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2008-08-07 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hello peeps still alive and well not training just no motivation right now.  Injury still lingering and working long hours.  I am setting Sept as a new year for me and to start training for next year.


Plus I saw that this would be post 1000 on this thread so had to take it lol


Hope all is well 

2008-08-07 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1587757

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

wplummer - 2008-08-07 9:26 AM so today was one of those morning when you wake up and think that you can conquer the world. so i did a 4 mile run 15 mile bike ride made it to the pool and swam 2000 yards. went home showered and was at work by 8:30 am. one of those work outs where everything felt good and smooth-especially in the water. have a great day everyone.

What is this "morning" you speak of? SUPER JOB, Will!

2008-08-07 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1589172

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
ShawnC13 - 2008-08-07 7:57 PM

Hello peeps still alive and well not training just no motivation right now.  Injury still lingering and working long hours.  I am setting Sept as a new year for me and to start training for next year.


Plus I saw that this would be post 1000 on this thread so had to take it lol


Hope all is well 

Shawn! So wonderful to see you. We miss you terribly, and no kidding, everything really slows down when you are injured and busy. Much sympathy. Plus I don't know you and your girl run around after so many young kids.

2008-08-07 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Thanks for the feedback, Terri and Yanti! I'm guessing the average weekly mileage for the plan I'm going with is about 30-35, which seems about right. I feel pretty good about managing that kind of mileage -- my peak so far has been about 29 miles, I think, and I've never had a week of running that left me feeling overly fatigued.

I need to stop reading the main forums and freaking myself out. (In particular, it's been interesting to read the thread started by the woman who wants to run a marathon, and all the people trying to talk her out of it. I was starting to think maybe I was crazy for even wanting to run one this year!)

Shawn! It's great to see you in here again. It's good that you're giving yourself a break and time to recover from the injury. I know it sucks to lose motivation, but you'll get it back and you probably need rest now more than anything. Hang in there!
2008-08-07 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1589226

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Fielding - 2008-08-07 8:28 PM I need to stop reading the main forums and freaking myself out. (In particular, it's been interesting to read the thread started by the woman who wants to run a marathon, and all the people trying to talk her out of it. I was starting to think maybe I was crazy for even wanting to run one this year!)

No, no, the main forum is high entertainment (and sometimes has gems, if you know who to trust).

Also, context ... the woman wants to focus on HIM but run a marathon. That's a totally different ballgame than focusing on a marathon and doing cross-training that will let you do a sprint or international for fun. There's just a fair amount of recovery time involved in HIM or mary that it really cuts into prime training time for the other.

2008-08-07 11:06 PM
in reply to: #1589239

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
TriAya - 2008-08-07 8:43 PM

Also, context ... the woman wants to focus on HIM but run a marathon. That's a totally different ballgame than focusing on a marathon and doing cross-training that will let you do a sprint or international for fun. There's just a fair amount of recovery time involved in HIM or mary that it really cuts into prime training time for the other.

True enough! It does seem like they've talked her out of it, and that's what'll be best for her, at this time. I guess it just seemed like the conversation had evolved into marathons in general and people tackling them before they're ready. All of the discussion about how marathons screwed people up was, OK, not freaking me out (I'm actually pretty tough to freak out), but making me think about why I want to do a marathon now. But hey, the good thing about a December marathon is if I do take forever to recover, I can use that as an excuse to booze it up over the holidays.

2008-08-08 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1587859

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

wplummer - 2008-08-07 11:57 AM i am starting to enjoy these early morning sunrises more and more. i was out on the bike at about 5:20. no traffic, nice temp, and i havent been on my bike for about 3 weeks(life happens). so i have my work cut out for me to hit 220 miles for my august challenge. thanks for the encouragement and motivation-that is one of the great things about this site.

once my family moves out to PA, I'll need to get back to morning workouts - that is going to be tough at first

2008-08-08 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
i agree that it may take a few mornings to get that mind and body accustomed to those early workouts. i am enjoying it great sunrises, and no traffic. i feel that i do have much more energy throughout the day. plus if i can get a quick run in during the evening hours that is just icing on the cake for the day.
2008-08-11 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1586608

