BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL Rss Feed  
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2012-09-01 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Quick check in, race done and I did a bit better on the bike then last race. 4th in the Old Clyde division, so I can't complain. We are in Orlando moving stuff back to the house for the youngest daughter.

2012-09-01 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4391570

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-09-01 7:38 PM Quick check in, race done and I did a bit better on the bike then last race. 4th in the Old Clyde division, so I can't complain. We are in Orlando moving stuff back to the house for the youngest daughter.

Way to go Chris!

2012-09-01 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4391358

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-09-02 4:32 AM



Aya - 2012-09-01 10:41 AM

KansasMom - 2012-09-01 12:24 PM

Okay. I actually have a training question if someone would be so kind . . .

I have only 35 minutes to swim during two of my weekly workouts. This week, I swam 12-15 minutes as a warm up and then spent the rest of the time on one arm drills.

I am wondering if I should use the drills as warm up and then do my swim as 100s.

What do you all think?

With only 35 minutes, I'd do the whole thing as 100s (or 50s, or 200s, or 150s, or some combo thereof), do the first couple few easy and really try to hit the rest at the highest repeatable pace you can with 5-15s rest in between, depending on distance. Use the last 100 or 200 (however it's broken up) as cool-down.

Save drilling and technique refinements for when you've got a bigger block of time to mess around with.

Ok. That makes sense. I am just worried about reinforcing bad form. I may be able to get an hour in on Sunday afternoons. Could I drill then? After a warm up or as a warm up? I guess what I'm asking is are drills the main set when you do them or do they function as something else? Sorry for the hairbrain questions.

Drills are better to do in warmup (really, just one or two drills that complement one another) so you can focus on maintaining their aim in the main set.

The only way I'd do drills in a main set is (carefully chosen drills, again complementary ones) let's say for you, 25 drill, 50 or 75 swim, fairly hard, focusing on implementing that drill. Next drill, 25/75 again. 3rd drill, 25/75. Finally, 100 trying to implement as good form as possible but still at a high swim effort.

Don't worry about ingraining bad form. You can always change it later. All swim time is valuable even if you're doggypaddling. You're building swim-specific strength and endurance that you will need anyway in order to truly implement good form and drills; and you're developing water-feel, that nebulous but oh-so-critical swim skill.

2012-09-01 10:43 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

And ... just for a special Caturday ...

Can't just be me who loves that movie and worships that iconic scene specifically ...

2012-09-01 10:48 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Nice job, Chris!  Hope your DD is doing ok.
2012-09-01 10:56 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Hey y'all, if you have a minute, shoot Erica (ebshot) a PM.  As you know, her son has been in hospital and she could use the support.  Let's let her know she's got a whole pod behind her.

2012-09-01 10:58 PM
in reply to: #4391138

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
amd723 - 2012-09-01 8:42 AM

Tripopo - 2012-08-31 6:14 PM Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

Hope being able to run means that you do not have mono as originally thought.

I recently finished an 8 mile run and 2500 yd swim.  I am now sitting on the couch watching Notre Dame crush Navy .  GO IRISH!!!!!  The game  is being played in Dublin and the weather is perfect.  I'm a little bitter about that since the weather during my recent trip there was rain with intermittent rain.

Tomorrow i have a brick w/o consisting of a 4 hr bike and 30 minute run.  I'm tired just typing it.

Whoo, nice run and swim!  That brick tomorrow sounds, ummmmmm, hard.  Go get it!

2012-09-01 11:00 PM
in reply to: #4391451

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
jobaxas - 2012-09-01 3:44 PM

my first Ironman dream!

So for this dream - guy I work with (Dene) was friends with the race director from the states and he told him I was doing IM and how slow I am and the RD said - she's not good enough we're giving her a lifetime ban she can't enter.  I was devastated!  I even left my bike at my friends and said you may as well have it.

WTF - dream come true if that were to happen I wouldn't be devastated I'd be elated!

