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2012-04-04 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Hey all,

Deb/Kyla - I hear you about training with the hubby.  My Doug is wonderful about staying with me, but I know how hard/fast he goes so I feel like he might as well be training with our kids for all the benefit he gets.  Our trade off is I make him go riding with me AFTER his workouts so it's more of a cool down spin.  On runs he'll occassionally ride along as my sherpa.  But in the pool I've got him!!!!!!!  At least over long distances.  The only thing I can hold over his head is the IM - once he does one of those I've got nothing.  We should all be as lucky as Kim (Birdy's wife),  he very proudly displays his and his wife's IMCA finish photos (where she crushed him!)  However my Doug did order a copy of my IM finish photo for his office - that's very cool!

Christina - that's sad about the pool.  Some people just don't think things through. 

Welcome Justin and Scott.  Well, Scott at least.  Justin if you are friends with Fatty then I see some major BURNS coming my way!

Trevor - THAT TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm mad just reading about it!

This weekend is more of the, bike and more bike.  The problem is, I don't feel like this is helping the foot.  When ever I flex through the ball of my foot it hurts, therefore proper foot positioning on the bike isn't working real well.  So I've taken to doing my workouts, then spend the evening in compression socks and ice bags.  This is getting very old!!!  I'm going to buy a life jacket and take the kayak out for some alternate training this weekend. 

Happy Egg Hunting!!!

2012-04-04 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
Forgot to mention the most exciting activity this weekend - going to try on the old wetsuit!!!  I haven't worn it in a LONG time (over a year) so we'll see.  I borrowed a friends suit for Canada last year so maybe I can beg again. My suit sucks!   If I can squeeze into it maybe I'll be brave enough to attempt an OWS.  Lake temps are reporting 60 but hopefully the shore will be warmer.  My wimpy butt looks at that and sees 60 as one degree away from the 50's!!  bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrr.  We'll see if I cut some glass through the wetsuit!!!
2012-04-04 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Welcome to the group Justin and Scott!

Christina, I'd say those people were completely rude to ask you to change lanes.  Having said that, it was probably easier to just switch then fight it - as long as it doesn't start happening regularly.

Rachel, sorry your run got messed up.  I hate it when that happens, but sometimes you just have to roll with it.  It seems like whenever I start getting into a good routine, my kids will get sick, which royally messes up everything.

Trevor, I would be so MAD about the sunglasses and camera.

2012-04-04 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4129397

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

So, big victory for me last night.  I did bike class, which was 1 hour, 45 minutes, and NO knee pain!  I think my fit issues might actually be resolved.  Every muscle in my body seems sore now, but the knees are good.  

Serious question for the group in relation to the bike: Can I just jump right back into my plan and the bike volume?  (Assuming, of course, I don't have any further issues.)  My logs are accurate since the end of December.  I've had problems on the bike every couple weeks, so my bike volume has been far from great.

I've gotten over my little snit yesterday after running with my husband.  It's not like we'll run together often anyways.  The presence of two young kids prevents it from happening on any kind of regular basis.

2012-04-04 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4128816

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
SSMinnow - 2012-04-04 3:09 AM

Yo Peeps!  Even though it is a Holiday weekend for some of us, I bet I can find at least one racer!  Raise your hand high and give us the details!

If you're not racing, let's talk about where you get your inspiration.  When a race or workout gets so hard your head wants to explode, how do you keep going?

For the new people, I post the race question each Wednesday to get us excited!

Welcome Justin and Scott!!!

I have a race this weekend, although it is not tri related. Gary and I are doing a team 10 hour rogaining event (no, this is not to grow hair, lol). There will be 50 checkpoints out in the Rock Creek recreation area and we have to find as many of them as we can in 10 hours.  First time either of us has done anything like this (talk about testing a marriage, ha!). Really cool thing is they are offering lessons and practice courses on Saturday, so we should be all set for the race on Sunday. It's called The Rock Creek Ramble. I'm excited for the new challenge and weekend of camping! No, Justin, not in an RV ( that's where we LIVE), "camping" is done in a TENT. 

2012-04-04 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Name: Roni

Never athletic as a kid, but I did like riding my bike and swimming in our backyard pool. I had never run a mile in my life when I decided I wanted to do the sprint triathlon our local gym was sponsoring. I learned how to run using a couch to 5k plan, got back on my bike, and learned to swim laps in the pool. Finished my first sprint on my hybrid bike and was hooked. That was 5 years ago, and I've completed 5 sprints, 4 olympics, 2 HIMs, 13 marathons, and 3 50ks, plus a bunch of shorter running races since then.

