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2013-05-06 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4728957

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
acv - 2013-05-06 10:10 AM

Hey everyone,

I did it!

I set out back in January to run my HM under 2:00 and I did it. I averaged around 9:00 for miles 1-10 then I picked it up and averaged 8:40 for miles 11-13. It was a struggle at the end but I kept it together and finished strong.

I had a few down moments this winter. I was sick a few times and I felt like my training was never really "on" any any point in time. I really thought I'd be running more like a 10 min/mile this weekend but everything just seemed to come together yesterday.

I'll have a race report up in a few days! Ken thanks for leading this group.

PS - There was a great outpouring of support for Boston. It was nice to see.

Awesome Adam!  It is impressive that you negative split the race! 

2013-05-06 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4728981

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
Meulen - 2013-05-06 10:22 AM

Mind if I go another round with the group?


NAME: Meulen/Brian

STORY: I'm 387years old. I had an athletic background in HS/College. I played baseball, basketball and golf in HS and played golf in College. I weightlifted through College and ended up pretty bulky. That bulk turned to fluff pretty quick after that. I was basically your typical party animal kid through my twenties. I got married at 24 and continue to pack on lbs. till I was in my 30's. I ended up being north of 215 (I quit weighing after that in denial! ). At 6' 1" with a small frame I was pretty pudgy. It was about 4-5 years ago I finally said enough. I got back into the gym and started trying to lose weight. I then bought a hybrid bike to ride around the block because I was too heavy for my knees to run much. It was about 5 years ago I did my first indoor tri. I could barely swim across the pool! I met some poeple mountain biking after that and they sucked me into mtb racing for a year. The following year I came back to tri's and have been here ever since. My first outdoor (real tri) was Xterra Ft. Custer 4 years ago. I've done several since then, including Racine 70.3 2x now.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to my AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL wife Anne Marie. She's in my cornor at every event and she even does some training and racing with me. Couldn't ask for anything more!

2013 Races: I started the year with a the Palos HM pacing my dad, then going back to Ft Custer to do the Xterra again.  From there it's off to Kansas for the HIM and then Muncie for another HIM.  I'll finish off with the Naperville Sprint tri again and the USAT Nationals in Milwaukee (already qualified).  I may add a couple in there here and there.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm definitely one that struggles with weight. I just lost 10lbs to get back to 170. I'd like to be more close to 160 and possibly under this year. I've been working with a coach and he has me on a diet for the next 3months.

I was getting ready to guilt you into stopping by and signing in!!

Good to have you back Brian!!  I can't imagine you have much competition for Vegas or Kona slots in the 385 - 390 age group! Wink

2013-05-06 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4723784

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
Bill, just SMOKIN' fast man!!!!  congrats!
2013-05-06 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4728993

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
kenj - 2013-05-06 9:26 AM
Meulen - 2013-05-06 10:22 AM

Mind if I go another round with the group?


NAME: Meulen/Brian

STORY: I'm 387years old. I had an athletic background in HS/College. I played baseball, basketball and golf in HS and played golf in College. I weightlifted through College and ended up pretty bulky. That bulk turned to fluff pretty quick after that. I was basically your typical party animal kid through my twenties. I got married at 24 and continue to pack on lbs. till I was in my 30's. I ended up being north of 215 (I quit weighing after that in denial! ). At 6' 1" with a small frame I was pretty pudgy. It was about 4-5 years ago I finally said enough. I got back into the gym and started trying to lose weight. I then bought a hybrid bike to ride around the block because I was too heavy for my knees to run much. It was about 5 years ago I did my first indoor tri. I could barely swim across the pool! I met some poeple mountain biking after that and they sucked me into mtb racing for a year. The following year I came back to tri's and have been here ever since. My first outdoor (real tri) was Xterra Ft. Custer 4 years ago. I've done several since then, including Racine 70.3 2x now.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to my AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL wife Anne Marie. She's in my cornor at every event and she even does some training and racing with me. Couldn't ask for anything more!

