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2016-04-14 8:46 PM
in reply to: Murph333

Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

I am not following any plan, but pretty much all my rides are on trainerroad, they are great to help me push hard. Will be getting outdoors soon, but still will have most rides on TR. Tremblant is a great course, challenging but not stupid hard, sounds like you are putting in the time needed. 

2016-04-15 6:26 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Oh no, Alicia! I hope it heals quickly and I'm so glad you chose to DNF rather than try to "walk it off" or something that could have caused more damage. Have you gone to see anyone about it or just giving it a rest to see what's what? Good luck!!

I think it's getting better but I still have not run. I have been swimming and biking. Will try to do some running next week, if it's painful will see a doc. I'm using the roller to see if it helps!

Crossing all fingers and toes! :-)

Hoping your back is better

2016-04-25 2:50 PM
in reply to: trirun26

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by trirun26

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Oh no, Alicia! I hope it heals quickly and I'm so glad you chose to DNF rather than try to "walk it off" or something that could have caused more damage. Have you gone to see anyone about it or just giving it a rest to see what's what? Good luck!!

I think it's getting better but I still have not run. I have been swimming and biking. Will try to do some running next week, if it's painful will see a doc. I'm using the roller to see if it helps!

Crossing all fingers and toes! :-)

Hoping your back is better


How is it going??
2016-04-26 6:26 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by trirun26

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Oh no, Alicia! I hope it heals quickly and I'm so glad you chose to DNF rather than try to "walk it off" or something that could have caused more damage. Have you gone to see anyone about it or just giving it a rest to see what's what? Good luck!!

I think it's getting better but I still have not run. I have been swimming and biking. Will try to do some running next week, if it's painful will see a doc. I'm using the roller to see if it helps!

Crossing all fingers and toes! :-)

Hoping your back is better


How is it going??

Hi! I think better but not running yet. Trying not to freak out over this. Biking and swimming are good ng great. Calf doesn't hurt now and I am rolling it and stretching, let's see what happens this weekend.

Thanks for checking in! How are you and how is everyone doing?
2016-04-26 8:34 AM
in reply to: Plissken74

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Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I just completed the Boston Marathon and I have a half marathon this weekend. Once that is done I am starting up my IM focused training.

I am not that concerned about my training. Even when I am focused on running I still swim 3 times a week and bike 4 times a week. I will just now put in more, longer and harder bike sessions. I have done enough of these things that I know I am not going to win any of these races. I want to do the best I can and to have fun and enjoy the day. My training is to make the day as comfortable as possible.

I will see everyone at the start line.

2016-04-27 8:14 AM
in reply to: DeVinci13

Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
My training is going ok, though my work travel schedule is keeping me on the road a lot. So, I'm trying to pack in as much as I can when I can. I'm feeling pretty good right now, though I know I need to dial-up my training soon. Diet is good. Intensity/focus of my workouts is good. I just need more time to workout...

Hope everyone is doing well!

2016-05-02 3:05 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Getting back into the swing of things slowly. Back has been slow to heal and is still knotted but am also now getting over a sinus infection. The last 5-6 weeks have been rough - probably more mentally even than physically - and worried I won't be prepared. I've been revamping my training program and think I can get back to where I need to be but am still working on accepting that I perhaps won't be as prepared as I would like to be. It is all a good lesson.
I still look forward to getting up to MT to ride in a month or so as now pre-riding the course takes on a new meaning - this will be necessary for mental training.
My sis-in-law is a PT and will also be racing MT (she lives in Park City so has altitude in her favor); she's recommended on the runs that as I slowly work up my distance that I should at least walk/hike the remaining time for that day that is on my plan that I don't run. My plan is time-based, not mileage based (Be Iron Fit), so for a 2 hour run, if I am only up to running an hour, then walk the rest at a good clip until I've trained enough to then run the whole thing. It's good. I have a significant hill near to my house that I have been walking hill repeats on for the portion of the run I don't run. (and my HR still gets up past Z2!) So I feel it should be okay eventually.....
Bike fitness will be the big thing and where I need to focus. I'm still on my road bike (instead of tri) while I continue to work my core group - paranoid of my back going out again.
Swimming hasn't changed too much - I'm able to put in about 9500 yds a week.
Diet has been good throughout back issues - no weight gain. Look forward to longer workouts and practicing course nutrition.

