BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-05-03 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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2013-05-03 5:21 PM
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2013-05-03 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4726620

Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

mcmanusclan5 - 2013-05-03 3:15 PM 

what is the balance of slow/tempo/track or interval work?  The intensity will affect how much volume you can add.

My intention while I am building my miles is to do no track or interval work.  I'd like to incorporate some hills maybe so that I'm not just running flat all the time and I intend to hopefully have one of my medium runs a tempo run.  But if that doesn't feel right I'll stick to slow full time in favor of hitting the mileage until I reach the mpw I am looking for.

2013-05-03 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4726635

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2013-05-03 5:31 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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2013-05-03 6:11 PM
in reply to: #4726598

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

jmholzman - 2013-05-03 11:57 AM Ok, so let's say I'm going to add a day to spread it out, my long run day will never get all that high, will it?  Let's say next week I go 4/2/4/2/6, then I work my way up to 6/3/6/3/9, then work to 7/3.5/7/3.5/10.5?  Is 10.5 a long enough long run?  That's 31.5 mpw.  When(/if) I make it to that point do I just keep that mileage but a few times before my race take the long run a little further?

Keep in mind that the 3-2-1 plan is a guideline.  I think it's an excellent plan to follow if you're a pure runner, or during the off season to do a run focus.  In regards to in season tri training for a specific event like a HIM, it does become more difficult to follow it to a T for the reasons you mentioned.  If you want to build up to a 14 mile long run for HIM training, then technically you would need to be running 40-45 mpw...which isn't realistic for most people.

I run 6x a week for the most part, and right now for HIM training my runs usually break down as 4, 4.5, 6, 4.5, 6, 13.5.  Doesn't exactly follow the 3-2-1 breakdown, but it would be too difficult for me to replace the 6 milers with 8-9 milers.

However, that doesn't take away from the part of the plan that indicates you don't need to, or shouldn't be increasing mileage each week.  And that you really don't need to incorporate speedwork until running your desired mileage becomes manageable for an extended period of time.

The reality is that 30-35 mpw is a lot for most people...especially those who split time swimming and biking.  The amount of time to safely work up to that distance is longer than most people think. 

2013-05-03 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4726545

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Fred D - 2013-05-03 4:29 PM
KateTri1 - 2013-05-03 4:46 PM

Jason: So then my question would be, how much and how often?

Currently, TR 2 times a week, and that is basically my interval training for now.

One longerish ride of 2 hours on weekends, on a somewhat hilly course. (I'm not sure if the hills help  with speed or not)

. Hills help you push harder which will help speed. That actually looks like a good plan of two trainer rides a week and one longer ride.

If for some reason the long ride (for example 3hr ride) is not going to happen cause of XYZ... do I just do the 1.5hr weekend ride, with the prescribed intensity, that is included in the TR program that I am using?  Do you think that is the best way? Or if necessary, move my long ride day to Sunday and long run on Saturday, the ole switch-er-ooo?  So long low-mid intensity vs. medium length mid-high intensity?

2013-05-03 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4726692

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-03 8:23 PM
Fred D - 2013-05-03 4:29 PM
KateTri1 - 2013-05-03 4:46 PM

Jason: So then my question would be, how much and how often?

Currently, TR 2 times a week, and that is basically my interval training for now.

One longerish ride of 2 hours on weekends, on a somewhat hilly course. (I'm not sure if the hills help  with speed or not)

. Hills help you push harder which will help speed. That actually looks like a good plan of two trainer rides a week and one longer ride.

If for some reason the long ride (for example 3hr ride) is not going to happen cause of XYZ... do I just do the 1.5hr weekend ride, with the prescribed intensity, that is included in the TR program that I am using?  Do you think that is the best way? Or if necessary, move my long ride day to Sunday and long run on Saturday, the ole switch-er-ooo?  So long low-mid intensity vs. medium length mid-high intensity?

For me, if the ole switch-er-ooo means I get both workouts in, that's what I'm doing.  If a 3 hour ride has to turn into a 1.5 hour ride, it will probably be at a higher intensity than the 3 hour ride would have been.

2013-05-03 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4726692

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-03 1:23 PM

If for some reason the long ride (for example 3hr ride) is not going to happen cause of XYZ... do I just do the 1.5hr weekend ride, with the prescribed intensity, that is included in the TR program that I am using?  Do you think that is the best way? Or if necessary, move my long ride day to Sunday and long run on Saturday, the ole switch-er-ooo?  So long low-mid intensity vs. medium length mid-high intensity?

