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2008-05-04 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1380791

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
i cant wait to get back to open water swimming! it is deff a shock the first few times you race that way, but its a lot more fun than the pool;-)

2008-05-04 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Splits posted...

Swim: 17:46
T1: 3:44
Bike: 41:28
T2: 1:38
Run: 27:23

Overall: 1:31:57

2008-05-04 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1380869

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
nice job!
2008-05-05 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1380941

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thought i would let you guys know, but i am looking for 3-5 more athletes to coach for this season if people are interested.

If anyone is, either message me on here for details or shoot me an email at: [email protected]

For the athletes i work with, i will sit down and we'll talk about the weekly/monthly and season goals you have, where you would like to take yourself, time issues and things you have going on outside of the sport (afterall, we have lives other than triathlon, right?). From there i put together a week by week scheudle based around your goals, available time, and the races you have picked out. I believe that week by week is the best way to go about this, as it allows the schedule to be changed and more closely follow what you are doing, and allows for more focus in the areas that need it as things come up.
In addition to that i am always available for phone or email contact as long as its not 3 in the morning;-)

thanks guys and if anyone is interested feel free to let me know or pass this along to someone else!

2008-05-05 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1382332

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

newbz - 2008-05-05 1:19 PM Thought i would let you guys know, but i am looking for 3-5 more athletes to coach for this season if people are interested. If anyone is, either message me on here for details or shoot me an email at: [email protected] For the athletes i work with, i will sit down and we'll talk about the weekly/monthly and season goals you have, where you would like to take yourself, time issues and things you have going on outside of the sport (afterall, we have lives other than triathlon, right?). From there i put together a week by week scheudle based around your goals, available time, and the races you have picked out. I believe that week by week is the best way to go about this, as it allows the schedule to be changed and more closely follow what you are doing, and allows for more focus in the areas that need it as things come up. In addition to that i am always available for phone or email contact as long as its not 3 in the morning;-) thanks guys and if anyone is interested feel free to let me know or pass this along to someone else!

I've been intested in getting to a point where I thought one of the next reasonable steps could be to get a coach.  I think I am just about at that point and have given it more thought recently.  What is the cost of what you have described?

Thanks David.


2008-05-05 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Anybody ride a standard road bike w/ or w/out aerobars during their races?  If so, do you adjust your seat position differently for this as opposed to your club rides?  I'm wondering what kind of impact it would make if I moved my seat position forward and raised my post slightly.  Anybody have experience with this?  Will I really be accomplishing anything or even coming close to the riding position of a tri-bike?



2008-05-05 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1382741

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-05-05 3:12 PM

Anybody ride a standard road bike w/ or w/out aerobars during their races?  If so, do you adjust your seat position differently for this as opposed to your club rides?  I'm wondering what kind of impact it would make if I moved my seat position forward and raised my post slightly.  Anybody have experience with this?  Will I really be accomplishing anything or even coming close to the riding position of a tri-bike?

No aero bars for me... I just ride a stock Trek 1500. Alright... Not stock because I swapped out the toe cages for clip-ins.

I however do not know the benefit of changing your seat position... Are you just looking to come of the bike fresher for the run??

I thought the benefit of the aero position on a sprint bike helped you have "fresher" legs off the bike due to the combination of tube angles (general sprint bike geometry) and seat position... which you can not get on a roadie. The aero position in itself does lend a benefit on any bike because of the decreased drag. Lots more people know more about this stuff than I...
2008-05-05 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1382768

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

That's correct.  I'm trying to come off fresher for the run especially for my olympic in September. 

I've read a lot about all this but I guess that's what I'm wondering... can I really get the advantage of fresher legs on a road bike without the seat tube angle difference by moving the seat forward?  I was wondering if anyone has had success with this.  I actually tried riding for a couple minutes forward on the saddle (like in the days before Tri-bikes) during the race and it did activate different muscles.

As for aero... the only two reasons I like it are for the aero bottle (reminds me to drink) and to relax my arms a bit.   Didn't use them Saturday.

2008-05-05 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1382855

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Pushing the seat forward is effectively getting a steeper seat tube angle. moving the seat forward on its own however will change the fit around a decent amount, so make sure everything still works well for you. for what its worth, a sprint race is not really long enough to have a huge diff in legs for running after.
and if you look at the ITU guys, they have to ride road bikes, and a lot of them ride at the standard 73 degrees.

moveing the seat forward and up will add a bit more drop, which will put you more aero.

EDIT: moving the seat forward a bit and up will help with the legs, but wont do a ton to the position. for what its worth, my road bike (before i sold it) had the seat about 2/3 of the way forward.

Edited by newbz 2008-05-05 3:12 PM
2008-05-05 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1382897

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thanks for the replies guys.  Just something I was thinking about trying.  If I do I'll post how it works out.
2008-05-05 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1383177

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
sounds good, look forward to hearing how it goes!

2008-05-06 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1380735

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-05-04 4:11 PM

Greg, thanks for the support. Chris, how'd the marathon go?

Well, I just got back. Smith Mountain Lake is a great venue! The official results are not up yet so I don't know what my splits are but my prelim. was 1:31:59. Fastest time was 1:01:08.