It sounds like from the few folks checking in that everyone is doing well!!

Is anyone doing MT 70.3 as a warm-up?
2016-05-07 8:48 PM
in reply to: Plissken74

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
So it's been quiet around here! How everyone's training going? I had a pretty rough week traveling for work but was able to sneak in a few short trainer workouts (quality over quantity this week!). Also, what tune up races are people doing?
2016-05-08 7:11 PM
in reply to: tri_sport19

Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

My training is coming along, bike is ok, run is getting there, and I need to swim more as per usual for me. I an racing Muskoka 70.3 on July 10, then will heading to Tremblant for a fews days, will be able to get in some rides and runs on the course. No niggles or issues now, which is good as I start to build up a bit more. 

2016-05-09 10:29 PM
in reply to: runmini

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
My training is coming along as well. Have a good base and building distance now. This year most of my rides have been on the trainer, doing more specific workouts instead of easy miles outside. But mostly because my time schedule. Also doing a lot more core and strength work to keep the back and hip pain at bay. Going to do the MT half as a warm up, Will see some of you up there! And heading up there with the family for a training weekend or two. I think it's a quiet group because it's small and sounds like no one here is really a beginner so not many questions. What silly things are on your mind but were afraid to ask. I'll start- when you see people teaming up and drafting do you say something or just glare?
2016-05-12 9:25 AM
in reply to: maroose

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by maroose

My training is coming along as well. Have a good base and building distance now. This year most of my rides have been on the trainer, doing more specific workouts instead of easy miles outside. But mostly because my time schedule. Also doing a lot more core and strength work to keep the back and hip pain at bay. Going to do the MT half as a warm up, Will see some of you up there! And heading up there with the family for a training weekend or two. I think it's a quiet group because it's small and sounds like no one here is really a beginner so not many questions. What silly things are on your mind but were afraid to ask. I'll start- when you see people teaming up and drafting do you say something or just glare?

I am a newbie for IM length but I think just glare. Karma is a b^&*h and I figure it will bite them somewhere along the way. (unless you're looking to podium or go to Kona...that might be different).

I have a thousand questions but it's been quiet and I can be shy.

So I'm hoping to get to MT for at least one training ride before the race. I'm thinking of doing that first training ride there on my road bike as opposed to my tri bike as it will be within the next 4 weeks or so. My roadie is a 50/34 and my tri is a 52/38. Should I just bring the tri for the extra gearing? The reason I'm thinking of bringing the roadie instead is due to the back issues I had 6 weeks ago and I'm trying to very slowly get back into aero and not screw it up again, continue to work my core, etc. Also my road bike is about 5 pounds (2.23 kg) less than my tri bike (hey, every pound counts on those hills). Is that silly?

Training is...going. My swim is fine but the bike and run are coming along slowly. After the back sidelined me for almost a month I was on vacation and got a sinus infection, got over that and both kids got sick one after the other. I'm getting there but it hasn't been smooth. I was on the competitive/intermediate plan in the Be Iron Fit book and still do the swims at those levels. My runs are at the "just finish" level and my bike is between the just finish and intermediate. My goal was to finish feeling strong (it's my first so anything is a PB, right?) and obviously I'm not going to finish quite where I envisioned it but it is what it is and it's great experience regardless.

I am always looking for input for bike workouts - particularly for the "time crunched" triathlete.

2016-05-12 10:57 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Hi Jenn

Don't be shy, ask away. Beats trial and error!

Sounds like your road bike should be your tri bike. 5 pounds does make a difference especially over 180k. But even more important is the gearing. A 50/34 is better suited to MT. What is your rear sprocket range? I used to ride a 53/40 with a 12-23 rear which was great for flat courses but I slowed to a crawl uphill. I'm just not a climber (or haven't put in the hilly miles.... So I switched to a 50/34 and 11-27. Here's why: I would only ever be in the highest gear (53 and 12) going downhill. On flats I'm somewhere in the middle of the rear sprocket and always on the big ring. When switching to the smaller cranks you just ride a gear smaller on the rear sprocket to get the same gear ratio. But when a serious climb approaches (of which MT has 4 in total) its nice to have that 34 front-27 rear available. Next time you're out riding check what gears your using mostly. that can help you decide which to go with.

