BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-06-23 7:08 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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2013-06-23 7:10 PM
in reply to: Fred D

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2013-06-23 7:13 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Congrats on a great race! Can't wait to read the race report.
2013-06-23 7:44 PM
in reply to: Fred D

SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Way to go Fred, great job!
2013-06-24 9:39 AM
in reply to: TTom

Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
I've got a question for the swimmers - I have my HIM in 6 weeks. My swimming is terrible. I'm about a 2:39/100yd pace right now. I have also not gotten much swimming in this year (23,750 for 2013, 2150 in May and 6800 in June). My schedule is finally clearing and I'm going to the pool every day over my lunch. I can get about 45 minutes of swimming in. What at this point is going to give me the most return for my effort - intervals or continuous swimming? I have been just swimming a consistent pace effort to build up the endurance, and now feel comfortable that I can at least finish within the time limit. I'm not expecting miracles and the weekends I'll be doing open water swims at the lake to get used to the wetsuit. I'm just wondering with the limited time left what is going to do the most good. Thanks in advance,

2013-06-24 9:42 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by Fred D

Had a great race tray. 4:53 at IMMT 70.3 today. Good for 160/2000+ or so overall. Very happy, back held quite well. Really enjoyed this race and will post a race report later in the week. Was tremendous fun!

Holy Schmoly Fast and with a tricked up back? Man, great job!

On a slower and less exciting note, I finished my Olympic tri this weekend in 2:36. I would have provided a URL link to the race report, but I no longer can figure out how to do that in the new BT!

2013-06-24 10:15 AM
in reply to: sbsmann

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Congrats on the great races everyone.

I'm finally feeling back to normal after last weeks HIM. I have another HIM in just under 8 weeks (Timberman in NH, 8/18/13) and am planning out the ramp up to that. I have a sprint this weekend, then an Oly in the middle of July. Treating both as training days. Also adding in some additional shorter runs during the week to help build up what little run training I've had. While I'm not going to be putting down a 1:40 HM at Timberman, I'd like to mitigate as much as possible the death march I did last Saturday.
2013-06-24 10:21 AM
in reply to: sbsmann

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Definitely some FAST times from the HIM group.  Is sub-5 a requirement here?  Wink  Congrats on the terrific day!

Scott, read your RR.  Sounds like a great day for you and that you paced it well, even if the run felt easier than you targeted.  Were you really 74th OA (sounds like a big field, with almost 700!) in EACH of the legs?  Weird how that worked out, but a great showing!

Congrats to all the racers from the weekend - nice showing!


2013-06-24 10:34 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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2013-06-24 11:05 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Wow, fantastic! Glad you had such a great race.

But the real question is, who won? Team USA or Team Canada?

2013-06-24 11:56 AM
in reply to: 0

SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Originally posted by Fred D Thanks! I knew my biking and running we're in decent shape but the swim was a great unknown as was my back. That was a very slow swim for me but I took it and all the transitions very easy which in the end was probably very smart. Sub 5 is not a requirement lol to be in this group!
Hmmm, are we going to have to have your username changed to Sandbagger?Smile


Scott, to paste an active URL in I just highlight the URL, copy it, and paste it into the text like this:

"To see the race report, go here:"

then to make it a little nicer, highlight what I just pasted in and change the lengthy url to something a bit more concise by typing in whatever I want like this:

"To see the race report, go here"

Edited by TTom 2013-06-24 11:59 AM

2013-06-24 12:21 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Definitely some FAST times from the HIM group.  Is sub-5 a requirement here?  Wink  Congrats on the terrific day!

Scott, read your RR.  Sounds like a great day for you and that you paced it well, even if the run felt easier than you targeted.  Were you really 74th OA (sounds like a big field, with almost 700!) in EACH of the legs?  Weird how that worked out, but a great showing!

Congrats to all the racers from the weekend - nice showing!


Oooooops. Definitely not 74th overall in each of the three legs. Not even close. I messed that up and now can't modify if! DAMN! Thanks for catching that.
2013-06-24 12:49 PM
in reply to: sbsmann

Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

I posted about saddle issues and getting re-fit about a week ago.  I talked with my fitter and scheduled an appointment for Friday.  He has this neat technology called GebioMized, that is able to give real time saddle pressure analysis.  Unfortunately, we weren't able to resolve my issues, but I think I might have a new clue into my knee injury.

