BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-04-09 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Ummm no thanks I need to work up to swimming that distance I am such a horrible swimmer.  I am signing up for more swimming lessons I think.  Are private lessons worth the money or is a group lesson just a good?


2009-04-09 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2075260

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ShawnC13 - 2009-04-09 7:29 PM

Ummm no thanks I need to work up to swimming that distance I am such a horrible swimmer.  I am signing up for more swimming lessons I think.  Are private lessons worth the money or is a group lesson just a good?


Dude seriously - the private lessons at Crystal are SO cheap and SO worth the dollars.
2009-04-09 10:56 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Okay-I'm finally home from my 2 days of work travel! So, here's a little about me.

I'm 41, married, and have 3 kids. They are 19, 6, and 2. We also have a dog, 2 cats and a fish (that my 6 YO is very offended if I neglect to mention). I work full time as a Service Coordinator for adults who have Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and are living in the community. My husband is a teacher and musician, so he is often not home in the evenings. Although he's very supportive of my training, he isn't always here to take care of the kids so I can get a workout in.

I've been a runner since 8th grade. However, I had an injury to my foot about 5 years ago that took me out for 3 years, and since then I have slowed down significantly. So far, if I have attempted to increase the mileage or pace too much, I reinjure my foot. I've managed to be injury free since last June!

Last year was my first season of tri's. I trained for a Sprint distance, which was cancelled last minute, due to a hurricane
My husband and I staged our own tri for the same weekend, so the training didn't go to waste. But, I missed out on all of the excitement of competing in an organized event. Running is my weak spot, so I'm following the 20 week oly training plan that is run focused.

This year, I'm training for an Oly Tri in early August. I'm hoping to do a sprint in September. I'm registered for a 5k on 4/18! This will be my first 5K run since 2004!

I think that's it!

2009-04-09 11:36 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Good luck on your upcoming race Heidi!!


TR thanks I will look them up and see what I can arrange.  I would really love to become a not a great swimmer but someone that can go and swim 2000m workouts and more from there

2009-04-10 4:22 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

im up w the chickens this mornin'   actually up w a the foot of my 6 year old in my rib cage.  how oh how do they get in those silly positions?

super crazy busy day yesturday.  left the house at 9:15 am and didnt get back at 9:15 pm 12 hr days, NOT typical for me, but....

in the midst of the craziness i managed to get in a 49 min swim and then a burner of a spin class, 90 mins.

my spin instructor is an IronWOman in her own right, and shes getting 'serious' about her trng.  so she's passing on that intensity to us.  GREAT WORKOUT!

then i attended a Runners Clinic at the Y.

question for the group:  anyone heard of STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT?  i guess Bill Rogers (didnt know who he was until last night) the marathon runner is a spokesman.

two chiropractors (who happen to be brothers) gave this really fascinating sem. on a protocol for the treatment/prevention of sports injuries called STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT. 

at the end of the sem they scanned all of the participants feet w this niffty machine so that you can see what your foot-type was.  way cooler than the wet foot-paper test.

im so intrigued, and hoping this will be a trtmnt alternative for my foot/mortons neuroma.  its all predicated on establishing good body biomechanics.  made complete sense to me. 

fortunately they accept my insurance and the initial eval is covered.  so im gonna chk it out and see....

if this protocol saves myself from needles and unnecessary surgical procedures, im thinking, what do i have to lose?

todays an WELL DESERVED day of REST.  looking forward to a nice quiet day at home with my three boys.  well....a MOM can DREAM cant she?


2009-04-10 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2075461

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-04-10 5:22 AM GOOD MORNING MANTEES

im up w the chickens this mornin'   actually up w a the foot of my 6 year old in my rib cage.  how oh how do they get in those silly positions?

super crazy busy day yesturday.  left the house at 9:15 am and didnt get back at 9:15 pm 12 hr days, NOT typical for me, but....

in the midst of the craziness i managed to get in a 49 min swim and then a burner of a spin class, 90 mins.

my spin instructor is an IronWOman in her own right, and shes getting 'serious' about her trng.  so she's passing on that intensity to us.  GREAT WORKOUT!

then i attended a Runners Clinic at the Y.

question for the group:  anyone heard of STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT?  i guess Bill Rogers (didnt know who he was until last night) the marathon runner is a spokesman.

two chiropractors (who happen to be brothers) gave this really fascinating sem. on a protocol for the treatment/prevention of sports injuries called STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT. 

at the end of the sem they scanned all of the participants feet w this niffty machine so that you can see what your foot-type was.  way cooler than the wet foot-paper test.

im so intrigued, and hoping this will be a trtmnt alternative for my foot/mortons neuroma.  its all predicated on establishing good body biomechanics.  made complete sense to me. 

fortunately they accept my insurance and the initial eval is covered.  so im gonna chk it out and see....

if this protocol saves myself from needles and unnecessary surgical procedures, im thinking, what do i have to lose?

todays an WELL DESERVED day of REST.  looking forward to a nice quiet day at home with my three boys.  well....a MOM can DREAM cant she?


