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2009-03-06 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2002110

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

Sledge - 2009-03-06 1:08 PM I am SO, SO, SO glad it's Friday (can you tell I'm glad it's Friday?)!!!  It's been a crazy week...

No kidding.  It has been quite a long week for me.  I still have to do work this weekend.

2009-03-06 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2002261

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-03-06 2:05 PM

Sledge - 2009-03-06 10:08 AM I am SO, SO, SO glad it's Friday (can you tell I'm glad it's Friday?)!!!  It's been a crazy week...

no really now...you glad its Friday, Cheri?

it has been a really long week! BUT I GOT MY NEW SHOES! I LOVE THEM! can I wear them in the pool?

I *heart* getting new shoes.  I was thinking about going shoe shopping tomorrow.  I need new flip-flops for the pool and it seems a shame to just buy flops.  I'm thinking it might be time for some Chucks or maybe even some sandles.  This warm weather has me all optimistic.

2009-03-06 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2002736

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Subject: !
Artemis - 2009-03-06 4:46 PM

Sledge - 2009-03-06 1:08 PM I am SO, SO, SO glad it's Friday (can you tell I'm glad it's Friday?)!!!  It's been a crazy week...

No kidding.  It has been quite a long week for me.  I still have to do work this weekend.

It must have been a wacky week for a lot of people.  I'm so glad it's the weekend too.  Everyone I talk to has had a long, crazy week too!

2009-03-06 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2002753

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Anyone racing this weekend?
2009-03-06 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1982309

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

I got my new shoes today, too!  I can't wait to try them out tomorrow!


2009-03-06 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2002740

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
esc - 2009-03-06 1:48 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-03-06 2:05 PM

Sledge - 2009-03-06 10:08 AM I am SO, SO, SO glad it's Friday (can you tell I'm glad it's Friday?)!!!  It's been a crazy week...

no really now...you glad its Friday, Cheri?

it has been a really long week! BUT I GOT MY NEW SHOES! I LOVE THEM! can I wear them in the pool?

I *heart* getting new shoes.  I was thinking about going shoe shopping tomorrow.  I need new flip-flops for the pool and it seems a shame to just buy flops.  I'm thinking it might be time for some Chucks or maybe even some sandles.  This warm weather has me all optimistic.

make sure to get a pedi while you are out...its ashame to show off those new chucks or sandals in the pool house and ruin it all with some long unkempt toenails...not saying yours are or anything! just general statement, here! and I love pedis! especially when they have the massaging chairs and the do the hot towel thingy! (NO NASTY COMMENTS DEE!!!) ahhhhhhhhhh just had a pedicure a few days ago...maybe i will go again...so relaxing!

2009-03-06 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2002901

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Artemis - 2009-03-06 3:22 PM

I got my new shoes today, too!  I can't wait to try them out tomorrow!


yours are cute.....they look FASTTTTTTTTTTT!

2009-03-06 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1982309

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

will take pictures of my dirty new shoes when I get back from the pool

..took my new shoes out yesterday as soon as I got them and did a hill run! thought I was being careful and missing mud puddles...but I got a few! but proof of my peach square! will come back and take a picture of my wet swimming suit in about an hour....after my swim...gotta dash to the pool before all the yahoos get there! I dont like to share!

2009-03-06 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2001163

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:24 AM Hey Michelle, you going to Target this weekend?  Saw they opened two stores.  I bet it will be CRAZY there for a few weeks!

I KNOW....I'm pretty excited about it but I am not one of those crazy people who feel the need to rush over in the first few weeks of opening ~ can't stand crowded shopping places!!!  Which, as you know, is pretty much an everyday thing around here anyway!

2009-03-06 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2002047

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-03-06 7:48 AM
Happychick - 2009-03-05 4:49 PM

K, speaking of wine (read alcohol) made me want to share this stoopid silly story of mine....

First, a little background ~ I got pregnant in April 2007; had said baby (Sammi) in Jan 2008; breastfed her for 1st year and as of the day of my Aloha Run (about 3 weeks ago) I am proud to say that my boobages are all MINE again!  (Although it didn't make for a fun run in that regard.)

Now that you know WAAAAAAAY too much about me, I haven't had an alcoholic drink since the day I found out I was pregnant so when my hubby and I went to Waikiki last week to pick up my race packet (for this weekend) I was all excited to sit and have a drink.  Of course I order one of those Lava flows (pina colada with strawberries) ~ yummy and a total foo foo drink.  Sooooo, I all but guzzle and we leave to head home.  I was thrilled that I had just had my first drink in like 2 years and what do I get for it?  A friggen headache and a nap on the way home!   Needless to say, that was the day before my no sugar challenge started so now I'm back to not drinking.