We checked the saddle pressure on my current saddle (Adamo Road) -- almost all of the saddle pressure was at the front on my pubic bone....and what little pressure was noted at my sit bones, almost all of it was on my left side.  Somehow, even though my sit bone pressure had a left bias, I noticed more pressure on the right side of my pubic bone.  The front / left sit bone pressure was to be the theme for the day).

We tried something like 10 saddles....I picked out a few that were the least offensive to me, and we started really playing with it, adjusting seat heights, angles, cleat positioning, bar heights, etc.  After continuing to see the front/left bias for an hour and a half, he had me hop down and checked for a leg length discrepancy and checked my flexibility.  I (still) don't have an LLD, and my flexibility in my hamstrings is pretty good.  But for some reason, it seems that my hip/back is really tight on one side and it is acting as a functional LLD.  I'm feeling like it's got to be due to the accident and having never worked all that crap out.

After more than two hours, we were out of time and frustrated.  He put the Hilo Bontrager saddle on and we found the least offensive position, the old-school way -- by feel.  We checked the pressure again, hoping maybe we'd find something good....same front/left bias.  So he told me to take the saddle and ride it for a few weeks and see what I think.  Basically, until we figure out this functional LLD, I'm never going to be comfortable on the bike.  This makes me feel a little better that it's not all in my head, but it is very disappointing

I think the tight hip/back is probably a remnant of my knee injury....and possibly why my knee still feels bad, even though it looks good in x-rays/MRI/scope.  I'm hoping that my physical therapist can help me work that out....and maybe if we can get that worked out, it'll fix both the knee pain and the saddle issue. 

2013-06-24 12:53 PM
in reply to: sbsmann

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by sbsmann
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Definitely some FAST times from the HIM group.  Is sub-5 a requirement here?  Wink  Congrats on the terrific day!

Scott, read your RR.  Sounds like a great day for you and that you paced it well, even if the run felt easier than you targeted.  Were you really 74th OA (sounds like a big field, with almost 700!) in EACH of the legs?  Weird how that worked out, but a great showing!

Congrats to all the racers from the weekend - nice showing!


Oooooops. Definitely not 74th overall in each of the three legs. Not even close. I messed that up and now can't modify if! DAMN! Thanks for catching that.

Would be strange to land in different spots in your AG but the exact same spot OA in each leg!  Definitely possible, especially in a smaller race, but less so in a larger one. 

Great race in any event!

2013-06-24 1:36 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Nicole, looks like some good learning even if you didn't find the saddle solution immediately.  If you are right and it is residual tightness in the lower back/hip area, I think you'll be able to find ways to get that taken care of, most likely through physical therapy and a serious and ongoing program of stretching and strengthening the area.  I went through a similar thing where the various doctors could not nail down why I had pain in my hip, but my ART guy was the one who spent the hands-on time to figure it out(it wasn't my hip that was the issue, it was tightness in the lower back/glute medius), then did his magic and gave me my homework.  When I did the homework, all was OK, but when I didn't the pain would come back.  So be aggressive in finding the right person to figure it out - it is definitely worth it!!
2013-06-25 7:21 AM
in reply to: TTom

Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Waaaaahhhhh!!!  I'm sick

Had a weird headache all weekend, then in the middle of the night Sunday, I woke up and had this weird ringing in my ears and tenderness in my lymph nodes in my neck.  I went to the doctor yesterday to get antibiotics to hopefully clear this thing up quickls.....but seriously, why does this have to happen during my peak week??

I know it's not going to affect my fitness, but it's still frustrating....I wanted one last push before Vineman.  Missed my swim last night and my trainer ride this morning.  Hoping to feel good enough to swim tomorrow morning, but I'm not feeling entirely optimistic.

Why couldn't it just wait for taper week?

