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2009-05-12 1:43 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Jocelyn:  Hooray for recuperating!  Don't force things, now...give the hip a chance to really get healed.

Scott:  Stretching is our friend.  A friend that I neglect before and after biking, I'm afraid...but never before and after running.  (Before if I do some walking or jogging to warmup before the stretch, that is.)

2009-05-18 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Hey guys. 

I ran 5K Saturday after a 30 mile bike ride.  All went well.  Made sure to eat a banana, drink chocolate milk right after.  Stretched flike crazy. Feel good today after another 50 on the TT bike yesterday.  Today is a rest day, then TTrials tomorrow for the first time.

Hope all is well with you all.  Hope some of you are still here.  Miss you guys.

2009-05-19 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
No rest yesterday.  Coach had be ride out to the course to look it over.  Huge wind.  Rough ride but good to see what's in store.

Swam this morning.  Felt great.  Stretched a little before, a lot after.  Have a great day.

2009-05-19 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2160173

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Sounds like you're getting  ready mentally for the race. The wind must be a factor on that course. Always good to know before a race. I always do as much visualization as possible before an event. You're going to do great with all that training and sounds like a good coach. The calf's all good now?

Have a good day!

2009-05-20 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Still waiting for official results.  It appears good for being in a stiff wind, at least for me.  He put me fourth in line, I passed two and was passed by about 8 of the 30.  Several fast people told me they had to hump to get around me.  Good to hear.   I'll post the results.  Hoping for 18 mph or better. In that wind, which was 20 plus for half the course, I'd be pleased.

One thing I do know - the Power Tap measured me at 278 watts for the entire 12.44 mile course.  If that holds after my coach analyzes things, that would be a fantastic improvement from the 225 FTP I had when I started with him in February. 

2009-05-22 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
19 mph on a course where half was into a 20 mph wind.  I'll take it.  Coach raised my FTP to 265 watts.  had a workout at that level last night.  Defintiely a push.  Loving the progress though.

Have a great weekend.

2009-05-22 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Busy couple of weeks at work have made it hard to train and hard to get online.  Fortunately, I've been mostly recovering from Wildflower and tapering for LA Marathon on Memorial Day.  A week from now, though, after recovering from the marathon, I've got the heart of my IM training coming up, so I'm hoping the work commitments settle down.

Have a safe and sane Memorial Day weekend!
2009-05-22 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2167586

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

HI -- You are going to just blow people away on the bike, Scott! I'm doing my monthly TT today. I don't have a power meter, so I do the same, very long hill and time myself. Last month I wasn't any faster, but the RPE was less. We'll see what happens today. I took a rest day yesterday and I've been doing my run and swim TT's all week. Again, not really making much difference, but I also know I started out pretty fit and we've been base building mostly, although volume has been high.


 Hey'll rock the marathon. I'm doing the SD Rock and Roll, but in a relay with 3 others. I think I'm running the 8 miles which is the longest leg. Should be a fun experience.

Have a great, safe weekend everyone!!


2009-05-22 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Hi guys,

 Been busy here as well. Scott, sounds like your amazing work ethic is really paying off. Everyone seems to be chugging along getting ready for upcoming races! It's a great time of year! I'm gonna try to get in a few organized bike rides soon and hopefully cross the century mark. I've been doing some walking due to a sore foot (playing it safe), and our local pool is closed for a month. I've been commuting to another town to get swims in, but it won't be for long. The last few weeks have been a little light with life getting in the way, but all in all the training's going well. Some long training days coming up in the next several weeks!

2009-05-26 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
2009-05-27 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
You rock!  Great run!

2009-05-27 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2175123

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

IceManScott - 2009-05-27 6:50 AM You rock!  Great run!

Pretty amazing! I don't think BQing is too far off either.


2009-05-27 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2175456

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
lmscozz - 2009-05-27 8:11 AM

IceManScott - 2009-05-27 6:50 AM You rock!  Great run!

Pretty amazing! I don't think BQing is too far off either.


Thanks!  I hope not...I'm not a huge fan of marathoning and I don't want to spend a lot of time "chasing the dream" (mostly because it wasn't ever really a dream of mine until I put up a sub-4 on my second attempt at a marathon and it suddenly seemed not unrealistic).

I'm conflicted about repeating LA Marathon again next year...won't do it unless it moves back to the first weekend in March, due to my IM scheduled for May 1.  And I don't turn 50--and gain the extra five minutes on the BQ standard--until May 11.  So I may only do a late season marathon (or two) next year.  I'm definitely going to consider, mostly downhill, course run in December.
2009-06-01 7:46 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
I'm focused on Saturday, but my mind is already looking for more...Olympics out of town, half marathon.  They have a marathon training program here so we'll have to see.  I also don't want to devote that much time to running, but if the IM tattoo ever graces my skin, it will have to be. 
2009-06-03 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Time trial last night.  Unofficial 35 mins for 12.5 miles.  That's 21 mph plus.  The TT bike fit seems nearly right on.  All is well.  Saturday is nearing and I'm feeling good about that.
2009-06-03 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2191228

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

IceManScott - 2009-06-03 5:09 AM Time trial last night.  Unofficial 35 mins for 12.5 miles.  That's 21 mph plus.  The TT bike fit seems nearly right on.  All is well.  Saturday is nearing and I'm feeling good about that.

