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2009-12-16 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2561461

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
misfit_1 - 2009-12-16 6:59 AM I do have a question to put out there. 

I was at the pool last night and a 'helpful' guy decided to give me some advice.  His advice was against everything that I've been reading, so I wanted to check popular opinion.  ...take everything I say about my stroke with a grain of salt because it's only been a couple months that I've been swimming so even if I say I'm doing something, I'm probably really not...

I hired a YMCA swim instructor essentially just to get me in the water.  And it worked, although I can't say that she really helped with stroke questions.  So I've been reading Total Immersion, with the premise of keeping the body long, swimming primarily on the side, and trying to expend as little energy as possible.  Then this guy last night tells me that I looks very graceful and elegant when I swim, which I took as a compliment - but then he said I'll never get anywhere.  lol

He did tell me that he was a life guard for years, and that I should keep my body flat towards the floor, and smash my finger tips into the water like I'm trying to hurt  So, although I did swimming faster - I feel like it was only due to the fact that I had more arm turnover because he was standing there watching me. 

Long story short...better to be streamlined, long, and graceful - or to go out flat, fast, like I"m trying to save someone's life (probably my own)?

Thanks guys.

I think you got some mixed advice. You definitely want to stay long and streamlined and you don't want to swim flat; you don't want to be getting all the way onto your side, but there should be some good rocking action going on

I was taught that you want to be knifing your hand into the water a bit past your head; maybe that what the guy meant when he said to smash your finger tips into the water?

2009-12-16 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2560411

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
geoffwm - 2009-12-15 2:55 PM I'll chime in with the goal of a 30 min run this evening!  It will be my first hardcore activity in about 8 weeks.  I'll take it slow...of course! 

I have a question about endurance in a pool.  I'm really good about swimming for up to 30 mins in a pool, but I tend to use the side of the wall too much!  I'll do 400 meters..take a break...another 400 and a break.  Myh racing endurance didn't improve any!  What does everyone do to stay OFF the walls..and swim continuously?

I used the 0 to 1650 plan when I was starting out. With your current ability you might not have to start the plan from the very start, but it's nicely structured to get your endurance built up.
2009-12-16 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2563684

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-12-16 10:47 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-12-16 10:27 PM
I think I may have done a tri that Jen also did, but we haven't met yet; hopefully this year! Rocketts Landing?

It looks like we've done *two* of the same tris!  How have we not met yet?!

Which two? 3Sport? I guess we were never in the same place at the same time.

I think I should do Rocketts instead of Colonial Beach so I can make sure we meet!
2009-12-16 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
OK, time for me to be in bed.

Tomorrow I do my "brisk walk" with a few run intervals thrown in. I think it's gonna be only around 25F so I'll be layered up!
2009-12-16 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2563701

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2009-12-16 10:55 PM
Artemis - 2009-12-16 10:47 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-12-16 10:27 PM
I think I may have done a tri that Jen also did, but we haven't met yet; hopefully this year! Rocketts Landing?

It looks like we've done *two* of the same tris!  How have we not met yet?!

Which two? 3Sport? I guess we were never in the same place at the same time.

I think I should do Rocketts instead of Colonial Beach so I can make sure we meet!

Actually, it's just 3 Sports in 2007.  I thought also Patriot's, but I did it in 2008, not 2009.

You should do Rockett's.  I really enjoyed the race and it was pouring and crazy. 
2009-12-16 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2560660

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Thanks everyone for the stroke input, I'll keep working on the freestyle and increasing my time in the water. Unfortunately the swimming and spinning classes don't start up again until the students get back in late January, so until then, I'm on my own. Which actually, okay that's good, fewer bodies in the pool!

back in tomorrow....why oh why are pools open for like 2 hours a day open swim, erghhh

2009-12-16 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2563747

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I have no idea!  The pool at my university is not open nearly enough.  It drives me crazy.
2009-12-16 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Thanks for the group table Jen and the instructions on how to put in in our dashboard - worked great!

And I'm definately in for an "eating healthy" challange!  I did so well last year when I was working so hard to loose my 90, but now, my daughter (18)has gone away to Montreal for her first year of university,and I am at home alone - and it gets's too easy to just get lazy and sloppy on what your eating when there is no one else to worry about.   I would still like to loose about 10 - 15 more so some accountabilty and a little challange might help me get focused again.

