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2011-01-03 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3256935

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
Alright, so now that the new year has begun, I am back at work and can now participate much more.  Here is a real quick bio of me.  I'll go much more in depth later, don't have a ton of time to spend on it right now...  

I'm a 25 year old engineer from Montreal, who started doing tris last year.  My first one went super well, and got hooked.  I was not a runner, cyclist, or swimmer before, so I just jumped in head first.  Cycling is by far my strongest aspect of racing, with the other two lagging way behind.  I don't have much planned for next year yet, as I haven't set up my race schedule, but last year, I completed 2 sprints.  This year, so far, I have a 30k run (same one as you, Helen...  I'm originally from Toronto, and a bunch of friends told me to do Around the Bay...) and a half marathon in May.  I will also plan on doing probably 2 or 3 sprints, and a couple olympics.  At the end of the year, I am tossing up a HIM...  we'll see how that goes!

So I'm sick right now, and it is super disappointing.  I wanted to go for a run tonight, but that just would be an awful idea.  Luckily, my tri club doesn't start training together officially until next week, so I have some time to get better.  I might get out for a run here or there beforehand, if possible!  

Hope everyone has a good day/week at work! 

2011-01-03 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3272016

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
acgibby - 2011-01-02 1:33 AM Would an indoor bike trainer be something worth purchasing? I'm a student in a fairly small dorm room, but I have a private room and next semester I will probably be moving to the apartment suites. (I'm an RA so I get my own room )  It just isn't the same when I ride the bikes that are at the gym, plus I lose the effect (from what I hear) of the clip features.  I went to town today with my new bike, hopped on, clips and all, and started down the road I was going to be traveling on for a while... I got .5 miles and had to turn around... My hands were numb, and it was to the point where I couldn't feel them so I decided I'd hit the gym later.  Also, does anyone travel to any events near southern Missouri? I think it'd be really interesting to either participate, or even watch, someone who's in the group. Especially because I'm a noobie, I still enjoy watching people go at it (I'm sure I will always enjoy this).  I just think it's awesome that in such a short time, I've become so motivated, interested, and passionate about this sport. The fact that I have this group, yes thats all of you, is that much more of a foundation for my future in the sport. Thanks everyone again, for all of your help thus far. It has been greatly appreciated!!!!

I love my trainer. I'd say I do 70% (maybe more) of my bike training on it per year. It's an excellent way to go get some hard work in, especially if you don't mind staring at the wall I absolutely despise training in the cold, so almost my entire winter is spent indoors.

A fluid trainer will be a lot quieter (not to say it won't be loud) than the other types. Kurt Kinetic and Cycleops both make some competitively priced, well reviewed models (I use a KK)
2011-01-03 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3256935

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
As far as HR monitors go, I use a Garmin 305 when I'm running outside ( I like Garmins a bit better than Polars... but it's just a personal preference) and (when I use it) I keep up with my HR on the bike using my Powertap. My cheapo Timex also has a HR strap, but I don't use it all that often... only if I'm trying to hold a particular HR on the treadmill.

The 310 can be worn in the water (although I just put my 305 in a zip lock bag and put it under my swim cap... so technically it can be too) - of course the HR strap won't work in the water with either of them. 
2011-01-03 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3256935

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
Also, sorry for being MIA this past weekend.  I spent most of Friday Night driving my friends around (my first NYE since I was about 15 that I've been sober! Go Me) town until the wee hours. Saturday I slept til it was dark outside (haha) again, then watched "The Fighter" and ate dinner with one of my ex's. (Hey, I was bored ) Sunday I got a good swim and run in and tried to get caught back up on laundry / dishes / etc. Ah the exciting life of a Triathlete

I hope everyone had an excellent and safe New Year!

Speaking of New Years, what was Everyone's Resolution?

I had a couple
- Win an event Overall (even if it's just a local)
- Break 300w FTP by the end of the year (On my way to this one)
- Run a sub-20 5k (Not so close on this one )
- Swim as much as possible. Maybe even have a respectable swim time in an event.... maybe

Edited by Leegoocrap 2011-01-03 8:57 AM
2011-01-03 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3273693

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
I don't have many resolutions per se...  just a few things I'd like to do.  

Weighed myself this morning, and the holidays were not friendly to me on the scale.  I want to be 20lbs lighter at the end of this year than I started it (Sub-160 would be ideal...).  Basically just pay attention to what goes into my body.

Just finishing the 30k run will be an accomplishment, as I am NOT a runner.

Get down to around a 22 minute 5k.

