General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Florida : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-10-05 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I officially withdrew from IMFL in August. 

The past 3 years I coordinated a number of BT gatherings both before and after the race. First time since 2006 I won't be there for the race.  If there is an interest I can dig up what we did in past years and post that.  Swim meet ups and some casual show up if interested meals worked well. Perhaps someone this year can take the lead with BT meet ups.

Last year we met for the Athletes dinner and sat on the far left so folks coming later could get to us by coming in the side doors. We saved a few seats and that worked well. Sitting in the middle makes it almost impossible to come late and find a group.

Train smart these last few weeks!

2012-10-05 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4443143

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Plant City, Florida
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
KathyG - 2012-10-05 6:06 PM

I officially withdrew from IMFL in August. 

The past 3 years I coordinated a number of BT gatherings both before and after the race. First time since 2006 I won't be there for the race.  If there is an interest I can dig up what we did in past years and post that.  Swim meet ups and some casual show up if interested meals worked well. Perhaps someone this year can take the lead with BT meet ups.

Last year we met for the Athletes dinner and sat on the far left so folks coming later could get to us by coming in the side doors. We saved a few seats and that worked well. Sitting in the middle makes it almost impossible to come late and find a group.

Train smart these last few weeks!

I know I was glad to meet you at the dinner last year and sad that you are not going to be there this year. see you next year. 

2012-10-06 5:43 AM
in reply to: #4443011

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
imiranda - 2012-10-05 4:15 PM

What is your hydration plan for the run?

I have been trying to get IM Perfomr from bottles (not powder), but is just not available.
I can't go with just water and coke for the marathon, so I really want to try the ready to drink IM Perform and see if I can tolerate it (there are some drinks, like perpetuum, that I can't drink a single sip)

If I can't drink it, I don;t know what to do...carry my own concentrate Infinit...??

ANy ideas?? or Someone that has a bottle of Lime and Orange/Mango preform that can sell to me?? 


Water every aid station, coke every other aid station, gel and salt stick tablet every 45 minutes and if I get hungry I'll eat a bite of banana at each aid station until hunger subsides. 

2012-10-06 5:58 AM
in reply to: #4443432

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

For those wanting access to the RTD Perform bottle, there was a Q&A with the RD this week on Facebook:

Q-Which flavor of Ironman Perform will be served on run course? Ready to drink bottles or mixed powder formula?


A- IRONMAN Perform and Water will be available. As for food bananas, Bonk Breaker Bars Gu Gels and Chomps and Roctane Endurance Gels

Q-The ready to drink is discountinued and not available, how are we suppose to train with the same on-course drink? Any chance to get aome bottles these days?


A- if you contact [email protected] they will be able to help you out




When they had Gatrade, it was the RTD bottles for the bike and powder for the run - are you sure it's the RTD version on the run?  I think this is the last year for Perform and in 2013 the switch will be ma, just too  many signals in that direction.

Edited by LSUfan4444 2012-10-06 5:58 AM
2012-10-06 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My run nutrition is pretty simple. Perform every two miles, gu tri berry or roctane every 5 miles.
2012-10-06 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

In my last HIM, I took in only coke at every aid station.....this seemed to work fine. But 26 shots of coke is different than 13.  I am going to stick with it....maybe throw a banana in there if I feel like I am getting hungry.

2012-10-06 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Great company, great product!

2012-10-06 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

How is everyone approaching the training now that we are getting close? I am always afraid of injury.  I have one more big week planned.  But I am wondering if its worth it.  Maybe do 16 hrs instead of 22 hrs?

2012-10-06 3:12 PM
in reply to: #4443632

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
MRDAVIDALEXANDER - 2012-10-06 12:40 PM

How is everyone approaching the training now that we are getting close? I am always afraid of injury.  I have one more big week planned.  But I am wondering if its worth it.  Maybe do 16 hrs instead of 22 hrs?

Interested as well to see what others are doing.  The plan that I have been using as a template has the last long ride/runs at 2 weeks out, isn't that a little close?  Aren't most peoples last big weekends 3 weeks out?

2012-10-06 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Hey folks....What are y'alls thoughts on shoe covers during this race? I know its pretty chilly in the morning but warms up. I'm currently using tri specific shoes that are well vented....toes can get chilly. Thoughts....
2012-10-06 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4443698

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

zmassey1 - 2012-10-06 3:53 PM Hey folks....What are y'alls thoughts on shoe covers during this race? I know its pretty chilly in the morning but warms up. I'm currently using tri specific shoes that are well vented....toes can get chilly. Thoughts....


My little sister did it in 2010 (yes, the unusually cold year!) and said that her feet didn't "un-numb" until the run.  I'm putting toe covers on.  If I need to take them off, it's quick and I can shove them in a pocket easily.