Then I dreamt I was doing a Tri swim and the water was the colour of tea and your arms touched the debris and garbage at the bottom of the lake every timeyou took a stroke I ended up doing breaststroke!

Family seem better this morning - Artemis has lost 7lbs so is now a chunky 43lbs - can see every rib!  mmmm maybe I could catch this!  She had breakfast today 2 Graham Crackers (for my UK people that's cream crackers) with jam.  She's not allowed butter yet.  I will keep her off school Monday because she's too weak to do a whole day really.  As soon as she can eat and poop normally she can go back!

Father's Day here in Oz - poor Fotis still not great but feels slightly better.  As a good wife and mother I'm off out for breakfast with my girlfriend.  We go to a great cafe on the beach (the IM marathon runs through this part of town) - cafe is owned by Hugh Jackman's sister in law....He was over last week having breakfast there!  He really is very tall.


Poor Artemis, 7lbs!!  That's like 15% of her body weight!  Glad to hear she is eating today, even if it's just a little.  Happy Dad's day to Fotis!

2012-09-01 11:01 PM
in reply to: #4391127

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-01 8:33 AM

Tripopo - 2012-09-01 7:14 AM Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

Wait, you have MONO and you ran??? Am I missing something? Are you okay?

I am sick as an inbred dog ... so sick I could barely get to the doc. Blech. But I DID go, and I DIDN'T work out at all or even do anything at all today, good inbred dog, have a Milky Way mini.

And what did the doctor say?  Glad to hear chocolate is part of the recovery plan!! 

2012-09-01 11:04 PM
in reply to: #4391570

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-09-02 8:38 AM Quick check in, race done and I did a bit better on the bike then last race. 4th in the Old Clyde division, so I can't complain. We are in Orlando moving stuff back to the house for the youngest daughter.


I often still pray for you and yours. Hope all goes smoothly.

2012-09-01 11:12 PM
in reply to: #4391749

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
bcraht - 2012-09-02 12:01 PM
TriAya - 2012-09-01 8:33 AM

Tripopo - 2012-09-01 7:14 AM Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

Wait, you have MONO and you ran??? Am I missing something? Are you okay?

I am sick as an inbred dog ... so sick I could barely get to the doc. Blech. But I DID go, and I DIDN'T work out at all or even do anything at all today, good inbred dog, have a Milky Way mini.

And what did the doctor say?  Glad to hear chocolate is part of the recovery plan!! 

I firmly believe that chocolate and Pop Tarts are an essential component of any health or recovery plan.

As for what the doc said ... let's just say I didn't even bring "back to training" up; I think he would have hit me over the head with his otoscope.

Sinus infection, throat infection, ear infection, lotsa pain from those and also in head and joints (normal when I have a fever). Lungs are clear. Still have fever today but the anti-inflams, steroids, and a drop of codeine are doing wonders for the rest of it. Antibiotics should kick in soon. Lord knows it could be viral, but after almost two weeks of this crap it's time to try something different. (Two weeks and overall getting worse not better) In any case high WBC doesn't look good. Nor do the horrifyingly but intriguingly multicolored chunks coming out of my face. Glurg ...

2012-09-01 11:13 PM
in reply to: #4391749

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
DP. Not the good kind.

Edited by TriAya 2012-09-01 11:15 PM
2012-09-02 12:03 AM
in reply to: #4391756

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-01 9:12 PM

And what did the doctor say?  Glad to hear chocolate is part of the recovery plan!! 


I firmly believe that chocolate and Pop Tarts are an essential component of any health or recovery plan.

As for what the doc said ... let's just say I didn't even bring "back to training" up; I think he would have hit me over the head with his otoscope.

Sinus infection, throat infection, ear infection, lotsa pain from those and also in head and joints (normal when I have a fever). Lungs are clear. Still have fever today but the anti-inflams, steroids, and a drop of codeine are doing wonders for the rest of it. Antibiotics should kick in soon. Lord knows it could be viral, but after almost two weeks of this crap it's time to try something different. (Two weeks and overall getting worse not better) In any case high WBC doesn't look good. Nor do the horrifyingly but intriguingly multicolored chunks coming out of my face. Glurg ...

