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2014-02-27 11:19 AM
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, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
EDIT: Another double post. Delete at your convenience.

Edited by PhoenixM 2014-02-27 10:58 PM

2014-02-27 11:21 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

Good discussion on swim breathing. When I turn to breathe I try to keep one eye under water and one above. Basically, split the goggles with the surface of the water. Keeps me from getting my head to high in the water and messing up body position in the water.

Jason-have you been able to get a feel for the changes made to your bike in the recent fit? What about the TriRig brake?

Treadmill run for me as we had nasty weather here today. 4 miles...longest run since December. Continuing the slow build.

I try this method seems to help until I fatigue and then my head starts to pull up.  It's a never-ending journey...

As for training, Monday was Bikram and 90 minutes Z2 trainer, Tuesday was 4.5 miles with 8 x 50" reps w/ full recovery plus some strength training and then a 2Ky swim, Wednesday was a mind-numbing 1:45 on the trainer, mostly Z2 and a short treadmill run.  This morning got in my Bikram session, and I'm supposed to run this afternoon, BUT...

Last year I dealt with a period of bilateral achillies tendonosis; totally shut down running for six weeks and continued to be a little nagging throughout the entire year.  I hadn't had any issues with it this year until Tuesday, when I did something during my calf strengthening exercises and now both of my feet hurt.  It's probably a nerve thing...the pain moves around.  Oh, well...about to head into a recovery week anyway so I'll just back off and take a few days off from running.

2014-02-27 8:54 PM
in reply to: PhoenixM

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Bryan I am sorry but this group is not allowed to have any collisions with cars. I was hit twice last year and used up all of the groups allotted bike vs vehicle accidents until at least 2019.

It does amaze me how oblivious some drivers seem to be. Having just hit the road the last few days since last April's accident my wife keeps reminding me to be careful. I understand the statement but I am not the one that needs to be paying more attention.

That said...Please be safe!
2014-02-27 8:59 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Yep, hands down, getting hit by a car is my #1 concern when training. You'll find that a lot of people use their trainers in large part to avoid that possibility. I always assume any car around me isn't paying attention, and then try to act accordingly. It doesn't matter who's in the right, bc the bike/runner will always lose in an accident with a car.
2014-02-27 10:57 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by Stuartap

It does amaze me how oblivious some drivers seem to be. Having just hit the road the last few days since last April's accident my wife keeps reminding me to be careful. I understand the statement but I am not the one that needs to be paying more attention.

Those are my sentiments exactly; no sense in telling me to do the obvious if the incompetent act like I don't exist anyway.

If you ask me, drivers should be tested in on-road situations involving bicycles and runners. However, bicycles get an aside in most driver manuals and runners aren't even mentioned. If you're lucky, it'll show up as a single question on the learner's test where getting a wrong answer doesn't matter.

My concern is that so many people don't recognize that legally, I'm on the same plane as their car. Yes it might be 2,000 pounds and my bike might be 15-20 pounds tops, but size hardly matters and shouldn't matter (motorcycles v. cars are a case that's given respect). I've got just as much right to roads as they do.

Being a runner, the rights change significantly, but I think it can be safely assumed that drivers can't take aim at a person well off the lane of traffic in order to get around a speed bump.

As for the accidents, I think I got a better chance of self-imploding at some point. Signaling with my left arm is proving to be quite a challenge with balance right now.
2014-02-28 1:32 AM
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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Nathan -- Congrats on the great news!

Randy -- Congrats on the All American status. That's a terrific accomplishment and something to be very proud of. It's inspiring to see a fellow BTer set some lofty goals and achieve them. Well done.

Wow, cars are definitely a huge concern out on the road, aren't they? You can never let your guard down. I almost got side-swiped last weekend, but managed to slam on my brakes and avoid a collision.  Stay safe out there!

Edited by sdswriter 2014-02-28 1:32 AM

2014-02-28 7:08 AM
in reply to: sdswriter

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I live in a pretty good area for biking in terms of wide roads and very few stop signs or lights. I have a few routes where I can go 10 or so miles without a stop sign or light, and then another 10 after that light, so it makes for a good 40 mile loop of very little stopping. Bad part for me here with running though is no sidewalks anywhere.
2014-02-28 7:15 AM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Yep, hands down, getting hit by a car is my #1 concern when training. You'll find that a lot of people use their trainers in large part to avoid that possibility. I always assume any car around me isn't paying attention, and then try to act accordingly. It doesn't matter who's in the right, bc the bike/runner will always lose in an accident with a car.