2012-10-06 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My last 100 mile bike today! Recovery week then taper! Was a great morning for Florida practice - windy and cold! My 2 cents - my toes stay pretty cold on the bike even when it is warm - I am using toe covers.
2012-10-06 7:58 PM
in reply to: #4443698

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

zmassey1 - 2012-10-06 3:53 PM Hey folks....What are y'alls thoughts on shoe covers during this race? I know its pretty chilly in the morning but warms up. I'm currently using tri specific shoes that are well vented....toes can get chilly. Thoughts....

I don't own any so no. I will wear wool socks tho.  And those little walmart gloves you get for $1 a pair and can be discarded without regard

Edited by Socks 2012-10-06 7:58 PM
2012-10-07 5:38 AM
in reply to: #4443683

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
JM2 - 2012-10-06 3:12 PM
MRDAVIDALEXANDER - 2012-10-06 12:40 PM

How is everyone approaching the training now that we are getting close? I am always afraid of injury.  I have one more big week planned.  But I am wondering if its worth it.  Maybe do 16 hrs instead of 22 hrs?

Interested as well to see what others are doing.  The plan that I have been using as a template has the last long ride/runs at 2 weeks out, isn't that a little close?  Aren't most peoples last big weekends 3 weeks out?

Nope.  My coach usually tapers me 10-14 days and it works perfectly for me.  I'm doing a century on the 21st

2012-10-07 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I just ran 18 miles at 7:50min/mi pace.   I told myself to run easy/comfortable and this is the pace I ended up at. This is weird because I usually run my long runs at 8:15min/mi pace.  I guess I am getting faster thanks to more hours on the bike.   I am pretty excited because my goal pace is 8-8:15min/mi for IMFL.  I think I can acheieve this since the 18 miler I did today was hilly.  And I do much better on flat course since I weigh 180lbs.  

I have one more big week then I taper the run.  I will taper the bike 2 weeks out and taper swim race week. 

Week 4: 4hr swim, 13hr bike, 5.5hrs running

Week 3: 3hr swim, 12hr bike, 3hrs running

Week 2: 4hr swim, 7hr bike, 2hrs running

Week 1: Race week!!!!


2012-10-07 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4443698

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

zmassey1 - 2012-10-06 4:53 PM Hey folks....What are y'alls thoughts on shoe covers during this race? I know its pretty chilly in the morning buwarms up. I'm currently using tri specific shoes that are well vented....toes can get chilly. Thoughts....

I've used toe covers instead of shoe covers at IMFL. Toe covers can be put on shoes before race and I could easily get shoes on. Shoe covers are much more time consuming to put on and take off.

2012-10-07 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4443698

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

zmassey1 - 2012-10-06 3:53 PMHey folks....What are y'alls thoughts on shoe covers during this race? I know its pretty chilly in the morning but warms up. I'm currently using tri specific shoes that are well vented....toes can get chilly. Thoughts....
I think maybe toe covers are a real good idea.   I should get some, because my toes are always cold. - thanks for the suggestion.  I've had three workouts lately that left me chilled to the bone, and it takes a lot of energy out of you that you don't really want to give up.   Because I did the Awful-Cold-2010 race, I'm bringing everything I own.

That said, I'll probably decide the day before what I'm actually wearing and what's going in SN bags. I've seen video where spectators are all wearing shorts and T-shirts at the start, and I've seen video (and been there) when everyone is wearing their coats.  

If you have it on, or with you, you can always take it off.   If you don't have it you're just cold.  (been there, done that, and it's not as much fun as you think it might be. Smile )

Edited by jashac 2012-10-07 10:12 AM
2012-10-07 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

If you're new to IM racing this video is worth watching.  Inspirational, and educational.  It's all about the volunteers and what they do.  Great shots of the venue start, finish and transition proceedures.  Shows all the things the volunteers do.  IM Florida volunteer video.  2011 year footage I think.

2012-10-07 1:54 PM
in reply to: #4443683

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I'm following the 30 week intermediate plan from Dan Fink.  This is week 26 which includes the longest ride of 5:30 with the long run at 2:30.  Next week is 5:00 ride 3:00 run.  After that taper starts.  Looks like everyone else is doing a lot more than this but maybe their training plan is advanced.  The 5:30 ride yielded 85 miles so no century ride for me until the big dance (hopefully).  My biggest concern would be making the swim cutoff.  I can do 3500 meters in the pool in 1:30 hopefully that's enough.
2012-10-07 2:13 PM
in reply to: #4443683

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
JM2 - 2012-10-06 3:12 PM
MRDAVIDALEXANDER - 2012-10-06 12:40 PM

How is everyone approaching the training now that we are getting close? I am always afraid of injury.  I have one more big week planned.  But I am wondering if its worth it.  Maybe do 16 hrs instead of 22 hrs?

Interested as well to see what others are doing.  The plan that I have been using as a template has the last long ride/runs at 2 weeks out, isn't that a little close?  Aren't most peoples last big weekends 3 weeks out?