Stacie-this sounds fascinating! If you have the initial eval, let us know what you think.

2009-04-10 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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2009-04-10 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2074379

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
happybunny - 2009-04-09 3:17 PM I totally agree Lauren...though I think the run has me more concerned....I figure I can always backstroke the swim if I have to....and I KNOW with this behind that I am in NO danger of sinking.....LOL!


fwiw, i almost always incoprate breastroke into my swim - it's the stroke i am most comfortable with and best at

side stroke is another option
2009-04-10 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Good Morning Manatees

I took today off and am hoping that the weather holds so I can go to New Hope with my family.  My daughter is home from college for Easter weekend.

Double bonus, it's a rest day!

I *heart* rest days
2009-04-10 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Swim Talk:

It seems like there are a few folks that are starting out on the swim and interested in learning more about technique.

I dug out my training material from my tri clinic and thought I would post a few tips based on people's level of interest.

I thought a good place to start might be by listing out some of the common freestyle errors -

1.      Dropping the hand and shoulders when the hand enters the water

2.      Sweeping the hand out too far away from the body during the recovery phase of the stroke

3.      Pushing water down in the first third of a stroke instead of pulling back and pushing water up in the last third of the stroke

4.      Kicking hard with too large of a motion

5.      The arm crossing over to the opposite side of the midline of the body on the pull phase

6.      Lifting the head out of ht water to breath

7.      Not exhaling fully during the pull phase, or holding your breath while your mouth is under the water.

These can give you a few things to think about when you are swimming.  If you haven't had the benefit of formal lessons or coaching, some of these things can be hard to self diagnose, but hopefully is some good food for thought.




I found a couple of video clips that I thought were quite good.  Hope you enjoy!

Alexander Popov swimming technique  - this video includes some really nice commentary about the stroke and the technique.

Swim Smooth Visualization (Bill Kirby

Yanti is dead on about relaxing!

On the topic of lessons, I echo the recommendation and if you have a good instructor, group lessons can definitely be of value and more affordable - especially if you get lucky and the class is small

One other thought:

Swim races are decided by hundredths of a second. That is rarely the case for us triathletes. The goal for us is to finish the swim going as fast as possible using the least amount of energy as possible. It is not cool for us to get on the bike and have to recover from our swim.

So the key is to focus first on technique, so you can become efficient in the water and not be too tired when you finish the swim portion of the race.

I'll post more tips as we go along, if you have any specific questions or areas that are more difficult, be sure to post your question.  If you're wondering, chances are someone else is also

2009-04-10 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2075717

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-10 9:25 AM

Good morning Manatees.

Today I rode (big shock) - but the pool is closed for Good Friday.  I also order new bike if shop is open

Tomorrow I ride and run (and possibly swim - depends on how long of a run and ride I do)

Sunday I ride

There seems to be a common thread here - I ride   And I am always happy when I ride

A swim would be such a good start to your day tomorrow........and the pool is open

2009-04-10 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2075530

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
slow turtle - 2009-04-10 6:44 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-10 5:22 AM GOOD MORNING MANTEES

im up w the chickens this mornin'   actually up w a the foot of my 6 year old in my rib cage.  how oh how do they get in those silly positions?

super crazy busy day yesturday.  left the house at 9:15 am and didnt get back at 9:15 pm 12 hr days, NOT typical for me, but....

in the midst of the craziness i managed to get in a 49 min swim and then a burner of a spin class, 90 mins.

my spin instructor is an IronWOman in her own right, and shes getting 'serious' about her trng.  so she's passing on that intensity to us.  GREAT WORKOUT!

then i attended a Runners Clinic at the Y.

question for the group:  anyone heard of STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT?  i guess Bill Rogers (didnt know who he was until last night) the marathon runner is a spokesman.

two chiropractors (who happen to be brothers) gave this really fascinating sem. on a protocol for the treatment/prevention of sports injuries called STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT. 

at the end of the sem they scanned all of the participants feet w this niffty machine so that you can see what your foot-type was.  way cooler than the wet foot-paper test.

im so intrigued, and hoping this will be a trtmnt alternative for my foot/mortons neuroma.  its all predicated on establishing good body biomechanics.  made complete sense to me. 

fortunately they accept my insurance and the initial eval is covered.  so im gonna chk it out and see....

if this protocol saves myself from needles and unnecessary surgical procedures, im thinking, what do i have to lose?

todays an WELL DESERVED day of REST.  looking forward to a nice quiet day at home with my three boys.  well....a MOM can DREAM cant she?