2013-06-25 10:11 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Congrats on the finishes!!  Unfortunately my race didn't go as planned (Syracuse HIM).  I'm pleased with my swim and feel good about the bike (for me that was fast) but I fell apart on the run.   The temperature was 47 degrees with the humidity and I was reduced to a walk.  I did as you all suggested - slowed down, drank lots, took ice, wore soaked sponges.  I walked the uphills and ran the downhills but had quad cramping. 

In hindsight I'm wondering if I didn't drink enough on the bike.  ?  We've talked about liquids and nutrition before.  So I drank lots Saturday, and then a bottle of Gatorade before the race.  On the bike I drank 1.5 bottles of Gatorade and 2 of water.  The first 20K was climbing and I remember feeling thirsty and forced myself to drink.  Definitely felt parched on the run and wished the aid stations were closer together.  Drank 3 drinks of everything and took some ice.  Thoughts?

Looped courses are such a mindf*ck.  You run past the finish line only to have to start over.  At that point I was crampy and it had taken me 1:32 to run a little over 10K.  I knew I'd have to walk the rest and it wasn't the run I'd trained for at all.  And then the skies opened, the thunderstorm started - lightening too - and they shut it all down.  Crazy.

2013-06-25 11:17 AM
in reply to: kimmax

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
They shut the race down? I assume you didn't get to finish? If so, I'm so sorry, that is a real bummer.

I feel your pain about the run, and not having it go as you'd hope. Was there recently, and its not fun.

I, too, would like to hear about the drinking more thoughts from folks. I had painful calf cramps on the 'run' portion, and it was awful.

47 degrees Celcius? Thats 113 F....did you mean 37? That is still 102. Outrageously brutal conditions.
2013-06-25 11:54 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Originally posted by Mike_D They shut the race down? I assume you didn't get to finish? If so, I'm so sorry, that is a real bummer. I feel your pain about the run, and not having it go as you'd hope. Was there recently, and its not fun.

I, too, would like to hear about the drinking more thoughts from folks. I had painful calf cramps on the 'run' portion, and it was awful.

47 degrees Celcius? Thats 113 F....did you mean 37? That is still 102. Outrageously brutal conditions.


Yes they shut it down.  I had quit just before they did so. 

Yup 47 degrees!! That's over a 100 for you folks.  The humidity was crazy.  Everyone was walking and had sponges sticking out of their hats, clothes etc.  It was like a walking dead episode.  Fortunately some local residents brought out hoses and were hosing us down.  There were 97 women in my age group and 12 didn't finish.  12%  Not sure what the overall numbers looked like.

2013-06-25 12:59 PM
in reply to: kimmax

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by kimmax

Originally posted by Mike_D They shut the race down? I assume you didn't get to finish? If so, I'm so sorry, that is a real bummer. I feel your pain about the run, and not having it go as you'd hope. Was there recently, and its not fun.

I, too, would like to hear about the drinking more thoughts from folks. I had painful calf cramps on the 'run' portion, and it was awful.

47 degrees Celcius? Thats 113 F....did you mean 37? That is still 102. Outrageously brutal conditions.


Yes they shut it down.  I had quit just before they did so. 

Yup 47 degrees!! That's over a 100 for you folks.  The humidity was crazy.  Everyone was walking and had sponges sticking out of their hats, clothes etc.  It was like a walking dead episode.  Fortunately some local residents brought out hoses and were hosing us down.  There were 97 women in my age group and 12 didn't finish.  12%  Not sure what the overall numbers looked like.

So that is about 70oz of water/Gatorade during your bike? *For me* that would be too low, especially in that heat & humidity. Use your bike to set up your run - it sounds like you didn't drink enough on the bike and then went into overdrive to make up for it on the run, by taking in 3 drinks of everything at all of the aid stations. Do I have that right?



2013-06-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: kimmax

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by kimmax

Originally posted by Mike_D They shut the race down? I assume you didn't get to finish? If so, I'm so sorry, that is a real bummer. I feel your pain about the run, and not having it go as you'd hope. Was there recently, and its not fun.

I, too, would like to hear about the drinking more thoughts from folks. I had painful calf cramps on the 'run' portion, and it was awful.