I think you're going to be surprised at how many "untrained" folks show up for these things. You'll blow them away. How are the nerves?

2009-06-03 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
I would say, I'm excited.  Haven't slept well two nights.  But, not stressed in a negative way.  More positive anticipation, if that makes sense.  Trying to take care of details.  Raining here and cold but I plan to do the open water swim tonight for the experience.  I rode the time trial last night.  Will collect gear and do a check list the next two days.  Helping to set up the site with the club.  Staying busy.  Any other suggestions would be welcome.  

2009-06-04 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Good luck, Scott!  (I'm certainly excited for you!)
2009-06-04 11:09 PM
in reply to: #2191962

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

IceManScott - 2009-06-03 9:29 AM I would say, I'm excited.  Haven't slept well two nights.  But, not stressed in a negative way.  More positive anticipation, if that makes sense.  Trying to take care of details.  Raining here and cold but I plan to do the open water swim tonight for the experience.  I rode the time trial last night.  Will collect gear and do a check list the next two days.  Helping to set up the site with the club.  Staying busy.  Any other suggestions would be welcome.  

I've not been doing tris that long, but I have done 10 or so now and one of the best suggestions I got was to get in the water and swim hard a bit, 25 yards at least, preferably 50 to get used to the water and run off some adrenaline BEFORE the race. The hardest part for most new triathletes is the swim. It's very weird having all those people and the wetsuit issue and just the idea of starting to do something you've been training to do for so long. Visualizations of everything you want to have happen on race day is always helpful to me, including transitions and crossing that finish line. I try to do this right before going to sleep at night, or if I'm lucky enough, right before a short afternoon power nap.

Most important thing...have fun and enjoy yourself. Scott, you will soon be a triathlete!! Get some photos, too. You'll always remember your first.

Looking forward to hearing (reading) all about it. I'll be thinking of you. Good luck!

2009-06-05 12:37 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Wow, it's been too long since I've been here ... apologies to all.  Got some stories for you, but first off, GO SCOTT!

I completely back what Lynn says about the swim.  My first race, it was unusually cold water due to some freak winds the night before, which just added to everything.  I drank way too much coffee before the race, I was nursing a bum left quad and had taken a ton of Tylenol and Icy Hot patches, and I shot out into the water like a cannon.  Big mistake.  I was so worked up that I lasted *maybe* 150 yards.  Cold water got to me, as did everything else, and I couldn't catch my breath.  Had to hold on to one of the lifeguards' surfboard for a minute to relax.  And I'm *good* at swimming!

No, I typically go far off to one side of my wave, and wait about 10 seconds until everyone goes in so I can avoid the rush.  Works great, and I still am able to catch up and do well.  And I also agree that you need to get in the water first.  I try to spend about 20 minutes or so just playing around in the waves and letting some of the water into my suit. Also, and I hate to say it, I pee like a racehorse in the water before the race.  Gross, I know, but it warms you up and gets everything out so you don't have to stop or feel uncomfortable later.  Also a great stress reliever.  Seriously.

Anyway, just really try to relax and have fun.  We do this because we *want* to, not because we *have* to.  Enjoy it!!!

As for me, training has been hard because my wife is still really laid up with her pregnancy.  On the couch now for 2+ months with an IV 24 hours a day, and I feel like I've spent more time in Hospitals and ERs than I have at the gym or on the bike.  I'm playing sole care-giver to two very kids, taking care of my wife, my job, the house ... brutal.  I do insist, however, that every night between 8:30pm and 10:00pm is my time, so I hit the Y.  I did get to go on a long bike ride last weekend with some friends (65+ miles up Circle R Drive!!), and it was a real treat.  Buut that's about it aside from the stationary bike.  Man, I miss it!

As for my last race, I did the Encinitas Sprint.  And got DQ'd!  I had a great swim, decent bike and two GREAT transitions!  Found the trick of taking my wetsuit rright as I got out of the water ... let a little water in the neck before starting to loosen it up, and it just slipped off on shore. Highly recommended.  Didn't mess with socks for the bike or the run, and it really saved time.

Anyway, I finished the run, met up with some friends, packed up my gear and checked out the real time results before leaving ... 4th in my AG! WOW!  Looked online later to see my times and saw that I had run a 13 minute 5k ... which is impossible for me.  Thought back, looked at the course map and realized that I spaced on the 2nd lap.  D'OH!  I contacted the race director annd owned up to the mistake, and I felt like a complete .  Oh well, mistakes happen.