Agreed.  I train mostly on the trainer, especially in the winter.  And in the summer for my outdoor rides I do my short ones in a city park that has two-mile loop closed to traffic, or drive 30 minutes to a state park with very limited cars. 

2014-02-28 7:51 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Yep, hands down, getting hit by a car is my #1 concern when training. You'll find that a lot of people use their trainers in large part to avoid that possibility. I always assume any car around me isn't paying attention, and then try to act accordingly. It doesn't matter who's in the right, bc the bike/runner will always lose in an accident with a car.

Agreed.  I train mostly on the trainer, especially in the winter.  And in the summer for my outdoor rides I do my short ones in a city park that has two-mile loop closed to traffic, or drive 30 minutes to a state park with very limited cars. 

My wife is incredibly supportive of my participation in triathlon but she draws the line at riding my bike on the paved roads around our house. They are all busy, 50 MPH, no shoulder roads. I hate to admit it but I agree with her. I know I have the right to be on the roads but being right doesn't make up for being dead. So, a lot of trainer riding for me. I have accepted it. I am happy that she still wants me around.

On the other hand, I can be on a dirt road in under a mile from my house and go 40+ miles without ever seeing pavement. I bought a cyclocross bike so I could start riding the dirt roads. Last year I went 38 miles and saw six cars. If I want to ride the tri-bike on the roads in SE Michigan I drive to a State park about 30 minutes from home. The roads there are open to traffic but the speed limit is 25 MPH and there are few people driving them. If I really want to get in some spectacular riding I go to our place in Northern Michigan. Wide shoulders, excellent roads and very little traffic. Again, I think I could move up North and be perfectly happy. Maybe someday.
2014-02-28 8:14 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

A couple of weeks ago we were discussing between the arms (BTA) hydration systems. Ran across a nice comparison done on TriRig. Definitle gave me some ideas on simple modifications on some of the systems.

2014-02-28 10:15 AM
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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Originally posted by Stuartap

Bryan I am sorry but this group is not allowed to have any collisions with cars. I was hit twice last year and used up all of the groups allotted bike vs vehicle accidents until at least 2019.

I was hit in 2009 - so you and I are both good and should carry the group a long time **knockonwood**

Well my tendonitis has been bothering me so I messaged my PT and he said COME IN so off I went. Now I have no kids, but people always say the memory of the pain of childbirth fades over time. I think this must be the case with Graston too because I remember that it hurt but I DON'T remember nearly screaming and trying to roll off the table. OMG. If you've never had it consider yourself lucky. At the end, he gave up on the instruments and continued using his thumb and that was just as bad!

But in the end I know it'll help - and hopefully it won't take too long.

And at least the tendonitis isn't bad enough now that it's stopping me from running etc. I thought I'd catch it early but apparently I didn't LOL

Have a great day all and a great weekend. We are skiing Sunday and I finished my 3 scheduled runs for the week - WHEEEEEE

and Randy thanks for the article! My bike should be here within the next 2 weeks! YAY!

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2014-02-28 10:37 AM

2014-02-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Bike accidents-our group has definitely had its share. I crashed, non vehicle related, in May 2013. I think Suzy had a wreck about the same time. Blanda seems to be falling over or off her mountain bike weekly. There may be others but these are in addition to Stuart and Randee.

I do 90-95% of my biking in the garage. When I do ride outside I go about 15 minutes away to a quiet stretch of 2 lane road where there are alot of cyclists. I have 2 bright red blinky lights on the back of my bike and always wear either a day glo green or bright orange cycling jersey. The more you can do to be seen the better. Jamie pointed this out and I found it to be true years ago when I was motorcycling alot: Assume that the driver of the vehicle does not see you. Especially important when approaching intersections where you may have the right of way.   

Swim at lunch then a run this evening. Weekend looks great here!