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Fielding - 2008-08-06 7:14 PM As some of you have noticed, I signed up for my first marathon yesterday. Yay! I'm super excited about it (training officially began this week). But I need a little bit of reassurance. I always read in these forums about the high mileage the "real" runners recommend. In my extremely limited experience, I agree that high mileage is the key to getting faster and stronger, but sometimes I think the great runners here forget what it's like to be a newbie. Like, they'll say you shouldn't do any speed work until you hit something like 35 miles a week. Today, someone wrote that in order to have a good marathon you should be running 50 miles a week. That seems crazy to me! When I was looking at training plans, I ended up skipping over several novice plans (even though I'm 100 percent novice) because they only had three or four days a week of running, and the mileage for the first several weeks was lower than what I'm doing now. I feel good about the plan I picked (Hal Higdon Intermediate 1, it starts off at about 20-25 miles/week, with a max of about 40-45 miles/week. That's enough, right? I wouldn't mind doing more, but I've only been running regularly for a little over a year and it's my first marathon -- I don't want to kill myself in the training. I do have goals: I'd like to finish under four hours, just because I think I can. So just give me some reassurance, mentors and mentorees!

Don't let the crazy runners scare you!! Cool I am pretty sure I peaked at 45m for my first marathon.  My goal was to finish Chicago and I was doing a 10min run/1min walk.  It took me 4:52.  I really think it is all about having realistic goals for where you are in your journey.

I feel the same way about triathlon.  I have so much to learn to get faster and stronger, but who cares? that is half the fun of the process.

Now lace up those sneakers and go for it!


2008-08-12 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1595725

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
SSMinnow - 2008-08-11 4:39 PM

Don't let the crazy runners scare you!! Cool I am pretty sure I peaked at 45m for my first marathon. My goal was to finish Chicago and I was doing a 10min run/1min walk. It took me 4:52. I really think it is all about having realistic goals for where you are in your journey.

I feel the same way about triathlon. I have so much to learn to get faster and stronger, but who cares? that is half the fun of the process.

Now lace up those sneakers and go for it!

Thank you, Suzy! That's really great to hear from someone who's so fast now -- I am uber patient and plan to be at this running thing for a long time, so I'm feeling better about my goals at this point in my running "career". And you're so right -- learning and improving are totally half the fun (at least!).

Manatees, I got so caught up in reading about everyone else's vacation plans that I nearly forgot I had a vacation of my own. I'm leaving tomorrow for a week in Mexico. Yay! It should be an awesome trip. Of course, I'm a little concerned about a) missing so much Olympics (man, I *love* the Olympics) and b) having to skip one or two training runs. But I think I'll get over it.
2008-08-12 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hello my long lost group! I'm alive and some what kicking.

It sounds ilke everyone has been keeping busy, I certainly have. I'm a little unmotivated right now which is strange because I raced last Saturday and didn't have great results so that should have been a kick in the pants. I'm hoping I can shake the cobwebs and start it back up again!

I hope everyone is having a great one!

2008-08-12 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Erin, have a super trip!!!  Don't drink the water, hehe.

I like thinking about all this racing stuff in terms of a lifelong way of opposed to set a goal, meet it, set a new one, meet it, set a new one, meet it....for me that starts setting up a stressful cycle if time doesn't allow me to meet the goal etc or if I don't get a new, bigger one set to strive for.  Therefore, I am allowing myself time to decide about a HIM next year without stressing about am I or am I not.  I do have two half marathons set up now, so that's good enough.    I don't know if I will do another Oly this season, as it doesn't seem that there are any in the area except the one weekend I am busy.....oh well.  I do know that before summer ends I will do two more sprints, swim across lake Sammamish, and ride around Lake Washington again.  Then I will focus on the half mary and getting through school starting etc etc.  (You didn't ask for my goals, oops, sorry!)

 Summer has been intense and busy here, hardly time to think-- just run in the house, gather up stuff, go somewhere....drop off stuff at house, grab more stuff, go somewhere else.  You can imagine the state of my house--bags everywhere!  Not to mention swim/bike/run as much as I can.

Hope everyone is rockin' their summers.  I keep promising to read logs and I will, I will!  Life might slow down Thurs, maybe.