For training with limited time you need to make every minute count. This year I've done a lot more rides in the garage on the trainer. There are no downhills, no red lights, no coasting on the trainer. A one hour ride with some hard lung busting leg, cramping 2min intervals is probably equal to a 1.5 hour ride outdoors. The key is to get your heart rate up. You need to stress your body beyond what level it's trained to right now. People wonder why they don't get better when the put in many hours doing the same old easy spin or jog. You still need those long weekend runs and rides to build the endurance and practice nutrition but during the week doing some speed work (intervals) and muscle/core strengthening will help a lot.

Let me know when your up here, maybe we can meet up and ride the course if schedules work. I was planning on going up at least once before the half.

Cheers, Marius
2016-05-15 5:27 AM
in reply to: maroose

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Hi from the hot and humid swamp land of south Florida!

Swimming and biking going well...running...hmmmmm still healing the calf but will get there. I'm so jealous of all of you who have hills to train! All my hill training is being done on my trainer with virtual training, I'm hoping this helps me! My friend and I are probable the only fools who live in the flattest area and sign up for this

Do any of you use virtual training? Any suggestions of rides on VT? I found the MT course but it says 15% hill grade? I thought it was 7-8 the biggest one? Can someone clarify my fears please!

Going for a ride training! happy to hear your back is better! Awesome! Enjoy your ride MT...please tell me all about it :-)
2016-05-16 9:12 AM
in reply to: maroose

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by maroose

Hi Jenn

Don't be shy, ask away. Beats trial and error!

Sounds like your road bike should be your tri bike. 5 pounds does make a difference especially over 180k. But even more important is the gearing. A 50/34 is better suited to MT. What is your rear sprocket range? I used to ride a 53/40 with a 12-23 rear which was great for flat courses but I slowed to a crawl uphill. I'm just not a climber (or haven't put in the hilly miles.... So I switched to a 50/34 and 11-27. Here's why: I would only ever be in the highest gear (53 and 12) going downhill. On flats I'm somewhere in the middle of the rear sprocket and always on the big ring. When switching to the smaller cranks you just ride a gear smaller on the rear sprocket to get the same gear ratio. But when a serious climb approaches (of which MT has 4 in total) its nice to have that 34 front-27 rear available. Next time you're out riding check what gears your using mostly. that can help you decide which to go with.

For training with limited time you need to make every minute count. This year I've done a lot more rides in the garage on the trainer. There are no downhills, no red lights, no coasting on the trainer. A one hour ride with some hard lung busting leg, cramping 2min intervals is probably equal to a 1.5 hour ride outdoors. The key is to get your heart rate up. You need to stress your body beyond what level it's trained to right now. People wonder why they don't get better when the put in many hours doing the same old easy spin or jog. You still need those long weekend runs and rides to build the endurance and practice nutrition but during the week doing some speed work (intervals) and muscle/core strengthening will help a lot.

Let me know when your up here, maybe we can meet up and ride the course if schedules work. I was planning on going up at least once before the half.

Cheers, Marius

Interestingly the cassettes on both bikes are 11/25 but with 10 rings on the road bike and 11 on the tri bike. (If the bottom brackets are the same, maybe I can swap cranks or just get new rings for the front on the tri bike) - though my cranks on my roadie are 172.5 and on the tri are 170 even though they are both 54cm bikes - (messed with me trying to get one crank for a power meter; looking like a vector pedal will be the way to go for easier swapping if I end up going that route).
I just weighed both bikes and was floored. They are identical though the tri bike just feels so much heavier/more solid. That being said, I don't have a flat kit or aerobottle holder set up on my tri bike yet so there is a bit of difference but I was surprised to see them both weigh in at 21.4 pounds. I've always been led to believe my road bike was 17. I knew the tri bike was about 21.
Here's another newbie question..I never realized we are supposed to take the plastic guard off the rear wheel between the spokes and cassette? Learning new things everyday; it's a good thing!
Of course this all being said....there is something about over-thinking things when just working on the engine is what the focus should be on..
2016-05-16 9:23 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by trirun26

Hi from the hot and humid swamp land of south Florida!