2014-02-28 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4915043

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I gotta admit though, I'm beginning to see why large group rides are so attractive to a lot of cyclists; it's very hard to ignore a cyclist when about 15-20 of them are riding up a road.
2014-02-28 5:45 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

Bike accidents-our group has definitely had its share. I crashed, non vehicle related, in May 2013. I think Suzy had a wreck about the same time. Blanda seems to be falling over or off her mountain bike weekly. There may be others but these are in addition to Stuart and Randee.

I do 90-95% of my biking in the garage. When I do ride outside I go about 15 minutes away to a quiet stretch of 2 lane road where there are alot of cyclists. I have 2 bright red blinky lights on the back of my bike and always wear either a day glo green or bright orange cycling jersey. The more you can do to be seen the better. Jamie pointed this out and I found it to be true years ago when I was motorcycling alot: Assume that the driver of the vehicle does not see you. Especially important when approaching intersections where you may have the right of way.   

Swim at lunch then a run this evening. Weekend looks great here!

My wreck was on Mother's Day, but had nothing to do with a vehicle.  Riding the IMWI course has its challenges, especially when too many bikers clog the roads.  Truck traffic is the worst,  many pick up drivers do NOT like us on the road and will do brush bys.  There are a few bad riders out there who insist on riding down the center line with their friends and that only add fuel to the flames.  I do all my riding outside in the Spring and Summer and know it is a risk.  I avoid sunup and sundown when visibility can be a problem, stick to the traffic signals and hope for the best.

I had my Parlee repainted from the crash above and haven't seen it since IM in September.  Below is a picture of my new hydration set up.  It will work well for short distance racing which is all I'm doing this year.  Bottle is way too small (20oz) for IM distance so will need to change that out for '15.  I think the placement of the 510 is pretty slick.  Note the gouge on my brake--couldn't removedhat damage without changing out the whole thing.


2014-02-28 6:11 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

I was in a cycling accident about 9 years ago. The first two riders in the paceline were killed. I was the 5th person in line.  The roads were slick and the driver lost control of the car on a turn. It was a horrible accident and something that no one should ever have to experience. However, it is not the main reason that I ride 99.9% of the time on the trainer. The roads that we ride on have shoulders and the speed limit is 70. We have great roads down here.

Why I prefer the trainer:

1. Time Management- you can ride at all hours of the day, bike is set up, no need to check weather, traffic, less clothing, easier to plan

2. Easier to execute interval workouts without having to worry about cars, traffic, stoplights etc.,

3. I trained for 3 IM's on the roads here. I've been to every town within a 100 mile radius more times than I would like to count. After a while it just got really boring to be out there alone for 5+ hours a time. I'd much rather watch 2 movies and ride the trainer. Also the trainer allows for an earlier starting time which can be really important during the Texas summer. I can get up at 4 and get on the bike and then run before the day starts to really heat up. Hey, you do what you have to around here to manage the heat.

4. I was a roadie for 10 years before switching over to triathlons. There are very few cyclists  that I trust to ride with in a paceline. Sure, I'll ride with the racers but that is about it. It isn't worth the potential risk of injury to ride with some of the people in the local bike club.

5. Riding with a group is great for a casual ride. It can be difficult to get quality bike time in on a group ride.

The one thing that I took away from the bike accident was that is exactly how my friends would have wanted to die if given the choice. I really can't think of a better way to die than being out on my bike enjoying the breeze and riding fast.

Edited by Catwoman 2014-02-28 6:34 PM
2014-02-28 7:04 PM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
Suzy it’s funny you should mention “There are a few bad riders out there who insist on riding down the center line with their friends and that only add fuel to the flames.”

My wife and I were driving on the two lane road where I was hit last year just last weekend. Now it is not what you would call a busy road but not empty either. It is a winding road in the hills with not a lot of long visibility for cars to vacate the entire lane safely to go around cyclists. However plenty wide enough if the cyclists move to the right for cars or even pickups to scoot by without stressing the motorist or the rider.

Well we came upon a group of about eight riders. The front six were riding single file to the right. The back two however were riding side-by-side right down the middle of the lane. They both looked back and saw me and made zero attempt to move over. Now obviously I am more tolerant than most but it did annoy me. I had to drive behind them for several miles at less than 20 mph until we reached a section that was long enough and clear enough to drive completely in the oncoming lane to pass.

