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2008-02-07 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
It's great to see you back in here, Renee. Thanks for checking in, and sorry work (and the rest of life) has been so crazy for you. I'm glad to hear you've been getting in your training -- I was worried about your empty logs!

Just take a deep breath and check in with us when you can. We miss you, but we want you healthy and sane, so you don't need to worry about us on top of everything else you've got going on.

2008-02-07 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1199360

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-02-07 10:48 AM

Hey all, I just wanted to stop by and apologize for being MIA again . . . work just keeps getting in the way of my life   We are swamped . . . I was struggling big time, earlier this week, with the stress of worrying about work killing my training plan or sending me back gaining weight.  After a great talk w/ a good friend I'm feeling much better and more in control, though I still am not sure how to make my schedule easier.  I have been getting in workouts, and plan to continue to, one way or another.  We don't REALLY need sleep, do we?   I haven' t had a chance to read anything in here or log workouts - I'm gonna go try and do some now, before I lose the info in my watch (and my memory) LOL!  Hope you all are doing well . . . I miss keeping in touch with you all!!!  Hoping to find time over the weekend to catch up in here.  Can't wait to see what AWESOME workouts you all have been getting in!


hey renee life happens. we all get swamped from time to time, and there just seems to be too few hours in the day to accomplish everything. keep your sanity, train when you can, and enjoy life.
2008-02-07 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1198338

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-02-06 6:46 PM Stop trying to be cheap and getting out of purchasing a wetsuit!! Just kidding. I haven't gone down that road yet of a wetsuit either. My first tri is a pool swim so that is ok. Question is what will I swim in my tri shorts and top or will the chlorine damage it. I don't want to have to do a clothes change after getting out of the pool. Put in another 1K in the pool today so that is cool last 3 times there have all been a 1000m. I must say I can put in a pretty fast and solid 25m My 50 is getting better and can get a couple 75/100 sometimes so I am happy with the progress. baby steps right?

You all have no idea how cheap I am. Seriously. Nobody can get tri gear for cheaper. I live like a monk. (Monkette?)

Shawn, you are doing awesome in the pool. The beautiful thing about baby steps there is that a little makes such a big difference, and we are seeing it in you!

Ditto Leslie on the tri shorts/top in the pool. In fact, practice with them BEFORE the tri--definitely rinse them VERY THOROUGHLY with LOTS of cold water (then and after the tri).

My first tri was a pool swim, too. In fact, I will be doing that very same tri again in a few weeks! Yay!

2008-02-07 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1198419

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-02-06 8:02 PM

Yanti, aren't you in love?  It's fluffy love weight and it will go away, especially with the exercising you've been up lately.  Just take it easy on those delish desserts I keep seeing pix of!!!!

FLUFFY LOVE WEIGHT! I like it. Actually, I'm pretty sure I don't weigh more ... I've just gotten, well, fluffier. You're right, I'll re-proportion as I re-condition. I also forgot how much I used to walk--like, 4-5 miles/day--and I was doing a lot less of that while sick/rehabbing/holidays.

I'm sharing the delish desserts--getting Southern California high the happy way. [Seriously, those desserts get people high ...]

2008-02-07 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1198456

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
WaterDog66 - 2008-02-06 9:07 PM

So this is where all of the cool kids come and hang out

I have been a potter for quite a while now and practice a technique called "Raku", which is a Japanese technique for glazing and firing earthenware ceramics. Raku is a pretty severe process that includes removing the piece from the kiln when it is red and glowing and then reducing it in a low oxygen environment before quenching it in cold water. Needless to say, the success rate is pretty low. (Most pots will crack or break and even explode)

I have found that training and racing has a lot of similarities to practicing Raku which loosly translates as "Happiness by Chance". Many times you come away more than a bit frustrated or at best with less than satisfying results. (Sort of an exercise in delayed gratification)

Once in a while though, you end up with something of true beauty that you cherish. Of course, measuring success by just finish times hardly ever satisfying.

It seems that you all have had the great fortune to meet someone along the way who is a real one of a kind. If you find yourself in a place to call her friend, then you are truely lucky.  I had the good fortune to spend a bit of time with your mentor and had a few minutes of what you get to experience on a daily basis.

It is no suprise that when I look through the roster of folks here, that many of you are just as energetic as your mentor when it comes to sharing your time for the good of the group.

