BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-10-31 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

It's been so awesome to see you guys getting out there and doing it and posting here. I'll try to get back to as many posts as I can.

I've been down during October with typhoid fever and dengue fever, and then the typhoid fever came back last week.

2011-10-31 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3745635

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-10-31 12:03 PM
Asalzwed - 2011-11-01 1:48 AM
lounav - 2011-10-28 5:34 PM
Asalzwed - 2011-10-24 12:14 PM

Also, I got a huge PR this weekend. I shaved  a minute and a half off of my 5K time in just over a month. If you were ever wondering how to become a faster runner, simply run more. Seriously. It is that simple.  I can't believe it. 

You modest little thing you :

00:20:45 | 03.1099999 miles | 06m 40s  min/mile
Age Group:1/300


Congrats on your race!  Can't wait to see how your marathon goes.

HAHA! You are very sweet! Thanks! Yeah, I am very curious to see how this marathon goes! The anticipation is nearly killing me. 

Yes, you are horrifying, sickeningly (using halloween words here) AWESOMELY fast

What's your marathon execution (race) plan? pacing, nutrition, hydration, etc ... damn, it's November here already ...

Yes, November has just about arrived (not quite in Seattle time.) THAT IS horrifying Smile

So, I have been following Hal Higdon's novice 1 plan in regard to his prescribed long runs and medium but I have been running 6 days a week instead of 4 to build more mileage. I fear I haven't been doing enough to get the time I would like but this marathon is all about the learning experience. 

My race plan is going to be as it always is, run by feel. I don't run with a watch and I don't want to stress myself out for the marathon. I feel that since I have been racing sans watch this whole time and been successful, I have a good handle on "knowing my body." I am going to get water at all of the stations and water/Gatorade probably every other one. There are two Gu stations which I fully intend on using (as well as one right before we start.

I'm going to get some smart wool socks for the inevitable rain and wear a hat. Maybe some arm warmers but other than that, I am going to wear minimal clothing as I heat up pretty quick.  

I'll have friends and family at the top of the big hill at mile 20. Yes, I said hill at mile 20. That's a mean trick, right? The good news is, I have run all of the hills and know what to expect. 

But yeah, I guess that is pretty much it. This coming weekend will be my oh-so-climatic longest run and then receding into the taper. I will practice my race plan to the T as much as I can. Anything I am forgetting? 

2011-11-02 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3434942

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Adrienne, I'm so impressed at your progress!!!  Your running is going so great.  I hope to one day break a 7 min/mile.   I'm looking forward to your marathon too!

My marathon is this Saturday.  Unfortunately, I had a bad case of asthma a couple of weeks ago at my brother's house.  We were helping them pack boxes and the dust and cat hair was so extreme, I ended up with terrible asthma.  The asthma must have triggered every sensitivity since then.    Every time I run, I'm tired and can't breath well.  I wake up in the morning congested, tight chest, and miserable.  I see the doctor tomorrow, so I can get a handle on this.  

It's so frustrating to have put in the work and than my goals change.  I really wanted to try to BQ, but chances of that are slim now.  I don't know, you never know.  Perhaps adrenaline and last minute meds may help.  I just hate going into this race not feeling my best.   Sucks!

Yanti, I'm sooo sorry about your illness.  I hope you get better soon.  You are an inspiration to all of us Manatees.  Get well.

I saw this video this morning to get me motivated:

2011-11-02 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3748685

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-11-02 10:01 AM

Adrienne, I'm so impressed at your progress!!!  Your running is going so great.  I hope to one day break a 7 min/mile.   I'm looking forward to your marathon too!

My marathon is this Saturday.  Unfortunately, I had a bad case of asthma a couple of weeks ago at my brother's house.  We were helping them pack boxes and the dust and cat hair was so extreme, I ended up with terrible asthma.  The asthma must have triggered every sensitivity since then.    Every time I run, I'm tired and can't breath well.  I wake up in the morning congested, tight chest, and miserable.  I see the doctor tomorrow, so I can get a handle on this.  

It's so frustrating to have put in the work and than my goals change.  I really wanted to try to BQ, but chances of that are slim now.  I don't know, you never know.  Perhaps adrenaline and last minute meds may help.  I just hate going into this race not feeling my best.   Sucks!

Yanti, I'm sooo sorry about your illness.  I hope you get better soon.  You are an inspiration to all of us Manatees.  Get well.

I saw this video this morning to get me motivated:

Yeah, I feel ya! So sorry to hear about the asthma! The good news is; you essentially have an entire year to BQ. Maybe the asthma will take the pressure off of this marathon and you can just do you best and then use it as a tool for you next?

