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2008-07-19 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1541866

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Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

feliperubio - 2008-07-19 9:26 AM Hey Guys: Hope everyone is doing well. After reading Caru's post I was reflecting on how much has happened since joining the BT forum. I remember for our first sprint how excited we were and how much of deal it was. This past sprint I did, the swim felt tremendously short. And I think the case is the same for all of you doing olympics, half's and full ironmans!! I also remember a year ago talking to Rich about running the Bogota Half Marathon and getting ready to take on the altitude. Remember that Rich? Well I'm back here in Bogota and ready to avenge last years performance! Although a stomach virus has plagued me for the last couple of days I think I'll be ready. But to get back to my point, I think it's awesome that we have kept this forum alive and that we are in touch. I look forward to meeting you Rich at the Disneyland half, we should maybe do a pasta dinner the night before. And hopefully I'll be able to join Blondie in the Half in Texas!! Take care guys! FR

Hey, if you are coming to Texas, then I'll take you and Blondie out for dinner! That would be uber-cool!

2008-07-19 9:57 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Good Morning!  I feel like we need a Saturday group hug since we're all checking in!!!

I'm with you, Felipe...we've all come along way with our training and goals.  I'm so proud of this group!  Everyday, I'm truly amazed and what my body can do...How training smart really does improve all aspects of one's life...physically, mentally and emotionally.  Keep up the great work! 

And yes...Katz, I'll take a date with you anytime!  Felipe will be there...he wouldn't want to miss an exciting weekend with his cyber friends!  Right Felipe???

2008-07-29 8:41 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Group!  Hope all is well with everyone.  It's been awhile since we've checked in.  I'm sure everyone is busy training!  El Scorcho 25k was the other weekend.  It's a midnight run that loops through Trinity Park in Fort Worth.  It was a blast and I was so pleased with my time.  After being awake for 22+ hours I finished 15th out of 119 women in the 25K!!!  My "secret goal time" was 2:30 and I finished in 2:31...not at all disappointed.  It was a great race.  Next year, I'm training for the 50K.  Anyone want to join me?  Registration fills up fast because they only allow 400 participants.  I think it will open sometime in the spring so you have plenty of time to think about it. 

I would love to hear from everyone!  



2008-07-31 12:11 AM
in reply to: #1566677

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
You are just an ANIMAL, Angela! GREAT JOB! You continue to amaze me! I think back over a year ago and where you were! Look at what an AWESOME job you are doing! Simply outstanding! Here is a virtual HUG for you!!!!!!!

2008-08-01 3:10 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Katz and Blondie:

How about a triple date!? I'm in! hahahahaha

I'll be deciding shortly if I'm going or not, so I'll keep you posted. And Blondie, keep kicking !!

Rich, in a month, I'll see you, yeaaaaaaaaaaa.

Take care everyone.

2008-08-08 1:16 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Looking forward to seeing you in Anaheim Felipe!

This has been a hectic week in preparation for two upcoming hectic weeks. I'm travelling a little for the company, but unfortunately won't be getting to Texas on this round!

Heading for Arizona for four days to conduct Focus Groups....Hopefully I'll get to run the IM AZ run course. In a six day period, will be conducting 50 plus focus groups with employees. Although mentally draining to do that many focus groups in such a short time span, hopefully I will be able to get a least some runs in!

Keep training people!


2008-08-14 1:51 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey guys!  I'm still out here!  Glad to hear everyone is doing so well.  (I check in and read up on everyone every once in a while.)  I'm so jealous of what great runners you all are (my weakest event).

I did several cycling events this season and one triathlon, which was this past Sunday. I'm very proud to say my 15 year old niece finished the race with my brother and I.  Despite STILL working on recovering from my early-season knee injury and not training as hard or as often as I would have liked to because of it, I gave it my all at Steelman.  It felt really good.  Turns out, I shaved almost 9 minutes off my time from last year! Very pleased. 

RICH -- How's your recovery?  I will have to read up on your activities the past 2 months...  XXXXX  :-)

2008-08-14 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1604006

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Christine! GREAT JOB! Recovery? What recovery?