Train Well Cool Kids

As I said before (or something like it) ... Tim is the finest piglet on this earth and if I get a few more lifetimes, maybe I will become someone like him ... .

He is so very right--tri is about the process, not the product.

And of course he is also right about all of you ... I am not sure how I came upon the privilege of being part of a group as amazing as this one, where each individual is delightful, enthusiastic, and generous ... I am continually humbled and inspired by your efforts and wisdom.

Big kisses for everybody! MWAH!

2008-02-07 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hi everyone!

A quick update, then I have to scoot again.

I had a great week!  It is so nice to feel smart and valued at work again

The workouts have really suffered though, I need to get into a routine, I guess it's not unexpected given the circumstances.  I did get some leads on a gym that sounds like it is close to where I'm living, so I'm going to check it out next week.

I'm headed home tomorrow and will get to see my DD's last regular season BB game - wow, that is weird - where did the time go? how can she be a senior, sorry I digress..............

I hope everyone is doing well - Since I'll probably be waking up at the crack of stupid after being on eastern time for a week, I'll try and pop in and catch up

2008-02-07 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1200132

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-02-07 4:28 PM

Hi everyone!

A quick update, then I have to scoot again.

I had a great week!  It is so nice to feel smart and valued at work again

The workouts have really suffered though, I need to get into a routine, I guess it's not unexpected given the circumstances.  I did get some leads on a gym that sounds like it is close to where I'm living, so I'm going to check it out next week.

I'm headed home tomorrow and will get to see my DD's last regular season BB game - wow, that is weird - where did the time go? how can she be a senior, sorry I digress..............

I hope everyone is doing well - Since I'll probably be waking up at the crack of stupid after being on eastern time for a week, I'll try and pop in and catch up

Never fails, I start the kissing and Bethie shows up

So wonderful to hear from you, and thanks for checking in. I'm sure everyone else will chime in--no worries about the workouts! Sure, they make you feel better and whatnot, but life is life, for one thing, and for another, a hiatus can do surprising things.

(This goes for all of you )

Just a couple of my own experiences--I needed to take an extended trip to Indonesia at the very peak of my Oly training, and I had scattered workout opps there, none very long. I came back just in time to "taper" (duh, I'd been doing THAT for weeks! ) ... and blew out the best tri of the season.

Recently, I hadn't been swimming for about six weeks--and while I'm not high on the endurance end, my times haven't suffered one bit.

We will all have skipped workouts, or even periods of time (life in progress) where we're not able to train. Sometimes it gives our bodies the perfect opportunity to assimilate all that wonderful training that went before, and we come back even stronger ...

2008-02-08 4:21 AM
in reply to: #1199134

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Going aero on a Spinner(R) bike

Medusa_Ann - 2008-02-07 11:21 AM

Waterdog, it's been obvious since day one that we have a truly amazing mentor, and we totally appreciate and love her!!  I am secretly hoping she moves to Seattle so we can hang out.    Thanks for stopping by the cool kids' group--always nice to have visitors.  Do you have any pictures of Raku that you've done?

Now, a triathlon question--sort of--I was in spinning class last night and we did a lot of aero riding, which is good.  However, I find that being busty, I can't really ride very fast in that position, as 'the girls' got in the way a lot.  It was quite amusing.  Is there a way to adjust the bike so that this doesn't happen, or am I doomed to never go aero until my girls either shrink away or I find some sort of super mega support bra that hasn't been invented yet??

I get to go wetsuit shopping tonight, woo woo!!!

Woo hoo indeed ... yay for new tri gear ... MUST POST PICS!!! BTW, love the new avatar. You have such a beautiful, open face, and the grin screams mischief, joy, and all that is fun.

Okay, aero on an indoor cycling bike ... don't do it. Seriously. I don't throw a lot of black and white stuff out there, and I will certainly explain why so you can reach your own conclusions, but for the love of all that is beautiful, stable, and functional in your body, don't do it.

I'm invoking a god here, Joe Friel (Cyclist's Training Bible, Triathlete's Training Bible, etc.): "I certainly would not recommend a rider try to assume an aero position on a bike that is not a custom fit, especially if the bike does not have the geometry necessary for this position." He was referring specifically to Spinner(R) bikes and their knockoffs. This makes perfect sense. Spinner(R) bikes are not made for aero, and it's not a good idea to go aero on any bike that is not fit specifically for you anyway.

