General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Florida : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-10-08 7:05 PM
in reply to: #4445451

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

NeverEnough - 2012-10-08 2:43 PM I am volunteering this year so I can hopefully get a spot for 2013 (it will be my first full).  I noticed that athletes have the option of signing up again for the next years event prior to registration opening.  Since it will be my first, it made me think.....would I sign up for 2014 or choose another venue for my second.  Wondering your thoughts on this and how many are IMFL repeaters and why.  Thanks

I thnk thats hard to know before you do your first. It took me a while to figure that out and I took ayer off IM training then returned to it.  I have been to IMWI and IMLP as a spectator/volunteer.  This will be my 6th IMFL. I DNF'd IMTX this past may.  At the time I was living in Texas and could drive to it.  I was under trained and got het stroke on the bike.  I think it is a good course it just wasn't my day. I would do it again. The reason I have repeated at IMFL are 1-I used to live in FL and I do again and its loads easier to drive to an IM than to fly to one 2- the course suits me 3-the weather is predictable. 4-the lodging is super easy and most importantly  5-my elderly parents who really like coming are now very familiar with the venue and dont really want me to do something else.  ALso I have not drive to do tons of different races

2012-10-08 7:32 PM
in reply to: #4445451

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

NeverEnough - 2012-10-08 2:43 PM I am volunteering this year so I can hopefully get a spot for 2013 (it will be my first full).  I noticed that athletes have the option of signing up again for the next years event prior to registration opening.  Since it will be my first, it made me think.....would I sign up for 2014 or choose another venue for my second.  Wondering your thoughts on this and how many are IMFL repeaters and why.  Thanks

I'm a repeater.  Signed up last year before I even did my first.  So technically I was signed up for 2 IM before I ever raced one   The reason I signed up again was we have 14 people going up this year.  Half the fun of racing is training with my friends.  Since they were all doing it I thought what the heck.

Besides, it is a good course.  I like the swim and the 1 loop bike.  the run is pretty good too.  I like how I'll be able to see most of my peeps since it is a 2 loop out and back.



2012-10-08 8:00 PM
in reply to: #4445451

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

NeverEnough - 2012-10-08 2:43 PM I am volunteering this year so I can hopefully get a spot for 2013 (it will be my first full).  I noticed that athletes have the option of signing up again for the next years event prior to registration opening.  Since it will be my first, it made me think.....would I sign up for 2014 or choose another venue for my second.  Wondering your thoughts on this and how many are IMFL repeaters and why.  Thanks

This year will be my third IMFL, given that I make it to the start line.  I absolutely love the water here. Crystal clear, not too cold.  The race is at sea level which helps, and there are no mountains to climb.  I  have none to train on.  The timing of the race works well for me too, I can train all summer and through the fall.  does not interfere with ski season that way.

I'm on the every other year plan, although I'm thinking about signing up for next year.  I've been thinking about other venues, but I hate cold water, and have no hills to train on. 

2012-10-08 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4445762

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
MRDAVIDALEXANDER - 2012-10-08 6:19 PM

Well....felt great after my 18 mile run yesterday(best pace every for me on a long run at an easy pace). However, as the day progessed my outer lower leg (halfway between ankle in knee) started to feel sore.  Its sore today as well.  I tried researching it and it looks like the peroneal longus/brevis tendon/muscle...not sure.  I feel it most when I plant my foot and roll my foot forward and just as my toe is about to leave I feel it.  Any ideas? I tried running 25 yards and it doesn't bother me....only walking.

Have had a few tendon issues during this training and have been seeing a Chiro/Joint doc. He has done a good job of fixing me up. Regardless, too close to push it, give yourself a chance to heal up.
2012-10-08 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3589984

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I saw earlier where someone said a a good time estimator would be your HIM time x 2 plus 30 minutes.  Has this been close for anyone?  This is my first and I'm trying to figure out what might be a realistic time goal.  My main goal is to finish.  Other than that I was hoping for no more than 14 hours.  I did 6:11 in Augusta. 
2012-10-09 6:06 AM
in reply to: #4445451

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Camden, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I am not able to volunteer this year at IMFL to get an early shot at signing up so hopefully I can get signed up with the regular registration on-line.  Does anyone know when they usually open things up on-line for the IMFL?  I heard it fills up within hours.  Hoping this will be my first in 2013.  

2012-10-09 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Mandeville, la
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
From what I heard it starts at noon on the sunday following the race day.  Volunteers get to sign up from i think 9am -1130am and then after that its open to general public. 
2012-10-09 7:02 AM
in reply to: #4446130

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

HercDriver - 2012-10-09 6:06 AM I am not able to volunteer this year at IMFL to get an early shot at signing up so hopefully I can get signed up with the regular registration on-line.  Does anyone know when they usually open things up on-line for the IMFL?  I heard it fills up within hours.  Hoping this will be my first in 2013.  