Stacie-this sounds fascinating! If you have the initial eval, let us know what you think.

im on the phone right now w the Drs. scheduling my appt to get the STRUCTURAL FINGERPRINT EXAM done.

i havent chkd out the website yet myself, but you ALL might find it as intriguing as i did....

i scheduled my appt, APRIL 15th.  WOW that was QUICK! 


2009-04-10 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2075786

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-04-10 8:50 AM
happybunny - 2009-04-09 3:17 PM I totally agree Lauren...though I think the run has me more concerned....I figure I can always backstroke the swim if I have to....and I KNOW with this behind that I am in NO danger of sinking.....LOL!


fwiw, i almost always incoprate breastroke into my swim - it's the stroke i am most comfortable with and best at

side stroke is another option

BETH (and anyone else that cares to comment....)

i was thinking of doing the BACKSTROKE too, but wondering how DO-ABLE/PRACTICAL that would be in a pool swim tri race....

my backstroke is actually quite swifty compared to my freestyle.  not that i would do the entire race BACKSTROKE, just a 25-50 here and there as needed.

any thoughts???

2009-04-10 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2075827

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-04-10 9:02 AM
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-10 9:25 AM

Good morning Manatees.

Today I rode (big shock) - but the pool is closed for Good Friday.  I also order new bike if shop is open

Tomorrow I ride and run (and possibly swim - depends on how long of a run and ride I do)

Sunday I ride

There seems to be a common thread here - I ride   And I am always happy when I ride

A swim would be such a good start to your day tomorrow........and the pool is open

now THERES an idea, BILL.

[were gonna get you in the pool yet.....]

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-10 10:17 AM
2009-04-10 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2076055

Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
I did backstroke in a pool tri last year.  Started off front crawl but am so slow was getting passed. so I decided screw this flipped over and caught back up.  It was good and my swim time was way faster then I projected it to be if I had done freestyle
2009-04-10 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

and YANTI, where do i get one those turtle honky-horns

thanks for the reminder about HAVING FUN doing the TRIs.

it IS like when were kids isnt.

i forget and get ridiculously/needlessly intense.

2009-04-10 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR.  may i borrow your sanskrit swimming mantra??

i think thats SUPERB.
2009-04-10 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2076063

Subject: ...
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2009-04-10 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2076055

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

skrtrnr - 2009-04-10 8:11 AM
lastcall2003 - 2009-04-10 8:50 AM
happybunny - 2009-04-09 3:17 PM I totally agree Lauren...though I think the run has me more concerned....I figure I can always backstroke the swim if I have to....and I KNOW with this behind that I am in NO danger of sinking.....LOL!


fwiw, i almost always incoprate breastroke into my swim - it's the stroke i am most comfortable with and best at

side stroke is another option

BETH (and anyone else that cares to comment....)

i was thinking of doing the BACKSTROKE too, but wondering how DO-ABLE/PRACTICAL that would be in a pool swim tri race....

my backstroke is actually quite swifty compared to my freestyle.  not that i would do the entire race BACKSTROKE, just a 25-50 here and there as needed.

any thoughts???


Morning all -- Just jumping on here beofer I do a 45 minute fartlek (great word, huh?) run and then a 45 minute bike -- a reverse brick today. 

Re: backstroke. My swim coach says since most triathletes are focused on freestyle it's good to do a few yards/meters of backstroke at the end or in the middle of your swimming to "unwind" the arm/shoulder. I've had a shoulder injury (that finally seems to be under control) and using the backstroke after swimming free for my workout does seem to help stretch my shoulder in the opposite way and it's a good way for me to cool down after a tough/strong swim. I also get in some breast stroke just because I like it and it uses different muscles on the kick. I've seen athletes swimming backstroke in a tri, but mostly because they got tired and needed a break. Again, from my swim coach, you're more fluid in the water doing sidestroke instead of breast or back in a tri IF you need a break. I do think having a goal of swimming free for the tri is what most people aim for and that efficiency that our Mentor mentioned.