The reason you're knocking into your chest is that indoor bikes have a less steep seat tube angle--in English, that creates a smaller angle between your legs and your chest = knock, knock, knock. Even if you didn't have a feminine figure, this reduced angle cramps your midsection up more and makes it harder for the chest to expand and diaphragm to drop.

In a proper aero position (again, not possible to get into one on an indoor bike), the neck is fairly extended. In an improper aero position, it's overly extended.

Aero on this type of bike puts you in excessive posterior pelvic tilt, which places excessive tension on your hammies and glutes--all of this literally pulls the natural curve out of your lower back, which is then not properly stabilized. This has a ripple effect upward--the overflexion forward of the trunk puts strain on your shoulders, neck and arms--and downward--external rotation of the femurs tends to cause the knees to point outward, and the hips to rock more--which actually causes your lower spine to twist. 

As for aero on a road or tri bike--it should be custom fit to you (can't emphasize this enough--Beth, BETHIE!!! Back me up here!), and because all the angles will be optimized for your body and bike, you should have far less (if any) problem with your knees hitting your chest.

I don't want to sound like a nagging, scolding b!tch ... it's just that in these matters, I am the horse's mouth, and we get the stories and statistics in droves about strains, pains, and injuries from inappropriate use of Spinner(R) and other indoor cycling bikes. It's heartbreaking, and I couldn't bear to see any of it happen to any of you, that's all.

2008-02-08 4:29 AM
in reply to: #1199360

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-02-07 12:48 PM

Hey all, I just wanted to stop by and apologize for being MIA again . . . work just keeps getting in the way of my life   We are swamped . . . I was struggling big time, earlier this week, with the stress of worrying about work killing my training plan or sending me back gaining weight.  After a great talk w/ a good friend I'm feeling much better and more in control, though I still am not sure how to make my schedule easier.  I have been getting in workouts, and plan to continue to, one way or another.  We don't REALLY need sleep, do we?   I haven' t had a chance to read anything in here or log workouts - I'm gonna go try and do some now, before I lose the info in my watch (and my memory) LOL!  Hope you all are doing well . . . I miss keeping in touch with you all!!!  Hoping to find time over the weekend to catch up in here.  Can't wait to see what AWESOME workouts you all have been getting in!


Renee--no worries, it's just wonderful to hear from you and have you quickly check in! All of us have been insanely busy--yep, holiday buzz is officially GONE and it's back to the grindstone. Even Beth and I have been quiet lately .

Training plans have wiggle room. Just be sensible--don't double up if you miss workouts; don't resume into a high-intensity workout if you've skipped a few. Remember: you're an accomplished human being who deserves a pat on the back for putting so much into every area of your life.

Yes, you need sleep ... I go back and forth on this. Being short on sleep, especially chronically, does horrifying things to you and makes you gain weight. It also renders more of your workouts as "junk miles" where it's just taxing your body, since you don't have the time to rest (where the REAL benefit of working out happens!)

However, sometimes sleep deficit is unavoidable, and LIGHT aerobic exercise (not, "I will do what's on my plan no matter what) can help gently stimulate the body and give us an energy boost.

2008-02-08 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1200469

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-02-08 2:21 AM

Going aero on a Spinner(R) bike

Woo hoo indeed ... yay for new tri gear ... MUST POST PICS!!! BTW, love the new avatar. You have such a beautiful, open face, and the grin screams mischief, joy, and all that is fun.

Okay, aero on an indoor cycling bike ... don't do it. Seriously. I don't throw a lot of black and white stuff out there, and I will certainly explain why so you can reach your own conclusions, but for the love of all that is beautiful, stable, and functional in your body, don't do it.

I'm invoking a god here, Joe Friel (Cyclist's Training Bible, Triathlete's Training Bible, etc.): "I certainly would not recommend a rider try to assume an aero position on a bike that is not a custom fit, especially if the bike does not have the geometry necessary for this position." He was referring specifically to Spinner(R) bikes and their knockoffs. This makes perfect sense. Spinner(R) bikes are not made for aero, and it's not a good idea to go aero on any bike that is not fit specifically for you anyway.

The reason you're knocking into your chest is that indoor bikes have a less steep seat tube angle--in English, that creates a smaller angle between your legs and your chest = knock, knock, knock. Even if you didn't have a feminine figure, this reduced angle cramps your midsection up more and makes it harder for the chest to expand and diaphragm to drop.

