolution.

Name: Steve 44 years old

Story: I have been a gym rat since high school, so in pretty good shape. But was never a big runner or swimmer, mostly weights, plyometrics, circuit training, etc. Started mountain biking about 4 years ago but didn't get a road bike until last spring. Did a couple sprint tris on my MTB. Then last year started getting more serious. Work at Disney and we have a pretty good tri team. Started working out with them and got pretty decent SBR shape. Completed my first 70.3 in Dec, the HITS Palm Springs. Was very happy with my results 5:48, since I think I under trained a bit and fought off knee issue (the dreaded IT band) and conditions were pretty rough. Goal for this year is to go <5:30 in both my 70.3 races and stay healthy and happy.

Family Status: Married 11 years with a 9 year old girl, a 7 year old boy, two labs and one cat.

Current Training: this winter I have really concentrated on slowly building my running mileage to avoid injury when I get into race specific training. 3-4 times per week right now about 20 mpw, with the goal of getting to about 35 mpw. Have also been doing one long bike ride 50-75 mile and one shorty, 25 or so. Swim has only been 1 time per week. Starting to think more seriously about getting an online coach. While I have been very consistent on my training, I am not 100% sure I am always maximizing my time. With a young family and work, that is very important to me.

This Year Races: did a 10k, three 5ks, one 10 mile, three sprint Tris, one 70.3, MB Pier to Pier 2.1 mile swim, and one 75 bike tour.

2014 Races: My A race is the Silverman 70.3 in Oct. Also, have a 10k SB run next month, couple sprint tris and 5ks, MB Pier to Pier swim and finish with HITS 70.3 in Dec again.

Weight Loss: Not really an issue

Look forward to gaining a ton of knowledge from this group and helping contribute what I can.
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