General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2015-10-08 1:36 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by kloofyroland

Originally posted by tmoran07

Need some feedback here guys,

The tri club that my wife and I are part of put on their own Half-Iron distance race and this year it's on 10/24. What do you guys think about me doing that "race" with my wife (about 75% of my usual effort level) and following it up on Sunday (10/25) with a long easy ride to finish up peak volume and begin my taper phase? It'll give me a good indicator of what I need to adjust on the bike and run for nutrition on a course that is very similar to IMAZ for the bike. Thoughts?

Hmmm, 3 weeks out is really close but it's a good idea to use that race to lock in your nutrition plan. I recommend dialing down the effort exerted and just "participate" at an effort slightly below your IMAZ race pace. I'm thinking an effort that will not make your long bike ride performance suffer the day after.

How long of a bike ride are you planning on doing after that race?

I'm not an expert since this is my first 140.3. I agree I wouldn't push anything harder than your AZ paces but wouldn't think that type of mileage would affect you 3 weeks out. My plan has my longest bike ride on 10/23 and run on 10/27. So pretty short taper for me too.

Totally agree with you guys here. My plan was to go around 75% of IM pace and keep my heart rate in complete check. This would definitely be a "participation effort". Really just get the mileage in and practice nutrition.

My ride the day after would be a 5.5-6hr ride. That would put me around 110-120 miles and that is supposed to be my last big mileage workout before taper.

I did a HIM, as fast as I could go three weeks before Muskoka.

I did another HIM, as fast as I could go (right up until I missed a turn on the bike and ended up riding just over 70 miles and called it a day) two weeks before Muskoka.

Lots of short, hard efforts in days 13 to 7 before Muskoka.

Almost nothing in the last 6 days.

Had one of my best races ever.

So, in my N=1, a HIM three weeks out from an IM is not necessarily a bad thing

2015-10-13 12:30 PM
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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Did my first century ride on a IMAZ simulation course (3 loops) in 100°F this past weekend! Whew, that a scorcher!

ETA: Well, it wasn't 100°F the whole ride, but it got there, hehehe

Edited by kloofyroland 2015-10-13 12:33 PM
2015-10-13 4:50 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Did my first century ride on a IMAZ simulation course (3 loops) in 100°F this past weekend! Whew, that a scorcher!

ETA: Well, it wasn't 100°F the whole ride, but it got there, hehehe

So I got out and previewed the Beeline Highway portion of the bike course. I did 3 loops and rode back to Gilbert on Saturday. There was a stiff wind that I anticipate will be like it will be on race day heading East up Beeline to Shea Blvd. My impression of that portion of the bike is that it's relatively "flat" until the last 2-2.5 miles to the turn around where it turns uphill. I live in a hilly area and for me I didn't think it was anything to worry about. Granted the wind slowed me down and made it a little more mental but the incline is more than manageable. The roads look great and it should be perfect to ride on come race day.

Just under 5 weeks to go...
2015-10-14 11:52 AM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Thanks for the road and wind check man!

Yup, the wind will sure be a mental thing. I remember riding through 10 miles of strong wind a couple weekends ago. Had to drop to small ring to maintain good cadence and even power output.
2015-10-14 3:31 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Thanks for the road and wind check man!

Yup, the wind will sure be a mental thing. I remember riding through 10 miles of strong wind a couple weekends ago. Had to drop to small ring to maintain good cadence and even power output.

I live in the Murrieta/Temecula area and no matter what it seems like there is wind everyday. I'm used to riding in wind and being able to maintain a steady effort. 1 loop I do is 13 miles with a head wind/13 miles with a tailwind. I'll need to remind myself to chill out and not push too much on the way out.
2015-10-16 5:17 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Lakeville, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

I thought I would add a few comments about the bike course. I moved to Gilbert AZ in June and have ridden the course several times so my experience is short but I have been out on the beeline most weekends. The winds definitely can get strong and kind of swirl around. I have noticed that before 10:30 am there is usually a headwind going out the beeline and after that the winds shift and it becomes a tailwind out and headwind back towards Tempe. I actually have come to like that scenario the best because it pushes you up the incline but slows you coming back but is still fairly easy to maintain a pretty good pace. The lesson that I learned was that once the winds shift to not push to hard on the downhill trying to keep a faster pace. So for me probably a headwind on the first loop outbound and then a tailwind for the next two loops. One other lesson that I learned on this course is how much time you actually spend is very easy to ride this whole course and pedal the whole time...which is different than what I was used to in the midwest...pedaling up rolling hills and coasting (recovery) down.  So my word of caution is that although this is a fast bike course it would be pretty easy to wreck the run by going to hard on the bike. Just a few observations...



2015-10-16 11:41 PM
in reply to: mikfinne

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
2015-10-18 6:19 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Lakeville, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

Pretty windy out there today...hope its a little calmer on race day!

2015-10-19 12:32 PM
in reply to: mikfinne

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by mikfinne

Pretty windy out there today...hope its a little calmer on race day!