In a proper aero position (again, not possible to get into one on an indoor bike), the neck is fairly extended. In an improper aero position, it's overly extended.

Aero on this type of bike puts you in excessive posterior pelvic tilt, which places excessive tension on your hammies and glutes--all of this literally pulls the natural curve out of your lower back, which is then not properly stabilized. This has a ripple effect upward--the overflexion forward of the trunk puts strain on your shoulders, neck and arms--and downward--external rotation of the femurs tends to cause the knees to point outward, and the hips to rock more--which actually causes your lower spine to twist. 

As for aero on a road or tri bike--it should be custom fit to you (can't emphasize this enough--Beth, BETHIE!!! Back me up here!), and because all the angles will be optimized for your body and bike, you should have far less (if any) problem with your knees hitting your chest.

I don't want to sound like a nagging, scolding b!tch ... it's just that in these matters, I am the horse's mouth, and we get the stories and statistics in droves about strains, pains, and injuries from inappropriate use of Spinner(R) and other indoor cycling bikes. It's heartbreaking, and I couldn't bear to see any of it happen to any of you, that's all.

Not nagging OR scolding!  That is why I asked the question.  It makes total sense, and I have also read the recent threads on spinning vs trainer vs roller vs outdoor riding so I  am familiar with the debate about that.  Sometimes it is just fun to be with other people and have loud music to up one's motivation in the dark, wet and dreary days of winter!  As soon as it gets nicer I will be doing mostly outdoor riding.  In the meantime, it will be a combo of outdoor/spinning/trainer.  I am glad to know that in the event I decide to upgrade my own bike to aero, I won't be thump thump thumping my chest the whole time!  I already quit doing the jumps on the spinner bikes, so now will cease the aero and just spin when I do that class.

I 'may' post wetsuit pix.  We shall see.  Gotta up my confidence a wee bit wearing skin tight neoprene!!!  I am just psyched to have it!

2008-02-08 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1200883

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-02-08 9:34 AM

Not nagging OR scolding!  That is why I asked the question.  It makes total sense, and I have also read the recent threads on spinning vs trainer vs roller vs outdoor riding so I  am familiar with the debate about that.  Sometimes it is just fun to be with other people and have loud music to up one's motivation in the dark, wet and dreary days of winter!  As soon as it gets nicer I will be doing mostly outdoor riding.  In the meantime, it will be a combo of outdoor/spinning/trainer.  I am glad to know that in the event I decide to upgrade my own bike to aero, I won't be thump thump thumping my chest the whole time!  I already quit doing the jumps on the spinner bikes, so now will cease the aero and just spin when I do that class.

I 'may' post wetsuit pix.  We shall see.  Gotta up my confidence a wee bit wearing skin tight neoprene!!!  I am just psyched to have it!

I'm actually a fan of Spinning(R) classes. I definitely get the group and musical T.I.T.S. thing. I'd be a bigger fan if I could find any where they didn't endanger students, but whatever. I mean, I teach them once in a while here at the World Headquarters, but ... I'd rather GO to one, 'cause I'm kind of lazy!

You are welcome to post a pic of the wetsuit without you in it, but actually, that cuts out the best part and the one we want to celebrate!

Here's pics of me in a wetsuit (last Sunday's half mary)--believe me, you have no idea (other than color and cut) how much like a wetsuit it turned out to be ...



2008-02-08 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Haha! I love your "wetsuit", Yanti!

And Leslie, congrats on your purchase. I agree with Yanti -- if you don't want to post pics of yourself in it, at least show us the empty wetsuit. I also want to hear about your experience shopping for it. I laughed pretty much the whole time I was trying mine on. (And now I should check your logs...)
2008-02-09 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Hm...I'm not sure if anyone's around, but I'm at work so I guess I'll type up some swim questions even if it's just to entertain myself today.

Swim Question #1: Is it OK to mess around with my training plan so it's a little more consistent with the swim times/distances? I totally get the point of tapering and building slowly when it comes to biking and running, but at my level of swimming, it just doesn't seem to accomplish much to build and then slow down. Plus, at this point in my training plan I'm getting a lot of swim workouts that are only 30 or 45 minutes, and that just isn't enough time to get in a decent swim at my speed. I'm lucky if I can swim 1,000 yards in 30 minutes! So with the swim, is it OK if instead I do something like two "short" sessions of 1,500-1,800 yards and one "long" session of 2,000-2,200 yards each week? I just think that would allow me to focus on technique and speedwork, and right now I feel like I'm just glossing over both. And if I do switch things up, is there a benefit, to someone at my level of swimming, to slowly building up and then easing off every few weeks? Because I'm fine adjusting my session lengths up and down, I'd just like to be swimming a little bit longer, you know? So for example, I could start my "short" sessions at 1,500, build up to 1,800, then drop down to 1,500 (or lower) for my "rest" weeks.

