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2007-06-04 3:15 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

So - questions for the week.

(1) Is everyone signed up for their race yet?  Whatever race it is - have you actually paid for it yet, or are you still on the fence?

(2) What's your most burning question so far?  Let's see if we can help each other out!

(3) Goals for this week...

As for me - last week was a sort of PMS/monthly thing AND I was having a pity party for myself.  Why?  Cause the race I did I look so DANG FAT!  Now, I'm losing weight, and I feel a lot skinnier (clothes fitting better/getting loose and etc.) but man, I look awful in pics.  I would have been fine if I just hadn't looked at them... *sigh*

So, anyway got over it finally...  I have to always keep reminding myself that I don't do this to be fast - I do it cause it's fun and cause it makes me fit and I feel really good when I'm training.

My Goals:
3x swim/bike/run.
This is going to be easy cause I've got an Olympic distance Tri coming up this weekend - so really it's only 2x swim/bike/run plus the race.  This is my first Olympic distance this year.

I REALLY want to beat my best Oly time of 3:56 - so my time goal is 3:50.  Hopefully, I can do this. 

What is interesting is I make a time goal and then usually I come in just over it.  Last tri, my goal was 3:00, and I came in at 3:01.  So, if I make the goal 3:50 and keep telling myself that - I'm hoping for 3:51 or 3:52 - so I can say I beat my time of 3:56.

2007-06-04 3:17 AM
in reply to: #827893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

sealiongirl - 2007-06-03 11:08 PM I just wanted to post here that I did my first OW swim workout today. I'm pretty scared of ocean swimming. Actually, let's be honest...I'm pretty scared of what COULD be swimming underneath me in the ocean. I was freaked, and a little panicked...but I made myself do a full half mile, since that is my race distance. I did keep my head out of the water a lot more than usual and did a lot of breaststroke to calm down when I felt panic...but I did it. Just wanted to say that I jumped over that big hurdle! Yay!

CONGRATS!  Just getting out there and doing it is a big step.  Next time it will be easier.  Your plan looks great (and very detailed) don't be afraid to change things around if you need to.  

2007-06-04 6:48 AM
in reply to: #827915

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Q1 ~ yes my race is August 19th and paid for!

Q2 ~ Bike question, they say I have to have a repair kit for my bike, what is in that?

Q3 ~ Weekly goals

  1. run 3 days @ 2.04 miles ea.
  2. bike 2 days @ 6.75 miles ea.
  3. swim 2 days @ 500 meters ea.
2007-06-04 7:40 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Q1- All races that are scheduled are paid for. Duathlon in less than two weeks.
Q2- What can I expect during the transition?

Goals for the week:
3 brick workouts: 2-3 mile run/8-10 bike
2 days of swimming 500M
2007-06-04 10:38 AM
in reply to: #827915

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
cadreamer - 2007-06-04 3:15 AM

So - questions for the week.

(1) Is everyone signed up for their race yet?  Whatever race it is - have you actually paid for it yet, or are you still on the fence?

I have not signed up for any races for 2007.  Job commitments made prior to me starting this adventure limit the amount of free weekends I have.  So instead of dwelling on what I can't do, I'm trying to focus on staying healthy.  That was working out fine until this morning.  I slipped on wet leaves/pavement and now have a badly sprained ankle, and sore back.  The doctor told me to "take it easy" for a couple of weeks.  We'll see how it is in a couple of days.  Two weeks takes me to the beginning of our family vacation.  Plenty of places to swim, bike and run at Disneyworld, so it's not as bad as it could be.

(2) What's your most burning question so far?  Let's see if we can help each other out!

No questions yet.

(3) Goals for this week...

Following doctors orders for this week.  The old body isn't as resilient as it once was, and takes longer to heal as I get older.

2007-06-05 4:58 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
(1) I am actually signed up for my first three races. I know...I should have just signed up for one and seen how I like it. But I know me and I think I'm going to. I'm officially an Athena is the Long Beach Triathlon (9/23), the Day at the Beach Triathlon in Hermosa Beach (10/14), and the Catalina Triathlon (11/2).