I think it was 1PM EST last year. I got lucky and was on the computer waiting to go on Sunday right at 1 and got in.  The trick is to have everything ready to go when it opens.  It doesn't take hours, it takes minutes.  I think last year it filled up in less than 15 minutes and IMAZ the next week was something like 11 minutes to fill.

2012-10-09 7:14 AM
in reply to: #4446130

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Plant City, Florida
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

HercDriver - 2012-10-09 6:06 AM I am not able to volunteer this year at IMFL to get an early shot at signing up so hopefully I can get signed up with the regular registration on-line.  Does anyone know when they usually open things up on-line for the IMFL?  I heard it fills up within hours.  Hoping this will be my first in 2013.  


There is sort of a trick to the races that sell out in minutes on line. First thing is go to a site that has not sold out (IM Coeur d'Alene) find out what all the * asterisk mandatory fields are. Have the information ready and only fill out that – all the other is just fluff – if you have someone else they can double the effort right there with you (on a different computer) this increases the chances.


Good luck




2012-10-09 7:25 AM
in reply to: #4445647

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Tri Fit - 2012-10-08 5:45 PM Okay, am I the only one feeling this way?  I am TIRED of training!!!   I have 2 long weeks left before taper.   Having to keep myself motivated to get out there and do my workouts.  I want to sleep in!  Ugh...just want to go get it done at this point!

Me too!  I hit my low point on Sunday on my long ride.  It was a gross day, cold, no sunshine.  Ran 20m the day before.  Spent the entire Saturday afternoon/night tailgating and going to the USC vs UGA football game.  Got home at 1am and had 5 hours of sleep (maybe).  I just didn't want to be on the bike from mile 1.  That makes for a rough 100 miles.

I recently had to mix up my swim workouts majorly because of mental fatigue.

That was really the first time in 6 months that I just hated every minute of my workout.  Luckily this is my peak weak so I know I have that to look forward to.

Edited by bgraboski 2012-10-09 7:26 AM
2012-10-09 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

My assistant has a bad cold and its freaking me out!!!!

I raced sick last year and I do NOT want to do that again!

Edited by Socks 2012-10-09 10:09 AM

2012-10-09 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4446186

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
bgraboski - 2012-10-09 7:25 AM

Tri Fit - 2012-10-08 5:45 PM Okay, am I the only one feeling this way?  I am TIRED of training!!!   I have 2 long weeks left before taper.   Having to keep myself motivated to get out there and do my workouts.  I want to sleep in!  Ugh...just want to go get it done at this point!

Me too!  I hit my low point on Sunday on my long ride.  It was a gross day, cold, no sunshine.  Ran 20m the day before.  Spent the entire Saturday afternoon/night tailgating and going to the USC vs UGA football game.  Got home at 1am and had 5 hours of sleep (maybe).  I just didn't want to be on the bike from mile 1.  That makes for a rough 100 miles.

I recently had to mix up my swim workouts majorly because of mental fatigue.

That was really the first time in 6 months that I just hated every minute of my workout.  Luckily this is my peak weak so I know I have that to look forward to.

Why did you stay so long at the game? was over in the first five minutes.

2012-10-09 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Doc Socks guide to IMFL.  Esp applicable to my fellow BOPers

For all the newbies etc.  I've done the race 5 times so I have a bit of experience.  I'm slow but smart

1- get goggles that are tinted or mirrored.  Across the top of the course the sun will be directly in your eyes. 
2-Wear a wetsuit and stop worrying about being too hot and if you should wear a sleeveless or sleeved wetsuit.  It will not be so warm that you will roast
3-Forget about sea creatures.  Just don't worry about them.  There were a few jelly fish last year but not enough to worry about
4-Get in the water before the race and swim at least part of the course.  When you are in the water STOP and look back to shore at points long the course.  Pick out landmarks on the land to swim towards.  It can get wavey at this race and sometimes you can't see the buoys.  
5-Play in the water and get comfortable if you are a nervous swimmer

1-Be prepared for it to be cold.  2006 it was 31 yes 31 on the beach at the start (Water was 71)  2007 and 2008 there was perfect weather but I still dont' think it broke 80. 2009 a bit chillier and the last two years its bee pretty darn cold.  Do what you need to do.  Wear layers you can throw away.
2-There are some rollers but it certainly is no Lake Placid.  Dont' worry about gearing whatever came on your bike will be fine. 
3-It will be windy along front beach road going out and coming back the first 10 and last 10 miles of the bike.  The wind comes up off the ocean and whips thru the buildings and can create some nasty cross winds

