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2011-04-23 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'll be in Little Rock, AR for work training.  Plan to get some workouts in where the weather is warm.  TTYL.  Train ON!!!

2011-04-24 12:53 AM
in reply to: #3461834

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-22 9:52 PM

A quick question:

  If there is any first or second timers on the sprint tri's-what is your average swim workout distances?

My plan calls for times, not distances - anywhere from 30 mins to an hour now.  I always do at least the 450 consecutive required for my first race.  Other than that I do 100s, 200s, drills.

Good training day today.  It was 60 degrees out, so perfect except for a bit of wind.  I ran my whopping 35 minutes - the longest so far - and biked 70.  I've always gone to a bike path before, but today just ran the 'hood and biked around town.  It was actually fun!  I timed/routed my run so I would end up at the local Y to pick up my race shirt for the sprint in (gulp) 3 weeks, and then walked home as a cool-down.

Edited by sdejan 2011-04-24 1:02 AM
2011-04-24 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey all!  Hope everyone is having a good Easter!  I got in a short TM run this morning - 4.5 of my planned 6 miles.  That's OK though - it's a holiday so I gave myself a bit of a breakSmile.  We'll be heading to my parents' house soon but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. 

Transition tips - the one thing I did for my first tri (and didn't do for my other 2 and wish I had) was to have a 3x5 card with things written down on it so I wouldn't forget anything.  It had 2 sections - one for bike, one for run - and I put it in my helmet right before I headed to the swim.  For the bike - socks, shoes, shirt (it was a cool day), helmet, sunglasses, bike.  For the run - rack bike, helmet off, visor, race belt, water bottle.  Since I ride in my running shoes, I don't have to worry about changing those.  I didn't have to think about what I needed this way, I just had to read the card. 

Swimming distances - most of my swims are only short distance since the tri's I'm doing this year are both pool swims.  One is 500m and the other is only 300y.  I usually do 700-900m total, either sets or drills, sometimes both.  I know I should be doing more, but right now I'm trying to concentrate on my biking so this is more of a maintenance thing for me. 

Goals - My main goal right now is to spend more time on my bike.  It's definitely my biggest limiter so I want to try to do as much as I can to improve before my tri in June. 

2011-04-24 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I forgot to tell you!  My DD wants me to run a race with her in 2 weeksLaughing.  It's a 5k and she'll finish way ahead of me but that's OK.  I'm just happy that she asked.  Normally she doesn't want to even discuss running with me (I'm slow and I'm her mom) so I'm really looking forward to this.  I think she'll do really well.  She's been doing good in track and running a lot of miles during practice so hopefully this will be a good race for her. 
2011-04-24 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3461787

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-22 7:04 PM

Transition question - I've read several times about having a bucket of water to rinse your feet in after the swim.  I've also read it being laughed at.  Does anyone here do it?

I have heard of having a bucket. For me I don't do it just because transition is tight and adding a bucket to my little space in which to get dressed just doesn't work. Space is very limited. The sock idea above accomplishes the same thing and takes no more space.

Don't worry about getting laughed at. We all do things differently.
2011-04-24 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3461834

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-22 7:52 PM

A quick question:

  If there is any first or second timers on the sprint tri's-what is your average swim workout distances?

When I first started tri workouts 400 yards was a long way. I think before my first tri I had worked up to 1000yards. I would work on some interval and skill work as well as just distance. Varying workouts will make huge gains where just doing the distance won't make gains as fast (This also applies to running and biking)

2011-04-25 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I managed to get a couple of weeks of planned training loaded into my logs.  I am considering getting the bronze membership just for the planned vs actual feature.  I'm having difficulties getting motivated to get to the gym these days.  I think there is some underlying depression due to some life stuff going on but I'm trying my hardest to keep my head up.  I have 7 weeks until my tri and know that if I can be consistent until then, I'll be fine.  I just have to tell myself (figuratively AND literally) 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...'
2011-04-25 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3462207

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
used2Bfat - 2011-04-23 11:52 AM

Cool idea on wearing socks to swim! I think I'd have to try coupling that with having dry socks rolled up in the shoes and just have a towel to dry off the extra moisture at first. But I'm not looking to be in competition on times. I'm just looking to finish ANY sprint Tri this year.