Thanks. Yes, I heard it was quite windy for the 70.3. Made a bit tough on bike. Hope we get a calm day but worst case, wind can be your friend on an out an back. At least it's not point to point.

Less than 4 weeks. How is everyone doing? Had crazy ride on Sat. Wife out of town so did 2 hours on trainer before kids woke up. then babysitter came at 8a and I did 4 hours on the road. Very humid but at least it was not 90+.

Long run tomorrow 18 miles.
2015-10-19 3:24 PM
in reply to: StevenC

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by mikfinne

Pretty windy out there today...hope its a little calmer on race day!

Thanks. Yes, I heard it was quite windy for the 70.3. Made a bit tough on bike. Hope we get a calm day but worst case, wind can be your friend on an out an back. At least it's not point to point.

Less than 4 weeks. How is everyone doing? Had crazy ride on Sat. Wife out of town so did 2 hours on trainer before kids woke up. then babysitter came at 8a and I did 4 hours on the road. Very humid but at least it was not 90+.

Long run tomorrow 18 miles.

Correct me and add your insight mikfinne...but isn't the wind kind of a cross/head wind on the way out and a cross/tail wind on the way back? Typically. I understand it may change up and do whatever it does on any given day. My boss has done the race twice and was giving me the low down on the course and windage. You would know best since you live out there and have been on course more than everyone here combined (assuming).

I ran 18 on Saturday and suffered through 75 miles on Sunday before pulling the plug on that ride. I was just off. I have decided to forgo the 70.3 put on by the tri club on Saturday for 1 last good long bike ride on the river trail followed by a long transition run.

Another note...I picked up a pair of Zoot Performance Tri shorts and they are probably the most comfortable piece of athletic apparel I have ever worn. So I endorse that for what it's worth.
2015-10-19 4:35 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Lakeville, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

Yep it is frequently  a quartering head/tailwind. This last Sunday was different than any day I have had out there so far. The winds were pretty strong...not sure of the mph..but on sections that I usually average  18-20mph (outbound on the beeline) I was doing 13-15mph. I finally just had to tell myself to settle down and just go with it like it was race day. It is so easy to get caught up in what you think your average speed should be and push harder when the conditions change. More good reminders before race day. 

One more long ride and one more long run before I start a slow taper. My wife says she is really happy about that...

2015-10-19 5:24 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Yup, this week should be the highest or near highest point in training before tapering down.

Had a huge weekend testing my mental toughness and I got through it. 8 hours on the bike Saturday and 3 hours running yesterday. Boy am I feeling it today but the short super easy spin on the trainer this morning helped a bit. I ate a really big lunch, hehehe!
2015-10-19 6:34 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Yup, this week should be the highest or near highest point in training before tapering down.

Had a huge weekend testing my mental toughness and I got through it. 8 hours on the bike Saturday and 3 hours running yesterday. Boy am I feeling it today but the short super easy spin on the trainer this morning helped a bit. I ate a really big lunch, hehehe! :)

WOW. 8 hours, that's a long day on the bike. I was whining about 6. Well done. Where did you ride? I am going to do the SG River trail on Friday and then next Saturday. Want to at least get a couple long flat rides with limited stops and that's one of the few places to do it.

Edited by StevenC 2015-10-19 6:34 PM
2015-10-19 7:46 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

8 hours is pure masochism. I rode 100 on Sunday and it was quite enough 

2015-10-20 8:24 AM
in reply to: StevenC

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by kloofyroland

Yup, this week should be the highest or near highest point in training before tapering down.

Had a huge weekend testing my mental toughness and I got through it. 8 hours on the bike Saturday and 3 hours running yesterday. Boy am I feeling it today but the short super easy spin on the trainer this morning helped a bit. I ate a really big lunch, hehehe!

WOW. 8 hours, that's a long day on the bike. I was whining about 6. Well done. Where did you ride? I am going to do the SG River trail on Friday and then next Saturday. Want to at least get a couple long flat rides with limited stops and that's one of the few places to do it.

8 HOURS? Holy smokes! I was whining about 4! Hahaha. I'm all over the SART on Saturday and looking for a peak run on Friday or Sunday. I'm looking forward to tapering. I'm mentally exhausted and ready to get on with it. Yesterday was the first day I've taken "off" by choice in a long time and it felt terrific.
2015-10-20 11:54 AM
in reply to: StevenC

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

WOW. 8 hours, that's a long day on the bike. I was whining about 6. Well done. Where did you ride? I am going to do the SG River trail on Friday and then next Saturday. Want to at least get a couple long flat rides with limited stops and that's one of the few places to do it.

Thanks! Lately my rides have been focused on a course similar to IMAZ's bike course around Griffith Park. 35 mile loop that's long flat with gentle ascent, climb, then long flat with gentle descent. I start tapering down a bit this coming weekend but I'm gonna put in a 4 hour ride. Would you like to join me? We can meet at Lot C of the LA Zoo parking lot. We can run for 45-60 minutes after biking too.