Swimming and biking going well...running...hmmmmm still healing the calf but will get there. I'm so jealous of all of you who have hills to train! All my hill training is being done on my trainer with virtual training, I'm hoping this helps me! My friend and I are probable the only fools who live in the flattest area and sign up for this

Do any of you use virtual training? Any suggestions of rides on VT? I found the MT course but it says 15% hill grade? I thought it was 7-8 the biggest one? Can someone clarify my fears please!

Going for a ride training! happy to hear your back is better! Awesome! Enjoy your ride MT...please tell me all about it :-)

I am sure there are lots of people who have to most of their training on trainers. I know some people who are deathly scared of riding on roads and being hit by a car so they do the bulk of all of their training on a trainer.
Take care of that calf!

I'll have to check the % grade. Maybe they mean the average is 7-8 with a steep section that gets to 15%? I'm not sure. There are folks on here who have ridden the course so they will know.

Back is still fickle - knots have never completely gone away. I'm seeking out someone who does deep tissue/sports massage. My PT's wife recommended someone to me, just need to make an appointment.
I'm back to running 6 miles and power walking/hill walking to finish out the time for the workouts (Be Iron Fit plan is based on time, not so much distance).

Question for you guys - My sil is also doing this race and we follow each other on Strava - she is cranking out some serious training!! Two weeks ago she had a 50 mile bike ride followed by a 14 mile run. Last Friday she was 6 1/2 hours into a bike ride, got caught in a hail storm and her electronic shifting froze up. My plan doesn't come close to these kinds of numbers this far out - do any of your plans? She's not working with a coach or anything but is a PT and has created her own plan. She is doing awesome.

Edited by aviatrix802 2016-05-16 9:24 AM
2016-05-16 12:47 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Ack, wouldn't let me edit.... I'm thinking the cheapest of the options is a new 11 speed 11/28 cassette.... I've managed to climb the hills around here with my 11/25 but not for 112 miles with a marathon after...

I've attached an example of a ride I do with my road bike and an 11/25 cassette. - this is just to the top of the notch, then on the way home I get another 1700' of elevation gain.
I'm hoping you can open it and maybe give some insight as to what I need to do. I haven't done this ride this year yet.

2016-05-16 1:01 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
If the link doesn't work, here's just a screen shot up and back. I am not technically advanced with attachments. hahaha

(to notch and back.jpg)

to notch and back.jpg (150KB - 7 downloads)
2016-05-22 11:10 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
No 15% climbs at Tremblant. That's quite steep, like fall over if your not standing on the pedals. Toughest climb is 8% max and just in short little bits on Duplesis,(hardest section at the end of the loop.)

Jenn- The climb you're doing in Vermont is tougher than Duplesis. I found this on map my ride, its the Tremblant loop (x2 for the full)

Impressive your sister is doing 6h rides already. She's probably ready to do the race now. Don't stress about what others are doing, push your body as much as you can with the time you have available but don't risk injury or burning out. Follow the plan you've set for yourself. For comparison my longest ride so far is 3hrs and I'm not worried at all. In fact for my first IM distance, I only rode over 70 miles twice.

2 hour run tomorrow. time for bed.

2016-05-23 9:51 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by maroose

No 15% climbs at Tremblant. That's quite steep, like fall over if your not standing on the pedals. Toughest climb is 8% max and just in short little bits on Duplesis,(hardest section at the end of the loop.)

For comparison my longest ride so far is 3hrs and I'm not worried at all. In fact for my first IM distance, I only rode over 70 miles twice.

2 hour run tomorrow. time for bed.


Thank you, Marius, this helps to put things in perspective particularly on your ride lengths.

