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2008-08-28 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1634574

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

swbkrun - 2008-08-28 11:01 AM Alright stop poking fun... This is a huge deal for me... I have been trying to figure out for the past 7 months what the heck is wrong!  CONGRATS TO ME IS RIGHT!  Sadly, enough I feel like this is a bigger victory than the Ironman (not really, but a close second!)....

You would think we didn't care if we stopped poking fun...Laughing

Seriously glad to hear they have it diagnosed.

2008-08-28 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I have been breaking my brain for the last 30 minutes trying to come up with a smart comment about Adam's Apples and cysts and vocal cord lumps - but I could't make it all come together. Boy I'm loosing my touch. 

 Seriously, I am glad it is nothing worse and that they'll be able to fix it.  Too bad we don't live closer to share in Steve being silent post surgery. We'll still have to take his written abuse. 

2008-08-28 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1635033

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-08-28 1:12 PM

I have been breaking my brain for the last 30 minutes trying to come up with a smart comment about Adam's Apples and cysts and vocal cord lumps - but I could't make it all come together. Boy I'm loosing my touch. 

 Seriously, I am glad it is nothing worse and that they'll be able to fix it.  Too bad we don't live closer to share in Steve being silent post surgery. We'll still have to take his written abuse. 

Don't worry Tracy your brain won't break but you are a little cracked.
See these things just roll off the finger tips once you get started. ha ha I kill myself sometimess hee hee .
2008-08-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1634669

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-08-28 11:24 AM

Forgot about that zit!  That bastard!  I won in the end though...

and you'll win this one too!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-08-29 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Gooooooooood morning everyone. It's a beautiful day here in Ontario. No wind and about 23C temp. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 27C and sunny. A great day to be outside. I am ready and just waiting for my tri tomorrow. This is going to be a great transition race from the sprint to Olympic distances as the bike and run are about half the distance I need for the Oly. 750m swim ( I already know I can do 1500) 30K bike and 7k run. I am thinking about 2 hours to complete.
Anyone else racing this weekend?
For those who are good luck and may the wind always be at your back.
For those who aren't just have a great Labour day weekend.
2008-08-29 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

So Rob has a sprint and Mark has his first Olympic this weekend.  Best of luck to both of you.  I'm anxious to hear about your race Mark - mine is quickly approaching and the butterflies have started.

Does anyone have any interesting plans over the holiday weekend?  I am hoping to get in some running speed work  and drag the hubby out to the lake for some OWSing.  We have become such an odd breed of creatures when we have a long holiday weekend approaching and we are all excited about the extra amount of training we can get in.  We really have no lives any more.  Well, maybe Steve and Igo, but not the rest of us.

And by the way, TGIF!!!!!!  What a long freakin' week this has been!

2008-08-29 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I'll say its been a long week. we've been do busy this week I had to get a second computer monitor just to work faster and get all the business done and I still have time to commiserate with my BT Buddies.

Edited by Redknight 2008-08-29 12:16 PM
2008-08-29 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I can't get over how long of a week it has been... I had Monday and Tuesday off, went 1/2 day Wednesday... Now I am off to the lake house for the long 3 day weekend... UGH.. I am so TIRED !
2008-08-29 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

have a good weekend of racing you guys, not too much planned around here, just hanging out and hopefully selling my house. Put it up for sale today so heopfully it goes quick. It is hard keep a house clean with 2 little kids running around.

I'll probably do some riding this weekend and maybe throw in a run. I am thinking of converting my mountain bike into a single speed so if I do that I am going to take it out for a spin.

Other than that, hang with the family and watch some football and drink beer. This is the last weekend of my 2 week break from everything so hopefully next week I'll have the motivation to get back on a structured training program.

 Have a good one everyone.


2008-08-29 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

MR. 4 Minute MILER once said:

"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or hump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable."

- Sir Roger Bannister

Happy racing this weekend!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I planned on Drinking Jack Daniels all weekend by the lake, and if I feel like working out.... THEN I MAY WORKOUT, but I don't have to...

I have decided to take on a new adventure... Sept 21st, I am going to attempt my 1st Ultra.  50k of Trail Running.  4600 feet of climbing, and 6800 feet of downhill.  I have 8 hours to do it in (which they way I figure... That is only 4 miles per hour!  I think I can handle this??!)... I guess I should start hitting the trails! 

2008-08-30 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1638780

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

That sounds like alot of fun actually, I need to try a trail run one of these days (probably not 50k anytime soon)

Anyone swim in multiple pools regularly?

The pool I swim in at work is indoor and I swim pretty well there, did 2500M the other day.

