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2012-10-03 11:15 PM
in reply to: #4440016

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
tri42 - 2012-10-03 11:09 PM
Left Brain - 2012-10-04 12:07 AM
crusevegas - 2012-10-03 10:57 PM

Left Brain - 2012-10-03 8:54 PM I felt embarrassed for the President.....that was an arse kicking of the highest magnitude.  You've been the President of the United States for 4 years and THAT'S all the game you've got??  Wow.

In fairness it's only because Mitt lied and Obama is too much of a gentleman to after the jugular. I know this to be true because I heard it on MSNBC, not that Faux news station that is just a mouth piece for the Republicans.

Yep, that's what it was. Laughing



In all honesty.....I was shocked at how poorly Obama did.  I think it's fair to say that even he didn't believe how bad he was getting beat up.  That was just a good old fashion arse whipping administered by Romney.

2012-10-03 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4440023

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
Left Brain - 2012-10-03 10:15 PM
tri42 - 2012-10-03 11:09 PM
Left Brain - 2012-10-04 12:07 AM
crusevegas - 2012-10-03 10:57 PM

Left Brain - 2012-10-03 8:54 PM I felt embarrassed for the President.....that was an arse kicking of the highest magnitude.  You've been the President of the United States for 4 years and THAT'S all the game you've got??  Wow.

In fairness it's only because Mitt lied and Obama is too much of a gentleman to after the jugular. I know this to be true because I heard it on MSNBC, not that Faux news station that is just a mouth piece for the Republicans.

Yep, that's what it was. Laughing



In all honesty.....I was shocked at how poorly Obama did.  I think it's fair to say that even he didn't believe how bad he was getting beat up.  That was just a good old fashion arse whipping administered by Romney.

Just wait till Paul Ryan and Joe Biden get together.  If I recall the debate between Sarah Palin and Biden was a draw, and Palin was/is a nimwit.

2012-10-03 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4438403

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

Calling Palin a nitwit is giving her ALOT of credit. Laughing

I may not even watch Ryan/Biden......It'll be like watching someone beat a dog.

2012-10-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

This is what I thought while watching the debate, courtesy of bloomberg


Whenever the president discussed an aspect of his policies that was popular, Romney said he supported that, too. Romney said he likes the good parts of Obamacare and the good parts of Dodd-Frank. Whenever Obama raised a negative aspect of Romney’s tax plan, Romney simply insisted that his plan just isn’t so.

It made Romney sound like he was the better debater, but to me, it just showed that this election isn't a choice.

2012-10-04 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Extreme Veteran
Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

for kicks last night after the debate, I channel surfed between NBC, Fox News, CNN and CNBC.  I really wanted to get a flavor of the bias and partisanship that is so pervasive in our media.  It's really shameful.  The sad reality is that so many folks will only watch their preferred channel and take the comments that are shared there as the gospel truth. 

I was an electronic media major in college - and was taught that any reporting should be bias free.  "Just the facts, m'am."  I wonder if that concept is a pipe dream - maybe there's always been bias in media and I'm just now more aware of it because I'm paying attention and looking for it.

Either way, in my opinion the vitriol and partisanship belongs at an individual level...and not in the media.  But then again, without all that many of our media outlets wouldn't be in business any longer.

2012-10-04 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4440273

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
JoshR - 2012-10-04 9:27 AM

This is what I thought while watching the debate, courtesy of bloomberg


Whenever the president discussed an aspect of his policies that was popular, Romney said he supported that, too. Romney said he likes the good parts of Obamacare and the good parts of Dodd-Frank. Whenever Obama raised a negative aspect of Romney’s tax plan, Romney simply insisted that his plan just isn’t so.

It made Romney sound like he was the better debater, but to me, it just showed that this election isn't a choice.

I think it is a choice.  You have a social-programs-focused community-organizer lawyer/professor type versus a businessman. 

I've been around politicians and I've been around execs who make more than Mitt Romney.  The Execs are far more likely to adapt to what works and what doesn't.  True politicians are just worried about votes. 