I'm in the water again....woooo hoooooo! Felipe is coming out to California to run the Disney Half the Sunday before Labor Day. Will be running the same race, but I'll be sweeping the course after all the dust that Felipe kicks up!

Seriously, things are going well!!!!!!! IM Arizona is still a "GREEN LIGHT"! Preparation is underway.....getting interrupted with life ..... thus I don't feel that I am getting the concentrated training that I need. YIKES.....13 weeks away? DOUBLE YIKES!!!!!!!
2008-08-17 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1605261

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hello, everyone!  I'm stressing a bit here.  I have an oly in two weeks and I just lost almost an entire week of training to a not-so-pleasant bout of food poisoning!  Ach! So, at the moment, I'm feeling less than prepared.  If any of you are feeling particularly fast and well-trained right now, feel free to send some of it my way

Felipe, have you decided if you're Austin-bound in October yet?

2008-08-18 8:22 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL


You have done all of this training all along -- what you have built will still be there on race day.  Be glad the food poisoning wasn't the week of your race and go give it your best.  I'm sure you will do great!

RICH -- Really glad to hear things are going so well for you.  Further proof that keeping fit helps in every aspect of life. You are going to have a blast in AZ.  We want daily postings.

Edited by cmbcwb3 2008-08-18 8:25 AM
2008-08-26 10:14 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

So question for you? Do you really need to train for a half-marathon? YIKES......I'm looking at my running log and realizing.....I really haven't trained for this weekend's Disney Half Marathon. What was I thinking? OMG!

Hey Felipe: Let me know when you get into town. Still up to meeting you and the fam for dinner.


2008-08-27 10:24 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Rich!

My parents are flying to LA as we speak. I'll be flying up with the GF on friday. Here's my cell number so we can coordinate: 786 877 7049.

We will be staying in Anaheim at a Marriott hotel. What about you?

Take care,

2008-08-27 10:37 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
OH and Rich, who trains for a half-marathon?? They're overrated'll be fine.

Edited by feliperubio 2008-08-27 10:40 AM
2008-08-27 11:13 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Best wishes go out to you guys!  Have a great time!
2008-08-27 6:19 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I'll be thinking of you two!  Good Luck Felipe and Rich!  Run like your pants are on fire...
2008-08-31 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1633178

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
News from Disneyland!

Hey Gang! Good News and Bad News! The good news is that Felip took 3rd Place in his AG! CONGRATULATIONS Felipe! He was flying at 1 hr. 20 minutes! Man he is fast!

Bad News: I was taken right out of my race element right at the beginning! Went to start my timer/stop watch on my polar watch and my polar watch went dead!!!! not only had I not trained for this little event, now I was left with using "perceived effort" and the "official clock" as my guidance on pace. At 200 yards after the start, my sunglasses fell apart.....literally! The only good thing was that it was overcast and the sun didn't come out until about 8:00 AM when I was heading back to Disneyland I went out too fast at the beginning and by Mile 4 was overheating! Had to back it off and that was the death of me right there! Finished at 2:54.....almost a full hour after my PR......Execution, Execution, Execution....and I let little things mess me up! Ohhhhhhhhh I guess I could use the excuse that I didn't train for this event. There is next year!

Unfortunately, Felipe and I didn't get to meet up. Called his cell multiple times, but unfortunately we missed each other! Sorry Felipe!

2008-09-02 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1640613

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Wow! Congratulations, Felipe! And sorry about your rough race, was a scorcher this weekend! Still sounds like you managed the majority of your race well despite the glitches.  It's amazing how little things like watches can throw you off your game!

I had a rough race yesterday myself - did great on the swim and bike, but fell apart at mile 4 on the run in the heat.  Started getting crampy and dizzy so I did the walk-run-walk-run thing for the last portion. I was far and away not the only one.  There were folks walking all over the course.  10am in Austin on Sept. 1 is HOT HOT HOT!!! The fun part was that my kids ran the last 100 ft or so with me and we crossed the finish line together!  That should make a cute photo.

2008-09-13 8:47 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey GANG.....we are in Mid-September can you believe it? Can you believe we have been together for two seasons? Wow! OMG.....we are heading into off-season training (well someone of us are....I'm not.....until after IM Arizona!)

