BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2015-01-02 8:42 AM
in reply to: angelo314

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by angelo314
Originally posted by Mimir98

Can I join? 

Name:  Mimi Reeves

Story:  I teach Health and PE to high school students online.  It’s a great gig with a lot of flexibility but can demand long hours. I am working on more of a work-life balance.  I started competing in Tris in 2003 and I have completed 4 Ironmans. I love the long stuff.  My best was in 2009 at IMFL, with a time of 11:01.  I was 9th, but had been shooting for a kona slot.  I missed.   Life became more complicated at that point and training and racing not so great.  I continued but not with the same amount of focus and success.  Last year I took a stab at Ultra running.  I completed the Keys 50 but walked the last 25 as I suffered from severe cramping.  I attempted the Leadville 100, raising $6,000 for National Breast Cancer Foundation in memory of my mom, who passed away November of 2013.  I made it to mile 31. I was not prepared for the altitude nor the downhills for my first 100. I will go back one day but for now, I want my fitness back. I mean, I am *fit*, but I want to see the success I did back in 2009. I want the focus and I want to feel like I did then.   This year I was going to do IMCDA but part of the lack of focus for me is due to financial stress, so I am racing the Great Floridian this year instead. It is a small 140.6 in Clermont, Florida and only cost $250 to enter (early entry incentive).  I can train on the course and it is only a 3 hour drive so it fits my budget. I am looking for some comradery here.  I belong to a local tri club but mostly train solo as the club is based about 20 miles away and they train at hours that don't work for me. 

Family Status:    I am a 48 year old mother of two…an 18 year old boy and a 15 year old girl.  I live with my BF, who I met through this site.  We have been together for 3 years, living together 1.5. 

Current Training:  The past few months I was on the “do something every day” plan.  Not focused but nice.  I got pretty sick just about a week before Christmas (bronchitis gone mad) and was on all sorts of steroids, antibiotics and breathing stuff. I am really more into natural remedies, but this kicked my butt.  Started back on Monday with some visits to the gym and easing back in to the s/b/r. I have been coached and I am a coach but will be writing my own plans this year (again financial).  

2015 Races – Some running events, Tri Miami Oly in May, Lake Logan Half IM in August, Escape to Miami Oly in Sept and Great Floridian 140.6 in October.

Weightloss:  Not really an issue.  I need to lose about 4# to get to my ideal race weight.  This generally happens when I train more.  I am a vegan, for the record. 

What will make me a good mentee:  I like people and though I am pretty good about getting the job done, having a group to play with (albeit online) will help push me when I need it. I will also follow and encourage fellow members.  

Hello there Mimi. I am also in South Florida. (Davie actually) I was a member of the Barracudas for awhile but never trained with them because of work hours etc. not matching up. I am so glad that you have had success as a vegan. I have been trying to go vegetarian but have that irrational fear that if I give up meat the universe will cease to exist. I'll give it a go.


Hey Angelo! I am going to be doing a regular run at Vista View on Sundays with some other people!!  Have you ran there?  We are starting this Sunday at 7:30am.  It's $1.50 to get in to the park on weekends - free during the week...if you haven't been to this park yet, it is GREAT!!  I am planning on 90 minutes of movememt  I would say *run* but I am getting over bronchitis and will at least run/walk for 90 minutes!    Some books for you to check out - about vegetarianism / veganism:   Rich Roll's Finding Ultra; Eat and Run by Scott Jurek and Rip Esselstyn's Engine Two Diet and My Beef with Meat  

2015-01-02 8:45 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Starting my training

Folks, I'm going to be making a table with a listing of this group's member names and links to their training log site.  If you would like everyone to be able to see what you've been up to with your training be sure that your privacy setting allows other BT members to view your logs.  Thanks

2015-01-02 8:51 AM
in reply to: neweyes

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by neweyes

I have a questions for all you swimmers: I want to improve my technique now in the early part of the season. I'm pretty good about always paying attention to my form and working on something: staying in the slipstream, good catch, rotation, elbows high, whatever. I swam 1:40/100 in my IM, so not terrible, but definitely have room for improvement. Are there "toys" that might help improve my technique? I use pull buoys regularly but that's about it. I got one of those tempo trainers on ebay a little while ago but haven't started using it yet. Could fins or paddles or ??? help me better my form? Any general advice or suggested reading? Thanks! And happy new year all!