I'm way behind most of you here. I am still working out a time to meet a swim coach. I have two I'm in discussions with now and whichever one has a time slot open will be the one I go with. My bike is in the shop getting a tune up so I'm still on the stationary and I started the Insanity workout because I couldn't get to my cross training classes anymore since they're in the evenings. Six kids and evening activities don't work out very well during the school year.

Running is still slow beginner level. I'm just creating a base. I can do 2 miles consistently but not quickly. Working on moving up to a consistent three mile run and then will do speed workouts after I get that base. Can't find a good running buddy. I tried to pair up with another runner last week and she had knee issues. Motivation is better for me when I meet with someone. Does that make me a fraud???

I guess just trying is better than not trying at all though! - Maureen

Fraud???  No way.  Two years ago my wife and I joined a running group and this certainly helped us.  It kept us accountable, it made us wake up early in the morning on saturdays and we learned a lot.  So do not worry about preferring to have a workout partner.   - Gerardo

2011-04-25 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi all,

I've been keeping track but have not posted as well.

@ wesley12 - I never measured the speed change when I moved to clipless pedals, but they were a definite improvement for me. 

Goals for May - This is week is T-14 for sprint

1) keep calorie count - I need to lose 15 lbs for this tri

2) join master's swim class - I cannot seem to get up at 5 to swim.  Tomorrow will be the day!

3) stick to training schedule - 2x/week for s/b/r


2011-04-25 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3463693

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
holt1997 - 2011-04-24 10:42 PM
peteacher - 2011-04-22 7:52 PM

A quick question:

? If there is any first or second timers on the sprint tri's-what is your average swim workout distances?

When I first started tri workouts 400 yards was a long way. I think before my first tri I had worked up to 1000yards. I would work on some interval and skill work as well as just distance. Varying workouts will make huge gains where just doing the distance won't make gains as fast (This also applies to running and biking)
2011-04-25 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Two questions:

First what is everyones workout goals for the week. For me it is to just get out the door for a workout 5 times.DOn't care what they are or how long etc but just get out the door. You???

Second: How many of you incorporate intervals into your workouts? Is this an area you would like to expand your horizons a bit? This is definately something we could all do together if there is interest.


2011-04-25 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Two questions:

First what is everyones workout goals for the week. For me it is to just get out the door for a workout 5 times.DOn't care what they are or how long etc but just get out the door. You???

Second: How many of you incorporate intervals into your workouts? Is this an area you would like to expand your horizons a bit? This is definately something we could all do together if there is interest.

2011-04-26 12:25 AM
in reply to: #3463689

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-25 4:39 PM
sdejan - 2011-04-22 7:04 PM Transition question - I've read several times about having a bucket of water to rinse your feet in after the swim.  I've also read it being laughed at.  Does anyone here do it?
I have heard of having a bucket. For me I don't do it just because transition is tight and adding a bucket to my little space in which to get dressed just doesn't work. Space is very limited. The sock idea above accomplishes the same thing and takes no more space. Don't worry about getting laughed at. We all do things differently.

Hi everyone, well here's my first post to the group. Been out of the picture for a couple of weeks and there's 6 pages of posts!

Just wanted to comment on the above question. I found using a drink bottle to squirt water over the feet and then a quick dry on my layed out towel worked well for me when i had sand/grit on my feet in my last HIM.

As far as goals - I'm in a different situation to you guys as in NZ we're going into winter, but my goals at the moment are to continue with my 3 months weights plan and improve my swim technique. Am signed up with swim course starting next week so really looking forward to that - i really don't like the swim! Hoping to get more at ease and comfotable with it after the course...

Will be starting the BT HIM plan around August time, so until then i'm just doing weights and fitting in reasonable swims, bikes and runs when i can.


Edited by lbishop 2011-04-26 12:25 AM
2011-04-26 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3465470

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-25 7:35 PM Two questions: First what is everyones workout goals for the week. For me it is to just get out the door for a workout 5 times.DOn't care what they are or how long etc but just get out the door. You??? Second: How many of you incorporate intervals into your workouts? Is this an area you would like to expand your horizons a bit? This is definately something we could all do together if there is interest. Scott

1) This week's goals for me are to get in a solid 5 days of training as planned.