Oh dear ... yeah, I would think that if it were viral you would be on the upswing by now.  Yeaaaaaaaaah antibiotics!  (Please note that after the grammar thread, my ellipsis has a space before and after Wink)

2012-09-02 12:18 AM
in reply to: #4391775

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
bcraht - 2012-09-02 1:03 PM
TriAya - 2012-09-01 9:12 PM

And what did the doctor say?  Glad to hear chocolate is part of the recovery plan!! 


I firmly believe that chocolate and Pop Tarts are an essential component of any health or recovery plan.

As for what the doc said ... let's just say I didn't even bring "back to training" up; I think he would have hit me over the head with his otoscope.

Sinus infection, throat infection, ear infection, lotsa pain from those and also in head and joints (normal when I have a fever). Lungs are clear. Still have fever today but the anti-inflams, steroids, and a drop of codeine are doing wonders for the rest of it. Antibiotics should kick in soon. Lord knows it could be viral, but after almost two weeks of this crap it's time to try something different. (Two weeks and overall getting worse not better) In any case high WBC doesn't look good. Nor do the horrifyingly but intriguingly multicolored chunks coming out of my face. Glurg ...

Oh dear ... yeah, I would think that if it were viral you would be on the upswing by now.  Yeaaaaaaaaah antibiotics!  (Please note that after the grammar thread, my ellipsis has a space before and after Wink)

You are nothing if not highly observant and intelligent.

2012-09-02 1:40 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Well I have learnt a valuable lesson - if I don't get up and out of the house or on the wind trainer by 6am, it doesn't happen.  Today it hasn't happened and it isn't going to either.  So there.

Just got back from the park - Artemis has a bit of colour in her cheeks - looking forward to her gourmet dinner of pasta.  that's it!  One day I am going to decide to follow her diet for a week, plus the amount of activity she doesn - I reckon I'll drop 14lbs!

Spring is here,it's 19 degrees today, 66 for you guys.  The magpies are attacking cyclists!  I have some great allergies starting up!  Love it!  Soon be getting tanned.

2012-09-02 2:54 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
SmileSmileSmileSmile a healthy child - she's soooo hungry!  So back to school tomorrow, good didn't really want the day off to be honest.  I shall run in the sunshine at lunchtime and squad in the evening.  DH seems better too, he's been working in the yard all afternoon.  Yay!

2012-09-02 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4391570

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-09-01 8:38 PM Quick check in, race done and I did a bit better on the bike then last race. 4th in the Old Clyde division, so I can't complain. We are in Orlando moving stuff back to the house for the youngest daughter.

Great job, Chris!  Looking forward to hearing more race details as time permits.  Safe travels moving your daughter.

2012-09-02 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4391570

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-09-01 7:38 PM Quick check in, race done and I did a bit better on the bike then last race. 4th in the Old Clyde division, so I can't complain. We are in Orlando moving stuff back to the house for the youngest daughter.



2012-09-02 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4391798

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

jobaxas - 2012-09-02 1:54 AM SmileSmileSmileSmile a healthy child - she's soooo hungry!  So back to school tomorrow, good didn't really want the day off to be honest.  I shall run in the sunshine at lunchtime and squad in the evening.  DH seems better too, he's been working in the yard all afternoon.  Yay!

So glad she is doing better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got some killer blisters from my run this morning.  WTH?! Same route, same shoes & socks as I always use for my long run.  Maybe the shoes are wearing out? I checked the log and they have about 300 miles on them. They don't look like the tread is wearing but the top and sides seem a bit ... tired.

Hmpf.  Not really in the mood for shopping for new running shoes. Of course everyone is doing their Labor Day sales ... Hmpf

2012-09-02 12:54 PM
in reply to: #4392101

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
rrrunner - 2012-09-03 1:51 AM

jobaxas - 2012-09-02 1:54 AM SmileSmileSmileSmile a healthy child - she's soooo hungry!  So back to school tomorrow, good didn't really want the day off to be honest.  I shall run in the sunshine at lunchtime and squad in the evening.  DH seems better too, he's been working in the yard all afternoon.  Yay!