For general training, I don't think you can go wrong either way.  Fitness is gained by increasing training stress.  And training stress is a factor of time and intensity.  Up the intensity, and you don't need to ride as long to get the same training stress.

For HIM training though, there is a specific purpose for the long ride which helps us determine proper pacing and nutrition.  If you've already got that dialed in, then I don't see a real big problem with doing the TR instead.  If you feel that you still need to work on your long ride pacing and nutrition practice, then the switch a roo might be the better idea.  Of course is also depends on some other small factors like what you have planned on Friday and Monday...but to a lesser extent.

I'm actually doing a switch this weekend.  We have a 40k team time trial race on Sunday that our club is hosting, so I'm switching my long run to Saturday and will ride the course twice on Sunday (once unofficially before the race starts as I got permission...perks of helping out with the race, and once again with a team).  The total distance with warm up will put me at around 60ish miles, which is about 12 miles less than what I would have normally done for my training, but the added intensity will more than make up for the difference in mileage.

2013-05-03 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
My name is Lynne and I would like to join! I'm training for my first HIM in July and would love a group focused on this distance. I can do a full bio later when i'm not on my iPad. i am really struggling with the winter that just won't quit in Wisconsin. Seriously, all i want to do is hibernate in my bed and eat everything in sight.
2013-05-03 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4726706

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2013-05-03 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4726699

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2013-05-03 7:16 PM
in reply to: #4726718

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fred D - 2013-05-03 2:08 PM Jason, time goals for the 40k?

I won't be fresh or tapered, but I'm treating the first solo run like a you know me...under an hour or bust. 

I don't think I've ever done a hard ride the day after a long I'm not quite sure how my legs will respond, but my two rides this week were solid, and I think I've got a fairly decent shot.

2013-05-03 7:22 PM
in reply to: #4726721

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2013-05-03 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4726632

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fred D - 2013-05-03 6:21 PM Here is a link:;search_string=b... (even if it's the site that shall not be named).

I agree with the speed work as "icing on the cake."  I didn't do much at all for my November HM, then added tempo and race pace runs, but not track, for my February HM.  For my recent 10k, I added in track workouts to the tempo and race pace runs (in addition to the long day a week as a 3/1 easy/race pace).

So, it took almost 6 months of run focus, on top of a good year of base, before I got back to track work. 

I certainly wouldn't recommend adding track work AND upping mileage - just was asking as if that was the plan, I'd have different (and blunt) advice.  Smile

I think the plan makes sense, and I get the 3:2:1 (was just tumbling to what it meant puzzling out the math in the proposed plan).  Haven't tried it, but it looks about right.

I'd just warn that you definitely need some down weeks every now and again (and I personally like racing, so that's why the shorter races and their tapers work for me - although I HATE taper weeks, but that's another discussion).

Thanks for the info and the link!


2013-05-03 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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2013-05-03 7:32 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

I have a 5 mile race tomorrow afternoon so I plan to bike to the race to get a long (42 mile) ride and a brick workout. It's a local 5 mile so I was planning to use it for a training run, even if I wasn't able to bike to it. I hope everyone has a good weekend.


2013-05-03 7:37 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

The time trial target and conversation has me wondering.

When training for HIM, or tri's in general, do you shoot for a specific sequence of workouts over a couple days?  By this I mean, do you try to run the day after a long/hard ride so your legs learn to run tired?  Or do you try for a few heavy leg days in a row to max stress (alternating run/bike) on the legs, and then recover with a swim day?

Or, do you try to run on fresh legs for key workouts to ensure you hit your targets, and same for the bike?

OR… do you just line up the workouts for each sport over the week and make them fit with the schedule, looking at recovery and stress from each sport individually across the week, rather than among them?

This is coming up for me a lot recently, as I go from run focused with some bike/swim to a more balanced approach (my 12 mile run this morning was tougher than normal as yesterday was a quick-ish 6 mile run in the morning and a harder - for me, at 237W - 70' ride in the afternoon, after 2 other days of running/riding).

SOOOO much easier to be a single sport person!



AND GOOD LUCK ON THE TT - crack the hour!

2013-05-03 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fairly light weekend here, after a biggish week.