(2) I post most burning questions here and get answers. I think the thing I'm struggling with is what wetsuit to buy. Because of my weight, I'll have to get the largest men's size of whatever brand. However, I have an "ample" chest and am worried about fit. I had the chance to get 50% off an Xterra suit, but am afraid to buy without trying them on.

(3) I posted them already. The biggest thing is that stress and fatigue has led to BAD overeating of BAD foods. I need to get that under control.

2007-06-05 8:02 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I have like 5 races that I'm thinking about - only signed up for one of them...supposed to do one this weekend (its a regional championship, and I'm not fast, so I don't know if I want to embarass myself - might just let Matt do that one, and I'll take pics), then another on June 23 (in Alabama) - we are going there for a wedding anyways, so what the heck), then the one I'm actually signed up for called Morton Mease on July 15...then an Olympic at the end of August called HOT, and a sprint that I'm in the middle of talking 5 people into doing called the Orlando Women's Triathlon in October...along with a few baby biathlons in my town whenever I'm not doing other things...whew!!

No burning questions - just wish that I got faster - - - faster...if that makes any sense...

Goal for this week is to do the full training plan that I'm supposed to do this week - no excuses - if I do what I'm supposed to, then I'll let myself skip the race on Sunday - if I don't do it, then I'll have to do the race on SUnday - HAA!!

Finally back to full training, so I'm thrilled...

SLG - excellent job on the open water swim - you did a great job!! Doing your first one is a huge accomplishment, because it gives you so much confidence...on the bike and run, you can go as slow as you want, but you do have to make it through the swim - and now you KNOW that you can do it!

CaD - it's SUMMER!!! YEAH!!! Ok, last week is over, now back on track!!!

HD - Don't give up, sometimes things work out so that you cant work out, and that's ok...just get back out there and make sure that you try hard to get it in this week!!

Rob - transition can be crazy - just take your time, collect yourself, and get through it, dont worry about times on this one When you get more into it, you can get a (new)cat litter box (put water in it) to wash your feet in after the swim, then set out a towel, and have your shoes and socks ready to go for T1...for T2, easiest is to get these snap laces, you just need to pull to secure them, which is easy...I honestly dont worry about all the fancy stuff myself cause I'm so slow that it doesn't husband, on the other hand, is very fast, so every second counts with him, so he has everything he can to make his transitions faster...

Edited by tbctbc 2007-06-05 8:09 PM
2007-06-05 8:47 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Sounds like everyone is doing ok so far - if you haven't posted yet this week, please drop in and say hello!

Runningshorts - Bike Repair Kit - Usually this would consist of a tube, CO2 cartridge(s) and holder, and the little doohickey things that you need to get your tire off your rim.  Put all of that in your under the seat bag (or somewhere else on the bike)  What you want is the stuff that you would need to fix a flat.  Of course, you can get all exciting with other tools and esoteric stuff if you want, but basic flat repair is what they are talking about.  Of course, you should also know HOW to change your flat tire, cause it's not going to do you much good if you don't know how to use it. 

Robbkoz - Transition - Usually there is only one transition area.  You swim, run barefoot into transition, bike, come back into transition, then run.  There are two types of bike racks that I've seen.  One kind is tall - and you hang your bike by the seat (or handlebars, but the seat is a lot easier.) See pic.


The other kind is flat on the ground, and you just roll your bike into it and it holds the back wheel.  When you're finished biking, roll it in by the front wheel - saves a few seconds.

You put all your stuff on the ground by your bike (or under your bike).  Keep it small - cause other people are going to come in and want to put their stuff somewhere too.  Bring a towel to lay on the ground that you can put your stuff on.  If you have an assigned transition spot, it's easy - that's where you put your stuff.  If you don't, it's first come first served, you just want to get a spot that works well for you.  Usually on the end of the rack close to the bike entrance or run exit is good.

Get there early enough to set up and know exactly where the exits/entrances are.  Some triathlons you exit and enter through the same spot, but in many triathlons the swim/bike/run entrance and exits are different.  Basic things to know.  Pu t your helmet on all the way (buckled) in T1.  Don't ride your bike in the transition area, the area to get on/off your bike will be clearly marked and there will be volunteers there yelling at you as well.

