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2011-12-14 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3938603

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Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-14 3:39 PM
trinnas - 2011-12-14 3:31 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-14 3:26 PM
Nicole83 - 2011-12-14 3:06 PM

In other news... its 82 degrees outside here.  I really REALLY want to be at the beach right now.

maybe it's just me, but i'm 15 miles north of tampa, and i'd like it to cool off ...at least to feel like the holidays are before us.

in other news. i had a friend just now really hurt me. i need to choose better people to be in my life.

tis true. when you are going through trials...it's interesting who shows up to care about you, and who does not.

/rant over


Amen Sweetie you and me both sometimes.

{{hugs}} it's my new year's resolution. serious. i can't allow jerks in my life anymore. i'm so sad right now.

gonna go for a run, maybe it'll help ...see ya, TAN.

Sadly it is easy to avoid the ones that start out being jerks its when the behave like jerks later that makes us sad.

2011-12-14 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3938609

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2011-12-14 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3938611

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
LockOut - 2011-12-14 12:42 PM
Big Appa - 2011-12-14 3:41 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-14 12:39 PM

{{hugs}} it's my new year's resolution. serious. i can't allow jerks in my life anymore. i'm so sad right now.


So your not going to come in TAN anymore?

Naw, she'll just ignore you.


2011-12-14 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
One more hour, then I'm trying my darndest to get to the pool. I miss it!!
2011-12-14 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3938637

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:02 PM One more hour, then I'm trying my darndest to get to the pool. I miss it!!

I've been 2x in the past week, but before that I hadn't been since.... August Embarassed

My Ex's roommate was swimming in the lane next to me (SMALL WORLD), he stopped to chat for a minute. Nice fella. Brought back some ol' memories though, that pool was where all three of us actually met... 

2011-12-14 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3938642

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
lisac957 - 2011-12-14 4:06 PM

ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:02 PM One more hour, then I'm trying my darndest to get to the pool. I miss it!!

I've been 2x in the past week, but before that I hadn't been since.... August Embarassed

My Ex's roommate was swimming in the lane next to me (SMALL WORLD), he stopped to chat for a minute. Nice fella. Brought back some ol' memories though, that pool was where all three of us actually met... 

I think I went once last month, if at all?

If I had better pool hours (read: mornings!), I'd go more often. Oh, and if it weren't for this pesky marathon training.

I dream of someday having a 25 yd pool in my backyard...

2011-12-14 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3938645

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:11 PM
lisac957 - 2011-12-14 4:06 PM

ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:02 PM One more hour, then I'm trying my darndest to get to the pool. I miss it!!

I've been 2x in the past week, but before that I hadn't been since.... August Embarassed

My Ex's roommate was swimming in the lane next to me (SMALL WORLD), he stopped to chat for a minute. Nice fella. Brought back some ol' memories though, that pool was where all three of us actually met... 

I think I went once last month, if at all?

If I had better pool hours (read: mornings!), I'd go more often. Oh, and if it weren't for this pesky marathon training.

I dream of someday having a 25 yd pool in my backyard...


Your pool isn't open early morning? Boooo. Mine is open from 5 a.m.-10 p.m. (sorry ) - not that I would know what 5 a.m. looks like.... I actually really like swimming at night, right before I go to sleep, it relaxes me big time.

2011-12-14 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3938651

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
lisac957 - 2011-12-14 4:16 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:11 PM
lisac957 - 2011-12-14 4:06 PM

ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-14 3:02 PM One more hour, then I'm trying my darndest to get to the pool. I miss it!!

I've been 2x in the past week, but before that I hadn't been since.... August Embarassed

My Ex's roommate was swimming in the lane next to me (SMALL WORLD), he stopped to chat for a minute. Nice fella. Brought back some ol' memories though, that pool was where all three of us actually met... 

I think I went once last month, if at all?

If I had better pool hours (read: mornings!), I'd go more often. Oh, and if it weren't for this pesky marathon training.

I dream of someday having a 25 yd pool in my backyard...


Your pool isn't open early morning? Boooo. Mine is open from 5 a.m.-10 p.m. (sorry ) - not that I would know what 5 a.m. looks like.... I actually really like swimming at night, right before I go to sleep, it relaxes me big time.

Nope. The close one is 8am-4pm, and 6pm-7:30pm. If I want to join the masters team, I can do 6am or 7am, but their masters team is really expensive ($75-$100 per MONTH).