Too cute ~ I couldn't stop laughing!!!  I will have to tell my hubby this...at one point he had Sam looking to me when he asked where the cows were ~ I know, not too funny, huh? (OK, maybe just a little)  Either way, that stopped REAL QUICK!

2009-03-06 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2002209

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
kns57 - 2009-03-06 8:51 AM

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:18 PM I think my youngest son, Liam (almost 5), is having growing pains maybe.  He woke up this morning and couldn't walk.  He now can hobble a little bit but still cries when he has to move.  He says his calves hurt.  Anyone have any insight??  He even stayed home from school.  Unheard of for him!

Was he maybe running in his sleep?  That's the way I feel after going for a long run. 

Seriously, poor baby.  Growing pains are no fun.  I know they can often keep kids up at night with the pain.  Nice warm bath might help them feel better for a while.  Otherwise I don't know what to do either.

This really happens?  Good to know...I always thought it was just a saying!  Things that make you go....HMMMMMM!

2009-03-06 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2002843

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:46 PM Anyone racing this weekend?

ME, me, me....ooooh, pick me!  Aaaaaa, I mean, I am.  I need some serious prayers as this is my first ever race that involves water and it's open water at that ~ like biiiiiiiig, oooooooopen, ocean water.  I'm askeered!  I picked the shorter one in hopes that I don't drown!

2009-03-06 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1982309

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Sweeeeeeeet, we all have perdy new running shoes!  Too bad I don't like mine...they are still rubbing the backs of my heels.  Dagnabit!  I hope yours are better, Erica (didn't you say yours were rubbing also?)
2009-03-06 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2002142

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:18 PM I think my youngest son, Liam (almost 5), is having growing pains maybe.  He woke up this morning and couldn't walk.  He now can hobble a little bit but still cries when he has to move.  He says his calves hurt.  Anyone have any insight??  He even stayed home from school.  Unheard of for him!

My youngest, Philip (now 7,) has had what I believe are growing pains...until him, I too thought it was just an expression. (I have three other kids that never had any problem like this.) Anyway, this only ever happened in the night; he would wake up crying and not even be able to walk to the bathroom. The only thing that I ever did that helped at all was to give him Motrin. A warm bath SOUNDS like it would be good, but I am SO not into that in the middle of the night! He would go through times when it happened every night for a few days straight, then nothing for a month or so (maybe from ages 4-7)...now, it has only happened once in the past six months maybe...

2009-03-06 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2002962

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
custer - 2009-03-06 7:19 PM

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:18 PM I think my youngest son, Liam (almost 5), is having growing pains maybe.  He woke up this morning and couldn't walk.  He now can hobble a little bit but still cries when he has to move.  He says his calves hurt.  Anyone have any insight??  He even stayed home from school.  Unheard of for him!

My youngest, Philip (now 7,) has had what I believe are growing pains...until him, I too thought it was just an expression. (I have three other kids that never had any problem like this.) Anyway, this only ever happened in the night; he would wake up crying and not even be able to walk to the bathroom. The only thing that I ever did that helped at all was to give him Motrin. A warm bath SOUNDS like it would be good, but I am SO not into that in the middle of the night! He would go through times when it happened every night for a few days straight, then nothing for a month or so (maybe from ages 4-7)...now, it has only happened once in the past six months maybe...

Good to know I'm not alone!  I was talking to a friend today who said her son had something similar before and it ended up being a virus.  Liam has been sick lately so maybe it's related??  Who know.  Kids are a mystery! 

2009-03-06 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2002942

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

Happychick - 2009-03-06 7:02 PM Sweeeeeeeet, we all have perdy new running shoes!  Too bad I don't like mine...they are still rubbing the backs of my heels.  Dagnabit!  I hope yours are better, Erica (didn't you say yours were rubbing also?)

Yeah, mine gave me a NASTY blister.  I ditched my run in part because of it.  I too ordered Zoots and they should be here either tomorrow or Monday. 

2009-03-06 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2002937

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Happychick - 2009-03-06 6:59 PM

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:46 PM Anyone racing this weekend?

ME, me, me....ooooh, pick me!  Aaaaaa, I mean, I am.  I need some serious prayers as this is my first ever race that involves water and it's open water at that ~ like biiiiiiiig, oooooooopen, ocean water.  I'm askeered!  I picked the shorter one in hopes that I don't drown!

I knew you were racing.  Karen too.  She has the Disney Princess Half Marathon. 

You'll be fine.  That is at the Hale Koa, right?  Nice calm water.  I love it down there!