47 degrees Celcius? Thats 113 F....did you mean 37? That is still 102. Outrageously brutal conditions.


Yes they shut it down.  I had quit just before they did so. 

Yup 47 degrees!! That's over a 100 for you folks.  The humidity was crazy.  Everyone was walking and had sponges sticking out of their hats, clothes etc.  It was like a walking dead episode.  Fortunately some local residents brought out hoses and were hosing us down.  There were 97 women in my age group and 12 didn't finish.  12%  Not sure what the overall numbers looked like.

WOW, that is one brutal day.  So sorry it went the way it did.  I can't even imagine trying to finish a HIM in those conditions... Just crazy.

I think in that kind of heat, there is less and less you can do to get and stay ahead of the conditions.  While cramping is most often due to not training for the level of effort put forth, I'm not sure one can train enough to do much but try to survive a day like that (with the exception, maybe, of people who have WAY more time to train than most of us in this game and who ALSO live and train in hot, humid swamps!).  Pretty exceptional, and again I'm bummed for you that it coincided with race day.

Take what you can from the race and put it to good use in the next one!  They can't all be weather disasters.  Surprised


2013-06-25 1:28 PM
in reply to: doxie

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by doxie
Originally posted by kimmax


So that is about 70oz of water/Gatorade during your bike? *For me* that would be too low, especially in that heat & humidity. Use your bike to set up your run - it sounds like you didn't drink enough on the bike and then went into overdrive to make up for it on the run, by taking in 3 drinks of everything at all of the aid stations. Do I have that right?

Good point (I missed that), and you did mention being thirsty.

As some of my special ops friends have said about exertion in the heat, "If you're thirsty, it's too late;" and, "If you're not peeing (OK, not the actual word they use), you're not drinking enough."  Largely applicable to racing on a hot day (for me, on a cool day I go more by thirst than trying to stay in front of it).

I rode 58 miles or so on Sunday (hills) and ran a couple miles off the bike.  In the three hour ride and then the run, I took in 2x24oz + 4x20oz + 2x10oz bottles (half poweraid, half water) and was a bit underhydrated.  'Course, I sweat - a LOT.  Surprised  I didn't cramp up, but I did drink an extra 10oz in transition right before the run and had that sloshing a bit in my belly for the first mile.  Got back on top of hydration, but I could see it getting away from me if I didn't drink aggressively...


2013-06-25 2:30 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5
Originally posted by doxie
Originally posted by kimmax

So that is about 70oz of water/Gatorade during your bike? *For me* that would be too low, especially in that heat & humidity. Use your bike to set up your run - it sounds like you didn't drink enough on the bike and then went into overdrive to make up for it on the run, by taking in 3 drinks of everything at all of the aid stations. Do I have that right?

Good point (I missed that), and you did mention being thirsty.

As some of my special ops friends have said about exertion in the heat, "If you're thirsty, it's too late;" and, "If you're not peeing (OK, not the actual word they use), you're not drinking enough."  Largely applicable to racing on a hot day (for me, on a cool day I go more by thirst than trying to stay in front of it).

I rode 58 miles or so on Sunday (hills) and ran a couple miles off the bike.  In the three hour ride and then the run, I took in 2x24oz + 4x20oz + 2x10oz bottles (half poweraid, half water) and was a bit underhydrated.  'Course, I sweat - a LOT.  Surprised  I didn't cramp up, but I did drink an extra 10oz in transition right before the run and had that sloshing a bit in my belly for the first mile.  Got back on top of hydration, but I could see it getting away from me if I didn't drink aggressively...


I think you are both right.  Yes... I had less than 80oz of fluids.  It felt like a lot at the time but given the heat and exertion it should have been more.  And it's funny you mention that Matt - I had to pee at the beginning of my bike and then didn't actually go until I was back in my hotel room - almost 8 hours later.  My body is acting wonky too.  Three day headache etc.  Really sucks that you have to actually race to figure out if you have things figured out.  I could NEVER train in Kona.  Isn't it that hot like that there all the time?  I like my snowy winter runs!!!