2013 Races: I started the year with a the Palos HM pacing my dad, then going back to Ft Custer to do the Xterra again.  From there it's off to Kansas for the HIM and then Muncie for another HIM.  I'll finish off with the Naperville Sprint tri again and the USAT Nationals in Milwaukee (already qualified).  I may add a couple in there here and there.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm definitely one that struggles with weight. I just lost 10lbs to get back to 170. I'd like to be more close to 160 and possibly under this year. I've been working with a coach and he has me on a diet for the next 3months.

I was getting ready to guilt you into stopping by and signing in!!

Good to have you back Brian!!  I can't imagine you have much competition for Vegas or Kona slots in the 385 - 390 age group! Wink


Oh damn! LOL


Just been crazy busy lately!  Hadn't had much time.  Busy at work and at home and with training, best I can.


Had a great weekend.  Signed back up for another year of employment with Lifetime Fitness and already had to sub for someone on Saturdays ride.  Coach called for a brick so I broght the running shoes with and ran at the park.  Turned out one of the girls on the ride was also doing a brick.  Caught her walking as a came around the park trail loop and talked her through the rest of her run.  Stuff like that is why doing that work is rewarding to me.   Had to go back to LTF to finish up some paperwork then pick up my race packet for Sundays HM.  I was 10th in my AG at this race the year before so was bummed my plantar fasciitis has really dampened run training and I knew "racing" this one wasn't a good idea.  So I took the opportunity to run with and coach my dad through his first 1/2 mary and first race.  I'm super proud of him doing this, coming off the couch at his age!  We got through at a blazing 2:47!   He's soooo excited and I was glad to be part of it for him!

2013-05-06 9:47 AM
in reply to: #4728957

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
acv - 2013-05-06 9:10 AM

Hey everyone,

I did it!

I set out back in January to run my HM under 2:00 and I did it. I averaged around 9:00 for miles 1-10 then I picked it up and averaged 8:40 for miles 11-13. It was a struggle at the end but I kept it together and finished strong.

I had a few down moments this winter. I was sick a few times and I felt like my training was never really "on" any any point in time. I really thought I'd be running more like a 10 min/mile this weekend but everything just seemed to come together yesterday.

I'll have a race report up in a few days! Ken thanks for leading this group.

PS - There was a great outpouring of support for Boston. It was nice to see.


Nice race Adam!  congrats!

2013-05-06 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4723784

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
Count me in again!

I'll post my bio separately. After a busy weekend, I sort of wondered why I was hearing crickets on the old thread, so I moseyed on over here & holy cow!

Jennifer, Adam, Jamie, & Robin--GREAT job on your races, sounds like you all had solid races!!

Bill--Super speedy Bill, wow, fantastic job on your race. I can imagine your frustration with being so close to BQ'ing. But now you know how close you were, & it is in your reach if you decide to try again at some point!

DJ--Did I read your post right, did you do 5 rides this weekend?!? If so, might that have something to do with your slow recovery? (that would wipe me out!) I'm really in awe of all the biking you do, all the long rides, amazing! You mentioned shot blocks, they are so hard they make me gag. I use honey stinger chews. They are softer & I think they taste better.

Carla--There are several of us doing HIM Kansas, we'll have to plan a meet up at the race!

So I'm starting to freak out a bit over IMWI, HIM KS, & training in general. It seems like time is flying by & there's no way I'll be ready in time. It's been incredibly busy lately, with a major non-training event every weekend (1st Communion for my daughter this weekend). This coming weekend I'm going to Chicago with some girlfriends. I'm looking forward to it, but trying to rearrange my training plan to get it all in is all I can think/stress about. It's hard & my kids are in school all day, what's going to happen when they get out in 3 weeks?

I know a lot of you have kids, work, travel & do much more training than I. How do you do it? (I know it's not always a simple answer). I know I'll settle down in a few days, but every couple months I feel like I need to be "talked off the ledge". Does this happen to anyone else?

