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2010-01-04 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

so whats the plan for this week peeps?  im running about 8-10 today, speed work tomorrow, easy 8ish or so on wednesday, hill repeats on thursday, easy day on friday then closing out the week with another 20+ miler on saturday.  Also have to set up the bike trainer this week too so i can get back on top of shark bait!!!


2010-01-04 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2592536

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Richmond VA area
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

I am so slack. It is so cold in the mornings (19degs today) I can't imagine going for a run and it is too dark when I get home. The weekend seems to be the only time I can exercise. My waistline's growth is the only consistency I have found lately. My goal is to be back up to a solid 10k distance and 8min/mile by the March 28 Monument Avenue 10k. Obviously running only on the weekends is not going to get me there. I did it last year so I know I can do it again. Just got to get out there and run.


2010-01-04 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2592536

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Ugggh, Here we go again, another injury! 

While I was putting away all the X-mas decorations in my attic yesterday, I took a mistep in my attic/crawlspace and came crashing through the floor.  My left leg/shin took most of the force and I'm in a considerable amount of pain.  I went to the ER to make sure I didn't break anything, which thankfully I didn't but it is a hell of a bruise and very painful to walk on.  I hope this is only a setback of a few days and I can continue training by the weekend.  We'll see.  My other concern now is fixing the gaping hole in the livingroom ceiling.  Any drywall tips?

It is funny now that I look back on it, but I'm pretty pi$$ed I decided to take it easy over the New Years weekend, now it will be at least a week between workouts.

Needless to say unless the leg feels drastically better overnight, this week might be a wash! 

Can anyone put in a few miles in for me this week?  Thanks!

In other news, I got a few gift cards over the holidays and I think I'm finally going to pull the trigger on a trainer, I'm thinking Cycleops Fluid 2, any thoughts?

Happy New Year All!

2010-01-04 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Last night I got ~19.5 miles, my last long run before Houston marathon. Now, just an easy taper, and try not to get injured (I still have my Christmas lights to take down). I'll go ahead and say this out loud, since I've been thinking it for a month or so...I'm shooting for <3:40:00. There, I've said it! My PR is 3:46:30, so I expect you guys to really rag me if I come up short!

2010-01-04 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2592922

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

RecTri - 2010-01-04 1:38 PM

I am so slack. It is so cold in the mornings (19degs today) I can't imagine going for a run and it is too dark when I get home. The weekend seems to be the only time I can exercise. My waistline's growth is the only consistency I have found lately. My goal is to be back up to a solid 10k distance and 8min/mile by the March 28 Monument Avenue 10k. Obviously running only on the weekends is not going to get me there. I did it last year so I know I can do it again. Just got to get out there and run.


we have it nice here where i live because of the olympic ice skating training facility, they have a two lane track that goes around the outside of the ice rink (aprx 455 meters).  temp is always at 55 degrees basically and opens up at 6 AM and is open until 10 PM...........sure beats the dreadytready!!!!

2010-01-04 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2592935

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

mchubri` - 2010-01-04 1:44 PM Ugggh, Here we go again, another injury! 

While I was putting away all the X-mas decorations in my attic yesterday, I took a mistep in my attic/crawlspace and came crashing through the floor.  My left leg/shin took most of the force and I'm in a considerable amount of pain.  I went to the ER to make sure I didn't break anything, which thankfully I didn't but it is a hell of a bruise and very painful to walk on.  I hope this is only a setback of a few days and I can continue training by the weekend.  We'll see.  My other concern now is fixing the gaping hole in the livingroom ceiling.  Any drywall tips?

It is funny now that I look back on it, but I'm pretty pi$$ed I decided to take it easy over the New Years weekend, now it will be at least a week between workouts.

Needless to say unless the leg feels drastically better overnight, this week might be a wash! 

Can anyone put in a few miles in for me this week?  Thanks!

In other news, I got a few gift cards over the holidays and I think I'm finally going to pull the trigger on a trainer, I'm thinking Cycleops Fluid 2, any thoughts?

Happy New Year All!


bummer on the leg and even bigger bummer on the ceiling!!!! my jaw hit the floor reading that..........gotta suck, but hopefully someone got it on video!!!!  hope your leg and ceiling get well very very soon, as far as miles goes, i can chip in about 10 for you this week, will that do?


2010-01-04 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2593062

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-04 2:27 PM

Last night I got ~19.5 miles, my last long run before Houston marathon. Now, just an easy taper, and try not to get injured (I still have my Christmas lights to take down). I'll go ahead and say this out loud, since I've been thinking it for a month or so...I'm shooting for <3:40:00. There, I've said it! My PR is 3:46:30, so I expect you guys to really rag me if I come up short!

another 19.5 in the books, you gonna smoke it man!!!!  just stay focused, dont go out to fast, stick to the plan (um, you have a plan, right?) and relax and enjoy your PR!!