2013-06-25 4:39 PM
in reply to: kimmax

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by kimmax
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5
Originally posted by doxie
Originally posted by kimmax

So that is about 70oz of water/Gatorade during your bike? *For me* that would be too low, especially in that heat & humidity. Use your bike to set up your run - it sounds like you didn't drink enough on the bike and then went into overdrive to make up for it on the run, by taking in 3 drinks of everything at all of the aid stations. Do I have that right?

Good point (I missed that), and you did mention being thirsty.

As some of my special ops friends have said about exertion in the heat, "If you're thirsty, it's too late;" and, "If you're not peeing (OK, not the actual word they use), you're not drinking enough."  Largely applicable to racing on a hot day (for me, on a cool day I go more by thirst than trying to stay in front of it).

I rode 58 miles or so on Sunday (hills) and ran a couple miles off the bike.  In the three hour ride and then the run, I took in 2x24oz + 4x20oz + 2x10oz bottles (half poweraid, half water) and was a bit underhydrated.  'Course, I sweat - a LOT.  Surprised  I didn't cramp up, but I did drink an extra 10oz in transition right before the run and had that sloshing a bit in my belly for the first mile.  Got back on top of hydration, but I could see it getting away from me if I didn't drink aggressively...


I think you are both right.  Yes... I had less than 80oz of fluids.  It felt like a lot at the time but given the heat and exertion it should have been more.  And it's funny you mention that Matt - I had to pee at the beginning of my bike and then didn't actually go until I was back in my hotel room - almost 8 hours later.  My body is acting wonky too.  Three day headache etc.  Really sucks that you have to actually race to figure out if you have things figured out.  I could NEVER train in Kona.  Isn't it that hot like that there all the time?  I like my snowy winter runs!!!

I also agree that you could have drank more on the bike, but that heat was pretty extreme so keeping hydrated would be hard no matter what you did. For me, I like to keep my hydration separate from my nutrition so i can adjust on the fly. When it's really hot I drink a lot more and eat less. Also i like to use NUUN for the electrolytes, plus I'll drink more with that very slight flavor than I will with either plain water or sweet sports drink.

I did a half with similar conditions a couple of years ago and if the run had been a 2 loop course i probably wouldn't have gone out for the second loop. I hear you on the snowy runs. The last few miles of that race I was dreaming (or maybe hallucinating)  about those lovely winter runs where you get icicles in your eyebrows.

2013-06-25 6:12 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by bgeyeguy

Question for the group.  I am doing a sprint in August that has a pretty steady/steep climb of about 5 miles after descending the same hill.  For a steady state effort, do I do back to my roadie days of switching muscle groups (but did not have to run afterwards), quads to hamis (sitting more back in saddle), with some standing if the effort calls for it, or just stay with quads and slide more to front of saddle and push down more (tri bike).  I will be switching my cassette to the 28'er to give me some more wiggle to easy spin as much as possible.  I am going to the site of the race in two weeks to ride up and down a few times as well.

I was experimenting today on trainer with some big gear efforts to simulate slow cadence efforts up the hill.


Fred, glad you back is better and looking forward to see you defend the honor of the the USA!


Don't know the exact grade of hill, but some of the better cyclists on our team said they were relegated to 7-9mph going up the 5 miles. Not sure if that was a 'Battle story" exaggeration. Wink

I don't know the correct answer, all I can do is tell how I handle big hills (I've been told I'm pretty good on them & I do pass a lot of people on the hills). I tend to mix it up on big hills, I will move forward and back as well as up and down to use different muscle groups so I don't burn my legs out too quickly or push my HR through the roof. I also tend to push a little bigger gear than most & just gut it out on shorter hills or to give that last push as I'm nearing the top. This being said we have gears for a reason so don't be afraid to use them, mix it up, interval it, whatever it takes. I know it sounds like I'm talking in circles, I guess that goes with my ADD, what was I talking about :) To summarize, I mix things up as I feel I have to in order to make the hill in light of how my body feels & how much race/ride I have left. Try googling a "Map My Ride" of the race route or any elevation info you can find then practice on hills as close as you can find, if you don't have hills as long try doing them multiple times. Hope this helps!

Edited by BigAirT 2013-06-25 6:28 PM
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