The swim was tough for me. The water was definitely cold and I have now learned that I need to acclimate to colder water prior to the start. I went in completely dry and lost my breath upon getting in the water. I never really felt cold but it had an obvious effect and I was never able to develop a rhythm. I did a lot of breast stroke and a lot of sighting because I could not see out of my goggles hardly at all.

I think that the only split I hit well was the bike. I had a great time on the bike aside from some minor tightness which I was able to stretch out on a couple of the descents. From rack to rack I showed just under 40 minutes so my split should be right around 39 which is right where I trained.

My run was SLOW for me. Last Sunday I did a 6k in 27:28 (7:18/mi) and I'm not sure I finished this run any faster than 28 min. I was baby-stepping through the first mile and I'm not sure why I didn't push myself until the last 1/2 mile. I was able to finish in a full sprint so I know there was plenty there. I'm still getting used to "racing" and I think I was having some inner conflict on whether to push or do what 's comfortable. I guess the rec-league attitude is still a little too prevalant in my mind.

So, I have a lot work to do on the swim. I'm looking forward to getting some tips on open water swimming from anyone and everyone.

Thanks for asking...I finished in 3:51:16 and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Ran a good race though and finished strong. And now that it is two days behind me I'm finally starting to feel normal again ;-) Even managed some time in the pool this AM ;-)

And great job on the race. I've yet to do an OWS but I've heard that the cold can really have a major impact on you. Great job getting through it anyway and now you know for next time, right? When is your next race?

Oh and great job racing, David. Sounds like a good time despite how tired you were...

2008-05-06 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1384346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
thanks! it was solid, just not where i would like to be.

and very good job to you. a marathon looks like a long way to run!
2008-05-06 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1384346

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Concretechris - 2008-05-06 10:05 AM Thanks for asking...I finished in 3:51:16 and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Ran a good race though and finished strong. And now that it is two days behind me I'm finally starting to feel normal again ;-) Even managed some time in the pool this AM ;-)

Nice! 3:51:16 is a strong time! That was your first did you say? I'm shooting to break 4 hrs for the Marine Corp and that's pretty much flat. I know Frederick had to have had a good bit of elevation.

Also I was scrolling through a couple Maryland forums on here and saw your post about OWS's in the area. My wife and I need to practice OWS too. It might be nice to get a group together to hit Cunningham Falls or Sandy Point or Cascade Lake sometime.

Edited by shaggy28 2008-05-06 3:14 PM
2008-05-07 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1384700

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-05-06 11:59 AM

Concretechris - 2008-05-06 10:05 AM Thanks for asking...I finished in 3:51:16 and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Ran a good race though and finished strong. And now that it is two days behind me I'm finally starting to feel normal again ;-) Even managed some time in the pool this AM ;-)

Nice! 3:51:16 is a strong time! That was your first did you say? I'm shooting to break 4 hrs for the Marine Corp and that's pretty much flat. I know Frederick had to have had a good bit of elevation.

Also I was scrolling through a couple Maryland forums on here and saw your post about OWS's in the area. My wife and I need to practice OWS too. It might be nice to get a group together to hit Cunningham Falls or Sandy Point or Cascade Lake sometime.

Thanks and yeah, the second half of the course had some pretty brutal hills. And a group OWS is a great idea...I've got a friend who just started training for an XTEERRA race and really wants to get a lot of OWS in. Once the waters warm-up a bit I think getting a group together would be a great idea. So, you're from the area?

2008-05-07 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1386566

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Yep.  I live in Pasadena near Annapolis.   Grew up in HoCo.  Went to school at Frostburg and pretty much know the whole state fairly well.  I actually interviewed for a job with Frederick County a couple years ago but didn't take it.  I think you said you lived near Frederick or maybe I'm just assuming that because of the Marathon.

Is your friend doing the Savage Man?  If so, that looks tough.  I thought about it but I'm not much of a MTB'er.  I thought I might check out Cascade Lake in Hampstead next weekend (5/17 or 18) because we're planning on surveying the bike course anyway.  It's my wifes first tri on 6/1 and the bike is the scariest part for her so I want her to feel comfortable with the roads.  I'll let you how the lake is and maybe that would be a good spot for OWS.  The Cascade Lake Tri course map shows pretty much a perimeter swim to encompass the 500m so I guess it's a pretty small lake.  

2008-05-07 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1386662

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-05-07 9:21 AM

Yep. I live in Pasadena near Annapolis. Grew up in HoCo. Went to school at Frostburg and pretty much know the whole state fairly well. I actually interviewed for a job with Frederick County a couple years ago but didn't take it. I think you said you lived near Frederick or maybe I'm just assuming that because of the Marathon.

Is your friend doing the Savage Man? If so, that looks tough. I thought about it but I'm not much of a MTB'er. I thought I might check out Cascade Lake in Hampstead next weekend (5/17 or 18) because we're planning on surveying the bike course anyway. It's my wifes first tri on 6/1 and the bike is the scariest part for her so I want her to feel comfortable with the roads. I'll let you how the lake is and maybe that would be a good spot for OWS. The Cascade Lake Tri course map shows pretty much a perimeter swim to encompass the 500m so I guess it's a pretty small lake.