Great video by the way. One thing is for sure, we will not have to deal with heat exhaustion in our marathons Smile

2011-11-05 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3434942

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Hey guys!   Marathon is over and needless to say, glad it's done.  I didn't PR, but I did at least finish.  My goal was to do 3:45 or better.  I didn't fare too well and ended up 4:00 flat.  The last 7 miles were brutal.  I did learn some things.  I need more run miles in my training, duh.  I also missed out on some quality runs that probably hurt me.  I need to incorporate some strength work in training.  Work on my core.  That area is very weak.  My asthma wasn't too bad.  I used my inhaler before I ran and that helped.  My first HM time was 1:52, the second was 2:07. 

Oh well, I can't complain too much.  I'm a little dissapointed but I gave it all I had.  It is what it is and I'm using this as a learning experience to change and improve future training.

But..... right now I'm eating a big hamburger and fries.  God knows I need the calories, LOL.

2011-11-05 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3835099

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-11-05 5:36 PM

Hey guys!   Marathon is over and needless to say, glad it's done.  I didn't PR, but I did at least finish.  My goal was to do 3:45 or better.  I didn't fare too well and ended up 4:00 flat.  The last 7 miles were brutal.  I did learn some things.  I need more run miles in my training, duh.  I also missed out on some quality runs that probably hurt me.  I need to incorporate some strength work in training.  Work on my core.  That area is very weak.  My asthma wasn't too bad.  I used my inhaler before I ran and that helped.  My first HM time was 1:52, the second was 2:07. 

Oh well, I can't complain too much.  I'm a little dissapointed but I gave it all I had.  It is what it is and I'm using this as a learning experience to change and improve future training.

But..... right now I'm eating a big hamburger and fries.  God knows I need the calories, LOL.


Enjoy your burger and fries because you deserve it! BIG CONGRATS on your marathon finish. I know it's not what you were wanting, but still a respectable, very respectable time!  Way to go.

2011-11-06 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Iron Distance Race Planning for 2012 (based on bike):  HITS Long Course in Ft. Collins, CO Vs Ironman St. George:

Ironman:  2 category 4, 7 cat 5 climbs. Starting elevation 3000 feet with 4800 feet of climbing over 2 loops - highest point is 4800 feet. Rated one of the hardest due to elevation and the climbing.

HITS Bike:  2 category 2, 4 cat 4, 8 cat 5 climbs.  Starting elevation: 5446 feet with 7000 feet of climbing over 2 loops - highest point is 7356.

Based on what I see, the HITS has the potential to become the hardest iron distance race available.  Maybe I'll re-think the possibility of doing St. George - get the race done early in the year and just have fun the rest of the summer.

2011-11-07 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3835099

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-11-05 7:36 PM

Hey guys!   Marathon is over and needless to say, glad it's done.  I didn't PR, but I did at least finish.  My goal was to do 3:45 or better.  I didn't fare too well and ended up 4:00 flat.  The last 7 miles were brutal.  I did learn some things.  I need more run miles in my training, duh.  I also missed out on some quality runs that probably hurt me.  I need to incorporate some strength work in training.  Work on my core.  That area is very weak.  My asthma wasn't too bad.  I used my inhaler before I ran and that helped.  My first HM time was 1:52, the second was 2:07. 

Oh well, I can't complain too much.  I'm a little dissapointed but I gave it all I had.  It is what it is and I'm using this as a learning experience to change and improve future training.

But..... right now I'm eating a big hamburger and fries.  God knows I need the calories, LOL.

Nice work! I think a 4:00 flat is great, ESPECIALLY considering the asthma and lost training time. 

2011-11-09 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3835099

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-11-05 7:36 PM

Hey guys!   Marathon is over and needless to say, glad it's done.  I didn't PR, but I did at least finish.  My goal was to do 3:45 or better.  I didn't fare too well and ended up 4:00 flat.  The last 7 miles were brutal.  I did learn some things.  I need more run miles in my training, duh.  I also missed out on some quality runs that probably hurt me.  I need to incorporate some strength work in training.  Work on my core.  That area is very weak.  My asthma wasn't too bad.  I used my inhaler before I ran and that helped.  My first HM time was 1:52, the second was 2:07. 

Oh well, I can't complain too much.  I'm a little dissapointed but I gave it all I had.  It is what it is and I'm using this as a learning experience to change and improve future training.

But..... right now I'm eating a big hamburger and fries.  God knows I need the calories, LOL.

Congrats!  Sorry it wasn't all you wanted it to be, but I would love to be able to run a marathon in 4 hours!  

2011-11-15 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL



I have been SOOOO MIA...just lots of stuff going on.  I thought I was going to tackle another Tri this month, but life was just so crazy that it wasn't possible.