I had a bit of a set back in 2010 while training for IMCDA and doing too much too soon in VFF's... stress fracture in the 2nd metatarsal. I was off running for 4 months and let the swim and bike slide too. Once I was able to run again I decided to run marathons for fun for awhile. Now I'm back to tri training and loving it!

Family Status: Married for 23 years to Gary (gslye here on BT). He does all this crazy stuff too, and we usually book our vacations around a race. We don't often train together, because he's much faster than I am. We also spend our time traveling around the Pacific Northwest in our RV at his various work sites. We have 2 daughters (24 and 21 years old), a son-in law who is currently in Afghanistan, and a one year old grandson. Yep, that makes me a very proud Grandma!

 2011 Races: Redding Marathon (California), Buffalo Run 25k (Utah), Couer d'alene Marathon (Idaho), Edge to Edge Marathon (British Columbia), ET Full Moon Midnight 51k (Nevada), Kauai Marathon (Hawaii), Jackson Hole Marathon (Wyoming), PT Defiance 50k (Washington), Antelope Island 50k (Utah), Rim Rock Marathon (Colorado), and an attempt at the NFEC San Francisco 50 miler (Didn't make the cut off at the 23 mile aid station).

2012 Races:
  Completed Surfside Marathon in Texas on 2/18, during a thunder storm and pouring rain. Had a blast! Next up is Onion Man Olympic on 5/27 (my birthday), and Portland REV3 on 7/8. I'll likely make another attempt at a 50 miler in the Fall, as well.

What makes me a good part of this group
:  I'm all about having fun and enjoying the journey. And, every once in awhile I have something useful to add

Edited by RoniS 2012-04-04 11:05 AM

2012-04-04 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4128895

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
mighty mom - 2012-04-04 7:46 AM

I'll post my bio and Wed response in a minute but I have something on my mind and I need perspective from people in the know.

Since I did not grow up going to a pool I consider myself naive in pool ettiquette.  This morning I got to the pool at opening (5:30am) and began my swim.  About 6:10am  a young guy asked to join in the lane, no big deal.  Then about 10 minutes later a group of 3 people came in and started talking with the other guy in my lane as well as the 3 people in the lane next to me.  They proceeded to stop me in my w/o (was going for 3000 straight) and asked if I would move lanes.  Now, I have moved in the past, no big deal, but today felt different.  They were all standing there looking at me like I was the idiot to be in that lane.  I did move but for some reason it's not sitting well with me today.  It felt a little like bullying.  Heck, I'm the one who got there at 5:30 am.  So, the question is, is this normal, and is pool ettiquette that I move?


This is not cool, unless they all swam together and you got your own lane.  However, what is really uncool is that they stopped you in the middle of your workout.  I'm usually pretty good about sharing a lane, will volunteer most of the time - hate to see someone just standing there and everyone ignore them.  But don't stop me in the middle of my swim.  That happened once, and it wasn't a pretty sight.  

2012-04-04 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4129141

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
TrevorC - 2012-04-04 9:35 AM

Ok - Booooo on Mexico airport people.

When we arrived back in Calgary on Sunday morning, I noticed that one of our checked bags zipper was opened about 6  inches or so. But i thought nothing of it.

Michelle unpacks everything, and sees her RayBan case open, and no glasses in it. So she thinks"maybe I forgot them in the room" and those type of things.

I packed my running stuff and came to work yesterday. When I got here I thought "Crap I left my sunglasses at home." Driving home I started to think I didn't remember unpacking them. Sure enough, my Jawbones were gone. And then we realized our camera wasn't there either.

I am in the process of putting in a claim to the airline, so in 6-8 weeks we may get something . Cost is one thing, and yes maybe we should have just had them in our carryon, but you kind of feel violated as you think there is some kind of trust there. But they didn't take my 310 which was in another suitcase.

On the good news front, it was nice to swim in an outdoor pool and run in 90 degree heat!


This sucks.  Sorry Trevor.

2012-04-04 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

I'm in again  Smile

NAME: Havin'Fun/Linda

STORY: Stay-At-Home-Mom living in NC.
Swimmer growing up.  Hated running, but started running after baby #3 to lose the baby weight.  Ran off and on for a few years.  Got bored with running so took up tris.  Joined this group in '08 before my first IM.  Have met some really great people here and have loved watching so many people achieve really cool goals.                                                          

FAMILY STATUS: Married (Wes) 12 1/2 years, Spencer (11 yr old son), Connor (9 yr old son), Ashley (8 yr old girl), and Molly (5 yr old cocker spaniel). 