I've got the San Diego Int'l coming up this month, and I know Lynn is doing it, too.  My first OLY, and I ddon't think I'm ready.  I know I can finish, but it won't be competitive and it won't be easy.  I've been working on my running a lot lately, but still not enough time to say I'm really "training".  Definitely not going to be an "A Race".  Don't care, I'm looking forward to it.

Doing Carlsbad Tri in July.  Another sprint, and maybe my last of the year.  I just don't have the time to really get into training and it's bumming me out.  However, I've dropped another 10 pounds or so and I'm LOVING that!  Still can't get rid of the spare tire completely, but it's looking more like golf cart tire than it is a Hummer   To date, that puts me at about 107lbs lost since February, 2008.

So, that's it for now.  GO SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Poster Nutbag 2009-06-05 9:51 AM
2009-06-05 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2196475

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Go Scott go!!!


Morgan, 107 lbs. ??? OMG -- congratulations. Between  you Scott and Todd, that's 300 pounds or so down isn't it?

Sorry to hear about your wife...and your life right now. I sure hope she's feeling better soon.

Let's try to say hello at the SD Int'l. I got a race info sheet today. Looks like fun.



2009-06-07 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Below is the email I sent to my bike coach.  I posted the beginning of a RR.  I have to add some times from transitions and the exact times on the swim, bike and run.  Overall was 1:31.  12 minutes swim, 38 minutes bike (20.3) and 35 mins run.  I held too much back.  Here's the email to the coach.  I'll mention more below and in parenthesis. 

"I had a great time.  The path was littered with learning experiences, but that's what I was there for. 
The swim - First time in a group.  I stayed with the jostling until I saw an opening and took off, only to have my goggles fill halfway with water about half way through.  I adapted though, no panic...I just stayed with someone swimming at my pace and they led me in without knowing it.  12 mins., and that included a run up the hill to the transition.  (If I could have seen, I may have been able to open up more, but I knew the swim can't make or break me.  The important thing was I adapted to the situation without losing control. I was very pleased with my reaction to swimming blind.)  
The bike - The bike was fine-tuned.  Worked perfectly.  Headwind going out.  Congested as I thought on Brown's Road.  But, I averaged 20.3.  The power was hard to keep up though.  It includes two long slow sections both out of the park and back in.  And, every time someone got in my way, I had to let up.  But I'm happy with the overall average. (As you might expect, this was the most fun.  I really loved racing on the bike.)
The run - This is where I needed more focus.  I should have run the course once before the race.  I was sluggish getting started as I expected off the bike, but when I regained my breath, I held back too long for fear of not having the juice to get through.   In the future I run the race course before the race, preferably a brick after riding the bike course.    I'd planned to do that last Tuesday at the TT (a weekly time trial held at the same venue) but the rain shut it down. 
My transition from the swim to the bike was too long. (more than 3 mins.  T2 was more than 2 mins.)
Otherwise, I thought it was a pretty good first time."

I've run 5K races at 29 mins.  Ran 7.5 at 75 minutes.  I would have liked to have a sub 30 min run.  I was over 35.  But, I'll know better next time.  I think I can also cut time off in the swim, maybe 2-4 mins over time.  I also need to work on nutrition for the July Olympic.  I ate a good breakfast of Fiber One and yogurt and fruit.  I had Gu before the race.  Then another at T1 and another about half way in the run.  Drank water in the transitions fast and some Gatorade on the run course.   Not enough may have been one reason I was so sluggish at the start of the run, unsure.  I think mostly that was because I had been pounding hard on the bike.  But, do I let up on the bike where I can make up the most time to take off a minute or 2 on the run.  Doesn't seem like a good trade.  

There you have it.  One other note, the Livestrong relay teams, I and one other guy who did the complete event raised more than $5,000 for Lance Armstrong Foundation.  That makes it even better.   

By the way, I am down from about 400 pounds to about 220, for about 180 loss in 4 years.  I'd say we lost lots between all of us!  Good riddence to it!

Thanks for all your inspires.  Thanks for your tips, your encouragement and your on-line friendship.  This forum and web site rock!

Edited by IceManScott 2009-06-07 9:06 PM
2009-06-07 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Morgan I so respect you for DQing yourself.  That is top drawer.  I also send you my best on your wife's pregnancy and the challenges you are facing.  Like you, the workouts keep my head in the game with all the cutbacks at the paper from the economy, etc. (more last week.

2009-06-07 11:47 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Hey Scott, FANTASTIC JOB!!!   Really, I couldn't be happier for you, and while you know where you think you lacked, it sounds from reading your note that you totally dug the experience!  You're a competitor, no doubt about that.

Only thing I have to laugh at is your Fiber One and yogurt before a race.  Balls, my friend ... great big balls!  I mentioned what I do to get rid of the liquid, but there's nothing in this world that could get me to use a porta-john for other business.  Absolutely no way I'd risk fiber and yogurt

Very, very happy for you right now, congrats!! 
2009-06-08 12:34 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Way to go, Scott!
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