BUT - the triathlon that I did in March this year (Tri for the Cure) is coming up AGAIN in just 4 short months!  And I absolutely have to beat my horrible bike time from last year.  SO...I will be starting up some training again shortly.  And in AZ this is the perfect time to be doing it.

Are we keeping this thread for spring, or did you guys already do another sign up?  (If so, can I sneak in?)

Hope everyone has been doing great??  Is everyone ready for the holidays? I can not believe this year is almost over!

2011-11-16 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I get to run with Chrissie Wellington on Friday! Cross your fingers I don't make a fool of myself lol

Famous people get me flustered. Would I look like a d-bag if I wear my Chrissie Wellington edition brooks? 

2011-11-16 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3903417

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
crystalashworth - 2011-11-15 4:40 PM



I have been SOOOO MIA...just lots of stuff going on.  I thought I was going to tackle another Tri this month, but life was just so crazy that it wasn't possible.

BUT - the triathlon that I did in March this year (Tri for the Cure) is coming up AGAIN in just 4 short months!  And I absolutely have to beat my horrible bike time from last year.  SO...I will be starting up some training again shortly.  And in AZ this is the perfect time to be doing it.

Are we keeping this thread for spring, or did you guys already do another sign up?  (If so, can I sneak in?)

Hope everyone has been doing great??  Is everyone ready for the holidays? I can not believe this year is almost over!


Hey, four months sounds like plenty of time to me! I think the best part is that you have a goal time to beat, that is some great motivation! 

2011-11-16 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3904647

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Cool!  How did you get to swing that?  Tell us how it goes.  It seems like I hear really positive things about her.   With all the great progress you've made, I'm sure you'll do just fine running with her.  Have fun!!!!
2011-11-17 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
The Brooks HQ is here in Seattle and I think she happens to be in town doing some promo stuff. 
2011-11-17 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3905782

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Asalzwed - 2011-11-17 9:26 AM The Brooks HQ is here in Seattle and I think she happens to be in town doing some promo stuff. 


Cool! Have fun and get a pix for us. :-)  I say go with the shoes.

2011-11-20 12:01 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Jogging with CW was pretty awesome. Well, alright, her "jog" turned out to be sub 8's hahaha.

Also the jog seemed to draw all of Seattle's finest passive agressives(I'm coining this term) out of the woodwork.  I have never been elbowed and "flat tired" so much in my life! A power couple even worked together to box people out to get closer to Chrissie. WTF!? 

Overall the experience was pretty great and I had a chance to talk with her one on one and thank her for all of the support she gives the War on ALS. I'll get pics up in my logs whenever I can figure out how...

2011-11-20 12:45 AM
in reply to: #3908672

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Asalzwed - 2011-11-19 10:01 PM

Jogging with CW was pretty awesome. Well, alright, her "jog" turned out to be sub 8's hahaha.

Also the jog seemed to draw all of Seattle's finest passive agressives(I'm coining this term) out of the woodwork.  I have never been elbowed and "flat tired" so much in my life! A power couple even worked together to box people out to get closer to Chrissie. WTF!? 

Overall the experience was pretty great and I had a chance to talk with her one on one and thank her for all of the support she gives the War on ALS. I'll get pics up in my logs whenever I can figure out how...



2011-11-20 1:00 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Dang, who's throwing the party in here so late at night? (Well, your night ... )
2011-11-20 1:09 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
And dang, I've fallen behind! Didn't think anyone was posting here anymore ... stupid me!
2011-11-20 1:20 AM
in reply to: #3835099

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-11-06 9:36 AM

Hey guys!   Marathon is over and needless to say, glad it's done.  I didn't PR, but I did at least finish.  My goal was to do 3:45 or better.  I didn't fare too well and ended up 4:00 flat.  The last 7 miles were brutal.  I did learn some things.  I need more run miles in my training, duh.  I also missed out on some quality runs that probably hurt me.  I need to incorporate some strength work in training.  Work on my core.  That area is very weak.  My asthma wasn't too bad.  I used my inhaler before I ran and that helped.  My first HM time was 1:52, the second was 2:07. 

Oh well, I can't complain too much.  I'm a little dissapointed but I gave it all I had.  It is what it is and I'm using this as a learning experience to change and improve future training.

But..... right now I'm eating a big hamburger and fries.  God knows I need the calories, LOL.

CONGRATULATIONS, MARATHONER! That is right speedy under difficult circumstances--and your first always counts as a difficult experience to begin with because it's a new challenge. You killed it!

2011-11-20 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3835752

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-11-07 4:53 AM

Iron Distance Race Planning for 2012 (based on bike):  HITS Long Course in Ft. Collins, CO Vs Ironman St. George:

Ironman:  2 category 4, 7 cat 5 climbs. Starting elevation 3000 feet with 4800 feet of climbing over 2 loops - highest point is 4800 feet. Rated one of the hardest due to elevation and the climbing.