1-If you will finish after dark, like moi, get a light for your hat/head.  It will be PITCH BLACK in the state park and mile 20 of the marathon with nothing but the light of a glow stick when your legs feel like pooh is really not so fun
2-It gets cold fast when the sun goes down so have something warm/long sleeved in your SN bag.  IF your hands get cold easily put some gloves in too
3-The aide stations and close together and well done.  They have water, coke, sports drink, chix broth (Warm) cookies, usually chocolate chipa nd sugar cookies, oranges, grapes pretzels, gu, gu chomps, sports bars..probablybonk breakers.  If you can't find something to eat in that smorgasboard you have big problems.
4-There are SEVERAL Alvins Island stores on the run course.  Really you can't spit in PCB wihtout hitting an Alvins but I mention this so you don't get all excited about being close to the finish and get faked out by an Alvins that is a few miles from the finish....The last one is about 1/4 mile from the finish
5-Feed off the crowd and enjoy the momment.  Use their energy.  Miles 1, 13, 14 and 26 are super fun

1-they have brought us inside the hotel the last few years.  This is FAR surperior to being in a cold dark tent on pavement.  I hear the mens tent is a mess but the women's while crowded and choatic is really not that bad. 
2-Pre pack things into ziplocks.  I usually have a must have bag and a might need bag.  This accomplishes several things.  If a volunteer dumps your stuff out it won't scatter, also if it rains on your bag your stuff won't be soggy.  Don't waste time just keep moving forward esp in T2 because you will want to sit there
3-RE wetsuit strippers, don't wait run further up the beach and you find someone without a line
4-Be nice to the volunteers and thank them

1-Be nice, enjoy the day and soak it all in.  Thank the police and volunteers, make friends on the course.  It all helps the day pass more quickly. 
2-My coach has always told me to have something in your run SN bag to look forward too.  Doesn't matter what it is, some food, or drink a picture a stuffed animal something that will keep you going the first half of the mary that you can look forward too and focus on
3-I have read 100s of IM reports.  The 2 places where people fail THAT THEY CAN CONTROL are 1-nutrition and 2-Mental game.  Have a nitrition plan A, B and C and stick too it.  I dont' care how excited you are or how good you feel the first 40 on  the bike.  If you do not drink and eat it will bite you in the and its very difficult to recover from.  Keep a positive mental attitude.  If you are only running X:XX-y instead of X:XX don't let it crush your whole day.  You are probably faster than a whole lot of other people be happy you are healthy enough to be out there doing this amazing crazy sport.

Thats all I can think of but be safe and have a blast!!!!

2012-10-09 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4446458

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
gabrelsj - 2012-10-09 11:29 AM
bgraboski - 2012-10-09 7:25 AM

Me too!  I hit my low point on Sunday on my long ride.  It was a gross day, cold, no sunshine.  Ran 20m the day before.  Spent the entire Saturday afternoon/night tailgating and going to the USC vs UGA football game.  Got home at 1am and had 5 hours of sleep (maybe).  I just didn't want to be on the bike from mile 1.  That makes for a rough 100 miles.

Why did you stay so long at the game? was over in the first five minutes.

There is nothing finer than seeing the Dawgs get neutered!

2012-10-09 1:03 PM
in reply to: #4446682

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
bgraboski - 2012-10-09 1:34 PM

There is nothing finer than seeing the Dawgs get neutered!

Hey now, them's fightin' words.....

(UGA grad here)
2012-10-09 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3589984


Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Well, I've been doing the Fink competitive program. However, 2 weeks ago I was laid off from my job and then my car went up the very next day. So needless to say life has gotten in the way of my training. I'm still getting in around 17 hours a week, but not the scheduled 20. This will be my 2nd IM so i'm not scared of the distance. The thing i'm most nervous for is that I purchased a new wetsuit early this season but because of the warm weather none of my races have been wet suit legal so I still havent used it. I need to get 3-4 OWS before it.

Good luck to everybody. I'll be the guy in the black w/ red polka dot jersey. You cant miss it. We can talk about our failed nutrition plans together on the run course.

My one tip for first time IM'ers. When you have stomach pains, drink the chicken soup early and often. It's like magic!

2012-10-09 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4446682

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
bgraboski - 2012-10-09 12:34 PM
gabrelsj - 2012-10-09 11:29 AM
bgraboski - 2012-10-09 7:25 AM

Me too!  I hit my low point on Sunday on my long ride.  It was a gross day, cold, no sunshine.  Ran 20m the day before.  Spent the entire Saturday afternoon/night tailgating and going to the USC vs UGA football game.  Got home at 1am and had 5 hours of sleep (maybe).  I just didn't want to be on the bike from mile 1.  That makes for a rough 100 miles.