2) I was thinking of starting intervals during one bike workout and one run workout per week.  I've been still trying to establish a baseline of endurance that is needed. 



2011-04-26 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3465918

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
lbishop - 2011-04-26 1:25 AM

I found using a drink bottle to squirt water over the feet and then a quick dry on my layed out towel worked well for me when i had sand/grit on my feet in my last HIM.


Thanks ... I believe that's going to be my plan for my transition!

2011-04-26 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3465470

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
holt1997 - 2011-04-25 6:35 PM Two questions: First what is everyones workout goals for the week. For me it is to just get out the door for a workout 5 times.DOn't care what they are or how long etc but just get out the door. You??? Second: How many of you incorporate intervals into your workouts? Is this an area you would like to expand your horizons a bit? This is definately something we could all do together if there is interest. Scott

My goals this week is to actually get my training accomplished this week.  So far I'm 1 for 1 so I'm doing good so far

I don't really do any interval training because I'm not sure exactly what to do.  I would definitely like to incorporate this into my training so I can eventually get faster.

2011-04-26 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3465470

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-25 6:35 PM Two questions: First what is everyones workout goals for the week. For me it is to just get out the door for a workout 5 times.DOn't care what they are or how long etc but just get out the door. You??? Second: How many of you incorporate intervals into your workouts? Is this an area you would like to expand your horizons a bit? This is definately something we could all do together if there is interest. Scott

My goals for the week:
1.  Get all of my scheduled workouts in - 4 runs, 2 rides, 2 swims.  The runs and rides shouldn't be a problem, but the swims may be tough if the thunderstorms don't stop at some point this week.  Pool is closed during thunder/lightning and that always seems to happen during lap swimming timesUndecided
2.  Learn some useful information at the bike maintenance class that I'm going to on Saturday morning.  Things like how to change a tire (I still don't know how to do thatEmbarassed), keep the chain clean, adjust the brakes, etc.  If the weather cooperates, I'm going to ride my bike to the class and back home afterwards - should take care of one of my bike rides for the week. 

I do running intervals, usually either on the TM or the HS track.  In fact, one of the LRS's is starting speedwork sessions in May at the track where I run, so I signed up to join them.  We'll be starting by doing intervals at 10k race pace and working our way up to 5k race pace.   I've also done some intervals on the bike, but only on the stationary bike at the gym.  Sometimes I'll do spinning intervals (like 15x45sec at 105rpm w/1 min recoveries), sometimes strength intervals (like 4x4min @ 65rpm w/3 min recoveries).  I got those bike intervals from a beginning bike plan here on BT and they've worked well for me. 


2011-04-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I'm already off my planned training for this week.    Missed Sunday's swim (guess I coulda figured the Y would be closed on Easter, huh?).  Last night I did my strength training but not the run beforehand.  So my goal is to not miss any of my remaining workouts.  It'll be tough on Thurs since I have a longish swim scheduled and I normally do my swims during lunch, so we'll see how it goes.  I set my alarm early this morning so I would go swim before work - and then had a rational moment when it went off and went back to sleep, lol.  NOT a morning person.

I do not currently do intervals except in the swim.  I would like to start for the bike and run.  I'm finally comfortable enough that I know I can survive the workouts, time to start working on a little speed.

I'm thinking I'll switch plans after my race 5/15.  I'm currently doing BT's, but it's all time-based.  I have the book Triathlon Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide.  It has more details as to how each workout should break down - intervals, hills, etc.  I have races scheduled 6/12 and 7/31, so I'll have to customize the plan to have appropriate taper weeks in there, but it seems like a good plan.  Is anyone familiar with this book?

I'm going to have to level out my training time soon.  I won't be able to continue building times.  Someone suggested the following approach and I think it sounds sensible.  Tell me what you think:

You have x hours for training per week.  Break it into percentages.  In my case swimming is my strongest leg.  So I would say 20% swimming, 40% cycling and 40% running.  Let's say I have 10 hours to keep the math easy - that would be 2 hours swimming, 4 hours cycling and 4 hours running.  Or I could do 30/40/30 which might be more realistic in terms of the running.  Thoughts?