Hopefully finish top 10 almost 1 year to the day after my first ever tri (finished 17th last year...  July 9th is this year's race).

Maybe do a HIM?

These aren't really resolutions, just goals.  We'll see how they go!  I'm gonna write them all down when I get home! 
2011-01-03 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3256935

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
My surgery went well.. I have chipmunk cheeks right now, with an ice thing around my head and gauze in my mouth. I want to be training, and eating soooo bad right now. Idk what it is... WHenever I would work out (trying to build mass) I didn't enjoy it.  When I ran before, I didn't enjoy it. I feel as if I have something to work towards now, and I'm just so motivated right now... I hope I don't lose that motivation. I also found a racing team that meets up several times a week, so that will be extremely helpful. Anyone have any suggestions on what type of trainer to get? Also, what are some good bike racks (I drive an Impala). I'd prefer one on the back.

I didn't really make any new years resolutions, but I think I'd like to do 5 triathlons this year, whether they are indoor or not. 

2011-01-03 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3274792

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed

Happy New Year Everyone!. I'm back into town and back to my computer! Great weekend with the fiance'. Good game and good food. Now its back to our diets, and training for me. Doing a spin class tonight then a 3 mile run afterwards. I forgot about my Half marathon at the end of the month. Whoops.

No real resolution, but making a point to do 100 push-ups/sit-ups a day, through out the day. My goal also is to get close to a 20min 5k. When i was in boot camp i was able to pull off 18min 5k's with no problem. Now my fastest is 22:30. For a guy who is 6'5" and 195, Thats pretty good.

Which leads me to my next question. I'm registering for an Olympic in April and can decide on what to enter as. Go as A/G or "Thunder Thighs" 185-200. If i enter in the Thunder Thighs category, i will most likely place in the top 3. The majority of my weight is my height as i am slender, but not skinny. Thoughts?

I also use my 305 for everything. Minus the swim. I can't train without it. I was thinking about getting a edge 500 for the bike and a FR210 for the run. But i can't buy anything until after the wedding. Bummer...

2011-01-03 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3274792

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
acgibby - 2011-01-03 3:30 PM My surgery went well.. I have chipmunk cheeks right now, with an ice thing around my head and gauze in my mouth. I want to be training, and eating soooo bad right now. Idk what it is... WHenever I would work out (trying to build mass) I didn't enjoy it.  When I ran before, I didn't enjoy it. I feel as if I have something to work towards now, and I'm just so motivated right now... I hope I don't lose that motivation. I also found a racing team that meets up several times a week, so that will be extremely helpful. Anyone have any suggestions on what type of trainer to get? Also, what are some good bike racks (I drive an Impala). I'd prefer one on the back.

I didn't really make any new years resolutions, but I think I'd like to do 5 triathlons this year, whether they are indoor or not. 

Glad to hear everything went well! DO NOT, under any circumstances, eat Taco Bell for the next week or two... or corn chips of any kind for that matter

I like Kurt Kinetic trainers. They are impossible to break.

As far as bike racks go, I've only ever used Softrides, but they work properly. Not sure if there's anything "better" per say.
2011-01-03 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3269603

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
I cut/pasted the group list to me trng log- however unable to 'double click " names to automatically go into people's training log. Do I need to add everyone to friends list in order to do this? Sorry- but I am not too computer savvy
2011-01-03 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3275198

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Extreme Veteran
South Florida
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
HelenR - 2011-01-03 5:45 PM I cut/pasted the group list to me trng log- however unable to 'double click " names to automatically go into people's training log. Do I need to add everyone to friends list in order to do this? Sorry- but I am not too computer savvy thanks -Helen

I can't access them that way either. You can access logs by clicking on the Logs tab on the bottom of the post, however some people have it set where you have to be on their friends list to access them.
2011-01-03 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3275206

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
cpsdad - 2011-01-03 6:50 PM
HelenR - 2011-01-03 5:45 PM I cut/pasted the group list to me trng log- however unable to 'double click " names to automatically go into people's training log. Do I need to add everyone to friends list in order to do this? Sorry- but I am not too computer savvy thanks -Helen

I can't access them that way either. You can access logs by clicking on the Logs tab on the bottom of the post, however some people have it set where you have to be on their friends list to access them.

working on it as we speak.

On a side note, Helen you have your profile set to be viewable only by friends. If you would add us as your friends it would be beneficial ;)


Ok, big apologies for the list messing up. Cross your fingers that it works right this time.

Everyone please replace the one in your logs with the one below, it should work right.

