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2009-02-14 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi Michele!

Welcome  to the group!!  You will find us a supportive bunch and there are lots of medical professionals as well.  It is much easier to talk the talk than walk the walk but we are all trying to be the best that we can be.  Have a great weekend.

2009-02-14 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
After taking swim lessons for last 3 months for the 5th winter in a row, I'm finally making some progress. Today I just working on focus points and at the end I swam a strong 50 yds not going all out I tied my PB for 50 yds. I'm super excited that I'm making some progress!
2009-02-14 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1962660

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2009-02-14 9:31 PM After taking swim lessons for last 3 months for the 5th winter in a row, I'm finally making some progress. Today I just working on focus points and at the end I swam a strong 50 yds not going all out I tied my PB for 50 yds. I'm super excited that I'm making some progress!
Woo Hoo!! Strong work Kathy!!!
2009-02-15 2:32 AM
in reply to: #1962660

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

KathyG - 2009-02-15 1:31 PM After taking swim lessons for last 3 months for the 5th winter in a row, I'm finally making some progress. Today I just working on focus points and at the end I swam a strong 50 yds not going all out I tied my PB for 50 yds. I'm super excited that I'm making some progress!

Way to go Kathy!!!  Youve been so focused on the swimming its so awesome to see all your hardwork paying off!!!

2009-02-15 2:37 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi Michele - great to meet you! Im not such a fan of the running either so we can work on that together!

This is an awesome group and so much advice on anything and everything you can think of! Welcome


2009-02-15 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good morning everyone. Had a great sleep last night, great breakfast. I love long weekends.

2009-02-15 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1962125

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-02-14 12:54 PM

Hi to all in the the Queen Zip and KathyG group.  I'm drcherrybomb21.  I have never been in a mentor group so I'm not quite sure how to make the intro.  I will just tell you about me and my training.

I'm a 35 year old mother of triplet girls.  Today is actually their birthdays.  Nice Valentines present huh?  I'm a Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon practicing full time in Greenwich, CT.  I am actually there 4 days a week and I teach at NYU on Tuesdays.  I live in New York City, so on the 4 days I am in CT, I commute an hour each way.  It's a lot of lost time.  I often do mike bike workouts on the trainer at 4:30 am or late at night after the kids go to sleep.

 I got divorced this past year and am increadibly happy.  I have a boyfriend now for 6 months.   He doesn't do tri, but is incredibly supportive.  My ex actually does tri and we get along great and talk about our training.  We are both doing the NYC tri and it will make for some really healthy competition.  He was actually one of my inspirations to get into this.  My others were my friends Shane and Anita.  They are not on this site, but I am planning on doing 2 sprints with them this year.

I started this craziness in July.  When I started I was not a runner, swimmer, and didn't even know how to ride a bike.  I learned on a piece of crap from my sis ,and then bought a road bike on the classifieds here from another great BT member.  I learned to ride clipped in in my hallway, but did my share of falling.   I was pretty bruised. 

I did my first sprint in San diego in October.  It was an all women's tri.  I think it was a good first.  I finished in 1:42:20.  I was ok with that.  My swim was my first in open water.  I did all my training in the pool.  It was a challenge and made me realize I need to get in more open water time before my next race.

 As part of my new life, I decided to get my tubes tied and a tummy tuck.  The tubal ligation only took me out of training for 2 days.  The tummy tuck was more challenging.  As per Murphy's Law since I'm a doc, I had some complications.  I came back strong but then my incision broke down and I developed a seroma.  I was attached to a crazy VAC machine for a few weeks.  I worked, but no working out.  I was out from training 3 months.  Coming back was difficult, but mostly from a mental standpoint.  While out of training I was spending all the free time when I didnt have my kids, with my BF.  He has been great though and very supportive.  He also had surgery a few months ago and had not returned to weightlifting, so he is using this opportunity to get back too.  We do some of our strength workouts together.

 So my first Olympic tri is supposed to be St. Anthony's in Florida.  In preparation for that I picked the Olympic Basic 12 week program.  It is really tough. It requires a lot of time.  So far I have been able to keep up, but I'm sure I wil have to miss some workouts due to life. Life just gets in the way like that.  I have a another Olympic and 3 other sprints planned.  I may throw another Oly in there.  we will see.  I am also considering trying to train for the NYC marathon  on 2010, but I'm not sure I'm capable.  I will see how my running goes.  I'm not a big fan of running.

 I see there is a lot of focus on nutririon on this site.  I'm realy bad with that.  I don't eat great.  I never have.  I don't count calories.  I would like to lose 10 lbs, but I think with the muscle I have built that isnt really possible.  I might be able to trim 5.

So that's me.  I will take any advice.

Welcome to the group, Michele! Sounds like you're well on your way to a successful season!

2009-02-15 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Have a great race tomorrow Darren!
2009-02-15 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1963093

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

BigDH - 2009-02-15 1:02 PM Good morning everyone. Had a great sleep last night, great breakfast. I love long weekends.

Long weekend with a small 50K to cap it off!

 Have a great race tomorrow

2009-02-15 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Glittery texts by


Edited by aquagirl 2009-02-15 8:42 PM
2009-02-15 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1963093

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Good Luck, Darren!   Question....isn't this long weekend because of President's Day?  And aren't you in Canada? ...just thinkin'........


2009-02-15 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

Tommorow is what we call Family Day in Alberta, and certain other provinces.  A random Monday off in February. 

2009-02-16 6:12 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Have an awesome race today, Darren!
2009-02-16 7:22 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Family day running a 50K with a baby due soon..sounds like a wonderful day!