Our neighborhood pool is outdoor and I struggle every time I swim there.  It feels like I am swimming through quicksand the entire time.

I don't seem to have the problem in open water.

The indoor and outdoor pool are the same size but I tend to take 3-4 more strokes per 25 at the outdoor pool but my time is the same for both.

Seems that I should swim the same in either pool and not notice much difference.

2008-08-31 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Hey gang. Finished my tri in 2:12 yesterday. It was a little slower than anticipated but I'm OK with it for now. I don't have the race posted yet but will do so once the results are put up on the web. Overall it was a great race and I felt great after finishing it. They had an area to get misted at after the race and it was awesome to just stand in the water and cool off and congratulate the others coming in. I must admit that I feal much better about this race than my last one and am excited about trying to fit one more in in Sept.
We did have one bad spot though. About 25 meters from the finish line someone coolapsed completelyu. The paramedics had to perform CPR and use the defibrulator twice on the person. It was really wierd coming down the finish line as it was a few hundred meters and you could see a group of people on the race track. I didnt know until I got closer and they were diverting us racesr around them to finsh. I looked in the end that the person was revived and taken away by ambulance, Thank goodness.
Much better result than last year when one person drowned.

Anyway have a great weekend. Unlike Steve no Jack Daniels but I did have a couple of beers yesterday then back to training tomorrow. Not bcause I have to but because I want to
2008-08-31 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1640057

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Redknight - 2008-08-31 7:33 AM Hey gang. Finished my tri in 2:12 yesterday. It was a little slower than anticipated but I'm OK with it for now. I don't have the race posted yet but will do so once the results are put up on the web. Overall it was a great race and I felt great after finishing it. They had an area to get misted at after the race and it was awesome to just stand in the water and cool off and congratulate the others coming in. I must admit that I feal much better about this race than my last one and am excited about trying to fit one more in in Sept. We did have one bad spot though. About 25 meters from the finish line someone coolapsed completelyu. The paramedics had to perform CPR and use the defibrulator twice on the person. It was really wierd coming down the finish line as it was a few hundred meters and you could see a group of people on the race track. I didnt know until I got closer and they were diverting us racesr around them to finsh. I looked in the end that the person was revived and taken away by ambulance, Thank goodness. Much better result than last year when one person drowned. Anyway have a great weekend. Unlike Steve no Jack Daniels but I did have a couple of beers yesterday then back to training tomorrow. Not bcause I have to but because I want to

Sounds like a great race other than the end there.


2008-08-31 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Hey all, I went to my baby sister's wedding in Cape Cod this week. Ya thats a long way from CA. On Tuesday I left home at 8am and got to the hotel at 3 am (of course I got my workout in at 5:30am so I didn't have to eat a day with no workout). Then yesterday I got up at 8 am and it took me 19 hours to get home (planned day off).

On the positive note, it was in an awsome location and I got to ride my bike up and down the bike path at the canal and meet up with family I haven't seen in like 9 years.

Positives for the month, Biked 400 + miles 8). And the hotel had a pools so I was able to rip out my personal best on the swim of 1 mile in 28:30. Thats like 7 min off my race time from 7/27/08 which was 10 min off my best in practice the weeks before that. Not sucking too bad for only doing freestyle like at all for 3 months.

Anyway back home and happy to be here, well except for the noise level of having 5 kids in the house. My pool closes on Monday so I will be driving probly 150 miles on the weekend to get in 2 swims per week yay.

And WOW 12 hours for an Ironman with a cyst in your throat. That thing must be able to hold on real tight to not have been caught up in the lake or killed by the chlorine over the past 7 months. I hope you don't lose too much range in your voice from the opperation. We probably won't notice any pitch issues in your typing. ....

Oh well time to do all the chores that my wife saved up for me while I was out of town.
2008-09-01 10:58 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

hey, hey - not home yet, but we're out of the woods and have internet and cell phone again.  It was really good to unplug for a week and just chill.  The weather wasn't spectacular, but it beats work.  I was able to get 3 runs, a ride and a swim workout in addition to tooling around on the bikes and some non-workout swimming - who knew you could swim and not have to time it and calculate distances?  The ride we went on was intimidating from the car as we drove in, but ended up being much easier than it looked.  It was a 20 miler (10 out and back) w/ miles 4-8 having 1300 feet of climbing.

Steve - I'm glad to hear you have a diagnosis and a plan, here's hoping it all goes as planned.



2008-09-01 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1635033

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-08-28 10:12 AM

I have been breaking my brain for the last 30 minutes trying to come up with a smart comment about Adam's Apples and cysts and vocal cord lumps - but I could't make it all come together. Boy I'm loosing my touch. 