My last tri was laid out something like this (the transition area was square shaped): Swim started down at the lake.  Out of the swim, up the boat ramp into T1 (swim entrance at bottom of square).  Go to bike, put on shoes, sunglasses, helmet grab bike and out of T1 (bike exit at upper left)  Get on bike - ride.  Finish riding, ride back around transition area, dismount at dismount line and back into transition at the same spot as the swim entrance.  Run with bike to rack, take off bike stuff, put on run stuff, and out on the run (exit at the top of the square).  Finish the run across the finish line.

So basically, there were 3 exits/entrances.  Swim entrance, bike exit, bike entrance (same as swim entrance) and run exit.  Very clearly marked and obvious, but always make sure you know where to go.

There may also be racks/areas that are reserved for tri-clubs or sponsors, etc.  Of course, do not rack your stuff there if you are not part of that group.  That's about all I can think of right now - if that didn't give you what you wanted please post again.

Gonnatrione - I hear you on the work schedule - and BUMMER on falling - hope you are feeling better.  If you can't do your regular workouts - this might be a good time to try something new for a few days and see how it feels...

Sealiongirl - I know ALL about stress eating and bad foods...  Something that really helps me is to reward myself with something that is NOT food but that feels really good.  After all, usually if you are stress eating it is because it is a way to make yourself feel better.  Eating is comforting and pleasurable after all.  So do something for yourself that makes you feel better without adding in all those calories.  Some of my favorites:  Snuggling up with a good book, taking a long hot shower, getting a massage, smelling roses.  Put a list together of things that work for you (and that are peaceful and relaxing) and then do one of those things instead - see if that helps.  And, be kind to yourself - it's easy to get stressed, eat, and then be even more stressed cause you're yelling at yourself.

Edited by cadreamer 2007-06-05 8:49 PM
2007-06-06 9:20 AM
in reply to: #831217

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Hi everyone, I haven't posted my initial intro yet, but will in a moment. (Cadreamer invited me to join late!)

Jocelyn/Sealiongirl: I sent you a private message in response to your comments on OW swimming, thought I'd share here--and that is that the LA Tri Club offers beginner open water training classes. Also, regarding what wetsuit to buy, the LA Tri Club does wetsuit loaners too, so maybe they could be a good resource for you. I'm joining the club this week, for those two specific reasons! So we're in the same boat!

I don't want to spend $250 on an XL wetsuit, when I'm just beginning training and fully expect to be a smaller size in a few weeks/months! I don't want to drop that kind of cash til I'm in a size I expect to wear for a long time!

I found a site that is kind of interesting too: You can get a wetsuit for a week, for $30, and return it. Any money you spend toward a rental, you can put toward a purchase.

Good luck!
2007-06-06 2:27 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Hi everyone,

I typed up this nice, inspired introduction this morning, and after I clicked "submit", saw that my connection had gone down, and I couldn't go "back" and copy the info...oh well. Here's what I submitted in the INTRODUCTIONS forum 3 weeks ago, when I started:



I'm 100% new to this sport, triathlon. I'm going to be 43 yrs old in a month; I'm a single mother of a 6 yr old daughter. I live in Santa Monica, CA, 1 mile from the beach. I work in "the industry", long hours.

Back in the '90s, living in NY City, I was hard-core into roller-blading and bicycling; used to do club bike races weekly. Did a progression training program for 2 yrs back then, one written by Chris Carmichael (Lance Armstrong's coach), and WOW did that kick my butt into shape. When I started, I was just a weekend warrior, consistently finishing races well after the pack. But by the end, at my scheduled peak, I was finishing races with the pack, and was in the best shape of my life. I weighed about 139 then (I'm 5'10"). Now I'm up around 220 or so (I'll step on the scale tonite and report in tomorrow's blog). I joke with my friends that I'm still a hot chick on the inside! :-)

Ever since I had my baby, I've basically stopped exercising. And while plummeting into depression about my unhappy marriage, I began to eat, drink and smoke til I became what I am now, the ultimate couch potato.

But now I'm divorced and happy.

In January, when all the New Year's weight-loss adds started hitting, I decided that this was it, that it was time for me to get back to where I was. I had it in me once, and I know it's still there. So, since January, I've been going to the gym to sit on a life cycle, 3 days a week for roughly 9 miles each session. On weekends, I've been doing aggressive hiking. For the past 5 weeks or so, I've gotten back into mountain biking, discovering the zillions of amazing trails in So.Cal, and have been feeling like a million bucks after every ride.