I think one thing that is pretty telling is when Mitt Romney hammers the Renewable Industry.  That's not a popular thing in Iowa (huge factories for GE wind, lots of landowners have wind farms), Colorado (Vestas has a huge factory there), Arizona (big solar companies, more solar jobs than copper jobs in the "Copper State").  He doesn't do so because he hates the environment, he does so because he sees money going out the door that doesn't come-back in as revenue. 

I personally think the Production Tax Credit for Wind has been shown to return every dollar to the treasury, but it does so by taking money from urban areas and "redistributing" it to rural areas where the projects are located.  If he loses the election by a handful of votes, Iowa (6) and Colorado (9) it will be because he didn't pander to the special interest groups in those swing states.

Gary Johnson's problem is that he makes statements that eliminate huge constituencies in every state...


2012-10-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.
2012-10-04 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

For the life of me I can't comprehend the pass Obama gets by his supporters or the press.

Romney... If we have to borrow from China to pay for it I'm going to cut it...

Obama... I inherited a problem that was caused by two wars being charged on that credit card... which you then picked up and continued to use FOR THE SAME THING AND SAME TACTICS! And continue using today!!!

There were some unhappy people for Bush's second term. Dems got control. Bush decided to give everyone the middle finger and ordered the surge. (which I acknowledge did work) Obama was going to end both wars. Bush ended Iraq by setting a time table before he left office. Obama DOUBLEDDOWN... increased troops in Afghanistan... there is currently more there now than when he took office... yet he gets a pass for doing the exact same thing he railed against for two years. He didn't end the wars, he didn't fund the wars.... yet he gets full credit for "ending" both.

Another supporter of Obama was going down the list of his accomplishments.... killing OBL and DECIMATING Alqeda! WOW!

2012-10-04 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4440326

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 9:51 AM The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.

So the Obama supporters have tried "Romney lied about the $5T..." Every fact check shows that "no, he didn't.  He has $5T in cuts offset by removing loopholes."

So now, they try to throw Jim Lehrer under the bus.  What was he supposed to do?  Stop Obama from rambling-on for over 4 extra minutes and looking outclassed?

2012-10-04 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4440302

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 7:43 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-04 9:27 AM

This is what I thought while watching the debate, courtesy of bloomberg


Whenever the president discussed an aspect of his policies that was popular, Romney said he supported that, too. Romney said he likes the good parts of Obamacare and the good parts of Dodd-Frank. Whenever Obama raised a negative aspect of Romney’s tax plan, Romney simply insisted that his plan just isn’t so.

It made Romney sound like he was the better debater, but to me, it just showed that this election isn't a choice.

I think it is a choice.  You have a social-programs-focused community-organizer lawyer/professor type versus a businessman. 

I've been around politicians and I've been around execs who make more than Mitt Romney.  The Execs are far more likely to adapt to what works and what doesn't.  True politicians are just worried about votes. 

I think one thing that is pretty telling is when Mitt Romney hammers the Renewable Industry.  That's not a popular thing in Iowa (huge factories for GE wind, lots of landowners have wind farms), Colorado (Vestas has a huge factory there), Arizona (big solar companies, more solar jobs than copper jobs in the "Copper State").  He doesn't do so because he hates the environment, he does so because he sees money going out the door that doesn't come-back in as revenue. 

I personally think the Production Tax Credit for Wind has been shown to return every dollar to the treasury, but it does so by taking money from urban areas and "redistributing" it to rural areas where the projects are located.  If he loses the election by a handful of votes, Iowa (6) and Colorado (9) it will be because he didn't pander to the special interest groups in those swing states.

Gary Johnson's problem is that he makes statements that eliminate huge constituencies in every state...


But it's not a choice. Both guys want to run the debt up. Both guys will be beholden to their own special interests. Both guys support the continued expansion of the governmental powers to spy/indefinitely detain Americans (NDAA). I wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up invading Iran at some point in the next 4 years, despite the claims from our own intel that Iran isn't close to a nuke. Neither candidate will do anything to fix Wall Street. 