 Seriously, I am glad it is nothing worse and that they'll be able to fix it.  Too bad we don't live closer to share in Steve being silent post surgery. We'll still have to take his written abuse. 

Hang in there, everyone has their off weeks.  You'll be back slingin' the insults before you know it. 

2008-09-02 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1642549

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
cadmus - 2008-09-01 11:59 PM
tahrens - 2008-08-28 10:12 AM

I have been breaking my brain for the last 30 minutes trying to come up with a smart comment about Adam's Apples and cysts and vocal cord lumps - but I could't make it all come together. Boy I'm loosing my touch. 

 Seriously, I am glad it is nothing worse and that they'll be able to fix it.  Too bad we don't live closer to share in Steve being silent post surgery. We'll still have to take his written abuse. 

Hang in there, everyone has their off weeks.  You'll be back slingin' the insults before you know it. 

I don't view them as insults, I like to think of them as loving bits of encouragement. You know, like a cattle prod!   Sorry, I'm from Kansas so the livestock jokes come all too naturally.  Anyone ever been cow tipping?!?!?


So Mark, how was the Olympic? ??????

2008-09-02 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1642819

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-09-02 9:24 AM
Anyone ever been cow tipping?!?!?


Absolutely. I am originally from southern Alberta and cow tipping is a sport there. Along with skiing behind your horse (snow or mud) and barbequing prairie oysters
2008-09-02 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
So the fellow who collapsed at the race on Saturday is doing fine. He was only 10 yards from the finish line. It was so great to hear the paramedics saved this guy. My hearttfelt gratitude goes out to all the volunteers and medics that attend all these functions and keep us safe.

Edited by Redknight 2008-09-02 9:12 AM
2008-09-02 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1642933

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

That's good to hear.  I know a girl with a prosthetic leg that not only raced KONA, but on her qualifying race the leg cracked and then splintered 100yds from the finish line.  After she majorly bit the dust with the fall from the broken prosthetic, she crawled the rest of the way to the finish line.  Talk about HTFU!!!   Very inspiring people! That is part of what I love about this sport. It is amazing what people's spirits and hearts allow them to do.  I guess I'll stop complaining about blisters on my toes

2008-09-02 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
So I just signed up for one more tri this year. This one is also between a sprint and olympic in distances. 750m Swim. 30K bike and 7.5K run. I am going to break 2 hours on this one

2008-09-02 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1643075

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-09-02 8:07 AM

That's good to hear.  I know a girl with a prosthetic leg that not only raced KONA, but on her qualifying race the leg cracked and then splintered 100yds from the finish line.  After she majorly bit the dust with the fall from the broken prosthetic, she crawled the rest of the way to the finish line.  Talk about HTFU!!!   Very inspiring people! That is part of what I love about this sport. It is amazing what people's spirits and hearts allow them to do.  I guess I'll stop complaining about blisters on my toes


Is this who you are talking about?? I talked to her in a bunch in Hawaii... SUCH A SWEET/NICE LADY!  She was so stinkin' inspiring!  This was 2 years ago, right after she didn't make the bike cut-off... She was sitting in the VIP section up until Midnight cheering EVERYONE on!!! 


sarah_reinertsen1.jpg (26KB - 13 downloads)
2008-09-02 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

No, this girl is Kelly Bruno.  She is big inspiration locally. She a med student at Duke and she helps with a local youth program called "Girls on the Run" that encourages a positive self image to young girls through running and athletics.  I often see her at local  5K and she raced in my very first tri - a week after KONA (must have been her cool down workout)



2008-09-02 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

OK, I made it through my first Olympic and I was very pleased with the results despite my somewhat limited training the past couple of months.  I told myself that I would be very happy with a time of 2 and a half hours and I ended up coming in over 5 minutes faster than that so no complaints at all.  I have my race report up so you will have to check it out.

I think this is going to be my last triathlon this season but will continue to train and hopefully enter a few running races as I prepare for my first half mary in february.   My wife has set that as a goal to get back into running shape since the baby and she is doing great.  She already logged 2 four mile runs last week... 

 I am not going anywhere but I wanted to thank everyone for their words of advice/encouragement the past 3 or 4 months.  I learned so much and feel that I have improved quite a bit as well.  And boy did we luck out on having such a great, inspirational mentor. 

2008-09-02 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Great result Mark. Congrats on the first Oly.
It sounds like your wife is a good inspiration for you. Congratulations to her also.
I won't be doing my first until next year. At least not unless I vacation somewhere a lot warmer than up here in Canada. Swimming around in the ice is somewhat challenging. Maybe I'll do the Polar Bear swim on New Years day.
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