So here is my plan....maintain a basic week of training during December, January and into February. This will be based on "" website's "Basic Week" of training.

Do you have plans for your offseason?


2008-09-14 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1672661

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey, Rich! I'm in off-season training too. I'm using BT's run-focused 8-week winter maintenance plan.  I'm also planning on riding my first century on September 27.  After this first 8-weeks, I think I might do BT's bike-focused maintenance plan.  That should gets me ready to seriously train for the Lonestar oly in early April.  At least that's the plan!

2008-09-14 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1673321

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Sounds like a good plan, Katz!

I was checking everyone's logs today. WOW! What an awesome job everyone has been doing this year! Volumes are up all over the place. The trend appears to be increased efficiency. I'm learning through my own efforts that if I focus on intensity, I still reap the benefit of increased efficiency. I have noticed that I had to increase my distance on my 3 hour ride. Pushing 55 plus miles in 3 hours. Focusing on areo position, staying in the aero bars more, pedal stroke (even circular motion) and breathing (Inhale nose; exhale mouth). HR recovery is improving tremendously.

Let's add to our discussion about post season/off season training. What are the improvements you have noticed. Katz, you already covered this one: Let's add what is the focus of your off season training.

Rich M
2008-09-14 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1673321

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
katzchen55 - 2008-09-14 4:46 PM

Hey, Rich! I'm in off-season training too. I'm using BT's run-focused 8-week winter maintenance plan. I'm also planning on riding my first century on September 27. After this first 8-weeks, I think I might do BT's bike-focused maintenance plan. That should gets me ready to seriously train for the Lonestar oly in early April. At least that's the plan!

There are maintenance programs on here? I had no idea.

I'll have to hop on that bandwagon in a few weeks!

2008-09-14 7:47 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hi Everyone,

I'm still training for Longhorn HIM so as soon as I complete the distance Oct. 5, I'll take about a week off and then marathon training will begin.  I plan on doing the same 2 races as last year.  I would like to shave off about 30 minutes for White Rock and about 10 minutes for Cowtown.  I think I running has improved tremendously over the past year and I feel ready to try to finish a marathon in 4 hours.  I'll be satisified with any time under 4:10 actually!

Since going back to work full time, I've lost a few pounds.  I think it was just what I needed.  I'm down to 123.  I feel good at this weight and I'm not planning on losing anymore.  Now I just need to maintain healthy eating through the upcoming holiday season!  YIKES...I can't believe we're halfway through September!

Take care and happy training...Rich, keep up the great workouts.  Think of me when you swim so I can receive the vibes!  I need swim help...still! 

2008-09-15 12:01 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Rich pointed out today that I surpassed my cycling mileage from 2007; much to my surprise.

So, since I still have weight to loose and new goals to achieve (why not surpass my swim and run distances from 2007 as well?!?), I will push and train as I have been through December.  Come January, I will re-assess.

We have one last cycling event for the season in mid-October.  Did I mention that I was in a bike ride with LANCE ARMSTRONG 3 weeks ago???  :-0

I am starting swim lessons in October. It's funny, people are very confused by this.  They say things like, "But you're a great swimmer. What do you need swim lessons for?"  They have no idea how much room there is for improvement.  It's cute. 

2008-09-15 12:17 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
RICH --  I need some advise on improving speed -- particularly in running.  You are the king of working around an injury; so I could use some advise from you on how to work around my knee problem and still get faster.  Hit me with any questions.

Edited by cmbcwb3 2008-09-15 12:18 PM
2008-09-16 12:16 AM
in reply to: #1674806

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
cmbcwb3 - 2008-09-15 12:01 PM

Christine wrote: Did I mention that I was in a bike ride with LANCE ARMSTRONG 3 weeks ago???

WWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT? You think you are just nonchalantly going to slip the ride with thee man of the cycling world by the Cyclingmaniac? Are you out of your mind??????? (LOL!!!) How exciting (and I have to say, I'm very jealous!!!!!)

Tell us the details.....details....we want details! :p

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