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2007-01-04 4:09 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
Looking forward to that race report TC!  You're going to have a great time!

2007-01-05 10:07 AM
in reply to: #630395

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL


Kick some butt this weekend!

We are pulling for you!!!!

2007-01-08 8:42 AM
in reply to: #643332

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

How was everybody's weekend?

I hope you were able to get in some good workouts

2007-01-08 8:57 AM
in reply to: #645929

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
madcow - 2007-01-08 8:42 AM

How was everybody's weekend?

I hope you were able to get in some good workouts

I actually got a ride/run in with some fellow BTer's! We rode 30 miles and ran 2 miles. Good times!

You can check my Training Log for details.
2007-01-08 11:02 AM
in reply to: #630395

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Visalia, CA
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
haven't worked out in 3 days.
i had some calf problems, but more than that, on friday night a family friend pulled his 10 month old son out of the toilet. he was able to revive the hear, but Oaks still hasn't started breathing on his own. thank God Valley Childrens is so close. he was airlifted to the hospital and is currently on life support. They are giving him a few days to see if he wakes up, and to check for brain activity. Please pray for the family, this is an amazing tragedy for such a loving family. It really makes you realize just how fast that second is. Please keep Oaks (the baby) and the family in your prayers, especially Andy (the father) as he was the one to see his son's feet sticking out and revive his heart until the helicopter got there.
2007-01-08 1:30 PM
in reply to: #646145

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
snaps10 - 2007-01-08 11:02 AM

haven't worked out in 3 days.
i had some calf problems, but more than that, on friday night a family friend pulled his 10 month old son out of the toilet. he was able to revive the hear, but Oaks still hasn't started breathing on his own. thank God Valley Childrens is so close. he was airlifted to the hospital and is currently on life support. They are giving him a few days to see if he wakes up, and to check for brain activity. Please pray for the family, this is an amazing tragedy for such a loving family. It really makes you realize just how fast that second is. Please keep Oaks (the baby) and the family in your prayers, especially Andy (the father) as he was the one to see his son's feet sticking out and revive his heart until the helicopter got there.

WOW! That's very sad. Their family will certainly be in my thoughts. How very scary.

2007-01-08 5:30 PM
in reply to: #646145

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
snaps10 - 2007-01-08 11:02 AM

haven't worked out in 3 days.
i had some calf problems, but more than that, on friday night a family friend pulled his 10 month old son out of the toilet. he was able to revive the hear, but Oaks still hasn't started breathing on his own. thank God Valley Childrens is so close. he was airlifted to the hospital and is currently on life support. They are giving him a few days to see if he wakes up, and to check for brain activity. Please pray for the family, this is an amazing tragedy for such a loving family. It really makes you realize just how fast that second is. Please keep Oaks (the baby) and the family in your prayers, especially Andy (the father) as he was the one to see his son's feet sticking out and revive his heart until the helicopter got there.

They will be in my thoughts. Life is precious.
2007-01-08 6:21 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
My race report is now in my Monday Log. Finished in 5:59:26 official chip time.

Sorry I can't write more but headed to work function over at Universal Studios.
2007-01-08 8:23 PM
in reply to: #645929

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Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

Good weekend.  Actually did a Bike / Swim brick...first time in months.  Ran today and am starting to enjoy a little bit more consistentcy in working out regularly.   Sad story Oaks.  Definitely in our thoughts and prayers.  Hope you had a great weekend.


2007-01-08 8:24 PM
in reply to: #647003

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Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

Congrat's TC on your race!!! 

 All the Best


2007-01-09 11:33 AM
in reply to: #630395

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Littleton, Colorado
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

Nice workouts all the way around this weekend!

I had to work most of the weekend (ugh!), but managed to work in a pretty nice swim on Saturday, and a good run on Sunday.  I tried out my new gel flask holster that connects to my number belt so I'll know what to expect this weekend in my race.  I can't believe they only have one gel station on a marathon!  They don't even have water every mile!  I guess triathlon has spoiled me!

2007-01-09 5:14 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

Got in some good work last weekend, strong bike and a good 5 mile run.

Snaps, sorry about  your friend.  Thoughts and prayers ... .

2007-01-10 1:56 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
I have a question for the group. As you probably know, I am trying to lose weight as I train. I have been tracking my calories daily and feel as though I'm doing a pretty job. My daily target is 1800.

My question is...what should I be doing for pre and post workout nutrition? Typically I have a PM snack or dinner before my evening workout so that isn't too much of a concern. My concern mostly lies in post-workout nutrition.

Should I always eat after working out? If so, what should I be eating? I don't want to consume more calories than I just burned, but I also don't want to lose any benefits by skipping on the post workout nutrition.

