BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-02-24 1:05 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Weekend race report! (Seaside half-marathon)

Overall a good race, I'm happy with my time (2:04) and performance.

The last couple of miles were tough and got me thinking I was crazy. Then I remembered that I'm running the distance to challenge myself, so of course it's going to be tough! Celebrated with a Racer 5 IPA after the long drive back home. Note to self: driving 2 hours right after a race is not fun, however something came up so we had to get home earlier than planned. My legs are still a bit sore, as expected, and my foot didn't give me much trouble. Today I'm going to do an easy 1000m in the pool then spend a little time in the hot-tub

2014-02-24 2:58 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Weekend race report! (Seaside half-marathon)

Overall a good race, I'm happy with my time (2:04) and performance.

The last couple of miles were tough and got me thinking I was crazy. Then I remembered that I'm running the distance to challenge myself, so of course it's going to be tough! Celebrated with a Racer 5 IPA after the long drive back home. Note to self: driving 2 hours right after a race is not fun, however something came up so we had to get home earlier than planned. My legs are still a bit sore, as expected, and my foot didn't give me much trouble. Today I'm going to do an easy 1000m in the pool then spend a little time in the hot-tub

Outstanding job! COnsidering all the issues with your foot in the last couple of weeks - you've got a right to be thrilled! I bet that hot tub felt darn good after the swim. Keep up the great work!
2014-02-24 3:08 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
So the topic of the week is warming up and cooling down... (thanks Brian). This is an area where I personally need a lot of work. I don't have any warm up to speak in any of the three sports other than starting out slow. The one thing I do is before going running, I lie on my back and press my left heel into the wall. My leg is at a 90 degree angle into the wall. This forces my glute to engage - which si something it doesn't do particularly well.

As for a cool down - I stretch for about 15 minutes and tend to hold the posed 45-60 seconds. I know I'm supposed to eat proteins and carbs but I rarely actually do that.

If I were to give myself a grade on my warm up and cool down - it would be a solid D-.

What does everyone else do?

2014-02-24 6:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
For the swim I do several sets of easy 50m with 20 seconds between. Then I do a few hundred meters straight, take a minute or so break then head into my actual swim workout. I warm up the least for the swim which is something I should probably change.

For the bike I do ten minutes of easy riding while stretching my shoulders, arms etc. I also do a ten minute easy cool down. Then I do 10-15 minutes of stretching.

For the run I do a series of intervals to get things going. I start with a solid 5 minute walk at 3mph. Then I do 2 minutes of running at 4mph, 1 minute walking at 3mph, 2 minutes running at 4.5mph, 1 minute walking at 3mph and so on. I increase the speed of the running interval by .5mph every time until I'm 1mph above my FT pace. After that I start the 'actual' run at 1mph slower than the pace I intend to run at for the first five minutes, increase by .5mph for another 5 minutes and then hit my intended pace by 10minutes. By then I feel warmed up, loosened up and ready to roll. This is a lot easier on the treadmill. Outside I have to estimate a little more the pacing. After the run I do 10-15 minutes of stretching.

Before a run or bike workout I eat a single serving cup of yogurt mixed with a teaspoon of hemp hearts about 20minutes before I start the activity.
After any workout I always eat a banana and get two scoops of protein into me and then munch on nuts and seeds for the few hours following ( I usually eat one cup combined of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and cashews spread over 3 hours). I find munching on the nuts and seeds for the few hours following the workout, especially if the workout is in the morning, prevents me from bonking later in the day.
2014-02-25 10:53 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
With this warm up/down issue I would get a D like David, or even an E for warm up. I never warm up, I just start slow, but when I use to run with a club, we use to do 1k slow, then stretch, a few short intervals, and then start the work up, and I felt much better. But being out of time most of the time I consider warm up my first km running or biking, and the first few 50´s in the pool. After swimming, no stretching, after bike, either, only after running, as this is when I really need it and make a difference: 5-10 minutes with 30 sec hold. And if it is a long workout, I usually drink a protein shake.
2014-02-25 11:07 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
"Warm-up" in my pool is exactly that - I swim with a master's group 3 mornings per week, and the water is usually around 70 degrees, which is ***cold***, especially coming in from 18 degree weather. I usually do some jumping jacks to get the heart rate up a bit. The first 300 yards are usually continuous, and also horrible, and then it gets better.

Running - if I'm on the treadmill, I'll do a minute at 3mph, a minute at 4mph, then jump to 5mph until 10:00, then click it up a tenth every 30 seconds or so to 6mph, then cruise until 20:00 - then the workout starts. My coach's proscribed workouts have 20:00 warmups, which is a bit long for me, but oh well. After 20:00, everything usually settles in to place and it's time to work, even if that long a warmup is pretty boring.