It was totally unnecessary for them to do that. I understand why drivers get annoyed. And BTW, a very rare exception here in town. Most of the riders whether out of respect for the other people on the road or fear of getting hit move over willingly. Just because you may be right there is no reason to potentially get hit defending that right when it costs nothing to be polite and safe.

As for using a trainer, I understand the argument but if I am riding, I want to be outdoors enjoying myself. As it is, the rain has been falling here for two days (MUCH needed) but I need to get outside.

2014-02-28 8:33 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

February Totals:

Swim: 36,350

Bike: 442.48

Run: 94.71

January Totals:

Swim: 48,350

Bike: 254.68

Run: 121.75

Interesting to see the difference in the totals between the last 2 months. The end of the month is the only time that I look at the total weekly or monthly volume. I'm kind of surprised to see how low the swim/run numbers are this month compared to last month.








2014-02-28 9:16 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Suzy-I thought we crashed about the same time last year. Mine was the Saturday before Memorial Day. For your hydration set that the ''accessory tray" for the Torhans bottle mounted to the front rather than the rear?

Agree with Renee on the convenience of the trainer. There have been times at the end of really tough intervals that I am so spent I'm not sure I could ride safely on the road. I watch movies/series from Netflix on the trainer so there is entertainment to help the time pass. This year, since I'm focusing on short course, most of my bike workouts are 1 to 1.5 hours with hard intervals. Last year when I was doing HIM events early in the season I liked doing my longer 2.5-3 hour rides outside as the intervals were more in the 4-5 X 30min range.

Well, we are 2 months into the year. Time for a status update. Are you pleased with where your training is? Where is there room for improvement and where have you made gains?

My Feb:

Swim            15h 16m              50200 yards

Bike              21h 49m              451.17 miles

Run                6h 54m                49.12 miles

I compared the first 2 months of 2013 with the same period this year.

2013: Swim 90850 yards;    Bike 833 miles;     Run 137.55 miles

2014: Swim 110750 yards;  Bike 1009 miles;   Run 78.06 miles

I am pleased with where I am with the swim and bike and feel like I made some gains over the Winter. It was likely due to the unplanned swim/bike focus brought about due to my calf issue which limited my run. Despite the reduced volume I feel good on the run but there is certainly room for improvement. I have tried to be smart in building the mileage back up. Last year I was doing an early April HIM so I was worried about my limited run volume from another calf issue. Even though I have done less running this year I think/hope my run will be fine as my first 5-6 races are  sprints. I am hoping the increased bike work will allow me to sustain 5-10% higher power on the bike in my races and still run well off the bike. First sprint is April 6 so still much work to be done.

Anyone else up for a status check?





2014-02-28 9:55 PM
in reply to: slornow

, Georgia
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Bike: 25.8 miles 02:28:13
Run: 8.3 miles 01:50:05

Run increased in Feburary but the bike dropped. I think the latter would've dropped massively if I didn't go on an 8 mile ride Monday.

I swapped the one hour ride to tomorrow, so we will start the month off with a bang.

Question: Is there a way to "track" mileage on a trainer?
2014-02-28 10:23 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
One of my training partner who's a swimmer and swim coach has been wonderful about actually coaching during our Saturday pool swims! She's helped improve my strokes and my form. I'm hoping for a much better swim time for Xterra Guam with the improvements.

Nathan: Yay for knowing what colors you'll be buying baby tri gear in!!! Girls are so sweet, but the neat thing is you can make them as tough as they are sweet. My oldest girl is a loving, precious doll working her way into officer's school for the Marine Corps! My little one loves only her mama, haha! My boy is me champion, my protector. Children are tough, but a joy too!

Oh, crashing. I've done quite a bit of that, but not with a car yet, knock on wood. I will only ride on the road on the military installations where traffic is highly regulated and in races. With the races, drivers see the large groups and drive with more caution. Some drivers are just impatient jerks who won't move an inch to get by if they don't have to, but most are so freaked out by the task of trying to get by that they'll hang back for as long as it takes to get a clear pass. I won't ride alone. I sponsor my two training partners onto the military bases for rides when the hills are too nasty for MTB sessions.