2011-04-26 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Got signed up with a swim coach today.  Hopefully this will help improve my swim time.  My bike seems to be getting better.  My runs have taken a turn for the worse this week but that may be related to over-eating on Easter. 
2011-04-27 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3465469

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

holt1997 - 2011-04-25 6:35 PM Two questions: First what is everyones workout goals for the week. For me it is to just get out the door for a workout 5 times.DOn't care what they are or how long etc but just get out the door. You??? Second: How many of you incorporate intervals into your workouts? Is this an area you would like to expand your horizons a bit? This is definately something we could all do together if there is interest. Scott

Goals for the week:  as most mentioned-1.  get all the workouts in 2. to start thinking more actively about the transitions and 3.  get one more step (mentally) to actually registering for my event (I have until the end of this month before fees go up)

I have a question about intervals.  I think I understand the idea, you just change up your workout by increasing speed, THR, etc, correct?  I feel like I am missing something because up until now I have been just doing what I can to get a base in.  Can ya give me just a tiny bit more basic info re:intervals?

I love this group!!

2011-04-27 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3467618

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2011-04-26 7:04 PM Got signed up with a swim coach today.  Hopefully this will help improve my swim time.  My bike seems to be getting better.  My runs have taken a turn for the worse this week but that may be related to over-eating on Easter. 

I never had a personalized coach, but I was able to see my improvement when I joined the master's swim class last year.  You will be pleasently surprised with your improvements just by working on technique.  The returns are much faster here than on the bike or swim, where you really need to put in a lot of hours to get them


2011-04-27 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

My first sprint is May 15.  I just looked at the 10-day forecast for Chicago and it's all mid-50s and a lot of rain.  I just don't see getting out of a pool, going outside and jumping on a bike in 50-degree rainy weather.  Plus it's been really windy lately, which makes me whimper on the bike.    My answer to adverse weather is always to go to the gym.  I figure it's already good enough getting through a hard workout without adding additional discomfort.

I guess I have to get outside when the weather's bad and get acclimated.  I just haven't HTFU'd enough yet.  In fact it's gotten harder mentally to train lately.  Any suggestions as to not only getting back in the game, but getting tougher at the same time?

2011-04-28 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3469736

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-27 3:16 PM

My first sprint is May 15.  I just looked at the 10-day forecast for Chicago and it's all mid-50s and a lot of rain.  I just don't see getting out of a pool, going outside and jumping on a bike in 50-degree rainy weather.  Plus it's been really windy lately, which makes me whimper on the bike.    My answer to adverse weather is always to go to the gym.  I figure it's already good enough getting through a hard workout without adding additional discomfort.

I guess I have to get outside when the weather's bad and get acclimated.  I just haven't HTFU'd enough yet.  In fact it's gotten harder mentally to train lately.  Any suggestions as to not only getting back in the game, but getting tougher at the same time?

Sorry I don't have any advice on getting tougher - I have the same issue myself.  If it's cold and/or windy, I head to the gym, especially if I have a bike ride planned.  Runs aren't as bad, but like you said, why make myself uncomfortable if I don't have to.  I realize that not every race is going to have perfect weather, so I need to get out and get used to it eventually, it's just that first step that's hard to take. 

2011-04-28 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

How is everyone's week going so far?  Are you sticking to your goals?  Weather here still has not broke but trying to stay optimistic!!  So far got two swims and one run in with run/bikes in the next three days!!

What's got ya motivated this week??!!

2011-04-29 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3472513

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Well I had a great workout this morning.  BUT I have slacked Big time this week and missed my workouts on both Wednesday and Thursday.  I'm not sure if I had a great workout this morning because of resting (slacking) the past two days or because I was feeling so guilty about slacking that I needed to get my butt moving!!

Anyways I'll be taking my planned day off tomorrow and I have a 42 Mile Bike ride on Sunday!  Its this TD Bank 5 Boro bike tour.  They basically block a lot of streets off from traffic in NYC and you get a chance to ride through all 5 boros traffic free!  Should be a nice easy ride, but I'm sure I'll be able to get in some decent miles in there too.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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