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2009-01-05 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

My workout for the week:

M - 30 min walk/jog (5/1)

T - 30 min swim / strength training

W - 30 min walk/jog (5/1)

Th - 30 min swim / strength training

F - 30 min walk/job (5/1)

The bike shop said that the shifter is broken and I'm not sure if it will get fixed.  Today I should see what the cost is going to be and make a decision.  So, I don't have any bike workouts scheduled for this week.

At my YMCA, there is a triathlon training group.  I spoke to the coach this morning and he said I could join, but he wants to meet with me individually to assess my swiming before he puts me in with the group.  They swim from 5am - 6:30am.  I'll have to get up at 4am to make it.  He said they also do spin classes together.  He is going to send me more information to my email.  He said once the snow stops and the roads are clear, they meet at lunch to run.  I don't think I'll be able to make the lunch runs.  I'll have a few months (of snow) to figure it out.


2009-01-05 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Jill, which olympic plan are you following?  There is an olympic in September I would love to do providing I can be consistant in my training.  I don't know...maybe it will be too much for this year.  I at least want to give it a good try.  My first sprint is scheduled for May 25th.


2009-01-05 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1886302

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Training for this week-

Monday- Off (night school)
Tuesday- 15 min swim- 30 bike
Wed.  Off- (school)
Thur- 25 min swim
Fri- 15 min run
Sat.- 48 min bike
Sun- 24 min run.

I had to kinda alter the schedule so it would fit my school schedule as well.  I think sometimes I must be crazy... but if I stick to one day at a time, it ususally doesn't stress me out to bad.

 Good luck to everyone this week.


2009-01-05 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hey all!  Happy New Year.  Well, although I've been doing the basics, I am officially starting my tri training this week.  It's not as aggressive as yours, but it's a start.  I am basically going to modify the "11 Week Sprint Distance - Beginner Level" program I found at  Let me know what you think.  The bold print is the program(proper), the regular print is what I am throwing in.

Mon - Off

Tue - 15min run/20min HIIT on the bike

Wed - 5mile bike/30min walk/run(2/1 split)

Thurs - 200yd swim/20min HIIT on the bike

Fri - Off

Sat - 200yd swim/20min HIIT on the bike/15min run

Sun - 200yd swim/5mile bike/30 min walk/run(1/2 split)

All of this will be at a comfortable pace with the exception of the HIITS and the swims will be "learning" sessions.

Edited by K Robert 2009-01-05 12:56 PM
2009-01-05 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1887050

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim


Looks great.. have you figured out how to use to  public training log?  I have found it to be very useful.  Once you put in your work outs, it will calculate your weekly and monthly total..

Hope it all goes well for you this week.  What does HIIT mean on you bike work outs? 

2009-01-05 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Eek, I totally feel committed if I have to tell you guys what I'm planning on doing before I do it, lol.

Okay, here goes. I'm a total beginner so I'm just trying to build a base in all 3 and get into a workout routine until my training program starts in Feb. I also have to time my gym workouts with my son's hockey practice.

Mon - 30 min run, intervals (going to try 1 min run, 1 min jog instead of 2 min run, 1 min walk)
Tues - 30 min bike, karate (counting that as strength)
Wed - 30 min swim
Thur - karate
Fri - 40 min bike
Sat - 20 min swim, 15 min run, intervals
Sun - off

2009-01-05 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1887124

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim


Haven't really delved into that area of the site yet, but will.  Thanks for reminding me.

HIIT stands for "High Intensity Interval Training" and can be utilized in any activity and not just biking.  Basically, it's a sustained spurt of activity at about 70%-90% of your capacity followed by a rest stage between 20%-40% capacity.  HIIT is good for strength, speed, endurance and is better than cardio for weight maintenance.

Edited by K Robert 2009-01-05 1:37 PM
2009-01-05 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1887145

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hi Trudee,

I am an "extreme" n00b, so we are in the same boat.

Good luck!

2009-01-05 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hey everyone, I hope everybody enjoys this group as much as I do.  I love the accountability it ads.