2011 Races:  Sprints, Olympic, HIM.  Muddy buddy with hubby & a few running races with the kids.                          

2012  RACE Schedule: a few local sprints, a few open water swims, OBX HIM & IMFL.   

2012-04-04 12:01 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

NAME:fattyfatfat / john

STORY: in progress.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (KIM<<) i mean jarrett.  three 2 legged kiddos (Jack is 6, June is 5, and Jacy is a b+tch) three 4 legged kiddos (madison the JRT is 12, joe the dog is our 11 year old JRT and tony T is our 8 year old blue healer who was born on St Pats so we always have an excuse to drink on St Pats!!!!

CURRENT TRAINING: EN outseason to roll into the Im program 20 weeks out.  But currently in the process of moving so training lately has consisted of racing on the weekend.

2011  RACES: The Texas Ironman.  an oly and some running races.

2012 RACES:  3 sprints, a half marathon and a 11.5 mile trail race already done. an olympic in late april, a collection of other races that i may do then the florida ironman in november. 

WEIGHTLOSS: i was skinny then i got fat now i'm in between.  right now i'm at ~235.  

Goals: just one. show up on the beach in november at 200 pounds. i'm one of those really lucky people that has a ironman run split greater than a ironman bike split. 


2012-04-04 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

christina next time just stop, stand up and inform them that you are now taking a leak.  f them. 

sucks trev.  post some naked pics of michelle to make kim feel better. 

welcome scott!  

2012-04-04 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4128816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
SSMinnow - 2012-04-04 6:09 AM

Yo Peeps!  Even though it is a Holiday weekend for some of us, I bet I can find at least one racer!  Raise your hand high and give us the details!

If you're not racing, let's talk about where you get your inspiration.  When a race or workout gets so hard your head wants to explode, how do you keep going?

For the new people, I post the race question each Wednesday to get us excited!

good luck roni and all you other racing fools!!!  have fun.  no racing for me this week.  

inspiration,  it never hurts worse than the hangover. so keep drinking and you'll crush that run in the morning. 

2012-04-04 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

NAME: Chet

STORY:  7th year tri's / running.  12 weeks out from second Ironman.   

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids, 9 and 7.  Wife is a runner so we battle for the morning workouts in the summer!

CURRENT TRAINING: 8 weeks into a 20 week program.  Taper starts on my 40th birthday.

2012 RACES:  Ironman CdA, Crusher in the Tusher, and CIM are all "A" races, I will add more as they fit into training. 

Goals: Enjoy and finish CdA. BQ and REGISTER for Boston.

2012-04-04 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4128660

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

velcromom - 2012-04-03 8:31 PM Hey, Scott.....flying down to Huntington Beach tomorrow!  I'll wave from the airplane.


That's amazing, I just saw you fly over thanks for the wave.

2012-04-04 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4129843

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-04 10:19 AM

christina next time just stop, stand up and inform them that you are now taking a leak.  f them. 

sucks trev.  post some naked pics of michelle to make kim feel better. 

welcome scott!  

Thanks fat or is that Mr. fat?

2012-04-04 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Name:  Tracy

Family:  Hubby of 14 years (called My Doug around here to distinguish from DougRob) who races as well; 2 girls, 11 and 8. 

Story: Athletic in high school and college, had the kids……the usual story.  Started riding with a neighbor and then a friend talked me into trying a super sprint.  It had a 2 mile run and I had to train for 3 months to be able to run that without stopping.  It wasn’t an overweight thing, more an I DON’T KNOW HOW TO RUN PROPERLY thing. But the same as everyone else, I was hooked.  Joined this mentor group in its first year and have been around ever since. 

Six years later I’ve raced all the distances, including my first Ironman last year! This past year I dabbled a little in cyclocross racing.   I’m still a slow runner but I’ve progressed from old man shuffling to a recognizable jog.  I did a bone head thing and stress fractured my fifth metatarsal a month ago so I’m trying to keep training and let it heal.

2011 races:  The whole year was focused around IM Canada.  Did my first century ride in a race called Blood, Sweat and Gears – aptly named.  Had over 13,000 feet of climbing!  Did the Savageman HIM course as training (highly recommend it if you want a killer race!) and lots of open water swimming.  Race Rev3 in Knoxville with a bunch of these BT peeps – that’s another tough course.  It seems like if there was a doozy of a race out there last year I found it. 

2012 schedule:  At this point who knows?  Was intending lots of sprints to better balance a new job, family and having an easy year.  Was toying with a late season HIM or marathon – we’ll see.

What makes me a good member of the group?  I’ve been around the group a LONG time so I know everyone’s dirt!!!!!   

2012-04-04 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Figured I would include my story:

Born and raised in So Cal, not many of us left.

46 years old

Divorced with 5 beautiful daughters and an ex that is one of my best friends

I started running in 2009 at the request of my youngest daughter who thought it would help with my stress. She was right!

I have completed 8 marathons, 9 Half's and 2 Sprint Tri's as of today. 

I am the Director of a local running club so that is the easy part of training for me.