This past weekend, I got a spark of inspiration from a friend of mine who is a swimmer; she said she did her first triathlon recently, and all of a sudden it dawned on me that training for a Tri would be just the ticket for me. I used to run (and loved what it did to my body); and I'm a good swimmer too.)

I'm going to commit to finishing a super sprint in San Diego on October 15, and found a 16 week super sprint training program, online, which I'm so excited to attack! I have a pool one mile from my house, and a free gym at my office, so no excuses! And now my daughter is big enough that she can ride her scooter with me while I run.

So here I am. It's ON!


OK, so now you can see my training logs, and that I've been pretty consistent. I'm already noticing the dramatic changes in my body in this short 3 weeks. My weight, however, is all over the map. But I FEEL better, and that's what's important. And I've been able to slip into some jeans that I haven't worn in 4 yrs!

Today, inspired by Shellee's reco that we sign up for our races, I did it! I'm signed up for Oct. 14 in San Diego ('s an all women's race in support of ovarian cancer research.

There aren't any supersprint distance training programs on, so I'm using this one: down to Training Plans by Tina). It's a very easy plan, and I consider it the first step toward getting my butt out there!

I hate running (but love what it does to my body and how it makes me feel afterward).
I like swimming and am pretty good at it, but I have no lung capacity right now.
I got rid of my road bike, so only have a mountain bike, and I'm too broke to buy a road bike...but I like biking and am pretty good at it...and will be better when my lungs are back.

Nice to be with you all!

2007-06-06 2:46 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Ft. Washington, MD
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Answers for the week.

(1) Is everyone signed up for their race yet?  Whatever race it is - have you actually paid for it yet, or are you still on the fence?

A: I just registered before replying (love the gentle push you gave me)

(2) What's your most burning question so far?  Let's see if we can help each other out!

A: Is there anything I can do outside the pool to improve my swim?

(3) Goals for this week...

A: My only goal for the week is to get moving again.  I haven't put four days of exercise together in a month!!  Don't know what's wrong, but I'm trying to fix it anyway.

2007-06-06 5:17 PM
in reply to: #807893

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Hey gang,

I am signed up for my next race which is a half mary in Virginia Beach in early September.

I have a tri scheduled at the end of September that I have not yet signed up for.

I do have a question about bike lights. I had one on my mountain bike. It won't fit on my road bike with the aeros and bar tape. i have looked into headlights at my LBS, but too much $$$$. Any suggestions of where to buy on-line. I tried my hiking headlight and that was not near bright enough.

As far as training this week, I finally had time to get to the pool. I had a brick scheduled today, but my training partner crashed on her bike(she is fine now but ended up puking after the fall). By the time she got back on her bike, no time to run before work. I ended up being late as it was!! oops. Anyways, have a 2 hour ride plannned tomorrow before work and Friday a 2 or 3 mile run.

Hope you are all having a good week and thanks for the inspiration!!
2007-06-06 9:28 PM
in reply to: #832683

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
newbiedana - 2007-06-06 12:27 PM


HILARIOUS! I am the same way. Long ago I was a hot swimmer at 5'11" and 145 lbs. I now weigh in at 275. YIKES! I want to wear a sign that says..."I used to be athletic and cute...I swear!" I have found that those who have only know me since I grew the fat suit don't seem to take anything I say about diet or exercise too seriously. If everyone is talking and I pipe in I get a blank look. Like all I'm supposed to know about is doritos and ho-hos! Ha! But as my body is that!
2007-06-06 10:18 PM
in reply to: #833408

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Honestly, in my mind's eye, I look like Christie Brinkley...then I see a photo of myself and I'm like, "who the hell is THAT? It isn't ME!"


Glad to have a comrade; you know where I've been...I know where you've been.

My training plan for the week:
M - rest (done)
T - 18 min run (done)
W - 30 min bike, 30 min weights, 20 min run (done, done, and done!)
Th - 25 min swim
F - 35 min bike, 15 min weights
Sa - 18 min swim, 35 min run
Su - 50 min bike

Again, this is for a super-sprint, week 3 of a 16 week plan.