So glad she is doing better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got some killer blisters from my run this morning.  WTH?! Same route, same shoes & socks as I always use for my long run.  Maybe the shoes are wearing out? I checked the log and they have about 300 miles on them. They don't look like the tread is wearing but the top and sides seem a bit ... tired.

Hmpf.  Not really in the mood for shopping for new running shoes. Of course everyone is doing their Labor Day sales ... Hmpf


Also, from now on, just as a preventive measure ... lube. I mean, you'll want to moleskin the blisters for runs until they heal anyway, but still.

2012-09-02 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4391798

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

jobaxas - 2012-09-02 12:54 AM SmileSmileSmileSmile a healthy child - she's soooo hungry!  So back to school tomorrow, good didn't really want the day off to be honest.  I shall run in the sunshine at lunchtime and squad in the evening.  DH seems better too, he's been working in the yard all afternoon.  Yay!

Yay!  Glad to hear everyone is feeling better.

2012-09-02 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4392101

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
rrrunner - 2012-09-02 10:51 AM

jobaxas - 2012-09-02 1:54 AM SmileSmileSmileSmile a healthy child - she's soooo hungry!  So back to school tomorrow, good didn't really want the day off to be honest.  I shall run in the sunshine at lunchtime and squad in the evening.  DH seems better too, he's been working in the yard all afternoon.  Yay!

So glad she is doing better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got some killer blisters from my run this morning.  WTH?! Same route, same shoes & socks as I always use for my long run.  Maybe the shoes are wearing out? I checked the log and they have about 300 miles on them. They don't look like the tread is wearing but the top and sides seem a bit ... tired.

Hmpf.  Not really in the mood for shopping for new running shoes. Of course everyone is doing their Labor Day sales ... Hmpf

Sorry about your blisters ... I feel your pain.  I have some pretty good ones right now too.  Didn't feel great on my long run this AM!  You don't like shoe shopping?  Or just not when the store are mayhem?  I love new shoes.  I just wish my style came in another colour than bright freakin' white.  I got a pair a few years ago that were grey.  Now THAT is a smart shoe colour. 

2012-09-02 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
I don't mind shopping.
Shopping for running shoes is more stressful. I have a half dozen pair that don't get much use because they make my feet hurt or give me blisters. I worry about getting yet another pair that seems great at the store but doesn't pan out. My current pair are zoots from REI.
2012-09-02 2:54 PM
in reply to: #4392200

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

rrrunner - 2012-09-02 12:44 PM I don't mind shopping.
Shopping for running shoes is more stressful. I have a half dozen pair that don't get much use because they make my feet hurt or give me blisters. I worry about getting yet another pair that seems great at the store but doesn't pan out. My current pair are zoots from REI.

Should be able to return if they don't work?  Recently I decided to try a new style.  Ran about 45km (less than 2 weeks) before deciding they weren't working.  Took them back.  AS long as they are clean, and can be resold, it's not a problem.  Another store I go to has a 30 day policy (again, clean and resellable).  I hate the treadmill, so I just try to run on pavement rather than dirt paths for those first couple of weeks (and nice weather!).  Check the return policy at your store.

2012-09-02 6:17 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

CoolCoolCoolCoolWell four good smily faces and the sun's out here so they have to wear shades!  Artemis is on the mend - gone to school looking a bit skinny but otherwise fine!  Fotis seems better.  I am feeling good.

In this beautiful 70 degree weather I shall run around 11am going to do 5 laps of the park for a change 7km.  Am quite excited.  Swim squad tonight.

Training plans for the week

Mon - 7km run, 3.5km swim
Tues - 60 mins drainer
Weds - 30mins drainer, 30 mins run
Thurs - 45mins drainer, 3km swim
Friday - long run
Saturday - 3km swim
Sunday - long ride

Lots of T.I.T.S

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL Rss Feed  
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