If Obama wins, he probably won't be able to do anything that he plans, because it's not likely Dems will have the house and senate. If Romney wins he might be able to do what he says if reps get the house and senate. I'd still be willing to lay down a lot of money that almost nothing that Romney has said he will do, will get done (but he hasn't even really said anything that he would do).


That's why there's no choice.

2012-10-04 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4440358

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

JoshR - 2012-10-04 10:10 AM

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up invading Iran at some point in the next 4 years, despite the claims from our own intel that Iran isn't close to a nuke. Neither candidate will do anything to fix Wall Street. 

I can't disagree with most of what you said, but I really cringe seeing this.

What intel report are you seeing that Iran isn't close?  I fought in and lost friends in Iraq over a hunch that Saddam had WMD (he did have enough chemical weapons to kill a bunch of folks if set-off in a major city, I know, I inventoried it) so I don't want to see us invade Iran or any other country because life is too precious for it. 

However, if Iran gets a nuke, that'll destabilize that whole region even further.  Shia (Iranians) hate Sunnis and Israel.  Sunnis (Saudi, west Iraq, Syria, Egypt) hate Shia and Israel.  One gets a nuke, either we just arm the other two or one will take a dominant position over the others. 

I'm hoping that the Mossad is keeping close tabs on Iran and will let Netan-yahoo know when to launch the jets.  If you start seeing major mobilization of the IDF to secure the border areas, keep an eye out for the mushroom cloud over Bushehr.


2012-10-04 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4440357

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 10:09 AM

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 9:51 AM The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.

So the Obama supporters have tried "Romney lied about the $5T..." Every fact check shows that "no, he didn't.  He has $5T in cuts offset by removing loopholes."

So now, they try to throw Jim Lehrer under the bus.  What was he supposed to do?  Stop Obama from rambling-on for over 4 extra minutes and looking outclassed?

Ok, I'll bite since you quoted me... which loopholes exactly? I don't recall any specificity around that so it's just lip service right now, like every politician.

On Lehrer, I saw a moderator who did not have command of the forum. Period.

2012-10-04 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
2012-10-04 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

My favorite quote from the night came from Dennis Miller,

"Obama better hope that a "kicked " is covered under Obamacare".

The one thing I didn't like about the debate was the way the president continually looked away from Romney while he was talking when Romney was clearly talking directly to him.  That just made him look smug and rude.  Maybe this has nothing to do with the debate, but it just solidifies my feelings that he is arrogant and believes all who disagree with him are just stupid.

2012-10-04 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4440392

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 8:27 AM

JoshR - 2012-10-04 10:10 AM

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up invading Iran at some point in the next 4 years, despite the claims from our own intel that Iran isn't close to a nuke. Neither candidate will do anything to fix Wall Street. 

I can't disagree with most of what you said, but I really cringe seeing this.

What intel report are you seeing that Iran isn't close?  I fought in and lost friends in Iraq over a hunch that Saddam had WMD (he did have enough chemical weapons to kill a bunch of folks if set-off in a major city, I know, I inventoried it) so I don't want to see us invade Iran or any other country because life is too precious for it. 

However, if Iran gets a nuke, that'll destabilize that whole region even further.  Shia (Iranians) hate Sunnis and Israel.  Sunnis (Saudi, west Iraq, Syria, Egypt) hate Shia and Israel.  One gets a nuke, either we just arm the other two or one will take a dominant position over the others. 

I'm hoping that the Mossad is keeping close tabs on Iran and will let Netan-yahoo know when to launch the jets.  If you start seeing major mobilization of the IDF to secure the border areas, keep an eye out for the mushroom cloud over Bushehr.



Here are a few items.




2012-10-04 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4440393

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 7:28 AM
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 10:09 AM

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 9:51 AM The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.

So the Obama supporters have tried "Romney lied about the $5T..." Every fact check shows that "no, he didn't.  He has $5T in cuts offset by removing loopholes."