The one a little further away is 8am-8pm. They have a 6am masters practice, but it's about 20 min away from me, and in the opposite direction of my work.

For a few weeks in the summer, a pool 2 miles from my house opens at 6:30am M, W, F. I don't get it. It's always summer here. Why do they close??

Though, my pools are outside, and that makes me happy. So, I'll take the crappy hours.

2011-12-14 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Yay Time to head out to go to the gym then rowing practice tonight.  You all have a great evening.

2011-12-14 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Afternoon TAN, I am back from spending the day at St Judes Hospital handing out toys and hanging out with the kids and families there. It was a great day!  Wish you all could have been there!
2011-12-14 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3938662

Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

jford2309 - 2011-12-14 4:24 PM Afternoon TAN, I am back from spending the day at St Judes Hospital handing out toys and hanging out with the kids and families there. It was a great day!  Wish you all could have been there!

Very cool.  Nice job doing your good deed for the day.


2011-12-14 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3938660

Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
trinnas - 2011-12-14 4:23 PM

Yay Time to head out to go to the gym then rowing practice tonight.  You all have a great evening.

Gnight goddess.


2011-12-14 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3938662

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

jford2309 - 2011-12-14 3:24 PM Afternoon TAN, I am back from spending the day at St Judes Hospital handing out toys and hanging out with the kids and families there. It was a great day!  Wish you all could have been there!

That is AWSOME. What a great thing to do especially this time of year. Way to go.

2011-12-14 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3938662

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2011-12-14 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3938695

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
FoggyGoggles - 2011-12-14 3:58 PM

jford2309 - 2011-12-14 3:24 PM Afternoon TAN, I am back from spending the day at St Judes Hospital handing out toys and hanging out with the kids and families there. It was a great day!  Wish you all could have been there!

No doubt about it. All 5'8" and 175lbs of me is dressing up like Santa and doing the same thing in a couple of weeks. Love seeing the look on those kiddos faces.

Plus seeing the parents enjoying their kids just playing and being kids...those are some priceless looks also!

2011-12-14 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3931419

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2011-12-14 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3938737

Checkin' out the podium girls
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-14 5:36 PM


Evening, TAN. Went for a longer run, and feelin better now. Running can make anything better. (pretty much) Thanks for cheering me up earlier, everybody. {{hugs to you}}

Good stress reliever. I used to crush my running buddy when I worked at the old job. She knew when I had a bad morning.
2011-12-14 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3938737

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-14 4:36 PM


Evening, TAN. Went for a longer run, and feelin better now. Running can make anything better. (pretty much) Thanks for cheering me up earlier, everybody. {{hugs to you}}

Hi Sharyn,

Im glad to hear that you are doing better. 

2011-12-14 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3938582

Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
pitt83 - 2011-12-14 12:31 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-14 3:26 PM
Nicole83 - 2011-12-14 3:06 PM

In other news... its 82 degrees outside here.  I really REALLY want to be at the beach right now.

maybe it's just me, but i'm 15 miles north of tampa, and i'd like it to cool off ...at least to feel like the holidays are before us.

in other news. i had a friend just now really hurt me. i need to choose better people to be in my life.

tis true. when you are going through trials...it's interesting who shows up to care about you, and who does not.

/rant over

I had the same conversation with my wife at lunch. People you thought would be there in times like these are distant or treat you like you've got a plague. Others are SO kind and helpful and you never really seemed connected before hand.People; can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em.
All too familiar recently.
2011-12-14 5:13 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Hello?  Anyone here?

I just had WINE & cheese night & I'm a little drunked.  I like it!

2011-12-14 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3938772

Sin City
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Spent several hours going from store to store looking to find things with little luck. Slim pickings just about everywhere. That gets so aggravating. I did decided to fry a turkey this year, so got some oil. I'm excited about that. I also came home to a house that smelled fantastic from a roast I put in this morning in the slower cooker. Nom nom nom!

2011-12-14 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

We actually got told to turn off all of our Christmas lights at work today until they were approved by our electrical services people.  Um... WHAT???

Ugh - I couldn't imagine going out into any shopping area right about now... it's pandemonium out there! 

2011-12-14 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3938785

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2011-12-14 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Hey TAN!
2011-12-14 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3938943

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