On the bike trainer, very similar to the run - 5' at an easy, bottom gear spin, and jump a gear every 5' or so. The bike's the easiest to seek the warmup working, since over the course of 10', my easy spin will automatically go from about 95rpm to 105rpm without me doing anything or thinking about it.

I should stretch more after cooldown . . . generally it's a fast reverse of the warmup - so compress 20' to 10' or 5', letting the HR fall into line.

Protein always after workouts - either dinner, or a shake, or a greek yogurt. While not avoiding carbs post-workout, I try not to seek them out, either - any time I can flirt with ketosis without driving myself bonkers on the diet is a good thing. Especially since I'm cutting weight right now, high-protein, low-carb (or no-carb) recovery can provide muscle repair while burning through the excess fat stores.

2014-02-25 2:19 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Swim: Get in pool. Push off wall for 10-20 ft, surface, then return to wall-Warm Up finished.  For races, I'll do 10 min. or until my breathing setttles, with a couple hard efforts thrown in.

Bike: +/- mile easy spinning til i get to open roads.

Run: 'Maybe' 1/2 mile at most, easy jogging.  For races, I'll do several 'accelerations' til my heart rate gets up. 

Frankly, I think long warm ups are over-rated. IMO-Unless you're doing short, very high intensity stuff, too much time gets spent logging 'empty' warm up miles.  I know I'm in the minority, but for AG athletes, I've read nothing that convinces me long warm ups are that helpful.  I know my early sets will be a bit slower than my later sets-I'm good with that.  Races are NOTHING like training sessions; you efforts go up, down, sideways, backwards. I like to be familiar with all those different feedback sensations and, thus, be able to adapt on-the-run.  Read almost ANY Race Report on BT and you'll see the phrase "once I settled into a rythym"...THAT'S what it feels like to get 'warmed up'. Train like You'll Race-When the gun goes off; You Swim...then jump on your bike...then run. 

DISCLAIMER-The author of this post in a middle-aged, busted down, mediocre (at best) triathlete wanna-be.  However, I have slept in a Holiday Inn Express.




2014-02-25 2:23 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by MOlsen

Weekend race report! (Seaside half-marathon)

Overall a good race, I'm happy with my time (2:04) and performance.

The last couple of miles were tough and got me thinking I was crazy. Then I remembered that I'm running the distance to challenge myself, so of course it's going to be tough! Celebrated with a Racer 5 IPA after the long drive back home. Note to self: driving 2 hours right after a race is not fun, however something came up so we had to get home earlier than planned. My legs are still a bit sore, as expected, and my foot didn't give me much trouble. Today I'm going to do an easy 1000m in the pool then spend a little time in the hot-tub

Nice Race, Mark. Congrats!

Glad the foot cooperated.

2014-02-25 2:34 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Frankly, I think long warm ups are over-rated. IMO-Unless you're doing short, very high intensity stuff, too much time gets spent logging 'empty' warm up miles. 

I think it depends on the person. Knowing yourself and knowing how you function determines what your warm-up should be. I've sat on many half marathon lines and have seen people walk up to the starting line from parking their car and take off at good clip on the gun.

For me, I feel like I've got a load of bricks on my back until I hit the 8km mark. If I do a good long interval warm-up of 20-30 minutes before a race, I see vast improvements in my overall time because I can start the race already 'settled in.'

My resting heart rate is in the 39-43 BPM range and my HR during the run settles at around 150 BPM so for me to get out on the course with little to no warm-up leaves my heart having to jump up a fair bit over a relatively short period. This usually leaves me feeling short-of-breath and sluggish for the first part of the race.
2014-02-25 4:45 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
If you get a chance, read "The first 20 minutes" by Gretchen Reynolds, very clear about warm- up/cool down, diet, antiinflammatory drugs and diets... I found it destroys most of our myths.

2014-02-26 8:37 AM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Jeff for the win! Your holiday express comment actually made me laugh out lound. (Not just smile then type lol.)

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Swim: Get in pool. Push off wall for 10-20 ft, surface, then return to wall-Warm Up finished.  For races, I'll do 10 min. or until my breathing setttles, with a couple hard efforts thrown in.

Bike: +/- mile easy spinning til i get to open roads.

Run: 'Maybe' 1/2 mile at most, easy jogging.  For races, I'll do several 'accelerations' til my heart rate gets up. 