2013-05-06 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4728904

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
kenj - 2013-05-06 6:50 AM

It's Melanoma Monday!  My wife and mother in law are both survivors of this dangerous cancer.  Please use sun screen, have any suspicious spots checked early and stay out of tanning booths!!

I'm starting to be MUCH more aware and putting on sunblock (recently got Arm Coolers after having mild sun blisters). I need to find a better product for my face though.

I do not go in tanning booths, and for my wedding, I just had a spray tan to even out the cycling farmer's tan I had going on!
2013-05-06 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4723784

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
Brian - that is so cool about running with your Dad for the HM! I think running with him is much more rewarding than going out on your own. :D
2013-05-06 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4723784

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
NAME: omahabritt/Ali Britt

STORY: I'm 41, although I still get carded occasionally, which just makes me laugh. I'm a runner at heart, ran hs track successfully, but it was a small town. I got into tris about 5 years ago, but only super sprints (swimming always held me back). Last year I decided it was time to step it up. Read some books, started swimming with my head under the water, got a few private swim lessons, & completed my first HIM at the HIM Kansas. The conditions were tough, but I LOVED it. An Ironman has always been on my life list so this year I volunteered again at IM Moo & signed up the next day. (My tri claim to fame--I made the IM Moo video for this year. I was in a kayak on the inside of the first turn buoy, moo'ing in the video) I'm most comfortable with running with my favorite being the HM distance, I think I've done about 10. I always said "I never wanted to run a marathon unless it's at the end of an Ironman". Well, after signing up for IM Moo, my type-A personality thought doing a marathon in prep would be a good idea. I choose a hilly course on purpose. I'm glad I did it, but it's not my distance. I find the most true joy in cycling, it's just so-much-fun!! Swimming is my struggle. I made great strides last year. I am very comfortable in the water but not fast. I think I may have some form issues. I'm happiest swimming 3 days a week in training, but it's not something I would default to for exercise. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to stay at home with our kids. During the school year they are in school during the day so I have a lot of time to train.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my wonderful, understanding & supportive husband, Kevin for 13 yrs. in January, he decided to start running regularly. I couldn't be more thrilled, but it does add an addional complication to IM training. Two kids- a boy 10 & girl 7. We also have a 13 yo Siberian Husky, Klondike.

CURRENT TRAINING: I recently finished a solid 10 weeks of base training & am in week 3 of 10 of Fink's Competitive IM program. I've been fairly consistent, but have missed some workouts. This truly haunts me! I try and let it go, but I want to get every single workout in. I'm not completely sold on the Fink plan, but right now I'm too busy to research anything else!

2012 RACES: 3 HM, HIM, Marathon, a handful of 5ks, couple urban adventure races, & 40+ flight stair race, sure I'm forgetting some others

2013 Races: IM Moo in Sept is my main focus. I'm also doing HIM Kansas in June. Still haven't decided on others!

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm still struggling with getting off the weight. I could stand to loose about 30lbs to be my idea weight. Hoping to drop some by eating the same as I increase duration & intensity.

I really enjoy the insight & motivation the mentor groups on BT provide. I'm not a complete newbie, but still have SO MUCH to learn. Looking forward to the exchange of information & getting to know you all better!

Edited by Omahabritt 2013-05-06 10:34 AM
2013-05-06 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4728431

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Cool Jaime.

The entry is the hardest part.  Just getting through the waves near the shore line, after that it is like any other swim (as long as the current isn't too strong, and usually isn't in that area).  Travel is always a challenge for me.  Keep me posted.



2013-05-06 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4729166

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

CyborgQueen - 2013-05-06 10:24 AM Brian - that is so cool about running with your Dad for the HM! I think running with him is much more rewarding than going out on your own. :D


I agree DJ!  In a way he helped me forget the fact that I was mad at myself for being injured and not having the mileage under my belt.