Thanks for any help.

2007-01-10 3:27 PM
in reply to: #649481

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Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL


 I am by no means an expert.  Fact is I started doing Tri's last year as a goal set by my doctor and myself.  I lost 32 lbs in a matter of a few months by doing just the following:

Eating the periphery of the grocery no processed foods.  I ate a lot of whole grains and added olive oil to my diet.  Fruits Fruits Fruits fresh and frozen.  I snack on frozen cherries and blueberries mostly.  Lots of almonds and walnuts...have to be careful because the calories will sneak up on you.  I just know as a veteran of Atkins, South Beach, Body for Life....for me it is the life style.  Triathalons with exercise and eating right is the only "program" that has lasted and I haven't come chargeing back packing on the pounds.  I am not a dietician and not an expert but for me personally, if I am hungry and am counting calories....its better for me to eat when I am hungry and I just made sure it is not junk food.  Bananas are great before or after a good work out.  I hope this helps.

2007-01-10 3:37 PM
in reply to: #649660

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
NewHymie - 2007-01-10 3:27 PM


 I am by no means an expert.  Fact is I started doing Tri's last year as a goal set by my doctor and myself.  I lost 32 lbs in a matter of a few months by doing just the following:

Eating the periphery of the grocery no processed foods.  I ate a lot of whole grains and added olive oil to my diet.  Fruits Fruits Fruits fresh and frozen.  I snack on frozen cherries and blueberries mostly.  Lots of almonds and walnuts...have to be careful because the calories will sneak up on you.  I just know as a veteran of Atkins, South Beach, Body for Life....for me it is the life style.  Triathalons with exercise and eating right is the only "program" that has lasted and I haven't come chargeing back packing on the pounds.  I am not a dietician and not an expert but for me personally, if I am hungry and am counting calories....its better for me to eat when I am hungry and I just made sure it is not junk food.  Bananas are great before or after a good work out.  I hope this helps.

Yeah, this definitely helps. Over the past few weeks I have made the transition to a better overall diet that includes all of the above foods you mentioned.

Specifically - what do you eat after a workout? I've read that you should always eat within 30 minutes after a workout. Is this true? If so, what should I be eating? Carbs? Protein?

BTW, way to go on your transformation! I hope I can post a similar story in 6 months.
2007-01-10 3:50 PM
in reply to: #630395

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

Great question. I am the wrong person to ask about nutrition though. I have been hovering around the same weight for a while now. When I did IMAZ I lost 20 pounds in training. For CDA I lost 5 pounds (after I put back on the 20 I lost for AZ). This year I have lost the same 5 pounds, but I am smaller and leaner than last year. More muscle? Maybe.

I have been trying to take in protein after every workout lasting 90 minutes or longer, so I have been drinking Endurox, post-workout. My preworkout nutrition sucks, mainly because I lag and can barely get out of the house on time. I usually eat a small sandwhich (peanutbutter & jelly or cheese)

My biggest weightloss problem is that I don't really snack. I eat 2 or 3 times a day with my biggest meal being my end of the day, post workout "I'm not going to eat allot of food" meal. Which usually ends up being whatever I can find plus whatever my kids didn't eat.

My weightloss plan has been "burn more than I eat" and fortunately I have been burning a bunch lately.

Herman, that was helpful advice. I think I need to start:

  • Eating more healthy snacks
  • Avoid the end of the day, clean out the fridge meal
  • Stop finishing my kids food
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables

I would also welcome any other suggestions on how to lose a few more pounds while keeping my energy levels up



2007-01-10 3:54 PM
in reply to: #649685

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

 Yeah, this definitely helps. Over the past few weeks I have made the transition to a better overall diet that includes all of the above foods you mentioned. Specifically - what do you eat after a workout? I've read that you should always eat within 30 minutes after a workout. Is this true? If so, what should I be eating? Carbs? Protein? BTW, way to go on your transformation! I hope I can post a similar story in 6 months.


I have heard that postwork out, you should be taking in a 4:1 ration of carbs to protein to help with muscle recovery. Now, how much and for how long...I dunno

I was also told that you should take your recovery drink immediately after your workout, before you change and shower, ect.

Edited by madcow 2007-01-10 3:55 PM
2007-01-10 6:02 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
Specifically - what do you eat after a workout? I've read that you should always eat within 30 minutes after a workout. Is this true? If so, what should I be eating? Carbs? Protein?

I am not an expert either... I have heard that protein is important. Some carbs wouldn't hurt either. NOT eating after working out... is a no-no. You need to replish your body with something healthy to give back some of the good nutrients it burned off.

I have something I took out of Runner's Magazine that speaks to what % of your calories you should consume based on when you run doing the day. I think this can be easily transferred to biking and swimming workouts as well.