This weekend is an uneventful one. Just a swim/bike session today. I'll be on the trainer since husband has Air Guard drill and won't be home till evening. Tomorrow (Sunday) is long run day and I'll get 10 miles in.

Swim: 4h 14m 59s - 7900 M
Bike: 13h 43m 29s - 183.72 Mi
Run: 14h 03m 60s - 68.63 Mi

Nice to see more bike miles and swim meters in there. Gotta pick up my game. Xterra Guam is on the 29th.

Have a great weekend!
2014-03-01 5:47 AM
in reply to: Blanda

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Morning All!  I'm so irked, it is finally above zero (barely), but now it snowed overnight and things are really SLICK!  I want to do my long run outside today, but not sure it is wise.  More snow and cold weather is coming.  Phooey!

Randy--I believe it is the accessory that you can buy with the bottle.  I have a great bike guy in Chicago where i bought my Parlee.  I gave him the task of finding a better setup for hydration since Olys are my distance this year.  Wish he was in Madison to actually service my bike.  Several of the best mechanics have moved on!  Boo.


Swim 13 hours

Bike 13 hours,  219 miles

Run 17.3 hours, 114 miles

TRX  8 hours

I expect the run volume will pick up and everything else will decrease as we had to Hawaii for two weeks!  Finally some warm weather for my long runs!!!

2014-03-01 6:30 AM
in reply to: SSMinnow

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Swim: 5h 10m - 4850 Yd
Bike: 26h 30m - 410.09 Mi
Run: 5h 07m 46s - 30.84 M

Thoughts on the year so far...Very happy with the biking progress and amount of time and effort I have put in there so far. Everything but running is pretty new to me and I have put more time and miles on my bike in the last 60 days than in the previous 10 years I have owned it. I can tell I am making progress there as I am now riding gears that I was using for my first FTP test for long interval rides. I am anxious to get outside and see what my speed/distance on trainer translates to on the roads in the spring (if we ever get spring). I know the gears I am turning now have been faster speed wise than the number I am getting off my GSC10 on the trainer, at least based on my old bike computer when I did ride. The other nice thing is that this has been an easy way for me to burn a LOT of calories while still doing something related to SBR that I need to develop anyhow.

Running...I'm just happy to be running at all. I am going to start slowly increasing the mileage a little more through March, both through frequency and distance. I wish I wasn't seeing the knee react the way it is when I increase tempo to a more comfortable speed, but hopefully that will come...soon!

Swimming...Ughhh! What can I say that I haven't said. I know I don't have enough time in the pool and I am committing to that for March. I am putting it in writing right here...15 days in the pool in March! There I said it, now I have to do it right?

Weight...missed February goal by 1 pound. The last two weekends have included a bit too much indulgence. Couple nice date nights with the wife which seem to often be focused around good food and drink. Oh, well, still moving in the right direction and I will commit myself to another 10 pounds in March, to come out of March at 165 or less. Oh boy, now I put that in writing too.

Right now I am planning on my first ever Triathlon in early June. I feel like I am doing a decent job of modifying my behaviors to be more focused on training and eating better and doing some of the things I will need to to be ready for that race. Obviously I need to get more mentally committed to the swim and need to see how the knee responds to a little more mileage running. I have two really long rides on the trainer this weekend (2:45 each day) but next week is a biking rest week with no rides over 1:15. It will be a great week to start the swim focus and maybe get an extra run/little more mileage in.

I do want to say, I can't express how much I appreciate everyone's feedback in this group. I am learning a ton and really look forward to watching everyone's progress heading into the season.

My youngest son and I are off to an all day hockey tournament shortly here so trainer ride will be later tonight. Have a great day everybody!

2014-03-01 12:21 PM
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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED
I finally got back on my bike today!!! Granted, I only rode for 30 minutes, but first time since December. Started with a 30 minute run, then 30 minutes with Frieda. She was pretty happy to get out of the stable.