2009-12-16 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Hi Nicole     *Waving*
 It is nice to bump into you again. 
2009-12-17 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2563689

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2009-12-16 10:48 PM
I think you got some mixed advice. You definitely want to stay long and streamlined and you don't want to swim flat; you don't want to be getting all the way onto your side, but there should be some good rocking action going on

I was taught that you want to be knifing your hand into the water a bit past your head; maybe that what the guy meant when he said to smash your finger tips into the water?

Nicole - thanks for the advice.  I'm going to try to hit the treadmill and pool tonight, and continue using some of the swimming advice.  Welcome to the thread!
2009-12-17 6:07 AM
in reply to: #2555877

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Hi Nicole - welcome!  Love your pic.

I must say that it's great to be in an "active" mentor group as we have already posted more pages than my group did for the entire time last year! 

I could definitely use a healthy eating challenge.  I was thinking maybe of doing something really simple for the next two weeks given the time of year.  How about picking at least 4 or 5 days in each of the next two weeks that are eating healthy days.  No real reports on it, just post if that day is a eating healthy day and report the next day?  Does this make sense?  Not much of a challenge for right now but I know that for me the next two weeks are filled with many holiday meals/parties and while I can try to use portion control (!), these are special foods that we mostly have once a year and I want to enjoy them.  So maybe if I eat well for more than half the week, that will help some. 

I'm just thinking off the top  of my head for something simple and hopefully doable (for me at least) for the next two weeks.  Jen may have something much better in mind and I bow to greater wisdom and experience.

Have a great day!


2009-12-17 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2563612

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-12-16 10:06 PM
mchally - 2009-12-16 8:25 PM
Artemis - 2009-12-16 3:52 PM
mchally - 2009-12-16 6:29 PM
kat_astrophe - 2009-12-16 12:02 PM
mchally - 2009-12-16 12:41 PM I just finished breakfast and am going to head to the pool for a swim soon.  It will be my first swim in 3 months...I've been avoiding the pool since I put on 20 lbs.  It is time to get over it and swim again.  

Hey, think about it this way -- putting on 20 lbs. sucks at the pool from a vanity standpoint, but at least the extra weight won't really affect your performance as much as if you were running/biking.

No kidding...Aero position in the bike sucks!  my gut totally gets in the way.

I felt much better swimming than I expected.  My cardio fitness has really improved since I took up tris.  My arms have certainly lost endurance though.

I turned my swim into a double brick!  it was fun. 
I think I will make it a Wednesday routine (minus the made me late to my Wednesday afternoon appointment). just reminded me of another reason I need to lose some weight.  You know, apart from the two weddings I am in this spring and will be in lots of pictures at.  I hate riding in aero with the gut.

Hmmm....maybe a group weightloss challenge?  I don't usually like the weightloss challenges because losing weight can be so unpredictable, but maybe I can think up a way to do it so it's less annoying.

That might help keep me accountable to eating well. 

Cool.  I'll try to think of something that is *just* about losing weight and more about eating healthy.

Awesome.  I'll totally get in on some of that -- I still have 10-15 pounds left to lose (I was SO overfat when I started tri training -- I'm down 50 lbs. since last January and I'm still carrying a bit more fat than I'd like.)  Plus I know that if I'm going to get in shape for Olympic-distance tris next August/September while trying to finish my dissertation before next summer, it's going to be such a temptation to eat cr@p from Mickey D's or somesuch.
2009-12-17 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2563679

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-12-16 10:46 PM
mrsrudyjax - 2009-12-16 10:44 PM
Artemis - 2009-12-16 9:06 PM
Cool.  I'll try to think of something that is *just* about losing weight and more about eating healthy.

I need a weight loss challenge as well.  I eat too much crap, and these next two weeks there is going to be an abundance of it.  I know running would be so much easier if I lost 10 pounds.

I'm not sure I'll get my workouts in this week.  I'm playing nurse for my husband and taking care of everything in the house.  We're planning on travelling to see my grandparents this weekend if hubby is up for riding in the car for 4 hours.

Welcome Nicole!

Taking care of husbands can be a big job.  At least, mine can be kind of a baby when he's not feeling well. 

Hope he's on the mend soon. 