Leegoocrap's Mentor Group

Leegoocrap - Chris
LockOut - Pete
jletterhos - Joe
nvalaitis - Nick
Jeffnboise - Jeff
MechEChick - Christina
ACGibby - Austin
Andr3w - Andrew
MAC36 - Mac
velocomp - Daniel
etadeja - Eric
tsedore - Theresa
trigal38 - Dina
cpsdad - Chris
HelenR - Helen
Wendy9447 - Wendy

Edited by Leegoocrap 2011-01-03 7:12 PM

2011-01-03 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3256935

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
The new list worked for me. Thanks!
2011-01-03 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3275395

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
trigal38 - 2011-01-03 7:36 PM The new list worked for me. Thanks!
2011-01-03 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3275395

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
trigal38 - 2011-01-03 7:36 PM The new list worked for me. Thanks!
2011-01-03 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3275395

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
trigal38 - 2011-01-03 7:36 PM The new list worked for me. Thanks!

x2... Thanks! I will be on the net about 24/7 for the next several days. Went to sleep, and it hurt... Fell asleep, and woke up with blood all over my face and pillow. Ahhhh, not eating solids is killin' me!

Edited by acgibby 2011-01-03 8:40 PM
2011-01-03 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3256935

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New user
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
Slowly getting back into the daily routine here. The Holidays slightly threw off my sleeping schedule, so will have to get back on track with that. Looks like the Garmin 305 is favored. Not the best looking watch, but the priced the price is great. It also seems like it can be an all in one watch. Looks like I'll be looking to to purchasing that. 

New Years resolution for me is to eat healthier especially because I am pretty likely to get diabetes. I have little to no knowledge in this area as well. As much as possible I will try to post what I eat at the end of the day and if anyone has any input on how I am eating please feel free to comment good or bad.

Today wasn't a the best way to start off my resolution, but definitely an improvement I guess

Breakfast :Water
Lunch: Chipotle Burrito Bowl (Pinto Beans, Barbacoa, Hot sauce, White rice, Lettuce, small amount of cheese and sour cream Drink: Water
Dinner: Tuna salad sandwich on wheat bread. Banana, apple, Brocolli, and a snack size of Doritos Chips. Drink: Water

I live on base and eat at the dining facility. Most of their food is not the best for eating healthy, but they do let you make your own sandwiches and wraps. So if anyone has any personal favorites or have their own kind of healthy sandwich please share :). Eating the same thing every day gets old haha. As far as drinks go, I love water and thats pretty much all I drink and lots of it.

Main goals for the year is to get myself through some triathlons.
Running goals would be low 18/ high 17 minute 5k and Finish the USAF Marathon in a sub 3 hour time. Will need to have more biking time and swimming instruction.

Also is my jogging form odd? It just feels awkward. I am in the red shirt. Its really because the battery on my phone gave out. Will record again of a distance and different views for both running and jogging.

Edited by Andr3w 2011-01-03 9:07 PM

2011-01-04 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3275555

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Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed

Andr3w - 2011-01-03 7:42 PM
Also is my jogging form odd? It just feels awkward. I am in the red shirt. Its really because the battery on my phone gave out. Will record again of a distance and different views for both running and jogging.[/QUOTE]

Yes, your form looks odd, but your speed of 17 min for 5k and goal of sub 3hr mary would indicate otherwise.  I'd love to have that speed.  I'm hoping to get back in the 23 min range. (Maybe).

2011-01-04 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3275555

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
running form looks pretty good to me. Does something particularly feel "odd" about it? A lot of injuries?

Your foot does seem to land in front of your center of gravity a bit... but it could very well just be an illusion of a low frame rate camera.
2011-01-04 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3275555

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed

Breakfast :Water
The most common mistake people who are trying to get their eating habits in check make... skipping breakfast. Absolutely terrible Idea for a list of reasons longer than most college research papers If you only have a chance to eat 1 meal a day... it better be breakfast. Never, Ever miss it. Even a bad breakfast is better than no breakfast.

Lunch: Chipotle Burrito Bowl (Pinto Beans, Barbacoa, Hot sauce, White rice, Lettuce, small amount of cheese and sour cream Drink: Water

Since it's a burrito bowl... does it have the wrap/shell? It's not a 100% terrible meal, but it could certainly be made better... the easiest way would be just to cut the cheese and sour cream out entirely (they are almost always the main cause of bad fats in "out to eat" meals... really, any time you can cut a sauce or cheese, you should) I'm not a big stickler on white/brown rice (there really isn't MUCH difference)  - I am not sure what Barbacoa is... I assume it's a protein substance though... care to expand on it?