2009-03-06 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2002937

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Happychick - 2009-03-06 3:59 PM

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:46 PM Anyone racing this weekend?

ME, me, me....ooooh, pick me!  Aaaaaa, I mean, I am.  I need some serious prayers as this is my first ever race that involves water and it's open water at that ~ like biiiiiiiig, oooooooopen, ocean water.  I'm askeered!  I picked the shorter one in hopes that I don't drown!

GOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK Michelle! have a great race! will be waiting to hear all about your experiences...sure you will be telling us how it was a piece of cake and you kicked booty in your wave! GOO GIRL GOOOOOO!

I was supposed to race...disregard the green square...NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

I was supposed to race the Stanford Treeathlon this weekend which is a hop skip and a jump from my home. I am nursing my knee from a recent injury and decided it not best to go all out in a race. 

Instead I will be riding tomorrow to earn a nice big peach square!

Have a great weekend everyone! and if any of you others are racing....have a great race, have fun...and take lots of pictures!

2009-03-06 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2003010

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
ebshot - 2009-03-06 5:04 PM

Happychick - 2009-03-06 7:02 PM Sweeeeeeeet, we all have perdy new running shoes!  Too bad I don't like mine...they are still rubbing the backs of my heels.  Dagnabit!  I hope yours are better, Erica (didn't you say yours were rubbing also?)

Yeah, mine gave me a NASTY blister.  I ditched my run in part because of it.  I too ordered Zoots and they should be here either tomorrow or Monday. 

want to know how you like the zoots....and if how the sizes run....some shoes say 8 but when you get them they are 9's! :/

2009-03-06 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2003043

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
1) I do not have new shoes. I would like some, though. But for the amount that I run (or don't run, I guess I should say), I probably don't really NEED new ones. :P

2) I am working tonight. I am working this weekend. But I will get my PEACHES anyway. Just 'cause I don't want anyone tasering me, or anything....

3) I got my peach today.

4) Forget the shoes ^^^^. Here's what I *really* want:

2009-03-06 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2002903

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-03-06 6:22 PM


Moi? Make nasty comments?

Nooooooooooo. I am as sweet as sugar!

2009-03-06 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2002937

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Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
Happychick - 2009-03-06 6:59 PM

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:46 PM Anyone racing this weekend?

ME, me, me....ooooh, pick me!  Aaaaaa, I mean, I am.  I need some serious prayers as this is my first ever race that involves water and it's open water at that ~ like biiiiiiiig, oooooooopen, ocean water.  I'm askeered!  I picked the shorter one in hopes that I don't drown!

2009-03-06 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2003056

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps

D001 - 2009-03-06 8:58 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-03-06 6:22 PM (NO NASTY COMMENTS DEE!!!
Moi? Make nasty comments? Nooooooooooo. I am as sweet as sugar!

That sugar looks EEEE-VIL!

2009-03-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2003073

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
esc - 2009-03-06 9:16 PM

D001 - 2009-03-06 8:58 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-03-06 6:22 PM (NO NASTY COMMENTS DEE!!!
Moi? Make nasty comments? Nooooooooooo. I am as sweet as sugar!

That sugar looks DEEEE-VIL!

there, fixed that for you

2009-03-06 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2003009

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Taser Roasted Peeps
ebshot - 2009-03-06 8:04 PM

custer - 2009-03-06 7:19 PM

ebshot - 2009-03-06 12:18 PM I think my youngest son, Liam (almost 5), is having growing pains maybe.  He woke up this morning and couldn't walk.  He now can hobble a little bit but still cries when he has to move.  He says his calves hurt.  Anyone have any insight??  He even stayed home from school.  Unheard of for him!

My youngest, Philip (now 7,) has had what I believe are growing pains...until him, I too thought it was just an expression. (I have three other kids that never had any problem like this.) Anyway, this only ever happened in the night; he would wake up crying and not even be able to walk to the bathroom. The only thing that I ever did that helped at all was to give him Motrin. A warm bath SOUNDS like it would be good, but I am SO not into that in the middle of the night! He would go through times when it happened every night for a few days straight, then nothing for a month or so (maybe from ages 4-7)...now, it has only happened once in the past six months maybe...

Good to know I'm not alone!  I was talking to a friend today who said her son had something similar before and it ended up being a virus.  Liam has been sick lately so maybe it's related??  Who know.  Kids are a mystery! 

I had awful growing pains in my legs growing up. I have memories of curling up in the fetal position all night just in agony. My 4 1/2 year old has started crying a few nights over the last few months saying her legs hurt. Pretty sure she's going through the same thing. Says sore calves, etc. in the morning.
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