Good luck Darrne!

2009-02-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good morning everyone. I was out of town for the weekend. This week is a rest week for me, I did not do my run for yesterday, so I did it this morning. I am planning to do my run for today later this afternoon. I seem to be lazy in the afternoon, so I am going to try and add a small run in the evenings so I can plan for two a days.
2009-02-16 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi all! What is everyone up to today? It is a holiday here in Canada as well, Family day.

 I am currently in taper mode for a half marathon on Feb22......really want to get outside and ride......but I won't.  

Glittery texts by



Edited by aquagirl 2009-02-16 8:50 AM

2009-02-16 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi all!! We need some challenges for this week..... Pass on any ideas!  For now I had 2 in mind. The first is a nutrition one- eat 5 servings of fruit & vegetables a day as many days as possible this week and post your number of days on Sunday. That is a combined total of 5 a day not 5 fruits & 5 veggies ;-).

The second is a continuation of one Helen suggested last week.  Share a story of what motivates you to train.

Oh I just remembered one from Mina- post a photo of something or someone you see while training.  It can be anything from a lovely vista to the dirty laundry by your trainer.  Share what it is and when you see it.

Have a great day all.  Lottsa racing coming up (or going on in Darren's case as I type this), post some photos to cope with taper madness!!

2009-02-16 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I have an idea for the challenge. I'm trying to figure out how to put it into words so it makes sense.

Have you ever had a bad experience or something at the time seemed really negative turn out to make a big huge positive change in your life? Share the experience....... Sort of the silver lining in the cloud thought.

I'll share what stands out to me for this....

In June 2007 I did my first day of bike racing...crits where you do laps and basically ride in a tight peleton with surges and break aways much like you see in the Tour but slower and we aren't as skilled.

First crit I did it was so incredibly hard and I fell off the back and basically time trialed to the end. I was signed up for the over 40 race in about 1.5 hours later, suggested to my husband we call it a day, but he and others encouraged me to stay and race. 

Race started and I did much better at drafting and staying with the group. I jumped on someone's wheel (drafting) and she made a move up the outside so I ended up being 5-7th wheel (ie from front). There there was this steep left turn that the road narrows, and we had a crash and 7-8 folks went down, I was ejected from my bike and went head first into a metal street sign with a large sound, grazing it down my whole left side. I have no memory of the crash or about 1.5 hours after wards as I had a bad concussion and grade 3 AC separation.

Up until that time I had been gradually doing longer tris but a bit afraid to committ to doing an IM as I wanted to be faster before I went longer.

About 2 weeks after my crash I realized it was my pride of being slow preventing me from doing something huge that I wanted to do, and that I never knew when the opportunity to do an Ironman might be taken away from me. I easily could have been paralyzised in that bike crash and been unable to walk, run, cycling, swim and thankfully my helmet protected my head from what could have been tragic. So about 6 weeks after my crash I signed up to do IM Lake Placid. I honestly decided about 4-6 days before I could sign up I would do it.

I'm in a way appreciate the lesson my crash taught me as it reminded me that we need to be brave, try new things, as we never know when our ability to do something cool might be gone.

2009-02-16 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

^^^^^great post Kathy!

I haven't had moments like that training or racing but most of my life I have found the silver lining in every cloud after I got through the storm.. I think that's the key to getting through any bad experience, 1.knowing that it will have an end (I just can't always see when it will be) 2. I will come out on the other side stronger for getting through it. 3.  I will have gained something in the process more valuable than what I was looking fo in the first Dorothy and the red slippers I didn't know the power of what I already had within.

I had always let physical problems be my limitors--asthma, the back surgery I had 10 years name it.  Training and racing have opened my eyes to look beyond the limitation and not let an illness or injury be what defines me any more than finding my only validation in training defines me.

2009-02-16 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Wise words indeed ladies....makes me think of what a friend is going through right now. Only three weeks ago her previously well husband was diagnosed with metastasized tumours in various locations including his brain. The situation is obviously grim....they do not know how long he has and she is praying for a miracle. Makes me realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be healthy enough to train . I have battled my own health problems in the past and am grateful every day for my health...... 
2009-02-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1964898

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

aquagirl - 2009-02-16 2:49 PM Wise words indeed ladies....makes me think of what a friend is going through right now. Only three weeks ago her previously well husband was diagnosed with metastasized tumours in various locations including his brain. The situation is obviously grim....they do not know how long he has and she is praying for a miracle. Makes me realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be healthy enough to train . I have battled my own health problems in the past and am grateful every day for my health...... 

The best thing you can offer your friend is your presence.  She'll let you know what she wants or needs fom there (a listening ear or someone to process things with

I thought after seeing all the ugliness I could take in the ER that stories like that wouldn't bother me.  For some reason they bother me more.  Maybe cause in the ER I saw the in citical moment pictue and now removed fom that I see families and more long term.

Edited by QueenZipp 2009-02-16 3:28 PM

2009-02-16 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Any idea how Darren is doing with his race?
2009-02-16 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1964950

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

QueenZipp - 2009-02-16 4:28 PM Any idea how Darren is doing with his race?

^^^^ I want to know too....I'm sure he had a fantastic day look at his amazing training!

2009-02-16 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I was wondering the same thing....



Edited by aquagirl 2009-02-16 6:44 PM
2009-02-16 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

  she blew up our thread!

Awww, the glittery stuff came through when I saw it just made the thread really w-i-d-e (nerd)

Edited by QueenZipp 2009-02-16 6:46 PM
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