I have the same illness that afflicts many of you, I like to train, I am currently training 5-6 days per week focusing on 2 a days with swim and bike being 3-4 days per week and running only 2.  Once I am past Wildflower I will be focusing on the HIM distance training.

Why do I do this?

I had always wanted to do the Triathlon thing but like many people I shied away from the swim.  I have been cycling a little for the past year, and started trying to swim in January before the first TRI. 

I completed my first Tri, a sprint on February 25th and then Desert International March 3rd.  I did these to get a baseline to train from knowing my bike and swim would be weak.  I proved myself right and have been focusing on the bike and swim over the last 4 weeks.

I am signed up for Wildflower Oly in May.  My goal is to get into Tri shape over the next 6 months and complete a 1/2 Ironman distance before December.  Not sure if that is realistic but figured I needed a goal so that is it. 

I decided a mentor group would be good so I had somewhere to look for information and encouragement, the one I was in for the last few months seemed to die off so I looked for one to join this time around that seemed to be thriving and you are it.


2012-04-04 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

I'm in again.  I'm working without internet from home.  This sucks.  Bio to follow in the next day or so.  Welcome to the new members.  Here's a pic from my half marathon.  Trying to run like David!!

I.U.  Mini Marathon

2012-04-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4129843

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-04 11:19 AM

christina next time just stop, stand up and inform them that you are now taking a leak.  f them. 

sucks trev.  post some naked pics of michelle to make kim feel better. 

welcome scott!  

i sent them already to Kim last night. You think michelle was crazy riding the bull in vegas. that was nothing!!

2012-04-04 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Great picture Jayne, look at the high heel kick.  

Forgot to post my photo - better do it quick before John digs up an embarrassing one!

Editted for the record: I only have ONE watch on!!!

Edited by tahrens 2012-04-04 1:34 PM

(t on run.jpg)

t on run.jpg (23KB - 18 downloads)
2012-04-04 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

This is a friend of mine...


she wears 2 watches


Edited by TrevorC 2012-04-04 2:01 PM

2012-04-04 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
I'd hit it.
2012-04-04 2:19 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Name: Linda (Terps)

Family: Married to Paul and we have 2 teen daughters.

Training: 2011 was tough due to illness and injury but I'm slowly ramping up my training and looking forward to a fun year. I started out as a runner and that is my passion but I love to cycle and OWS too.

2012 Races: 10 miler, 2 x 1/2 marathons, sprint tri and oly tri, 2 full marathons (Steamtown) in the fall. 20 week plan starts in early May. My goal is to stay healthy and if that means cut back I will.

This is a great MG to associate with and I think there is a lot of coaching pointers and valuble experience to share.

2012-04-04 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4129941

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
STut - 2012-04-04 10:55 AM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-04 10:19 AM

christina next time just stop, stand up and inform them that you are now taking a leak.  f them. 

sucks trev.  post some naked pics of michelle to make kim feel better. 

welcome scott!  

Thanks fat or is that Mr. fat?


That's Mr. Tom to you!  Welcome, Scott!  (and Justin--anyone who uses the term ninny is a friend of mine!)

Sorry guys, I have been a little bit MIA, been busy checking out Trevor's email.  Oh, and today....drum roll..... I RAN!!!  just a little bit, but I did run/walk for the first time since the duathlon.  Foot did well and we're going to keep it super light for awhile.  Heel pain, BE Gone!

I sure have missed it.  Do I need to post a bio or can we just intro? Hey, I'm Kim!  Not Birdy's Kim, the other one.  Maybe I can do Kyla's and she can do mine? 

I do love the pic of Tracy with two watches.  Awesome! 

2012-04-04 3:03 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

NAME:  David

STORY:  Athletic in high school, ran XC in college, then quit running and got fat.  After twenty years and several attempts, I finally kicked the couch potato status last January.  I started and finished a C25K program, bought a bike, found a pool and joined this MG (not necessarily in that order). 

FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years this month.  I have an awesome 9 month-old son named Tommy and a slightly less awesome 13 year-old cat named Tiger.

CURRENT TRAINING: Pretty much doing my own thing right now and enjoying it.  I’ll get back on a set plan sometime this summer.

2011  RACES:  A sprint, a couple of 5K’s and the Warrior Dash.

2012 RACES:  Two or three sprints, an Oly or two and road races of varying distances leading up to a HM in November.  The current (but ever-shifting) list is in my training blog.

WEIGHTLOSS: Between 25-30 pounds (depending on the day) since November, but I have hit a frustrating plateau since early March.    

GOALS:  Remain injury-free.  Build endurance.  Get faster.  HM this year; HIM next year.  Oh yeah ... and run a sub-30 min 5K.  This year.


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