Thanks for the support everyone!

2007-06-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

(1) Signed up for first OWS ever (6/16) and first Sprint Tri ever (6/23).  Have a Sprint tri in August that I want to do, but haven't signed up for, yet.

(2) Don't think I have any questions...

(3) Goals for this rest of this week...

Thursday:  2 mile run

Friday:  1400 swim & bike to work

Saturday:  10 mile bike/1 mile run BRICK


Dana - Welcome!!!   How fun for your daughter to be able to join you when you run!  That's awesome!

Shellee - Good luck this weekend beating 3:56!!!  You can do it!!!

2007-06-07 5:19 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Welcome to the group Dana!

 Dana & Sealiongirl ~ I can relate to both of you too! Used to play field hockey for a division 1 school and had a killer body...all lean, the kind when other players ran into me they bounce off. Now if that happened I think they would lose an arm in my belly!

 Trying to get that old body back, or at least some of it.

Hope everyone is having a good workout week.


Cadreamer, thanks for the info about the bike repair kit. I know if I didn't have some knowledge of it before I walked into my LBS, they would try and sell me stuff I don't need. Now I just need to learn how to change the tire.

2007-06-07 7:05 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Halfdome - I don't know all that much about bike headlights - sounds like a great question to post on the main forum and get some info.

Getnfit - The only out of pool thing that I've found helpful is to kinda visualize the stroke path and work on it out of the water.  Everything else, you really do have to get wet.  Well, unless you want to buy one of those swim trainers, but they are way expensive...

As for me - I am probably not going to make my 3x per week goal as I'm fighting a bit of a cold.  I was supposed to go swimming this morning but woke up with a sore throat so I opted to stay in bed.  I'd rather feel good going into my race this weekend...  I'm going to try again to swim tomorrow.

2007-06-07 8:33 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I'm going to do slightly less for the rest of the week myself...probably going to cut out one 30 minute run...

I wasn't going to do a race this weekend, but I signed my husband up for it, and called my parents, and they just assumed that I was signed up too (they are going to come out and cheer for us)...I couldn't break it to them that I was chickening I just didn't...and signed up this afternoon...

Going to take Saturday off...but going to try to do what I'm supposed to tomorrow...maybe a bit shorter on the swim, 3300yd (I'm on a 20wk Olympic training plan) seems excessive when I only have to do a 400m for the race...

As far as practicing swimming...the ONLY way is to actually swim, I wish there was an easier way...but it really becomes more and more enjoyable as we get into summer months, biking and running is sweaty and hot, and the cool pool really does feel good

It is best to relax and give yourself some TLC if you aren't feeling well...I went ahead with my training right before my last race, and could FEEL it during the race...however, before my first Olympic, I was feeling sick, and for that one, I just took off...and I felt fine by the race (not that it wasn't pretty tough)

Edited by tbctbc 2007-06-07 8:38 PM
2007-06-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #831370

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
tbctbc and cadreamer- Thanks for the input about the transitions. My duathlon is next weekend so I will get a chance to see how everything is run. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
2007-06-08 9:46 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

For those who are doing a tri this weekend (or shortly in the future)...

Today's Topic: OW Swimming

OW swimming is a completely different animal than swimming in the pool.  No blue water.  No lane lines.  No walls.  You may either find this a freeing experience (congratulations, you may now stop reading and go jump in a lake) or a completely terrifying one (read on) or somewhere in the middle.

Here are my tips to be a successful OW swimmer.

(1) If at ALL possible get in the water before you start your race.  Usually the water is colder, which takes a little getting used to (you should have seen me wading in about an inch at a time at my OW swim June 2nd) plus getting your face in the water.  Yeah.  I usually wade in slowly, hyperventilate for a few minutes cause the water is COLD, start swimming with my head all the way out of the water (yes we are talking doggie paddle or breast stroke here) and then finally take the plunge and get my face wet.  Once you've managed to get your face wet swim a bit just getting used to the water and the water temp.  (IMO, many of the panic attacks reported on this site could be averted by someone who got into the water BEFORE the race started and got used to it.)