Ah, I know Pasadena or at least to know it pretty well. And yeah, I live in Frederick, grew up in Hagerstown and am a U. of M. alum.

And I'm not sure which race he is going to pick, need to ask. He's got a real solid mtn bike background and has a pretty good running base built up too so assuming he can put some pool time in he should be okay. We'll see...I've offered to help him and I've encouraged him to come one here to get more information...bu the training is totally up to him. So, we shall see how that goes. And let me know what you think of the lake...once the water warms up getting in some OWS would be great.

For now I'm down with some nasty gastrointestinal to be me and I'm hoping to be back out training soon.


2008-05-08 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
So what is on tap for this weekend? Anybody racing?

My in-laws are coming into town... So I'll probably have a run with the FIL on Sunday and I will probably swim and do a short run on Saturday. So I really got nothin'
2008-05-08 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1389645

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

JChristoff - 2008-05-08 11:11 AM So what is on tap for this weekend? Anybody racing? My in-laws are coming into town... So I'll probably have a run with the FIL on Sunday and I will probably swim and do a short run on Saturday. So I really got nothin'

I've got some housework planned!  My wife is actually out of town with her own race this weekend...  It's a 100k off-road relay (3-5 people, 5k at a time).  It actually sounds pretty cool and I wanted to participate but we couldn't work it out... maybe next year.  Maybe a BT team!


2008-05-08 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I am doing the Olentangy Duathlon.


2008-05-08 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1389932

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-05-08 12:33 PM

I am doing the Olentangy Duathlon.



Any predictions? You get your bike fit issues fixed?

2008-05-08 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1389971

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
JChristoff - 2008-05-08 12:43 PM
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-05-08 12:33 PM

I am doing the Olentangy Duathlon.


Nice! Any predictions? You get your bike fit issues fixed?

My bike is still not finished.  If it gets done I'll use it.  I've been concentrating on running, so I want to see improvement there.  Plus, the bike course there is not flat, so I expect my bike time will drop even if I ride stronger and the bike is faster.


2008-05-08 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1354430

New user

Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
  Have any of you strained a calf before. I have been off for about a week right now. I saw the Doc yesterday and she wants to see me again in a week. I told her about how I am planning on running a tri in September and was basically told " we will see " . Depending on how things go next week she is talking about physical therapy.  She also said it would be 4 to 6 weeks to heal. What are your experiences and what can I do, if anything , to speed up the process. I was told not to bike or run but nothing was said about swimming.  I don't want to miss out this year but really don't want chronic problems down the road. Any suggestions?
2008-05-09 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1391633

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
dirtsailor - 2008-05-09 12:42 AM

  Have any of you strained a calf before. I have been off for about a week right now. I saw the Doc yesterday and she wants to see me again in a week. I told her about how I am planning on running a tri in September and was basically told " we will see " . Depending on how things go next week she is talking about physical therapy.  She also said it would be 4 to 6 weeks to heal. What are your experiences and what can I do, if anything , to speed up the process. I was told not to bike or run but nothing was said about swimming.  I don't want to miss out this year but really don't want chronic problems down the road. Any suggestions?

Never pulled a calf muscle before... I just got over the recovery for my hamstring strain. It sucked. Level two proximal hamstring strain. Felt like a pulled glute but it was actually right at the point where your hamstring attaches to your pelvis. Level two was the severity... It means that I actually tore muscle fibers and got some partial separation of the muscle from the bone... No surgery needed... It was fantastic.

I would listen to what the doc says on your next visit. She is probably going to re-assess the injury and may perscribe PT. If you want to avoid cronic issues... listen to the doc and heal up properly. Have you started taking any anti-inflamatories (ie ibuprophene, Aleve, etc.) per their orders? They really helped me through my strain with keeping swelling down and made things a little more comfortable... but then again I did a good number on my muscle.

These things take time and are easily re-injured. Look at pro-football. A pulled leg muscle takes forever to heal and is easily re-injured. It can also spell the end of a carreer in some severe cases.

Keep things light and keep us informed... Good luck
2008-05-09 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1391633

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

dirtsailor - 2008-05-09 12:42 AM Have any of you strained a calf before. I have been off for about a week right now. I saw the Doc yesterday and she wants to see me again in a week. I told her about how I am planning on running a tri in September and was basically told " we will see " . Depending on how things go next week she is talking about physical therapy. She also said it would be 4 to 6 weeks to heal. What are your experiences and what can I do, if anything , to speed up the process. I was told not to bike or run but nothing was said about swimming. I don't want to miss out this year but really don't want chronic problems down the road. Any suggestions?

I know you may not like the answer but you should definitely ask about the swimming.  You could probably get away with using a pull-buoy for your work outs if nothing else.  At least you will burn calories and work on your form that way and you won't use your legs hardly at all.  I guess you'd have to see how it felt though because there is an element of pointing your toes that might hurt your calf.

Best advice with the doctors though... ask anything and everything that pops into your head.  Better to know and adjust then to speculate in fear.  You have to be your own advocate.

Good luck!  I hope you get some good news at your next appointment.

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