Why did you stay so long at the game? was over in the first five minutes.

There is nothing finer than seeing the Dawgs get neutered!

Easy now...I hate to say it but Spurrier does have the dawgs number.

2012-10-09 3:06 PM
in reply to: #4445887

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Wesley12 - 2012-10-08 8:28 PM I saw earlier where someone said a a good time estimator would be your HIM time x 2 plus 30 minutes.  Has this been close for anyone?  This is my first and I'm trying to figure out what might be a realistic time goal.  My main goal is to finish.  Other than that I was hoping for no more than 14 hours.  I did 6:11 in Augusta. 

I heard about it in the last 6 miles of my first IM.  Walked most of that last 6 miles and was at almost exactly 2xHIM + 30 min.

2012-10-09 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4446948

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

ugh - triple post

Edited by Duanerice 2012-10-09 3:33 PM
2012-10-09 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4446948

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

2nd post of a triple post

Edited by Duanerice 2012-10-09 3:33 PM
2012-10-09 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4446948

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jashac - 2012-10-09 3:06 PM

Wesley12 - 2012-10-08 8:28 PM I saw earlier where someone said a a good time estimator would be your HIM time x 2 plus 30 minutes.  Has this been close for anyone?  This is my first and I'm trying to figure out what might be a realistic time goal.  My main goal is to finish.  Other than that I was hoping for no more than 14 hours.  I did 6:11 in Augusta. 

I heard about it in the last 6 miles of my first IM.  Walked most of that last 6 miles and was at almost exactly 2xHIM + 30 min.

Last year I did Augusta in 6:05 and IMFL in 13:19.  More than X2 +30 min but I really took my time in transitions and on the bike.  This year I did Augusta in 5:41 and hope to do IMFL in 12:XX.  Don't care what time as long as there is a 12 as the first number


Edited by Duanerice 2012-10-09 3:31 PM

2012-10-09 6:33 PM
in reply to: #4446994

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Duanerice - 2012-10-09 3:27 PM
jashac - 2012-10-09 3:06 PM

Wesley12 - 2012-10-08 8:28 PM I saw earlier where someone said a a good time estimator would be your HIM time x 2 plus 30 minutes.  Has this been close for anyone?  This is my first and I'm trying to figure out what might be a realistic time goal.  My main goal is to finish.  Other than that I was hoping for no more than 14 hours.  I did 6:11 in Augusta. 

I heard about it in the last 6 miles of my first IM.  Walked most of that last 6 miles and was at almost exactly 2xHIM + 30 min.

Last year I did Augusta in 6:05 and IMFL in 13:19.  More than X2 +30 min but I really took my time in transitions and on the bike.  This year I did Augusta in 5:41 and hope to do IMFL in 12:XX.  Don't care what time as long as there is a 12 as the first number


You got that easy. ( I can say that sitting here at my desk in front of the computer )

I think I can cut an hour off If I'll run the last six miles.  I'm shooting for 13 hrs.  Wildest dream would be sub 13.

2012-10-09 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Windermere, FL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Thanks, Socks for the outline! Very helpful! I'm glad to hear the swim is clear, but a little nervous about the waves. I'm praying for calm seas!

One more thing to freak out about...I'm getting sick! I keep telling myself better this week than next!
2012-10-09 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Thank you Socks!!!  I'm trying to keep a list of helpful hints for this race.  I'm really nervous about waves as well. Have done plenty of OW lake swims in training, but no ocean nearby! Just have to have faith that I know I can do the distance, and the salt water + wetsuit will keep me up! 

On another note, I have a slightly nagging muscle pull in my right quadricep muscle right now.  NO idea what I did!  My coach told me to take a couple of days off and rest it.  Really nervous about not training yesterday and today, but hoping it won't make a huge difference in the big picture?  I am soooo close. 

2012-10-10 5:08 AM
in reply to: #4446176

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Camden, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
aintaround - 2012-10-09 7:14 AM

HercDriver - 2012-10-09 6:06 AM I am not able to volunteer this year at IMFL to get an early shot at signing up so hopefully I can get signed up with the regular registration on-line.  Does anyone know when they usually open things up on-line for the IMFL?  I heard it fills up within hours.  Hoping this will be my first in 2013.  


There is sort of a trick to the races that sell out in minutes on line. First thing is go to a site that has not sold out (IM Coeur d'Alene) find out what all the * asterisk mandatory fields are. Have the information ready and only fill out that – all the other is just fluff – if you have someone else they can double the effort right there with you (on a different computer) this increases the chances.


Good luck


Awesome, thanks for the info Joel, I will be ready! 


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