Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!lisac957 - 2011-12-14 4:16 PM ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:11 PM lisac957 - 2011-12-14 4:06 PM ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:02 PM One more hour, then I'm trying my darndest to get to the pool. I miss it!! I've been 2x in the past week, but before that I hadn't been since.... August  My Ex's roommate was swimming in the lane next to me (SMALL WORLD), he stopped to chat for a minute. Nice fella. Brought back some ol' memories though, that pool was where all three of us actually met... I think I went once last month, if at all? If I had better pool hours (read: mornings!), I'd go more often. Oh, and if it weren't for this pesky marathon training. I dream of someday having a 25 yd pool in my backyard...  ME TOOO! Your pool isn't open early morning? Boooo. Mine is open from 5 a.m.-10 p.m. (sorry ) - not that I would know what 5 a.m. looks like.... I actually really like swimming at night, right before I go to sleep, it relaxes me big time. Nope. The close one is 8am-4pm, and 6pm-7:30pm. If I want to join the masters team, I can do 6am or 7am, but their masters team is really expensive ($75-$100 per MONTH). The one a little further away is 8am-8pm. They have a 6am masters practice, but it's about 20 min away from me, and in the opposite direction of my work. For a few weeks in the summer, a pool 2 miles from my house opens at 6:30am M, W, F. I don't get it. It's always summer here. Why do they close?? Though, my pools are outside, and that makes me happy. So, I'll take the crappy hours. |