2010-01-04 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Just got off the drainer.  Hate that thing!  My hubby is sick with the flu, so I am sleeping on the couch tonight and crossing my fingers that I don't get it. 
2010-01-05 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Nevada City with my BABY!
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

drainer for me last night too....ugh

2010-01-05 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Had a nice run this morning, on the treadmill.  It is good to get back in the gym, even if it is at 5:30 am.  My plan for the week is 2 x run, 2 x weights, add some swimming next week, and add the dreaded trainer the week after that.  I will have my weekly training plan posted on my training log under short term goals.  My usual trainer workout is to just ride for 30-45 minutes (or as long as I can stand it) at a reasonable cadence.  Does anyone have a better training plan for the trainer?  I could use any advice to keep it from being boring and get the most out of it.

2010-01-05 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Bath, Maine
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
HereforaLaugh - you might go easy on yourself if you were down for a bit - PRs are funny things, and so much can change those six minutes. Hope the run is fantastic - I won't rag you if you come up short, I'm one of the 5-hour guys.

Sweetie and I had the weekend off, in a little cabin in NH. Back at it this week, feels good. Just learning to freestyle. Yesterday put in 35 minutes of pull with a block and felt great - the issue is less strength and more just co-ordination and breathing. When I'm not kicking, I can control my breathing really well and watch my stroke better.

I'm toying with the idea of pulling a mile tomorrow with the block - any thoughts? Or should I practice shorter distances with the whole stroke? 50x4 is okay, as are 300-500s. I can breaststroke a whole bunch.

Oh, and somebody's giving me their old Trek and one of the guys at the local tri-club is bringing a trainer for me, so that's exciting - beats the heck out of the bikes at the gym. Running is coming back slowly, but that's more likely the track at the Y - laps suck.

Happy New Year!

2010-01-05 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Question regarding training plans: First, my ultimate goal is HIM on 11/7/2010. I plan to do an Oly on 8/28/2010 with one or two sprints sprinkled in. I'm currently looking at a modified version of the 20 week Oly training plan on BT. Question is, what's the best way to transition from an Oly plan to a HIM plan, and when should I move up?

2010-01-05 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2594791

Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

I'm toying with the idea of pulling a mile tomorrow with the block - any thoughts? Or should I practice shorter distances with the whole stroke? 50x4 is okay, as are 300-500s. I can breaststroke a whole bunch.

Oh, and somebody's giving me their old Trek and one of the guys at the local tri-club is bringing a trainer for me, so that's exciting - beats the heck out of the bikes at the gym. Running is coming back slowly, but that's more likely the track at the Y - laps suck.

Happy New Year!

Swimming with the pull bouy is great especially if youre new. Dont get to used to it though because it doesnt make you work your abs and it doesnt help your floating either. If your shoulers or lats hurt, give the bouy a break. If I were you i would start with a nice 300-500 warmup. Then do something like 10x50's on 2 minutes or something, and try making them on a minute continuously. The first ones are going to be easy to make and they get harder as you go, this is where you need to learn to pace yourself. Alot of new swimmers kill themselves the first 4 or so because they can, dont do that. I would then go into like 5x200's nice and long, trying to hold your stroke together. Rest long enough to get your HR about 100, then start again. The swimming portion of an HIM or any tri swim for that matter isnt going to "save" you anytime, but it will KILL your energy. If you can swim the same time at 50% then your going to have that much more energy for the bike and run. I was trying to explain that to my boss last week, technique is more important than speed.

Edited by jshiplet 2010-01-05 2:40 PM
2010-01-05 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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New user

Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Frustrating day for me.. since i have to travel for work 5 days a week I only have access to the gym thats here at my corporate apt, its not too bad just not as nice as my gym at home.. oh well i've been dealing, my knee has been bothering me lately so i've been doing the bike and then I tried to do some lunges and step ups (exercises i did during my knee rehab).  i'm not sure if i did something to it during the day but my knee started to really bother me.. blah i'm so over knee pain   its like i need to do my knee exercises and all this lifting to make it stronger so that it won't hurt and i can run but i dont want to lift when it hurts.. catch-22..  hopefully tomorrow will be better...

2010-01-05 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2559563

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

*bump*  Couldn't let DJ's thread be near the bottom.

2010-01-06 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2595256

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-05 11:50 AM

Question regarding training plans: First, my ultimate goal is HIM on 11/7/2010. I plan to do an Oly on 8/28/2010 with one or two sprints sprinkled in. I'm currently looking at a modified version of the 20 week Oly training plan on BT. Question is, what's the best way to transition from an Oly plan to a HIM plan, and when should I move up?

best answer that i would give is that you will know when you are ready to move "up".  question tho that i have is that if the "ultimate" goal is a HIM in november, then why are you using an olympic plan to begin with?  unless you are using the oly plan just in the beginning then switching to a HIM plan?