After I get home, I can post that up.

I know for me, I eat around 1800-2100 calories a day, and I eat about every 2 hours. That has helped me lose weight and now maitain it, for the past 3 months. I even pig out some of the weekends, and that was with some holiday eating (w/in reason mind you).

Here is how I space out my calories. Now, I don't really keep a strict count, since I'm in maintence mode and I know what I can and cannot eat... and I pretty much eat the same food everyday.

8:00 AM, 220 calories
10:00 AM, 320 calories

Workout from 11-12 ish (Note: if I run 3-4 miles I will add another 200 calories before 5:00)

12:30 PM, 300-400 calories
2:30 PM, 200-350 calories
5:30 PM, 200 calories

May workout from 6-8 ish (Note: if I didn't workout at lunch, but on rare occasion I do a night workout too)

8:00 PM, 300-450 calories

NOTE: I have been adding a few extra calories at night too, if I am really hungry. This is only because I am in maintenance mode now.

Edited by KSH 2007-01-10 6:04 PM
2007-01-10 6:02 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Visalia, CA
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
i do a tall glass of chocolate milk immediately after workout and it works great. as well as any recovery drink ive tried. after my shower and cooldown i usually snack on some nuts, and a piece of fruit, or maybe some trailmix. (and im not gonna lie, if there are fresh cookies, i do more than snack, which is why we don't make fresh cookies at our house anymore) i eat anywhere from 1-1.5 hours prior to workout.

what we have done to cut down our portion size is cut down our servings AND wait 20 minutes before we serve ourselves seconds. seems in that 20 minutes your body lets your brain know its not really hungry anymore, just gorging. works for us.

2007-01-10 6:31 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
Urrrgghhh.  I was afraid it would come to this.  My nutrition is soooo bad.  I'm just going to sit on the side and whistle.
2007-01-10 9:23 PM
in reply to: #649845

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
snaps10 - 2007-01-10 6:02 PM

i do a tall glass of chocolate milk immediately after workout and it works great. as well as any recovery drink ive tried. after my shower and cooldown i usually snack on some nuts, and a piece of fruit, or maybe some trailmix. (and im not gonna lie, if there are fresh cookies, i do more than snack, which is why we don't make fresh cookies at our house anymore) i eat anywhere from 1-1.5 hours prior to workout.

what we have done to cut down our portion size is cut down our servings AND wait 20 minutes before we serve ourselves seconds. seems in that 20 minutes your body lets your brain know its not really hungry anymore, just gorging. works for us.

Mmm Chocolate milk. That sounds good.

Thanks to everyone for their replies.

2007-01-12 12:02 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Visalia, CA
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
just wondering, what does everyone do that allows you to train long hours for tris, marathons, etc. ?
i own an insurance agency, which allows me a fairly flexible schedule, but still find it hard to find the hours to put in. alot of the time i find myself working out at 10:30 at night just so i can workout, spend some time with the kids, and still try and make enough dough to pay for these expensive hobbies.
2007-01-12 12:03 PM
in reply to: #630395

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Littleton, Colorado
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL

Hi all!  Well, I'm heading out to a hotel near the airport in a few hours, and don't know if I'll be able to log on before I get back from Phoenix Monday night.  My first marathon is 2 days away!  YIKES!!!!  I'm anxious and excited!

Train strong and smart this weekend!

2007-01-12 12:12 PM
in reply to: #652299

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
snaps10 - 2007-01-12 12:02 PM

just wondering, what does everyone do that allows you to train long hours for tris, marathons, etc. ?
i own an insurance agency, which allows me a fairly flexible schedule, but still find it hard to find the hours to put in. alot of the time i find myself working out at 10:30 at night just so i can workout, spend some time with the kids, and still try and make enough dough to pay for these expensive hobbies.

Well, I have a full time job and I am the training department for our 50-person company. It's a job that can take up a lot of my time, but I do pretty good at working 9-6.

Otherwise, I don't have a husband (a boyfriend who doesn't live with me), or any kids. I use to have a dog, but I was gone from 7-7 everyday and she was taking on horrible behavior patterns. I finally gave her to a good home, and she is much happier having a owner who is actually home.

So, as you can see... I just go to work and train pretty much.
2007-01-12 12:13 PM
in reply to: #652305

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Madcow's group - FULL
swgtri - 2007-01-12 12:03 PM

Hi all!  Well, I'm heading out to a hotel near the airport in a few hours, and don't know if I'll be able to log on before I get back from Phoenix Monday night.  My first marathon is 2 days away!  YIKES!!!!  I'm anxious and excited!

Train strong and smart this weekend!

GOOD LUCK! You will do great!
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