OWS in Walden pond tomorrow - first of the year, and first ever at Walden.  Going to swim close to shore, as I'll be solo.  No set plan, probably just out and back for a mile or so.  Sunday is a 5k for me and Kim, and the 3 kids are doing the 1-miler.  It's the Great Bear Race in Needham, where we used to live, and is a total blast.  I'm going to ride home (plus some), so hope to get 5 miles running (warmup, race, kids' mile) and ~40 on the bike.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


2013-05-03 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4723777

New user
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
I would like to join.Name: Gene ClowerI work at Verizon as a Corporate Finance Manager and travel a lot. Like most folks, I am juggling professional life, family and the tri lifestyle. I am married and have an 8 year old daughter. I am 46 and this is my second year racing. Used to do a lot of mtn biking and hiking but that is long gone after years behind the corp desk. I did 7 tris last year and just finished an oly with another oly in two weeks. I am around 3 hours for an oly. I will be racing Augusta 70.3 in September and it will be my first HIM. I am pretty much middle of pack in all three and looking for guidance in preperation and race strategy.Thx!
2013-05-03 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4723777

New user

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

As someone slowly getting up to HIM distance what is a good rule for increasing distance?  My longest ride is 22.5 miles (just because it was getting late and a nasty 25-30 mph wind had picked up. I wasn't real tired afterwards.

Do to my hamstring issue (from sunday) I decided not to do the long ride on tues and was planning on my long ride on Sunday. I was thinking of 28.5 mile ride. It is a two loop route so if I have to cut it short I could.  I have my swim planned for Saturday afternoon and run on Monday afternoon.

I am good at pushing myself, sometimes too hard and I want to make sure I do something that will slow down or stop my training but I don't want to be too easy either.

2013-05-03 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4726641

Andover, KS
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Fred D - 2013-05-03 5:29 PM
jmholzman - 2013-05-03 6:24 PM

mcmanusclan5 - 2013-05-03 3:15 PM 

what is the balance of slow/tempo/track or interval work?  The intensity will affect how much volume you can add.

My intention while I am building my miles is to do no track or interval work.  I'd like to incorporate some hills maybe so that I'm not just running flat all the time and I intend to hopefully have one of my medium runs a tempo run.  But if that doesn't feel right I'll stick to slow full time in favor of hitting the mileage until I reach the mpw I am looking for.

very smart!

+1. All of the running injuries I've had as an adult have come either (1) when I incorporate track work before I have built a solid running base (sorry, not sure how to define what that would be for any particular person) or (2) (related to other posts in this thread) when I increase mileage too quickly. After learning the hard way on #2 last winter, I 've become somewhat conservative in increasing mileage--never more than 10% in a week, and no increases two weeks in a row. Since cutting back to less than 20mpw last December, I'm back over 30mpw without issue.

2013-05-03 11:53 PM
in reply to: #4726554

Andover, KS
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

. It's really common for the stomach to shut down on the run in IM and HIM racing. My guess is that there are several possibilities, but by far the most likely is that your long rides of 40 miles and the fact that there was a lot of trainer time (and the fact you were a bit over wattage goals) left you from a fitness point of view a bit short for continuing on with a good run. Often the stomach shuts down when we push even a little too hard on the swim/bike. I know as I've done it myself a few times. Question?? How did you determine your wattage goals?

Since that was my first HIM, I wasn't sure if it was the combined effect of the longer effort or something else--I normally have an iron stomach and I can eat anything I want without feeling sick. It was also a little warmer than I was used to (traveled from KS to TX to race). But my main problem was self-inflicted:  I had sports drink in an aero bottle with concentrated sports drink in my down tube that I planned to use to refill in the aero bottle, mixed with water from the course. Long story short--I didn't do that and drank the concentrated drink straight. Yeah, dumb. But lesson learned.

As for my wattage goal: I picked up a powertap last fall. I'm still novice at training with it, but I periodically do 1 hour FTP tests on the trainer. Based on those rides and other data calculated by Golden Cheetah, I calculated my FTP at 239. I estimated my goal pace at about 75% of FTP (180 watts). I have had some longer rides (up to 60 miles), but not often enough (60 miler in February), but nothing over 43 since then; now that it's light earlier, I can probably get some good long rides in on Saturday mornings.) I rode a little of 40 miles at 194 watts average two weeks prior to the race on the hilliest course I could find in SE Kansas, and I felt like it was a sustainable wattage, but that I'd be a little better off by dialing back some and saving for the run. So I was comfortable with 180-185, but I definitely need more time in the saddle.

2013-05-04 5:14 AM
in reply to: #4726812

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2013-05-04 5:29 AM
in reply to: #4726933

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