I am using the 13 week sprint program to train.

Monday- Swim 15 min-Run 20

Tues- rest

Wedn- Bike 35-strenght train(i'm adding the strenght training)

Thurs- Run 20- core excercises

Friday- Swim 30 min- strenght train

Sat- rest

Sun- Bike 40 min

Found a great deal on Craigs list today for a bike.  Thanks for the help.  Hope it is still available!

 Have great day!



2009-01-05 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim


 Is it awful on your body to swim 2 days in a row?  My schedules can get screwed up and some times it works out that I need to swim twice.  Usually the second day would be 1/2 the time and not killing it.

 I use to run everyday and nobody ever said anything about that.

Any thoughts??

Trudee- I make a schedule every week of travels for the week and appointments.  I include my work out in that schedule where ever it will fit.  I can't go everyday at the same time, so it changes everyday, but if it is on my calander, it gets done.  I have skipped before for beer with a buddy or just being lazy and look at the next morning and think, damn that would have taken 30 min and didn;t do it.  Makes me feel like crap.  Keep writing out those schedules and you will feel more accountable to your self to get it done.

Happy Training!!!!


2009-01-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1887421

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Hey Drew!  Nope, I don't think there's any issue with training swimming 2 days in a row.  I used to be a lifeguard and swam 5-6 times a week.  Your biggest concern will be "rest" at a weekly level.  You need a day or two off to recover. 

2009-01-05 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Swim it is!! I will be swimming 2x's this week (Tuesday and Thursday). I will focus on drills tomorrow which will kick my butt (25 yard sprints) with a set of 20 pull ups (off of the swim platforms) after each 50 yards, and endurance on Thrusday (how long can I go without stopping).

Ken-Thanks for clarifying on the HIIT, I was clueless too

Drew-Good luck with the bike! They are so expensive ( I think that is why it took me so long to find one 

Jill- You are awesome with biking in the rain...What an inspiration! 

So bike peeps!!! What trainer do you recommend? With my knee sx, I will be do much biking for physical therapy, and considering there is 2 feet of snow on the ground...I am thinking this may be my best option!

Way to go everybody!! Now lets stick with our plans this week!

2009-01-05 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
From bike to run...  Does anyone feel like a dork when trying to run after they bike?  I feel like a new-born giraffe trying to stand for the first time.  Does this go away with training?  Is it weakness in the legs?
2009-01-05 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1887659

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

I have a friend who did her first tri last year and she said that was one thing that she would do more of.  Its called brick training.  Everytime you get off the bike do at least 10 minutes of a fast paced walk into a slow jog.  That way your legs are used to it before race day.  Also something that peopel are reminding me of is the swim.  Look at what kind of water you will be in and try to fit in some training in the same kind of water.  Like I will be swimming in a lake, so I am going to try and do a few dips in the lake the month before my race.

Good luck

2009-01-05 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Rebecca, I did some research and got a Kenetic Road Machine bike trainer.  It is smooth and very quiet.  When I picked it up at the shop they said it was their best one and very popular.  I really like it especially how quiet it is.  It also comes with a lifetime warranty which included any leakage - it is fluid based.


2009-01-05 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I'm glad I have you guys to be accountable to. I'm off to do the TM. Haven't decided if it will be for 40 min or 24. I may review the weight training too on the site and try that too. Dinner is 2 hours later than my family thought because they went on a day drive. That's good because now I don't need to use a rest day.

2009-01-05 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1887659

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

K Robert - 2009-01-05 4:22 PM From bike to run...  Does anyone feel like a dork when trying to run after they bike?  I feel like a new-born giraffe trying to stand for the first time.  Does this go away with training?  Is it weakness in the legs?


I just did my first tri this past August and did about 5-6 bike/run bricks before the race.  I never did a swim/bike brick per se but I do recommend it once or twice because when i came out of the water I was a little dizzy which is pretty common.  The bricks help a lot but don't feel the need to start doing them right away.  The key is to get more proficient in each section and then start to work on brick training.