So now, they try to throw Jim Lehrer under the bus.  What was he supposed to do?  Stop Obama from rambling-on for over 4 extra minutes and looking outclassed?

Ok, I'll bite since you quoted me... which loopholes exactly? I don't recall any specificity around that so it's just lip service right now, like every politician.

On Lehrer, I saw a moderator who did not have command of the forum. Period.

X2 on Lehrer, he was a joke.  I still think during debates the moderator should have control over the candidates microphones.  Time is up, you are on mute!

2012-10-04 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4440410

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

jasonatkins - 2012-10-04 10:33 AM  I still think during debates the moderator should have control over the candidates microphones.  Time is up, you are on mute!

Not only time is up, but off topic/non-responsive - mic off. 



2012-10-04 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4440393

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 10:28 AM
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 10:09 AM

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 9:51 AM The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.

So the Obama supporters have tried "Romney lied about the $5T..." Every fact check shows that "no, he didn't.  He has $5T in cuts offset by removing loopholes."

So now, they try to throw Jim Lehrer under the bus.  What was he supposed to do?  Stop Obama from rambling-on for over 4 extra minutes and looking outclassed?

Ok, I'll bite since you quoted me... which loopholes exactly? I don't recall any specificity around that so it's just lip service right now, like every politician.

On Lehrer, I saw a moderator who did not have command of the forum. Period.

He came-out with his "deduction buckets" approach.  Where you get $X for each bracket that you can deduct from your taxes.  If you cap the deductions for the top earners, they're less able to shield their money or make money on losses that aren't really losses.  It only came-out two days ago.

Now your turn, what are the specifics of Obama's plan? Rich people need to pay 50%+ of their income in taxes?

I'm all for them having a little more authority to cut-off a mike.  If Lehrer cut off the mike, it would've been Obama that got cut-off most of the time. 

2012-10-04 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4440392

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 8:27 AM

JoshR - 2012-10-04 10:10 AM

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up invading Iran at some point in the next 4 years, despite the claims from our own intel that Iran isn't close to a nuke. Neither candidate will do anything to fix Wall Street. 

I can't disagree with most of what you said, but I really cringe seeing this.

What intel report are you seeing that Iran isn't close?  I fought in and lost friends in Iraq over a hunch that Saddam had WMD (he did have enough chemical weapons to kill a bunch of folks if set-off in a major city, I know, I inventoried it) so I don't want to see us invade Iran or any other country because life is too precious for it. 

However, if Iran gets a nuke, that'll destabilize that whole region even further.  Shia (Iranians) hate Sunnis and Israel.  Sunnis (Saudi, west Iraq, Syria, Egypt) hate Shia and Israel.  One gets a nuke, either we just arm the other two or one will take a dominant position over the others. 

I'm hoping that the Mossad is keeping close tabs on Iran and will let Netan-yahoo know when to launch the jets.  If you start seeing major mobilization of the IDF to secure the border areas, keep an eye out for the mushroom cloud over Bushehr.


Iran having a nuke has ZERO military value. Yes, maybe just one day someone is crazy enough to launch it for giggles... and he accomplishes turning his own country into a parking lot within 30 minutes.

The only value Iran gets from having one is bargaining power... and the only proof you need of that is the fact that we are even paying attention to the idiots when we just think it's possible. They are getting the only thing they want, attention at the table.

Israel can talk all they want, producing a mushroom cloud over Iran assure the equivalent of WWIII in the ME.

We do indeed have the authority to bomb their facilities from the non-proliferation treaty they would be violating if indeed they were trying to build a bomb. So far I have not seen the genuine effort to produce one... other than enrichment facilities.

2012-10-04 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4440410

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
jasonatkins - 2012-10-04 9:33 AM
mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 7:28 AM
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 10:09 AM

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 9:51 AM The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.

So the Obama supporters have tried "Romney lied about the $5T..." Every fact check shows that "no, he didn't.  He has $5T in cuts offset by removing loopholes."