Or should I just stop over-thinking things and do what the plan says? *g*

Swim Question #2: On the catchup drill, something's wonky with my rotation. I find that my pull arm is opposite the side that is rotated down (so when I'm pulling with my left arm, I'm rotated on my right side). If I try to fix it I get totally screwed up. Should I not be worrying about rotation with that drill? I know rotation isn't the point of the catchup drill, but I don't want to do it wrong.

Swim Question #3: Sometimes my swim cap slides off my head, especially when I'm doing a bunch of sprint intervals. Does this mean something is wrong with the way I'm holding my head? Or is it because of my huge forehead? (OK, I'm guessing this is just normal. But I'm sensitive about my huge forehead! And also, it's annoying. Are there any secrets to keeping a swim cap on?)

Swim questions! It's like old school Manatee days! Have we been around long enough to have old school days?
2008-02-09 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hey Erin, my swim cap goes through phases where it comes off a lot, too.  No idea why. Oh well!  I will let the swim pros answer your swim questions, as I think they are really good!!

Do you guys feel like having a laugh today?  I posted pix of me in my new wetsuit! You will see, I am seriously insane.

2008-02-09 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1202832

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-02-09 10:48 AM

Hey Erin, my swim cap goes through phases where it comes off a lot, too. No idea why. Oh well! I will let the swim pros answer your swim questions, as I think they are really good!!

Do you guys feel like having a laugh today? I posted pix of me in my new wetsuit! You will see, I am seriously insane.

Wetsuit photos! You just made my day! And OK, that doesn't say much about my day (although I'm sure you're gorgeous in your pictures), but I'm writing about carjackings and drive-by shootings, so that's to be expected.

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has strange swim cap phases. Maybe I just need a new cap.
2008-02-09 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Oh my God, Leslie, you were not kidding about the laughs. That is the funniest photo spread I have seen in a very long time. I can't pick a favorite. Wait, never mind, I totally can -- feeding the birds. I just, there are no words. You are so awesome.


2008-02-10 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hi everyone!

I'm headed back to PA in a couple of hours, so unfortunately I don't have time to catch up on questions and posts. 

Good news is, I'm getting a laptop next week!!!!  So, I should be able to be online a bit more again

have a great day

2008-02-10 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


 Hope you had safe travels, Beth. We are looking forward to your laptop as much as you are, I think!

 In case you wanted to wish me a happy birthday, I am accepting inspires from now, thru Monday, for those of you who weren't online this weekend.    I had a happy weekend, did a lot of fun stuff even though the kids have been conspiring against me.  I did miss my scheduled long bike ride, but I am not going to sweat it.  It's not like I have my birthday every back on plan now.

2008-02-10 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


You are a joy and a gift to our entire team. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and you look SMOKIN' RED HOT in that wetsuit!!! I think the guitar one should be your next avatar!

Edited by TriAya 2008-02-10 9:21 PM


happy_birthday_card.gif (35KB - 16 downloads)
2008-02-10 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
2008-02-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Happy Birthday Leslie!!!

2008-02-11 2:51 AM
in reply to: #1202806

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


Fielding - 2008-02-09 10:05 AM

Swim Question #1: I'm getting a lot of swim workouts that are only 30 or 45 minutes, and that just isn't enough time to get in a decent swim at my speed. I'm lucky if I can swim 1,000 yards in 30 minutes! So with the swim, is it OK if instead I do something like two "short" sessions of 1,500-1,800 yards and one "long" session of 2,000-2,200 yards each week? I just think that would allow me to focus on technique and speedwork, and right now I feel like I'm just glossing over both.

One word: shoulder. (Or biceps tendonitis, but whatever).

If you're swimming 3min/100yd (I know you're not--I've seen your log swims, but even so), you should still focus mostly on form. Putting a lot of yardage on a stroke that still needs work isn't going to improve your swimming.