Dinner: Tuna salad sandwich on wheat bread. Banana, apple, Brocolli, and a snack size of Doritos Chips. Drink: Water

Tuna Salad = Mayonaise and Mayonaise = bad (generally) Otherwise not too bad. Obviously Dorito's could be better... but you can't have it all.

(Edit) For Reference, Chipotle lists the meal you had for lunch at
Kcal - 645
Protein - 43
Fat - 30 (15g Saturated)
Carbs - 49 (10g Fiber)
Sodium - 1200mg

That's pretty high in saturated fat and sodium.  
If you had cut cheese and sour cream and added salsa instead it would look more like
Kcal - 465
Protein - 35
Fat - 12 (3g Saturated)
Carbs - 55 (14g fiber)
Sodium - 1220mg

This is a much more manageable lunch. Adding salsa will raise the sodium (sadly not much you can do about that) however cutting 12g of saturated fat and almost 200 calories (for very little "filler") is pretty huge.

Just some thoughts.

Edited by Leegoocrap 2011-01-04 8:18 AM
2011-01-04 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3256935

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed

Well thats me packed for a 3 day business trip to Edinburgh. Just waiting on flight at present. clearly some people are still taking this week off as there are a whole 17 of us waiting to board...
Have packed the running shoes in hope of squeezing a run of some form in. When i say form i mean lumber. My wife described my running style as a panting Labrador!!! nice. But in fairness not far from the truth.

breathing seems to be my biggest issue. is there a specific technique to it. I know swimming varies as i alternate between 2 and 4 strokes a breath dependent on distance and stroke. if i could get this right it might improve my enjoyment of tis section more. Currently a 28 minute 5k runner

2011-01-04 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3256935

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed

When I initially started my training, breathing was poor for me... What helped....

Running on a treadmill. Breathing in through the nose, and out through the mouth.  I inhale slowly in five short "bursts" and then exhale through the mouth. This helps to keep the heart rate lower and conserve a bit of energy.  The rate at which I inhale depends on the speed I'm going. In my opinion, it is much easier to breathe on a treadmill than when off of it, because you get that wind resistance, and I myself, have a bad habit of being a "mouth breather" because my sinuses are swollen.

Thats just a breathing technique that I use, and works for me. Hopefully it will help!

2011-01-04 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3256935

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed

Also, keep in mind that the "bursts" are all connected with some fluidity. If you've ever played an instrument, it's kind of easy to think about in terms like this.... Keep a rhythm. A nice, legato smooth rhythm. Think about controlling the instrument (your body) and not letting the temp get away from you. I've found that if I consciously think about it while I run, it becomes second nature

I posted this on the triathlon talk, but wanted to see what everyone in this group thought.

This is a link to some vitamins I'm thinking about trying...
I'm going to be doing a 3x balanced Oly training program, with two sessions of lifting, and probably an extra cycling session per week. I'm 19, and I intend to keep and maintain intense workouts. You can see the labels for the ingredients of the vitamins about halfway down the page under a tab.  Please let me know what you think, and if it'd be worth it. (I have a buddy who can get me a package for about $15 per month because he works at GNC). 

Or, should I just stick with the Centrum Sport Multivitamin?
Thanks for your help!
2011-01-04 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3256935

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
I'd stick with just a regular multi - vitamin. Most of the corporate chain supplements are pretty "padded" with filler.

Is there something you are missing in your diet? I'm not against a multivitamin, but a solid diet would be a better solution that should get you everything you get in a multi.
2011-01-04 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3277204

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
Leegoocrap - 2011-01-04 12:34 PM I'd stick with just a regular multi - vitamin. Most of the corporate chain supplements are pretty "padded" with filler.

Is there something you are missing in your diet? I'm not against a multivitamin, but a solid diet would be a better solution that should get you everything you get in a multi.

Totally agree with Chris-even Dr. Oz has spoken out about the over-reluctance society seems to have with multis.  Fish oil is all I take anymore.
2011-01-04 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3256935

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
When I go back down to school I might be missing some stuff... My school has a terrible food company, and I will have to buy a lot of the food I'll be eating in order to have the right energy for working out... I think I'm going to be going on a 3x balanced Oly plan, with strength training twice a week, and if I buy a trainer, there's a coach that has spinning classes. In the end I think I'll end up buying a trainer... It will be worth it in the long run I think. Thanks for your input on the multi!
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