Hey be careful!!!  Remember there are two guys in this  As much as I disagree with you, my wife would probably agree.
2009-12-17 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Welcome to the group Nicole.
2009-12-17 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Well I have my MRI today.  I wont know anything until next Tuesday though at my next appointment.  It was weird yesterday, it was actually kind of bothering me during my swim.  Cant quite figure that one out unless I was kicking too hard, which I dont think that I kick that hard.
2009-12-17 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2563882

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
go4it - 2009-12-17 7:07 AM

I could definitely use a healthy eating challenge.  I was thinking maybe of doing something really simple for the next two weeks given the time of year.  How about picking at least 4 or 5 days in each of the next two weeks that are eating healthy days.  No real reports on it, just post if that day is a eating healthy day and report the next day?  Does this make sense?  Not much of a challenge for right now but I know that for me the next two weeks are filled with many holiday meals/parties and while I can try to use portion control (!), these are special foods that we mostly have once a year and I want to enjoy them.  So maybe if I eat well for more than half the week, that will help some. 

I think that's a great idea!  The next couple of weeks are always a challenge, so trying to eat healthy for most of them would be a step in the right direction.

Anyone else interested in doing this?

2009-12-17 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2563962

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
TRIMAN413 - 2009-12-17 8:30 AM
Artemis - 2009-12-16 10:46 PM
mrsrudyjax - 2009-12-16 10:44 PM
Artemis - 2009-12-16 9:06 PM
Cool.  I'll try to think of something that is *just* about losing weight and more about eating healthy.

I need a weight loss challenge as well.  I eat too much crap, and these next two weeks there is going to be an abundance of it.  I know running would be so much easier if I lost 10 pounds.

I'm not sure I'll get my workouts in this week.  I'm playing nurse for my husband and taking care of everything in the house.  We're planning on travelling to see my grandparents this weekend if hubby is up for riding in the car for 4 hours.

Welcome Nicole!

Taking care of husbands can be a big job.  At least, mine can be kind of a baby when he's not feeling well. 

Hope he's on the mend soon. 

Hey be careful!!!  Remember there are two guys in this  As much as I disagree with you, my wife would probably agree.

Fair enough.  Sorry about that. 
2009-12-17 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Chris - good luck with the MRI...hope whatever is going on doesn't continue to bother your swimming!

I'm up for healthy eating...I became a vegetarian earlier this year which has helped considerably...but even being veggie, that delicious butter seems to make its way into everything this time of year...mmm...butter... 
2009-12-17 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2563938

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
kat_astrophe - 2009-12-17 8:13 AM
Awesome.  I'll totally get in on some of that -- I still have 10-15 pounds left to lose (I was SO overfat when I started tri training -- I'm down 50 lbs. since last January and I'm still carrying a bit more fat than I'd like.)  Plus I know that if I'm going to get in shape for Olympic-distance tris next August/September while trying to finish my dissertation before next summer, it's going to be such a temptation to eat cr@p from Mickey D's or somesuch.

Oh...I know how bad I ate when I was writing my PhD proposal.  I can't even imagine how bad it's going to be for the dissertation.
2009-12-17 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2563980

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
TRIMAN413 - 2009-12-17 8:38 AM Well I have my MRI today.  I wont know anything until next Tuesday though at my next appointment.  It was weird yesterday, it was actually kind of bothering me during my swim.  Cant quite figure that one out unless I was kicking too hard, which I dont think that I kick that hard.

Good luck with the MRI!
2009-12-17 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2563997

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
misfit_1 - 2009-12-17 8:48 AM Chris - good luck with the MRI...hope whatever is going on doesn't continue to bother your swimming!

Thanks Kim.  Im just ready to figure out whats wrong so I can correct it, heal, and get back to running.

2009-12-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2563980

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I really hope for your sake that you haven't aggravated a stress fracture! I ended up with one in 2005 after trying to train for a 1/2 marathon in Nashville. For a very long time I wasn't able to run at all, so like I said, I'm crossing my fingers for you!
2009-12-17 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2564350

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I would love to participate in eating healthy as well! I don't have as much of a problem with the sweets as I do with the "spirits". Looking forward to the next two weeks being over with though...because not only do I have holidays to worry about, my brother is getting married the day after Christmas and I've been stressing myself out about that. Happy that he's doing it, but ready for the excitement to be over!
2009-12-17 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2564362

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I hate to ask the stupid question, but is there any way that I can link to this forum thread without having to go into the main mentor page and search through the other forums?
2009-12-17 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2564378

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
morrisel - 2009-12-17 10:44 AM I hate to ask the stupid question, but is there any way that I can link to this forum thread without having to go into the main mentor page and search through the other forums?

There's a link to the mentor thread in the table I posted.  If click on "Artemis's Mentor Group" at the top, it will take you right to the thread.  Other than that, you could add a bookmark to your browser.  There's not really another easy BT way that I can think of.
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