2009-01-05 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Got back to the university today (I'm not a student but a memeber of the staff ) ready for a swim after a long winters break and discovered that the pool is still closed. The 'Virginia Graeme Baker Pool. and Spa Safety Act’ went into effect last month and the new drain covers have not arrived yet.

Had to skip the swim and did a run and some strength training during lunch. Road the trainer this evening for an hour at a low cadence (about 70). Nothing really hard but it was tough after the holiday break. Not used to having to work and get my workouts.

2009-01-05 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Great to see some of you peeps putting your workouts for the week, nothing motivates like putting it out there and having the rest of us stalking you to get it done Wink

My week didn't start out the way I wanted as I got really sick last night. Feelin a bit better today but still gonna take the night off and try to get some sleep.

2009-01-06 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

hey everyone...great to see everyones week planed out.

Shannon~Great plan and good luck with the tri group. we started one at our Y and it is nice to have people to train with and get tips from.

Jill~ completing an Olympic race is one of my goals this year,still not sure which one though.

Tammy~way to work around your schedule. Don't allow "busy" days to get in the way of your training.

Ken~good lookin plan you have...make sure you listen to your body as you have quite a few "bricks" in there...are they back to back or do you do one in a.m./p.m.? Your body will let you know if this is too much.  I hear ya on the "rubber legs" as I call them! I remember asking my hubby if I was even moving off the bike! I felt like I was going in slow motion.

trudee~ glad to hear things with the BF are better. Nice plan you have there.

Drew~great plan for you as well, did you get the bike? I 2nd the swim 2 days in a row, I have to do the same, and of all the sports swimming is the easiest on your body.

Rebecca~Check out the gear reviews on this site, search for trainers, lots of good info about them. I have a trek cycleops.  Use it 3x's a week and like it. also check about the trainer tire. They say it is quieter and then you don't waste your racing tire.(I don't have one yet)

Wade~ I agree with the swim/bike brick also, I get dizzy when I try to stand up too quickly and in a race you forget that.

Sherm~ Hope you are feelin better...hows the little man?



2009-01-06 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

As for my week...

Mon I taught 3 water aerobics classes (usually do a bike but didn't have the plan)

Tues~ Tri-stroke class (usually 1500-2100 yds) and a 4 mile on the tready. and teach a beginner fitness class.

Wed~ bike 55 min, swim at least a 500. teach 2 water classes, yoga and core camp

Thurs~run 4 mi, teach a silver sneakers class(works on some cardio,strength and range of motion/balance)

Fri~bike 45min

Sat~bike 1:00. and teach running club.

Sun~ Rest


2009-01-06 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

This is my week, I slacked on the swim this morning.


Monday:  run 60 minutes hr 130-155
Tuesday:  run 60 minutes hr 130-155 / swim strength from data base. T-time + 3 seconds. aim for 2000+ yards 
Wednesday:  long run 80 minutes hr 13-155 Trails
Thursday:  ride 1-3 hours hr 120-145 inside or out. feel free to do misc workouts from database to make it "fun."
Friday (RDO):  swim endurance t time + 5 seconds (build to 3000-4000 yards)
Saturday (RDO): ride 60 minutes inside (strength progression from database) or 90 outside (will hills and big gear work)
Sunday: run 60 minutes.


2009-01-06 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hey guys-

I at least made it out of bed and downstairs but it all went down hill from there. Iwent to do my 30 min bike this morning.. and I got a new stationary bike for Christmas, and I think the tension cord is stuck, cause I could barley do 15 minutes and I only went about 3 miles.  So I will have to work on that tonight after my swim. 

Hope everyones day goes well.


2009-01-06 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

So, "brick" training is walking and then transitioning into a run?

Edited by K Robert 2009-01-06 2:15 PM
2009-01-06 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1889797

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

I think it refers to more of the layering or stacking (like bricks) of activity.  So going from one thing like biking to running with very little rest time inbetween. 

 I think I  could be totally wrong..

Sorry I just re-read your post.  and the answer is yes.. boy.. I am starting to lose focus..

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