I'm riding with a group tomorrow, and it's interesting that the conversation of late has been about bike safety and automobiles. We're riding an area that is my least favorite...boathouse to Jackson. It's a popular training ride, though, as it's relatively flat with only a few rolling hills and no true climbs. It's a nice ride for easy spinning and getting your sit bones in order. The problem with the route is that it is the first 15 miles of the Augusta 70.3 course, and it goes through Beech Island, SC. Beech Island, SC is SICK of cyclists. There's a bike shop that rides through there 3 days each week plus all of the triathletes who ride the course, or parts of it. Beech Island is 4 lanes, so there's PLENTY of room to get past cyclists, but they prefer to get right up on your rear tire, rev the engines and blare the horn. A friend has been run off the road, and about 5 or so years ago, one man in the area literally hit and killed a cyclist after the cyclist pissed him off 15 minutes before. Actually drove up behind him and hit him on purpose. There's rumors that he's getting out of prison soon...but that's the general attitude in that area regarding cyclists. Rude cycling behavior of some (riding 3 abreast in 2 lanes, riding in such long lines that traffic cannot get by, riding side by side so you can talk and not paying attention to cars nearby, etc. doesn't help the cause of those who are respectful of the motorists in the area.

We do have a nice flat Greeneway path (running and cycling only) that is 7 miles from end to end, so if you want a flat hour on the bike, it's a safe option. Also, 3 miles from my house is 5 miles of bike path that runs alongside the freeway. It's hilly as all get out, so if you want a 16 mile round trip ride (3 miles to the trail, 5 miles down, and then return) with massive hills, it's a good option, too. One place I want to ride more on is at Ft. Gordon, the army post about 25 minutes away. Almost 0 traffic and two nice options on Range Road...a 20 mile loop and a 35 mile loop. Do it once, twice, however many times you want. It's hilly, but the lack of traffic makes it very appealing. Of course, as it's called "Range Road" there are times when you get to a certain point and the road ahead of you is closed because the firing range is active. Then you have to turn around and go back.

I do most of my riding on the roads mainly because I'm too lazy to swap our my rear Conti GP 4000S rear tire for a trainer tire. My trainer (Cyclops) wears tires down rather quickly. Isn't that pathetic of me??

My therapy with the exercise physio has been downright terrifying the last 2 weeks. He told me that I have a very high pain threshold, and since it's so high, he can scrape the muscle and fascia a little deeper and get me faster results. My left calf looks like I went a few rounds with Mike Tyson. It's horribly bruised and it hurts to press on it. He has me standing on an electric balance board that wobbles and moves at varying speeds. That forces me to contract the muscle, and he uses his torture tool while the muscle is in contraction. It hurts like a mother while he's doing it.

What's interesting, though, is that it feels GREAT to run and ride on. No pain at all.

Edited by glfprncs 2014-03-01 2:57 PM
2014-03-01 12:32 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

I'm jealous of you people that can actually ride outside in the Winter!!  Have fun Nancy!

Two things, I had to do my long run on the TM and I hit my goal weight before we head to Hawaii, 102.8 this morning and I was hoping to be at 103lbs!  Woo-Hoo!

2014-03-01 12:57 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED

Originally posted by Catwoman

February Totals:

Swim: 36,350

Bike: 442.48

Run: 94.71

January Totals:

Swim: 48,350

Bike: 254.68

Run: 121.75

Interesting to see the difference in the totals between the last 2 months. The end of the month is the only time that I look at the total weekly or monthly volume. I'm kind of surprised to see how low the swim/run numbers are this month compared to last month.








442m on the bike this time of year?  Holy Crap!  Nice job.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : December 22, 2011
author : Nancy Clark
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Lack of food and fluids can take the fun out of your outdoor activities. These tips can help you fuel wisely for cold weather workouts.
date : December 1, 2011
author : alicefoeller
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Triathletes weigh in on making the most of winter training
date : January 27, 2011
author : Mark Sunderland
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The no-excuses guide to riding outdoors in snow, wind, ice and darkness. Bring it on!
date : January 29, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
date : January 1, 2006
author : acbadger
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Individuals are just that, individuals and need individual programs. However, with a group the size of yours, it may be difficult for your coaches to do 25 individual workouts.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
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For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : September 5, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 0
The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.