2015-10-20 12:14 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by alex_korr

8 hours is pure masochism. I rode 100 on Sunday and it was quite enough 

hehehe! I got through it thinking about pizza, beer, juicy burgers, and extra krispy fries.
2015-10-20 12:57 PM
in reply to: #5070700

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
I did 8:08 in my first IM. It was St. George. I had some GI problems on race day. I had to stop at every port a potty on the course. I laugh at it now. My bike computer said I did a 7 hr ride but the official time was 8. I'm glad I was clueless, I don't think I could do that course again. First IM and 2nd triathlon. I ended with a 14:55 on the day. I don't think I could do 8hrs on the bike now. Your gonna kill this thing!
2015-10-20 6:13 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Originally posted by StevenC

WOW. 8 hours, that's a long day on the bike. I was whining about 6. Well done. Where did you ride? I am going to do the SG River trail on Friday and then next Saturday. Want to at least get a couple long flat rides with limited stops and that's one of the few places to do it.

Thanks! Lately my rides have been focused on a course similar to IMAZ's bike course around Griffith Park. 35 mile loop that's long flat with gentle ascent, climb, then long flat with gentle descent. I start tapering down a bit this coming weekend but I'm gonna put in a 4 hour ride. Would you like to join me? We can meet at Lot C of the LA Zoo parking lot. We can run for 45-60 minutes after biking too.

Thanks. Heading down to SD on Friday for surf camping trip. Going to stop in Seal Beach on my way down and do 85 miles up and down the SG River Trail. Then do long OWS on Sat in SD.

I do my longs runs in Griffith. This morning was 18. 2 full loops Travel Town to Los Feliz. I have 1:30 ride after work on Thur and will hit Griffith park for that if you are around.

2015-10-20 6:20 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

That's my training spot as well. I am doing a long ride this saturday (about 100, 3 big loops), and my long run is on thursday early in the morning. Does this work for you?

2015-10-20 6:23 PM
in reply to: mikoy

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by mikoy

I did 8:08 in my first IM. It was St. George. I had some GI problems on race day. I had to stop at every port a potty on the course. I laugh at it now. My bike computer said I did a 7 hr ride but the official time was 8. I'm glad I was clueless, I don't think I could do that course again. First IM and 2nd triathlon. I ended with a 14:55 on the day. I don't think I could do 8hrs on the bike now. Your gonna kill this thing!

I have heard that bike course was hard. Guess that's why it's a 70.3 now. Big challenge for your first IM. Glad you can laugh about it now. You still ran 26 and finished so that's pretty impressive.

Back in April, friends convince me to do The Mulholland Challenge century. Except that it was 122 miles not 100 and almost 14k of climbing. My crank came loose around 100 miles and kept dropping chain. it was 8:40 riding time and 9:25 elapsed.

2015-10-20 6:28 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by alex_korr

That's my training spot as well. I am doing a long ride this saturday (about 100, 3 big loops), and my long run is on thursday early in the morning. Does this work for you?

Just curious, what loop gets you to 35 miles in Griffth Park? Do you go up and over the Observatory and down past The Greek?
2015-10-20 6:35 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by kloofyroland

Originally posted by StevenC

WOW. 8 hours, that's a long day on the bike. I was whining about 6. Well done. Where did you ride? I am going to do the SG River trail on Friday and then next Saturday. Want to at least get a couple long flat rides with limited stops and that's one of the few places to do it.

Thanks! Lately my rides have been focused on a course similar to IMAZ's bike course around Griffith Park. 35 mile loop that's long flat with gentle ascent, climb, then long flat with gentle descent. I start tapering down a bit this coming weekend but I'm gonna put in a 4 hour ride. Would you like to join me? We can meet at Lot C of the LA Zoo parking lot. We can run for 45-60 minutes after biking too.

Thanks. Heading down to SD on Friday for surf camping trip. Going to stop in Seal Beach on my way down and do 85 miles up and down the SG River Trail. Then do long OWS on Sat in SD.

I do my longs runs in Griffith. This morning was 18. 2 full loops Travel Town to Los Feliz. I have 1:30 ride after work on Thur and will hit Griffith park for that if you are around.

Darn, I work in Simi Valley and I won't be able to leave early enough to join you Thursday afternoon. Nice job getting 18 miles in this morning!
2015-10-20 6:36 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by alex_korr

That's my training spot as well. I am doing a long ride this saturday (about 100, 3 big loops), and my long run is on thursday early in the morning. Does this work for you?

What route do you use for the loops? I have a 4-4.5 hour ride planned starting at around 8 (or earlier). Maybe I can join you for 2 loops and go running while you keep riding.
2015-10-20 6:38 PM
in reply to: mikoy

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by mikoy

I did 8:08 in my first IM. It was St. George. I had some GI problems on race day. I had to stop at every port a potty on the course. I laugh at it now. My bike computer said I did a 7 hr ride but the official time was 8. I'm glad I was clueless, I don't think I could do that course again. First IM and 2nd triathlon. I ended with a 14:55 on the day. I don't think I could do 8hrs on the bike now. Your gonna kill this thing!

Thanks man!
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