I've done IMs with 3 week tapers and with 2 week tapers.  I think it is a personal thing.  I usually do 2 weeks now, but I've also had a lot of trial and error.  I typically taper a first-time Ironman athlete for 3 weeks - experienced IMers, 2 weeks.  But that also depends on age/injury/time available, etc.  One of the things that standard plans don't account for is that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.  Try not to do what "everyone else is doing" and do what works for YOU.  Let's face it, it's just you out there on race day.  Listen to your body - if you're tired and think you need more of a taper, by all means, take it.  You are better off going into an Ironman undertrained vs. overtrained.

I'll be out there cheering all the IMFL athletes on - giving you inspiration when you need it most! 



2012-10-07 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4443698

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

zmassey1 - 2012-10-06 3:53 PM Hey folks....What are y'alls thoughts on shoe covers during this race? I know its pretty chilly in the morning but warms up. I'm currently using tri specific shoes that are well vented....toes can get chilly. Thoughts....


I've done IMFL three times.  I've used toe covers two of the three times.  Lots of comments above that, yes, they are easy to take off and tuck in a pocket.  Ditto that.  It will benefit you when you start the run if you can actually FEEL YOUR TOES!

Now, I run on the chilly side - so I will sometimes put handwarmers in between the shoe and the toe cover.  And I've never - and I mean never - complained "oh, my feet are too hot!".  The other thing you might want to do with the tri shoes that are vented - they have holes in the bottom.  I typically cover those with electrical tape to prevent the cold air from seeping in.  Again, if your feet do get toasty, very easy to take that off without getting off the bike or even slowing down much.

I did see a lot of people overdressing on top - if you can suck it up for the first 10-15 miles - you will be cold - but will be better.  I think last year, I did a jersey, arm warmers and gloves.  Gloves stayed of for start of run.

I ditched the gloves about mile 5 - but then I was mad around mile 18 when my hands got cold again.  Maybe stash another pair in special needs or tuck the gloves in the back pocket.  Once the sun goes down, it gets cold in a hurry and if it happens to be windy, that makes it worse. 


Enjoy your taper, IMFL athletes!



2012-10-07 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3589984

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I've been lurking for a couple days reading all the previous pages.

Nerves, nerves, nerves.

First time IM. Old (51, lol). Runner, some swimming, but only triathlons since I started thinking about trying to get an IMFL bid. My HIM was 7:13 and it was a blast. I'm doing Fink, started out Competitive, but have faded with the demands and my cycling lack (only a commuter biker until August of last year) into intermediate. My knees could not take the pounding.

Still, I can do the swim, probably BOP 1:30 ish. I can do the run - my two marathons were part of Goofy challenge, so used to running sore. The bike? hmmmm....

I have felt confident until lately. Unlike some of the "12 hour" estimators who say "I just want to finish" I REALLY just want to finish. I'm training in Florida, and it's been unseasonably hot and humid, also wearing on my runs and long bikes.

Seeking encouragement!


2012-10-07 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I will be volunteering this year, so I can hopefully get a spot for 2013.  Anyone do this last year so they could do it this year?  If so, any tips?  Where do I go to sign up?  What time should I get there?  etc. etc.  I will be down there solo this week, so if anyone needs help....let me know and I would be glad to help out.

Anyone swimming Friday?  I was hoping to find a couple of people to swim with on Friday since I will be down there?


Also, is there a Facebook page where people are conversing re: IMFL?


Good luck to everyone!!

Edited by NeverEnough 2012-10-07 3:41 PM
2012-10-07 4:21 PM
in reply to: #4444244

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
NeverEnough - 2012-10-07 3:40 PM

I will be volunteering this year, so I can hopefully get a spot for 2013.  Anyone do this last year so they could do it this year?  If so, any tips?  Where do I go to sign up?  What time should I get there?  etc. etc.  I will be down there solo this week, so if anyone needs help....let me know and I would be glad to help out.

Anyone swimming Friday?  I was hoping to find a couple of people to swim with on Friday since I will be down there?


Also, is there a Facebook page where people are conversing re: IMFL?


Good luck to everyone!!

No FB [age.  We re meeting behond the boardwalk beach hotel (Host hotel) thursday and friday am at 8am.  I will wear my blue BT shirt...pic is posted in this thread

2012-10-07 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4444180

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

peterliu88 - 2012-10-07 1:54 PM I'm following the 30 week intermediate plan from Dan Fink.  This is week 26 which includes the longest ride of 5:30 with the long run at 2:30.  Next week is 5:00 ride 3:00 run.  After that taper starts.  Looks like everyone else is doing a lot more than this but maybe their training plan is advanced.  The 5:30 ride yielded 85 miles so no century ride for me until the big dance (hopefully).  My biggest concern would be making the swim cutoff.  I can do 3500 meters in the pool in 1:30 hopefully that's enough.

thats almost IM distance on the swim.  You will be fine.  Its easy to overthink things but at this point its impossible to scramble so just trust the plan and move forward

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