I find paddles to be a great way to find some holes in your stroke.  If your shoulders hurt using them, you are not pulling with the correct muscles  I always use fins when I do drills.  They allow the focus without the fatigue.  As always, you only want to work on form / drills in small doses...once the form starts to go due to fatigue, it's time to stop the drills or you are just practicing bad form

2015-01-02 2:51 PM
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Pahrump, Nevada
Subject: RE: Starting my training
Originally posted by angelo314
Hello Bill. I hear you on the promotion and the desk that comes with it. It's good to have motivation and positive reinforcement from like-minded people. It seems like my friends and family actively try to sabotage my diet. Anyway I just did 2000 yards in the pool and now I am off to the LBS to pick out a bike.
By the way we both are trying to reach 200 lbs. I was 246 on 1-1-15.

Thanks, Angelo. Noticed you are a cop - I used to be in law enforcement, too - almost 15 years ago. Good to see you on here! I decided to take my career a different direction. Regardless, glad to have you along in the struggle. Sounds like you're making progress on the swimming - that's the hardest for me to train. There are pools in my town for lap swimming between 10/31 and 5/1. No one here has an indoor pool, and the drive into Vegas for a swim is hard to rationalize unless I can combine it with other things. That will, of course have to change. Until then, I'm focusing on the biking and the running. I've promised myself that when I can do a century and run a half marathon I will buy my next bike - either a tri-bike or a Trek Domane. Hard to decide, but it's a nice carrot! Either one comes with a tasty price, though. Good luck picking out your bike - it can be tough - so many good models to choose from. Here's some unsolicited advice - pay extra for a professional fit no matter which bike you buy - worth every penny. I was never able to ride much distance due to pain, discomfort while riding. A professional fit changed all that. At my peak I was doing 75 miles. It makes a difference.

Edited by fshcm 2015-01-02 2:53 PM
2015-01-02 6:36 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Starting my training
Jim...thanks for the feedback...the thing I like about the BT program is that the majority of the weeks are 7-9 hours of training which is something that I can handle in terms of juggling family life (watching chick flicks:-)), work and coaching soccer weakness in my Oly tri was the run...I was not expecting my legs to be that tired, however, with a 7 week layoff, what was I to expect? For the run portion, what my thoughts are is to do 3 runs per week for the most part having a long run on either Saturday or Sunday, 1 intense run (hills, intervals) and a tempo run...I am not if this is adequate or not, this is all very new to me...I will take your advice in terms of following the HIM program...I will start this work in mid-February as it is a 20-week program...for the next 6 weeks, I am going to try and increase my base as I have not been doing too much running of late so I have to get more consistent over the next 6 weeks. Do you feel the intensity of the workouts given in the BT HIM program are adequate? A point was made in an early reply that HIM training is not sexy in that a lot of the training should be in Zone 2-3...that is what scares me..."the unknown".
2015-01-02 6:44 PM
in reply to: neweyes

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Subject: RE: Starting my training
The more I read, the more I am starting to see your point about the difference between made me laugh when you said the training program that you were describing was not sexy and you are absolutely correct and that is what scares my days of competitive sports, a lot of work was intense interval training that gave the best results and moving away from that is a little challenging...that being said, i am seeing your point.

2015-01-02 10:09 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Today's workout was a victory! Not that they were particularly stellar, in fact it was not a hard or great workout. But the victory was I got them done.

I had plans to swim at 11 am, bike at noon, and take the husband to get minor surgery at 2 pm. The surgeon called at 8 am and moved the procedure to 10 am. Spend the day playing nurse, and it took a lot to get on the bike trainer and then drive to the pool. I did find out that Friday night is a great time to swim as my son and I were the only ones in the pool.
2015-01-03 8:57 AM
in reply to: KatNWater

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by KatNWater Today's workout was a victory! Not that they were particularly stellar, in fact it was not a hard or great workout. But the victory was I got them done. I had plans to swim at 11 am, bike at noon, and take the husband to get minor surgery at 2 pm. The surgeon called at 8 am and moved the procedure to 10 am. Spend the day playing nurse, and it took a lot to get on the bike trainer and then drive to the pool. I did find out that Friday night is a great time to swim as my son and I were the only ones in the pool.

nice job on being flexible and getting workouts done!!

2015-01-03 9:18 AM
in reply to: Mimir98

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New user

Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hello Mimi. I live right there on Volunteer Road. I take my kids to Vista View every weekend to the playground. If the wife gets home from work in time on Sunday morning, I will definitely join you all on the hill. Also I have read and own all three of those books in addition to several others. I told you that my fear of vegetarianism was irrational. I am starting this week on my journey. Between my wife and this group, I will succeed this time around.
2015-01-03 9:31 AM
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New user

Subject: RE: Starting my training
Originally posted by fshcm

Originally posted by angelo314
Hello Bill. I hear you on the promotion and the desk that comes with it. It's good to have motivation and positive reinforcement from like-minded people. It seems like my friends and family actively try to sabotage my diet. Anyway I just did 2000 yards in the pool and now I am off to the LBS to pick out a bike.
By the way we both are trying to reach 200 lbs. I was 246 on 1-1-15.