HITS Bike:  2 category 2, 4 cat 4, 8 cat 5 climbs.  Starting elevation: 5446 feet with 7000 feet of climbing over 2 loops - highest point is 7356.

Based on what I see, the HITS has the potential to become the hardest iron distance race available.  Maybe I'll re-think the possibility of doing St. George - get the race done early in the year and just have fun the rest of the summer.

Sounds like win-win to me (other than the extreme barf factor of both bike courses!). Neither is likely to sell out, so as you approach May, you can decide if your life and training has allowed you to be reasonably well-prepared for St. George, OR if with some extra training you'd be better equipped to handle the (plus) rigors of HITS CO. Either way, they are BEAUTIFUL courses and I'm sure you will have a blast. May is plenty of time to prepare, even for something like St. George.

2011-11-20 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3903417

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
crystalashworth - 2011-11-16 6:40 AM



I have been SOOOO MIA...just lots of stuff going on.  I thought I was going to tackle another Tri this month, but life was just so crazy that it wasn't possible.

BUT - the triathlon that I did in March this year (Tri for the Cure) is coming up AGAIN in just 4 short months!  And I absolutely have to beat my horrible bike time from last year.  SO...I will be starting up some training again shortly.  And in AZ this is the perfect time to be doing it.

Are we keeping this thread for spring, or did you guys already do another sign up?  (If so, can I sneak in?)

Hope everyone has been doing great??  Is everyone ready for the holidays? I can not believe this year is almost over!

CRYYYYYYSTAL {MELON PRESS} Great to see you! Hey, life happens to us all. I thought I would get a bye for being a triathlete, you know, but apparently ... yeah ... life just keeps on happening no matter who you are or what you do!

Next round of mentorship begins December, right before Christmas if I recall correctly. Yeah, crazy, and all the poor New Year's Resolutioners don't get in, but who knows? Last couple rounds there were mentor groups that didn't get filled, so who knows.

Anyhow. You are welcome here, there, everywhere. I will probably do another group, Lynn may be in, who knows?

2011-11-20 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3908672

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Asalzwed - 2011-11-20 2:01 PM

Jogging with CW was pretty awesome. Well, alright, her "jog" turned out to be sub 8's hahaha.

Also the jog seemed to draw all of Seattle's finest passive agressives(I'm coining this term) out of the woodwork.  I have never been elbowed and "flat tired" so much in my life! A power couple even worked together to box people out to get closer to Chrissie. WTF!? 

Overall the experience was pretty great and I had a chance to talk with her one on one and thank her for all of the support she gives the War on ALS. I'll get pics up in my logs whenever I can figure out how...

So. Awesome. I am a total triathlete celebrity groupie and that's just so great. Except I wouldn't be able to do a sub-8 jog for 1 minute. Okay, well, maybe half a mile. Okay, maybe one mile. But I'd explode afterwards.

2011-11-21 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3908805

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-11-20 8:40 AM
crystalashworth - 2011-11-16 6:40 AM



I have been SOOOO MIA...just lots of stuff going on.  I thought I was going to tackle another Tri this month, but life was just so crazy that it wasn't possible.

BUT - the triathlon that I did in March this year (Tri for the Cure) is coming up AGAIN in just 4 short months!  And I absolutely have to beat my horrible bike time from last year.  SO...I will be starting up some training again shortly.  And in AZ this is the perfect time to be doing it.

Are we keeping this thread for spring, or did you guys already do another sign up?  (If so, can I sneak in?)

Hope everyone has been doing great??  Is everyone ready for the holidays? I can not believe this year is almost over!

CRYYYYYYSTAL {MELON PRESS} Great to see you! Hey, life happens to us all. I thought I would get a bye for being a triathlete, you know, but apparently ... yeah ... life just keeps on happening no matter who you are or what you do!

Next round of mentorship begins December, right before Christmas if I recall correctly. Yeah, crazy, and all the poor New Year's Resolutioners don't get in, but who knows? Last couple rounds there were mentor groups that didn't get filled, so who knows.

Anyhow. You are welcome here, there, everywhere. I will probably do another group, Lynn may be in, who knows?


2011-11-22 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3908810

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

So. Awesome. I am a total triathlete celebrity groupie and that's just so great. Except I wouldn't be able to do a sub-8 jog for 1 minute. Okay, well, maybe half a mile. Okay, maybe one mile. But I'd explode afterwards.

Nah, you would totally be able to hang in there. You just have to stare at CW's legs and the rest is cake. It's quite mesmerizing. 

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