2008-08-12 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hi Manatees - hopefully I can get caught  up sometime in the next few days

I will be pretty scarce the next 2 - 3 weeks

it's crunch time on my major project at work and will be for the next 2 weeks, then moving DD to college and then, moving to PA

never fear though - I'll be back

and I'll try and check in as well

Edited by lastcall2003 2008-08-12 6:18 PM
2008-08-12 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1597599

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
elheffe99 - 2008-08-12 12:05 PM

I raced last Saturday and didn't have great results

Those results were a helluva lot better than the type of results you were getting, say, from January to April ...

You've worked hard, been consistent, and come a looooong way this year in overcoming difficult and painful challenges.

2008-08-12 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1598703

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-08-12 5:11 PM

You can imagine the state of my house--bags everywhere!  Not to mention swim/bike/run as much as I can.

As Waterdogg (Tim) says ... don't worry about it, it's a transition area!

2008-08-12 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1598716

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
lastcall2003 - 2008-08-12 5:18 PM

Hi Manatees - hopefully I can get caught  up sometime in the next few days

I will be pretty scarce the next 2 - 3 weeks

it's crunch time on my major project at work and will be for the next 2 weeks, then moving DD to college and then, moving to PA

never fear though - I'll be back

and I'll try and check in as well

Big hugs, kisses, and good wishes for all that major crazy stuff going on! You are such a brilliant and capable woman ... remember to take it one day at a time.

2008-08-12 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Okay! As for me, I'm in week 3 of Ironman training, and find myself with a slipped disc in my neck AGAIN.  Am taking "training" very easy, although am doing all the hours on my plan ... just walking, biking is upright at high RPM, easy swimming (lots of stretching in the water). It seems to be getting a little better, so I'll continue taking it easy and the home stuff I'm doing (traction, ice, PT/chiro recommended stretches, ibuprofen, sleeping position).
2008-08-13 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Happy Birthday Bethie Love!!!

2008-08-13 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
good swim this morning 1250 yds. i guess everyone is watching mr phelps at the olympics because at 6am there were 9 peoples at the pool this morning. there are usually 2-3.
my knee is not doing well. i have been going to a great orthopedic doc, and we are considering a couple of courses of treatment to hopefully remedy my ailing knee. i hope everyone is doing well. dont forget to wear sunscreen out there.
2008-08-13 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1600431

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
TriAya - 2008-08-13 11:36 AM

Happy Birthday Bethie Love!!!

Ahhh! Yanti! you're too sweet! that is the best b-day cake ever!

2008-08-14 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

I hope you had a good birthday, Beth!

I have a tri on Saturday and I am feeling a bit stressed because I have hardly been training the last couple of weeks and the bike ride is very steep and the run is over 4 it will be hot.....I am sure I will survive, but it is stressing me somewhat.

I went sailing with a bunch of girlfriends last night instead of working out:

2008-08-14 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1603743

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-08-14 12:46 PM

I hope you had a good birthday, Beth!

I have a tri on Saturday and I am feeling a bit stressed because I have hardly been training the last couple of weeks and the bike ride is very steep and the run is over 4 it will be hot.....I am sure I will survive, but it is stressing me somewhat.

I went sailing with a bunch of girlfriends last night instead of working out:

What a great shot!!

Beth, hope you have a terrific day.  And actually eat some real cake! 


2008-08-15 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Question for y'all--is it worth wearing my wetsuit for a 400 m swim?  Lake is warm enough to go without it, but I know I am a little bit faster with it.  However, the time to remove it may even out any time gained.  What would you do?
2008-08-16 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Thank you for the birthday wishes!!

I had a good day all things considered, had a birthday burger and was asleep by 9:30 - lol!

we had celebrated at the melting pot the Sunday b4 my birthday so it was fine!

things are looking up on the house front - we decided to rent instead since we haven't sold it yet and we will be renting in PA - we have someone that is seriously interested and coming to look again

we're negotiating a bit on the rent, but I have a good feeling - I cannot even describe what a load this would lift off of my shoulders! 


2008-08-16 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Leslie, that is an awesome pic!

I know you already did your race, I'm sure it went well even though you were feeling under trained - you have been working really hard all year

what did you decide on the wetsuit?

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