So now, they try to throw Jim Lehrer under the bus.  What was he supposed to do?  Stop Obama from rambling-on for over 4 extra minutes and looking outclassed?

Ok, I'll bite since you quoted me... which loopholes exactly? I don't recall any specificity around that so it's just lip service right now, like every politician.

On Lehrer, I saw a moderator who did not have command of the forum. Period.

X2 on Lehrer, he was a joke.  I still think during debates the moderator should have control over the candidates microphones.  Time is up, you are on mute!

I agree he didn't have control of the forum at all, but I have to admit I think it made the debate more enjoyable.  Usually the stiffs just take turns yapping talking points, but there were a few points where they were going back and forth at each other.  That's a debate.

I also don't think there was any advantage gained by Romney as many are accusing.  Obama actually ended up with 4 or 5 more minutes of talk time.  Maybe the fact that Romney was able to instantly refute a couple Obama lies that made the media upset.

2012-10-04 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4440420

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 10:37 AM
mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 10:28 AM
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 10:09 AM

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 9:51 AM The few minutes I watched both guys were lame, but Lehrer was worse.

So the Obama supporters have tried "Romney lied about the $5T..." Every fact check shows that "no, he didn't.  He has $5T in cuts offset by removing loopholes."

So now, they try to throw Jim Lehrer under the bus.  What was he supposed to do?  Stop Obama from rambling-on for over 4 extra minutes and looking outclassed?

Ok, I'll bite since you quoted me... which loopholes exactly? I don't recall any specificity around that so it's just lip service right now, like every politician.

On Lehrer, I saw a moderator who did not have command of the forum. Period.

He came-out with his "deduction buckets" approach.  Where you get $X for each bracket that you can deduct from your taxes.  If you cap the deductions for the top earners, they're less able to shield their money or make money on losses that aren't really losses.  It only came-out two days ago.

Now your turn, what are the specifics of Obama's plan? Rich people need to pay 50%+ of their income in taxes?

I'm all for them having a little more authority to cut-off a mike.  If Lehrer cut off the mike, it would've been Obama that got cut-off most of the time. 

Dude, neither guy is being specific, but you quoted me and brought  up the "tax loophole" thing which I just happen to have heard about this morning when NPR had a Fact Checker round table of sorts.

Frankly, I don't see how anybody can be excited about either one of these guys. It's like being on an airplane when they used to serve food and being offered your choice of two crappy meals. Sure, you're gonna pick one or go hungry, but does anybody get jazzed up about commercial airline food?

Edited by mrbbrad 2012-10-04 9:52 AM

2012-10-04 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4440425

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
powerman - 2012-10-04 10:40 AM
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 8:27 AM

JoshR - 2012-10-04 10:10 AM

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up invading Iran at some point in the next 4 years, despite the claims from our own intel that Iran isn't close to a nuke. Neither candidate will do anything to fix Wall Street. 

I can't disagree with most of what you said, but I really cringe seeing this.

What intel report are you seeing that Iran isn't close?  I fought in and lost friends in Iraq over a hunch that Saddam had WMD (he did have enough chemical weapons to kill a bunch of folks if set-off in a major city, I know, I inventoried it) so I don't want to see us invade Iran or any other country because life is too precious for it. 

However, if Iran gets a nuke, that'll destabilize that whole region even further.  Shia (Iranians) hate Sunnis and Israel.  Sunnis (Saudi, west Iraq, Syria, Egypt) hate Shia and Israel.  One gets a nuke, either we just arm the other two or one will take a dominant position over the others. 

I'm hoping that the Mossad is keeping close tabs on Iran and will let Netan-yahoo know when to launch the jets.  If you start seeing major mobilization of the IDF to secure the border areas, keep an eye out for the mushroom cloud over Bushehr.


Iran having a nuke has ZERO military value. Yes, maybe just one day someone is crazy enough to launch it for giggles... and he accomplishes turning his own country into a parking lot within 30 minutes.

The only value Iran gets from having one is bargaining power... and the only proof you need of that is the fact that we are even paying attention to the idiots when we just think it's possible. They are getting the only thing they want, attention at the table.