Thanks, Angelo. Noticed you are a cop - I used to be in law enforcement, too - almost 15 years ago. Good to see you on here! I decided to take my career a different direction. Regardless, glad to have you along in the struggle. Sounds like you're making progress on the swimming - that's the hardest for me to train. There are pools in my town for lap swimming between 10/31 and 5/1. No one here has an indoor pool, and the drive into Vegas for a swim is hard to rationalize unless I can combine it with other things. That will, of course have to change. Until then, I'm focusing on the biking and the running. I've promised myself that when I can do a century and run a half marathon I will buy my next bike - either a tri-bike or a Trek Domane. Hard to decide, but it's a nice carrot! Either one comes with a tasty price, though. Good luck picking out your bike - it can be tough - so many good models to choose from. Here's some unsolicited advice - pay extra for a professional fit no matter which bike you buy - worth every penny. I was never able to ride much distance due to pain, discomfort while riding. A professional fit changed all that. At my peak I was doing 75 miles. It makes a difference.

Bill you are absolutely right on the bike fit. I picked up a Felt DA4. The bike was listed at $3700. After a trade and some begging, I was out the door at $1500. I have not been in the aero position in awhile and my lower back let me know about it. I got the basic fit that comes with a bike but I am going to spring for the full pro fit. I am just going to put in 20 to 25 miles a day to get my back used to the position as well as daily lower back stretching and core work. In about a month I will get the pro fit. As far as swimming goes, it is by far my worst sport. That is why my goal is to make it my strongest. I want to get so strong on the swim that it is just a warm up for my bike and run and not the source of all my fears.

Edited by angelo314 2015-01-03 9:32 AM
2015-01-03 11:59 AM
in reply to: angelo314

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by angelo314 Hello Mimi. I live right there on Volunteer Road. I take my kids to Vista View every weekend to the playground. If the wife gets home from work in time on Sunday morning, I will definitely join you all on the hill. Also I have read and own all three of those books in addition to several others. I told you that my fear of vegetarianism was irrational. I am starting this week on my journey. Between my wife and this group, I will succeed this time around.


Oh cool - you sound like you are ready...and just need to take the step   If you end up coming, we will be parking at the top -the lot overlooking Westin.  I drive a blue honda CR-V and have a "vegan" and IM sticker on the car.  Hope to see you there - if not this time then another for sure!!  

2015-01-03 8:47 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Would love to join the group is still open.

NAME: Carrie Matczynski

STORY: I am a 42 year old triathlete. I played ice hockey for many, many years, but too many injuries, and by that I mean surgeries, had me decided to hang up my skates. It was really hard and it too me a few years to discover endurance sports, but I love it and am totally obsessed. I started with aqua bikes, moved to marathons, and then triathlons. I had a horrific hip injury from the Chicago marathon in 2013 and benched my running for 4 months. With a lot of focus on strength training, I had an absolutely amazing year in 2014 with PR's in EVERYTHING I did from 5k's to HM, from sprint tris to HIM's. I sagged for Jen Harrison (my coach) for her IMWI training ride and rode part of the course. I always told everyone who asked there is NO WAY IN HELL I AM EVER DOING IMWI … WAY TO HILLY (and I suck at hills). I came back to IMWI 2x more times in the next month and fell in love and ending up signing up. SO FRICKING EXCITED! Oh and I have a little race called TTT in May as well.

FAMILY STATUS: 2 Chocolate labs (Bella and Briggs) and a cat name Tag

CURRENT TRAINING: I am using a coach this year, Jen Harrison. She is a local, very successful AG athlete, and she is just fantasic. Super excited to work with her and she has trained many, many people through IM's and everything else.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: A few HM and Munice 70.3 as my A race. Had a 40 ish min improvement over last year.

2015 RACES: Some swim meets, April HM, TTT in May, Muncie 70.3, Steelhead 70.3 and IMWI

WEIGHTLOSS: Still looking to lose the last 20 ish … always the issue

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have lots of questions that hopefully others have to and we can all learn from each other. Not afraid to admit I am both excited and terrified of IMWI. I have never done anything of this magnitude so hopefully I can learn from others that have been there before me on what to do (coach with help with that) and what to expect.
2015-01-03 9:45 PM
in reply to: carrie639

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Hi Carrie! 

I just got my copy of Going Long and immediately sat down and read the first 100 pages. It's a lot more complicated than Be Iron Fit, but there's a lot of good info in there. 

Legs are more worn and sleep needs are higher than I expected for the volume and intensity of this week, but I guess that's why we do a prep phase. Feels great to be back in the thick of tri training. Looking forward to getting outside for tomorrow's ride.