Frankly, I think long warm ups are over-rated. IMO-Unless you're doing short, very high intensity stuff, too much time gets spent logging 'empty' warm up miles.  I know I'm in the minority, but for AG athletes, I've read nothing that convinces me long warm ups are that helpful.  I know my early sets will be a bit slower than my later sets-I'm good with that.  Races are NOTHING like training sessions; you efforts go up, down, sideways, backwards. I like to be familiar with all those different feedback sensations and, thus, be able to adapt on-the-run.  Read almost ANY Race Report on BT and you'll see the phrase "once I settled into a rythym"...THAT'S what it feels like to get 'warmed up'. Train like You'll Race-When the gun goes off; You Swim...then jump on your bike...then run. 

DISCLAIMER-The author of this post in a middle-aged, busted down, mediocre (at best) triathlete wanna-be.  However, I have slept in a Holiday Inn Express.




2014-02-26 11:30 AM
in reply to: #4915725

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
What was the name of that swim speed workout plan with the laminated cards? I need to do something to get my speed up there and I'm hoping that'll do it.
2014-02-26 12:01 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Good Weather=Good Day!

Having some sunny, mid-50s weather here in Boise.  Did a quick, up tempo 40 min while my soccer star daughter had practice.  Quite an Eventful run; got detoured, then 'escorted' off a private golf course (it just looked so dang pretty) then assisted a complete stranger in getting a MASSIVE, old-school tv into their house. 

Then went for a late swim, 1175 @ 2:24/100.  This looks worse than it is...I was actually trying to go fast.  I'm just NEVER going to be a fast swimmer.  Oh, well.  I'll always have my beer.

Suppossed to be almost 60 degree today, so an outside ride is in order.  Then a swim or run later.

2014-02-26 12:02 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Weekend race report! (Seaside half-marathon)

Overall a good race, I'm happy with my time (2:04) and performance.

The last couple of miles were tough and got me thinking I was crazy. Then I remembered that I'm running the distance to challenge myself, so of course it's going to be tough! Celebrated with a Racer 5 IPA after the long drive back home. Note to self: driving 2 hours right after a race is not fun, however something came up so we had to get home earlier than planned. My legs are still a bit sore, as expected, and my foot didn't give me much trouble. Today I'm going to do an easy 1000m in the pool then spend a little time in the hot-tub

congrats on the race. Been swimming and biking still no running. Starting lifting weights 3 times a week also.
2014-02-26 1:39 PM
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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Burd

What was the name of that swim speed workout plan with the laminated cards? I need to do something to get my speed up there and I'm hoping that'll do it.

Swim Speed workouts

Edit to add my workout for the day: 1500m in the pool before the rain starts fall. I'm excited about the rain however it will hamper my running for a couple days. Good thing I raced last weekend and I don't have anything in the next few weeks so my training won't really be impacted too much..

Edited by MOlsen 2014-02-26 4:16 PM
2014-02-26 9:02 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise
Then went for a late swim, 1175 @ 2:24/100.  This looks worse than it is...I was actually trying to go fast.  I'm just NEVER going to be a fast swimmer.  Oh, well.  I'll always have my beer.

Suppossed to be almost 60 degree today, so an outside ride is in order.  Then a swim or run later.

We should start a slow club - forget dolphins, the manatees are where it's at. We've got beer.

My PR 100 is 1:58 - I feel your pain. My best 50 every was 0:52. Don't even ask about my kick sets - 200 kick? 8 minutes. My kick is horrible.

Also, here in Illinois, today's high was 12, and it was 2 when I woke up this morning. I love winter, but this stuff is ridiculous. It's almost March! /grumble grumble . . .

2014-02-26 10:05 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by jeffnboise
Then went for a late swim, 1175 @ 2:24/100.  This looks worse than it is...I was actually trying to go fast.  I'm just NEVER going to be a fast swimmer.  Oh, well.  I'll always have my beer.

Suppossed to be almost 60 degree today, so an outside ride is in order.  Then a swim or run later.

We should start a slow club - forget dolphins, the manatees are where it's at. We've got beer.

My PR 100 is 1:58 - I feel your pain. My best 50 every was 0:52. Don't even ask about my kick sets - 200 kick? 8 minutes. My kick is horrible.

Also, here in Illinois, today's high was 12, and it was 2 when I woke up this morning. I love winter, but this stuff is ridiculous. It's almost March! /grumble grumble . . .

Molasses legs, is so in on the slow club.
2014-02-27 5:01 AM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
A lion in the Savannah doesn't warm up

my warm up on my bike consist of getting out of my neighborhood about .25 miles. Swim....none. Run a walk to the street maybe some stretching.