However, feel free to total your swimming at 30-45 min.; if you're doing drills, don't count the rest time in between.

The longest distance you might do in the near future is an Oly, and for a pool swim, you only need to work up to about 2000yd continuous (and only do that distance a very few times) to be well-prepped. And you've got three months to get there.

Don't worry about speedwork. Relax in the water. Stretch out. Have fun. Think of drills less in terms of military repetitions than of feeling the breathtaking beauty of effortless movement in the water.

Is there a benefit, to someone at my level of swimming, to slowly building up and then easing off every few weeks? Because I'm fine adjusting my session lengths up and down, I'd just like to be swimming a little bit longer, you know? So for example, I could start my "short" sessions at 1,500, build up to 1,800, then drop down to 1,500 (or lower) for my "rest" weeks. Or should I just stop over-thinking things and do what the plan says?


Swim Question #2: On the catchup drill, something's wonky with my rotation. I find that my pull arm is opposite the side that is rotated down (so when I'm pulling with my left arm, I'm rotated on my right side). If I try to fix it I get totally screwed up. Should I not be worrying about rotation with that drill? I know rotation isn't the point of the catchup drill, but I don't want to do it wrong.

Rotation is a part of catch-up. Rotation is the fundamental movement in swimming. If you're having problems with rotating in catch-up, go back to Superman (SuperChick?) to get rotation down.

Superman 1: lead arm extended forward, other arm extended down by thigh. Kick in this position on your side (rotated inward just a bit, like you're looking at the black line of the lane next to yours). Do a full length per side, then switch.

Superman 2: Do six kicks on one side, then bring lag arm up to lead arm, and switch sides.

You can see how Superman 2 leads into doing catch-up. 

Swim Question #3: Sometimes my swim cap slides off my head, especially when I'm doing a bunch of sprint intervals. Does this mean something is wrong with the way I'm holding my head? Or is it because of my huge forehead? (OK, I'm guessing this is just normal. But I'm sensitive about my huge forehead! And also, it's annoying. Are there any secrets to keeping a swim cap on?) Swim questions! It's like old school Manatee days! Have we been around long enough to have old school days?

Dudette. We're nearly on our 1000th post. Yeah, we got old school!

Hmmm ... I already won the big feet contest--want to compare forehead sizes? Just try to make sure the cap is pulled tightly over your forehead, ears, and back of neck. Latex is better than silicone for grip.

2008-02-11 3:30 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Thank you, Yanti!!

OK, OK, I can still be patient with the swimming. And yes, I know I need to watch the shoulder. I just get frustrated! But I like the idea of taking rest periods out of the total time, especially now that I'm spending more time stretching in between sets.

I'm already focusing quite a bit on drills (more than half of every swim workout is drills), and I actually quite like doing them. I added speed intervals a few months ago because I'd read in lots of places that that's the best way to increase speed (vs. doing long straight sets), and it's definitely seemed to work. But I guess that's the point -- it's been working, so I should probably stick with it instead of trying to shake things up, heh.

Basically, right now I spend about 60 percent of every workout on drills or pulls, and the rest is intervals: one day a week I do 50y sprints, one day a week I do 100y sets, and the third day I do 200y sets. Every three weeks or so I do a long, straight swim just as a confidence booster, so I know I can do it.

Does that sound about right?

Re: Catchup and Superman. I actually do the superman drill every workout, and I think my rotation is mostly OK (certainly it can improve a lot, I'm sure, but both coaches said my rotation is pretty decent). I think I'm just doing something weird in the catchup drill. I'll have to work on that next swim.

Anyway, I get the point: Follow the plan. I can do that!
2008-02-11 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I'm catching up, slowly but surely. You all are fonts of information! I had planned myself too heavily last week expecting the doctor to say no-way, so I didn't make it to the gym. Right now; however, my gym bag is sitting on the floor under my desk, I've talked to my PT, and I'm going in tonight to get on the treadmill.

I'm having a bit of trouble with the orthotics. The heel portion is wider than my running shoe and it tends to slip forward in my shoe. Any suggestions, besides going back to the doctor, who I'm planning to call tomorrow morning?
2008-02-11 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Yanti thanks for the swim info. I need more drills I know I should be practicing and will from now on. In another thread I think it is my Swimming Rocks thread someone posted it is free and will give you work outs take a look I am not experienced enough to know if it is good or not.
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