Israel can talk all they want, producing a mushroom cloud over Iran assure the equivalent of WWIII in the ME.

We do indeed have the authority to bomb their facilities from the non-proliferation treaty they would be violating if indeed they were trying to build a bomb. So far I have not seen the genuine effort to produce one... other than enrichment facilities.

The bargaining value is huge don't you think?

As for military value, I think it would just keep the iranians under the thumb even if they wanted to rise up and overthrow the regime.  Like you said, they'd self-nuke if they got really desperate and crazy...

World Wars never start as a huge action, they're always strange little things that result in over-reaction.  So yeah, maybe an attack on Bushehr when they're not actually weaponizing uranium, that could start it.

2012-10-04 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4440358

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
JoshR - 2012-10-04 8:10 AM
GomesBolt - 2012-10-04 7:43 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-04 9:27 AM

This is what I thought while watching the debate, courtesy of bloomberg


Whenever the president discussed an aspect of his policies that was popular, Romney said he supported that, too. Romney said he likes the good parts of Obamacare and the good parts of Dodd-Frank. Whenever Obama raised a negative aspect of Romney’s tax plan, Romney simply insisted that his plan just isn’t so.

It made Romney sound like he was the better debater, but to me, it just showed that this election isn't a choice.

I think it is a choice.  You have a social-programs-focused community-organizer lawyer/professor type versus a businessman. 

I've been around politicians and I've been around execs who make more than Mitt Romney.  The Execs are far more likely to adapt to what works and what doesn't.  True politicians are just worried about votes. 

I think one thing that is pretty telling is when Mitt Romney hammers the Renewable Industry.  That's not a popular thing in Iowa (huge factories for GE wind, lots of landowners have wind farms), Colorado (Vestas has a huge factory there), Arizona (big solar companies, more solar jobs than copper jobs in the "Copper State").  He doesn't do so because he hates the environment, he does so because he sees money going out the door that doesn't come-back in as revenue. 

I personally think the Production Tax Credit for Wind has been shown to return every dollar to the treasury, but it does so by taking money from urban areas and "redistributing" it to rural areas where the projects are located.  If he loses the election by a handful of votes, Iowa (6) and Colorado (9) it will be because he didn't pander to the special interest groups in those swing states.

Gary Johnson's problem is that he makes statements that eliminate huge constituencies in every state...


But it's not a choice. Both guys want to run the debt up. Both guys will be beholden to their own special interests. Both guys support the continued expansion of the governmental powers to spy/indefinitely detain Americans (NDAA). I wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up invading Iran at some point in the next 4 years, despite the claims from our own intel that Iran isn't close to a nuke. Neither candidate will do anything to fix Wall Street. 

If Obama wins, he probably won't be able to do anything that he plans, because it's not likely Dems will have the house and senate. If Romney wins he might be able to do what he says if reps get the house and senate. I'd still be willing to lay down a lot of money that almost nothing that Romney has said he will do, will get done (but he hasn't even really said anything that he would do).


That's why there's no choice.

I'm with you Josh. All we do is analyze the smoke and mirrors. All they do is throw out their tweaks to fix the problem and completely ignore the fact that to fix it will require a complete overhaul of our economy... and that will be painful to everyone, but we would come out of it stronger. Instead all we get is band aid promises so it can keep going.

It's like an abusive husband beating up his wife... he keeps promising flowers to fix it, but won't fix it... and the wife just keeps believing, because she has no other choice.

2012-10-04 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4440443

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

mrbbrad - 2012-10-04 10:49 AM

Sure, you're gonna pick one or go hungry, but does anybody get jazzed up about commercial airline food?

Good analogy.  But you have to agree You get p----d when someone else takes that last Chicken Pasta and leaves you with the vegetarian crappy cold thing...

I've seen some mad passengers when they don't get the omelette and I've similarly seen angry passengers when they get stuck with the omelette...

2012-10-04 9:58 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
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