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is slow in the pool. My friend who was a swim instructor in the Marines was telling me I needed to be around 1:30 100's. I thought there is not way. I am a solid 2:15 100's. I have really been concentrating on my stroke but seem to wear out much faster. I am getting my hips up so I at least somewhat "skim" the water. I have also noticed that my lats and tris are burning during my swim so I guess I need to hit the weights more.
2014-02-27 11:06 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

My "fast" times for a 100 in the water are around 1:50 and dying afterwards. Kick, what's that? I've all but given up on kick sets and just move my legs to help balance my form in the water. Using the "Swim Speed Secrets" workouts has been improving my form and feel for the water with the high elbow catch however I'm somewhat resigned to being MOP. Afterall, I'm doing this for fun and fitness

2014-02-27 12:54 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Listen here Boise boy - you can keep you talk of balmy weather to yourself. The expected high this weekend is -27C. We have had 71 days with temps less than -30C. True stat - not even joking.
It feels like I will never run outside again and that my bike is going to be on the trainer FOREVER!

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Good Weather=Good Day!

Having some sunny, mid-50s weather here in Boise.  Did a quick, up tempo 40 min while my soccer star daughter had practice.  Quite an Eventful run; got detoured, then 'escorted' off a private golf course (it just looked so dang pretty) then assisted a complete stranger in getting a MASSIVE, old-school tv into their house. 

Then went for a late swim, 1175 @ 2:24/100.  This looks worse than it is...I was actually trying to go fast.  I'm just NEVER going to be a fast swimmer.  Oh, well.  I'll always have my beer.

Suppossed to be almost 60 degree today, so an outside ride is in order.  Then a swim or run later.

2014-02-28 6:06 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by ripariangal

Listen here Boise boy - you can keep you talk of balmy weather to yourself. The expected high this weekend is -27C. We have had 71 days with temps less than -30C. True stat - not even joking.
It feels like I will never run outside again and that my bike is going to be on the trainer FOREVER!

-27!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was complaining about this never ending winter b/c its going to be 42 this weekend

got a swim and weights in this morning

Edited by b2b14 2014-02-28 7:03 AM

2014-02-28 9:08 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Not much going on training wise this week. Swam Monday then came home and got a piece of metal in my eye from putting together a kids toy for a friend. See how dangerous a Little Tykes car can be . Went to the ER and they couldn't get it out so I went to an eye surgeon Tuesday morning. She dug and dug and finally got it out but said no swimming for the week. I go back to her today and hope she clears me to get back in the water Monday. It still feels like there is something in my eye but I was told this is normal. I did manage to get back on the bike yesterday and it felt wonderful. I am keeping my rides short and building my base from scratch. I also see the PT this afternoon to see when she says to try and run again. I'm guessing the month of March is going to be a loss. My HIM plan starts on April 13th so if I don't run until then I'm OK with that. Better safe than sorry I guess. I ordered the Swim Speed workouts so I'll be starting them when they get here next week. Since I can't swim with my tri group until May due to coaching again this soccer season I needed something to keep me on track.
2014-02-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
For those that were here last winter...notice I am keeping my mouth shut this time, well until now. I am complaining today since the high is only going to be 76. Can you believe it won't be in the 80s until tomorrow. Curse you winter....curse you!

Sorry my northern brothers and sisters but I had to go there...


nbc2_7day_web.jpg (31KB - 4 downloads)
2014-02-28 9:18 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Burd For those that were here last winter...notice I am keeping my mouth shut this time, well until now. I am complaining today since the high is only going to be 76. Can you believe it won't be in the 80s until tomorrow. Curse you winter....curse you! Sorry my northern brothers and sisters but I had to go there...


I lived in FL for 4 yrs. 2 in Tampa and 2 in Coco Beach. I DO miss the spring weather...I do NOT miss the summer monsoons...or bugs....or dead fish smell from Hillsborough Bay. 

Hope yer eye gets better. ( jerk!  lol)



2014-02-28 9:46 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

For those that were here last winter...notice I am keeping my mouth shut this time, well until now. I am complaining today since the high is only going to be 76. Can you believe it won't be in the 80s until tomorrow. Curse you winter....curse you!

Sorry my northern brothers and sisters but I had to go there...

I live in Canada. Complaining about how cold it is is like complaining about having to eat. It's going to be cold. That's just how it is. It was -10 celsius today so I wore a spring jacket with a hoodie; in other words, it was a mild winter day.

In other news, I have not had a good week. On paper I had a great week. I did 3 runs, 3 bikes and 3 swims. I also had 3 mid-terms. I bombed one of them and probably bombed the third. Overall I feel defeated and worn out. It's been a rum and pepsi night for me. I have 90minutes to pump out tomorrow on the bike and then a rest day. Here's to hoping next week is a better week.
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