Have a great day, everyone!


2009-04-10 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2076073

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-04-10 8:21 AM

TR.  may i borrow your sanskrit swimming mantra??

i think thats SUPERB.

Of course. I'd be happy if I converted the whole world to Sanskrit.
(just be aware you are praising a god of destruction ... but his intentions are good)
2009-04-10 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2076225

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Bill - I'll get in the pool if you do.

Today I am going to yoga. It will be fabulous.

Today I am also going to make myself a schedule that I WILL stick to - Mondays, yoga class and spin w/ tri club, Tuesdays swim and run, Wednesdays yoga class and spin w/ tri club ... etc etc ...

The next 6 weeks are going to be different ... there will be no lazy girl here! Just reading all your posts is getting me motivated to be more responsible with my training ... yay!

Hope everyone has a good holiday Friday ... if it's a holiday for you.

2009-04-10 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2069346

New user

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi everyone,

Yesterday was a big day for me as well.  After seven months of dealing with permitting issues our outdoor patio was finally allowed to open at our brewery.  It feels like such a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and now I can focus on something else.  Also last night my band went to the studio to do some editing on our little demo.  It is a totally casual thing, just a group of friends getting together to play music and occasionally do a show out, but it leads to some late nights.  Yesterday was one of them so I am having a hard time getting out on my bike today.  Help!

I have been running, swimming, biking off and on for the past couple of years and last year did a sprint tri.  This year my goal is to actually follow a training plan and do a couple of sprints and an olympic in September.   I have started the 2x olympic 20 week plan on this site and it seems like it will be a good fit.  My only problem is that the olympic is in 23 weeks.  I'm thinking about repeating the first couple of weeks so that it lines up time wise.  It has been fun reading all your bios and it makes me excited to be in a group with all of you.  

I have a couple of forum questions.  How are you all keeping up with the forum?  Do you just check in occasionally or is there a feed that can send posts to our email?  Also if I want to post do I just reply to the last message or to the whole thread?  I am still figuring it all out.

Hope you all have a good day.  Laurie
2009-04-10 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2076487

Subject: ...
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2009-04-10 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2076487

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Laurie, I am having some troubles figuring out how to keep up with the posts and also how to reply.   Like I said yesterday, the "threaded" view option really makes your head spin!  You can opt in to email alerts if you want to.  I will try to remember what I did.  If you only want alerts to this thread, after you post there is a box down at the bottom to that says "toggle email alerts" on that.  If you want other email alerts you have to do it in your personal settings area, but my guess is that your inbox will be overflowing!  I have done the "toggle" thing with the few threads I have posted to.   I bet others will give you more complete directions than this!   I am on several other online forums, but this one is so elaborate that it takes some learning!

I have a clothing question:   I have one old speedo swim suit that will do for a bit and some running clothes.  I got a pair of Izumi bike shorts at Goodwill for a few bucks and they fit fine, but my guess is that the padding is too much to use in a Tri.    I tried on a Tri suit at Sierra Trading last week and...ummm...don't think I will be going that direction.    What do you all suggest for a minimum purchase that has decent cover, comfortable and effective?    So far I am leaning toward Tri shorts and top, but can I figure on just purchasing one and making it work for both training and race?    If I go that route, do you do all 3 events in the same clothing?   If I use a regular swimsuit for the swim, then what do you add/subtract for the bike/run portions.  I am not particularly well endowed in the chest area, but I cannot imagine doing the run without a sports bra....right now I use one by Moving Comfort.    Hope this is TMI for the men!

On my way to buy some Easter goodies and groceries and SWIM!!!  YEA!!!   Hey about you???   Any swimming planned??? 

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-04-10 12:48 PM
2009-04-10 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
I keep forgetting to respond to whoever asked the question about our dogs.  I am horrible at names...sorry!

Inside: I have a miniature Aussie.  Fantastic dog!  I am considering raising them.   My dd has a Bichon Frise.   He is fun, but the haircoat is not great for a ranch.

Outside: 2, 5H working dogs.  The breed was developed in Australia to be an all around cattle dog.   They are really incredible dogs.   I also just bought my dh a  young Border Collie.  We are still in the trial stage with him...not sure if he will work out or not.

I have been around dogs all my life.   My parents are very big in the Great Dane world.   I just spent 5 weeks taking care of my mom and went to a few dog shows with her. 
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