2010-01-06 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2596528

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

jesselynleigh - 2010-01-05 8:18 PM

Frustrating day for me.. since i have to travel for work 5 days a week I only have access to the gym thats here at my corporate apt, its not too bad just not as nice as my gym at home.. oh well i've been dealing, my knee has been bothering me lately so i've been doing the bike and then I tried to do some lunges and step ups (exercises i did during my knee rehab).  i'm not sure if i did something to it during the day but my knee started to really bother me.. blah i'm so over knee pain   its like i need to do my knee exercises and all this lifting to make it stronger so that it won't hurt and i can run but i dont want to lift when it hurts.. catch-22..  hopefully tomorrow will be better...

bummer about the knee pain.  have you been doing your running on treadmills?  also might be a slight issue with your form (not saying you have bad form as i have never seen you run..........).  do a google search for "pose method of running" and read up on that.  that is the method that i basically use (some slight differences) and also try to use when coaching people........

2010-01-06 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2596765

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

1stTimeTri - 2010-01-05 10:36 PM

*bump*  Couldn't let DJ's thread be near the bottom.

u da man donkus minimus, u da man!


2010-01-06 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2596971

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Yes Dave, if I calculate properly, I'll be ~11 or 12 weeks into Oly plan when it's time to start the 20 week HIM plan (they overlap). I could run the Oly plan to completion then do the last 9 or 10 weeks of the HIM or ditch the Oly plan at 12 weeks and start the HIM plan. I think I'll just do my best to stitch them together as the times and distances are not that drastically different.
2010-01-06 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2597087

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-06 7:53 AM Yes Dave, if I calculate properly, I'll be ~11 or 12 weeks into Oly plan when it's time to start the 20 week HIM plan (they overlap). I could run the Oly plan to completion then do the last 9 or 10 weeks of the HIM or ditch the Oly plan at 12 weeks and start the HIM plan. I think I'll just do my best to stitch them together as the times and distances are not that drastically different.

sounds like you have everything under control!!! excellent!


2010-01-06 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Hey Guys,

Hope everyone is having a Great Week.  I had a good weight workout this morning.  First time back with the weight in about 6 months.  I am following the Triathletes Training Bible's weight training plan and will be doing the Anatomical Adaptation (go easy, don't hurt yourself) Phase for the first 4 weeks.  I am sure I will be feeling it tomorrow.


I echo DJDavey's comments, if your goal is a HIM, then use that as your main plan and just try to find a good place to switch from the OLY to the HIM. 


Hope the swimming goes well for you while traveling.  I need to get me some pool toys so I can do the pull blocks and stuff.

Take Care,

2010-01-06 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2596978

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

djdavey - 2010-01-06 7:05 AM

1stTimeTri - 2010-01-05 10:36 PM

*bump*  Couldn't let DJ's thread be near the bottom.

u da man donkus minimus, u da man!


I'm a man, and a donkus.  Perhaps a man-donk?

2010-01-06 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

How do you guys factor in core and strnegth training?  I use the plans here, and typically when I am in full training mode, I swim 2x/week, bike 2x/week, and run 3x/week.  My goals are to improve my times in the Olympic distance and possibly prepare for a HIM towards the end of the year. 

When do you do strength and core?  How much time do you devote?  Does it come before or after some other training activity?

2010-01-06 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2597911

Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I know some may diagree with me, but for the casual athlete, i think doing core excercises 3 or 4 days a week for 20 minutes is very beneficial. I know when I swam in college we were doing 45 minutes of core 5 days a week, it was very grueling and it helped a ton, but thats also 45 minutes. Not everyone has 45 minutes to spend, thats why personally i think 20 is a good way to go. Im not saying your going to get abs of steel this way, but it will help in your performance. I normally do mine after a good swim, but i swim 3 or 4 days a week. I always like to get the blood going before i do core so that i remember to take a breath when working it hard. I use medicine balls, cords, etc, not just straight situps, crunches etc.
2010-01-06 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2598167

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Richmond VA area
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
jshiplet - 2010-01-06 2:12 PM I know some may diagree with me, but for the casual athlete, i think doing core excercises 3 or 4 days a week for 20 minutes is very beneficial.

Thank you for saying that. I was trying to think of how I could fit core training in at all and your suggestion at least gives me hope that maybe its possible.
I stayed up late to watch my team get beat in the Orange Bowl so I couldn't drag myself out of bed early for a run. Luckily I had to leave work early to turn in some paperwork and decided not to go back but instead to go home early and run. It was a balmy 40 deg and I had a good run. Ran 5k distance and didn't have to walk at all. My mile split was 8:49 which sucks but I am still getting over a calf and ankle injury so I don't want to push it too hard. My goal is to get it down under 7:45 for 5k and 8:00 for 10k. I will also up my mileage to the 10k distance over the next 2 months. If I can do all that and not re-injure my calf I will be ecstatic.
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