What I think I'll do is switch my cassette on my road bike to 11/28 (it has 50/34 chain rings) and head up to MT next week for a day trip to test out that cassette before I jump into changing my tri bike up. I will be slower on the course on my road bike, but once I figure things out better I'll go back to MT with the tri bike and a few more training sessions under my belt (may even grab a hotel and stay the night - bike one day, run part of the course the next) and see how things shake out.

Oh, another question for everyone - I'm following the BIF plan and don't seem to have very big brick sessions (45 min bike and maybe a 30 min run); I see lots of folks doing 50 mile rides followed by say a 9 mile run (or maybe a 5 mile run). Should I be increasing my bricks or just "trust the plan?"

Edited by aviatrix802 2016-05-23 9:52 AM
2016-05-26 9:29 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
A brick is meant to do two things

1. get the body and muscles used to transition from hunched over riding to tall standup running and
2. get used to running on tired legs

I like to go for a short run after all my long rides but only 20-40 minutes worth. It accomplishes both items above. Usually do this on Saturday and then a standalone long run on Sunday to get long run benefits. Legs are still a bit tired but you have better form and pace for your long run. 50 and 9 mile bricks seem a bit much especially if they're doing a lot of them. Could put on too much fatigue. Maybe do one or two of these prior to August to see how your body reacts and practice nutrition.

Is anyone here doing the MT Half next month?
2016-05-27 8:49 AM
in reply to: #5152281

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
4250 yards in the pool in the books yesterday. Plan calls for an Oly this weekend - will make up my own.
Swapped out the cassette on my road bike for kicks to try out what I want to do on my tri bike. I was going for an 11/32 but they only had an 11/34 in stock; wouldn't get the 11/32 in until next week but I'm hoping to drive up next Thursday to bike the course on my road bike.

Question - is there a place I can park my car at MT so I can ride my bike and won't get towed? Also, any public restrooms open in the morning to use before my ride?
Marius, I'll be there Thursday but I won't be fast.

2016-05-29 10:35 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by aviatrix802

4250 yards in the pool in the books yesterday. Plan calls for an Oly this weekend - will make up my own.
Swapped out the cassette on my road bike for kicks to try out what I want to do on my tri bike. I was going for an 11/32 but they only had an 11/34 in stock; wouldn't get the 11/32 in until next week but I'm hoping to drive up next Thursday to bike the course on my road bike.

Question - is there a place I can park my car at MT so I can ride my bike and won't get towed? Also, any public restrooms open in the morning to use before my ride?
Marius, I'll be there Thursday but I won't be fast.

You can park right at the base of the hill but for a cost. About $15 a day I think. The lot on the far right as you first turn into the resort might be free weekdays. But there is plenty of parking there (one of the lots becomes transition and the race village).

There a good coffee shop open early in the Pedestrian village. Its on the left side as you look up the mountain right near the bottom.

Would love to join you but Thursday doesn't work. Enjoy the ride! you're going to love the course.
2016-06-01 4:40 PM
in reply to: maroose

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Okay! Thanks for the parking info!
It looks like I'm switching it to Friday for the rain you have rolling in up there tomorrow. I'm also picking up my tri bike tomorrow with the new cassette and chain rings. I went with the 50/34 crank and 11/32 cassette. LBS also had the hydration set-up I was looking for so I'm having it all taken care of in one fell swoop so I'm thinking I should be able to take the tri bike Friday! Yea!

oh, someone thought riding may not be allowed on the 4 lane highway (117?) with the traffic except in a race - do you know if that's true? Focus will certainly be on Chemin Duplessis but I'd like to ride as much of the loop as I can (probably won't bother going into old Tremblant and the round-about).
Thank you.
2016-06-01 9:04 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

Definitely allowed to ride on the wide shoulders along 117, it is part of Quebec's Route Verte ( Still be mindful of gusts from passing logging trucks. 

2016-06-02 8:40 PM
in reply to: runmini

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Great, thanks!

Saw there was rain there today so I put my trip off until tomorrow. Got my tri bike back from the LBS today so I'll take him up instead of the roadie.
Cheers! Hope all is well with training for everyone!
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