(2) Make sure you know where the course actually GOES.  Nothing worse than swimming where you though you were supposed to only to find yourself heading off into the middle of the lake (or Antartica).

(3) If you haven't swum in a pack before, WAIT at the back til all the water polo people have taken off and then follow after.  Trust me, there will be plenty of time later to get into the thick of things.  If you are still nervous, swim to the outside a bit, this will give you clear water and you won't have to worry about being swam over by the wave behind you.  (BTW, Masters OW swims are MUCH more polite than triathlons - if you swim masters check out the OW swims they do and try and do one or two...)

(4) Figure out what you want to sight on to keep yourself straight in the water.  The buoys are fine, but sometimes hard to see.  You can sight on a landmark, the other swimmers, a boat (although make sure it's not going to move on you...)  Sighting technique is to swim 6-10 strokes (depending if you swim straight or not) and then look FORWARD after (or before) your breath to see where you are and make corrections.  PRACTICE this in the pool - much easier to get used to the feel of it (although your pool pals might look at you weird and put you into one of those pet peeve threads...)  Ideally, you should only have your eyes out of the water to see in front of you, but I always end up having my whole head out - haven't been able to do the eyes only periscope trick yet.

(5) IF there is a current/waves or other added complications, make sure you are there for the pre-race talk.  RD's are usually very good and will give you VERY good info about where you should go/swim/sight etc.  Pay attention, they are there to make sure you have a great race experience.

Most of all, enjoy yourself!

2007-06-10 6:37 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Thanks for the info on OW Swim. I've been worried about this because I don't think I'll be able to practice it before the tri.

 This weeks goals, and I'm worried about meeting all of them because I'm suppose to go to Michigan for a mini vacation (Thur - Sun).

  1. run 3 days @ 2.25 mi ea
  2. bike 2 days @ 7.76 mi ea
  3. swim 2 days @ 600 m ea

2007-06-10 10:21 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Most people can't practice the open water swim before the race, you'll get more comfortable with it as you are really ramping up well, great job!!

I'm going to try to get in 3 bike, 3 run, 3 swim and 2 weights this week (already got 1 of each done) - next week is going to be all messed up cause I'll be out of town all week, so will see...

I'm taking tomorrow off though cause of my race today...check out my race report...I didn't medal (as always, but my husband got first in age group which is so awesome)

Hope you had a great race!!
2007-06-10 10:45 PM
in reply to: #807893

Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Anyone got any tips for weight training when training for a 5k race? I know it is still a short distance so can I still lift heavy (4-8 reps) or should I shoot for higher reps? Thanks guys.
2007-06-10 11:26 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Hi Everyone,

CADreamer - thanks for the OW swim info, good food for thought before I get out there for my first swim.  I'll prob do one sometime over the next month; the LA tri-club offers OW group swims for beginners every weekend--I really wanna do it.  Only thing: I'm afraid of sharks!!!

Sealiongirl: great to meet you on Thursday!

Last week I got all accomplished except for 1 planned run.  Oh well.  This week:

Mon - rest; Tues - 35 min bike, 15 min weights; Wed - 20 min run; Thu - 30 min bike, 30 min weights; Fri - 20 min run; Sat - 25 min swim, 35 min run; Sun - 20 min swim, 50 min bike.  Again, this per the 16 wk supersprint program I'm in...tomorrow starts day 1, week 4.

Also, not sure if I posted it here or not, but for my bday next week, I signed myself up for a 5 week fitness boot camp!  Yay!

Have a great week everyone!



2007-06-11 10:43 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Hope everyone is doing well! Here is my plan for this week. I work four minimum days, then I'm off for summer so...NO EXCUSES NOT TO TRAIN!!!

Mon - endurance 12 mile bike
Tue - weight training
Wed - 11 min runs and base 825 yd pool swim
Thu - strength 11 mile bike (lots of hills...YIKES!)
Fri - 12 min runs and endurance 960 yd swim
Sat - base 11 mile bike and weight training
Sun - 12 min runs and strength 825 yd swim w/paddles

Dana - Thanks for going on Thursday. It was great to meet you. I also want to do the Ocean 101 class then start doing the Sunday beginner swims at Redondo. Need to first get a wetsuit! Brrrr!
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