2015-01-04 8:38 AM
in reply to: #5075376

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Can I still join this group?
2015-01-04 12:25 PM
in reply to: ramiedd

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by ramiedd Can I still join this group?

Absolutely!  Post your bio and welcome!

2015-01-04 2:21 PM
in reply to: neweyes

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Thanks I will look this one up. Some of the Triathlete Training Bible was over my head (hence the hiring of a coach), but I like this has strength, nutrition, etc.

2015-01-04 3:15 PM
in reply to: carrie639

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by carrie639 Thanks I will look this one up. Some of the Triathlete Training Bible was over my head (hence the hiring of a coach), but I like this has strength, nutrition, etc.

Check out "The Well Built Triathlete" by Matt Dixon (and he doesn't mean body building built)

2015-01-04 7:52 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

When reviewing HIM plan...when referring to (Bike) all small chainring or all large chainring work...usually at low RPE, I do understand the chainring but within a given workout, do you still do drills such as one-leg pedalling? Or do for an example 5 mins in each ring at a certain cadence?
2015-01-04 8:19 PM
in reply to: ramiedd

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New user
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Finally got on the bike yesterday and today. Went to get on yesterday and realized my pedals were not on. I had loaned the bike to my sister in law and forgot I took off my pedals so I didn't get to do the fit test I wanted to.
I really need a new saddle. Fortunately, we are doing a day trip this week and there is better shopping there, so I should be able to pick one up.
2015-01-05 7:13 AM
in reply to: kevinbourque

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by kevinbourque Jim, When reviewing HIM plan...when referring to (Bike) all small chainring or all large chainring work...usually at low RPE, I do understand the chainring but within a given workout, do you still do drills such as one-leg pedalling? Or do for an example 5 mins in each ring at a certain cadence?

Kevin, I will assign some one-leg drills to my athletes that are in need of strength training.  The experience of the athlete will determine how long and how many reps are prescribed.  I would urge easing in to this type of work until you get the hand of it and so that you don't cause undo knee strain.  It all depends on the purpose of the drill.  In the big picture, I do not use it as an important drill in my athlete's programs.

2015-01-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: ramiedd

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
NAME: Eddie Ramirez

STORY: I am 46 years old and have stayed active most of my life. Bike raced as a teenager and stayed with the bike most of my life. Three years ago, a friend talked me into signing up for an olympic distance race. I hated running but agreed. I was hooked and since have completed 2 half distance races and the beach to battleship full. Married with 2 kids (4 and 7) business owner and perpetual home improvement person. So my time is spread pretty thin and training is typically last on the list of must do for the day. I am not a natural athlete like some of my friends. I have to work at it hard but I am a student of what ever sport I do and typically have good results mostly from planning that anything else. I finished the full in just over 13 hours with just 7.5 hours of training per week and longest run was 14 miles before. I attributed that to pacing and nutrition not fitness. My only other issue is that I have early stages of arthritis so I have to be very careful with the amount of time I train and how it impacts my joints. I pretty much live with perpetual joint pain in every joint in my body it seems like, but it is not debilitating. Body just always hurts.

FAMILY STATUS: Married two kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: After finishing raleigh 70.3 last year, I did not do much and have been working on home improvements. I have signed up for chattanooga 70.3 and started a self prescribed 20 week training plan. I would love to do another race this year, but it is difficult to plan that far ahead.

2015 RACES: Just Chattanooga 70.3 at this point.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am pretty much at the weigh i need to be although I would like to drop another 5 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I don't mind asking questions and really love to learn all of the time.

2015-01-05 9:57 AM
in reply to: ramiedd

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by ramiedd NAME: Eddie Ramirez STORY: I am 46 years old and have stayed active most of my life. Bike raced as a teenager and stayed with the bike most of my life. Three years ago, a friend talked me into signing up for an olympic distance race. I hated running but agreed. I was hooked and since have completed 2 half distance races and the beach to battleship full. Married with 2 kids (4 and 7) business owner and perpetual home improvement person. So my time is spread pretty thin and training is typically last on the list of must do for the day. I am not a natural athlete like some of my friends. I have to work at it hard but I am a student of what ever sport I do and typically have good results mostly from planning that anything else. I finished the full in just over 13 hours with just 7.5 hours of training per week and longest run was 14 miles before.

Welcome to the group Eddie.  Start firing away with questions!

2015-01-05 10:07 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Possible to join ?

UInderstand if you're getting full.
2015-01-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: tri42

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by tri42 Possible to join ? UInderstand if you're getting full.

We are still open.  Post a bio and welcome!

2015-01-05 9:10 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Minus 15 degrees F at my house this morning.  Anyone else facing challenging weather lately?

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