Ali, I get overwhelmed sometimes too.  I'm sure we all do.  Priorities are ....priorities.  When overwhelmed you just need to put things in perspective and do the best you can. Sometimes that means not making a goal, not being as prepared as you want for a race, or even having to scratch a race.  But why does that matter as long as your other priorities are taken care of?

2013-05-06 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4729101

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
Omahabritt - 2013-05-06 8:04 AM

DJ--Did I read your post right, did you do 5 rides this weekend?!? If so, might that have something to do with your slow recovery? (that would wipe me out!) I'm really in awe of all the biking you do, all the long rides, amazing! You mentioned shot blocks, they are so hard they make me gag. I use honey stinger chews. They are softer & I think they taste better

I know a lot of you have kids, work, travel & do much more training than I. How do you do it? (I know it's not always a simple answer). I know I'll settle down in a few days, but every couple months I feel like I need to be "talked off the ledge". Does this happen to anyone else?

Ha - No, I didn't do 5. I PLANNED to do 5 (Already did W,Th and was planning Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues), and realized that it was too much, so I skipped my Saturday bike, to give myself a break. On most days, I do 1-2 hrs of easy bike on the trainer. It's low Z2 work, with a little intervals just to get some leg work going. I overdid it on the strength training (EASE INTO IT! Silly me for not taking my own advice. *face palm*), so my quads was hurting a little bit (okay...a.l.o.t.), and did a Z1-2 ride yesterday. It was a joke...but I'm glad I did it anyways, it flushed out some of the soreness.

Shot blocks - They shouldn't be hard...if they are, that means they're old or have been exposed to the air too long. I've been there. It's "ok", but I am on the outlook for something better...the Honey Stinger Chews looks pretty good!! I'll go try that out.

I don't have kids, but yeah, I'm with ya. How do people do it?! :D
2013-05-06 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4729174

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Omahabritt - 2013-05-06 11:27 AM Got a little time so I'm posting my bio: NAME: omahabritt/Ali Britt STORY: I'm 41, although I still get carded occasionally, which just makes me laugh. I'm a runner at heart, ran hs track successfully, but it was a small town. I got into tris about 5 years ago, but only super sprints (swimming always held me back). Last year I decided it was time to step it up. Read some books, started swimming with my head under the water, got a few private swim lessons, & completed my first HIM at the HIM Kansas. The conditions were tough, but I LOVED it. An Ironman has always been on my life list so this year I volunteered again at IM Moo & signed up the next day. (My tri claim to fame--I made the IM Moo video for this year. I was in a kayak on the inside of the first turn buoy, moo'ing in the video) I'm most comfortable with running with my favorite being the HM distance, I think I've done about 10. I always said "I never wanted to run a marathon unless it's at the end of an Ironman". Well, after signing up for IM Moo, my type-A personality thought doing a marathon in prep would be a good idea. I choose a hilly course on purpose. I'm glad I did it, but it's not my distance. I find the most true joy in cycling, it's just so-much-fun!! Swimming is my struggle. I made great strides last year. I am very comfortable in the water but not fast. I think I may have some form issues. I'm happiest swimming 3 days a week in training, but it's not something I would default to for exercise. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to stay at home with our kids. During the school year they are in school during the day so I have a lot of time to train. FAMILY STATUS: Married to my wonderful, understanding & supportive husband, Kevin for 13 yrs. in January, he decided to start running regularly. I couldn't be more thrilled, but it does add an addional complication to IM training. Two kids- a boy 10 & girl 7. We also have a 13 yo Siberian Husky, Klondike. CURRENT TRAINING: I recently finished a solid 10 weeks of base training & am in week 3 of 10 of Fink's Competitive IM program. I've been fairly consistent, but have missed some workouts. This truly haunts me! I try and let it go, but I want to get every single workout in. I'm not completely sold on the Fink plan, but right now I'm too busy to research anything else! 2012 RACES: 3 HM, HIM, Marathon, a handful of 5ks, couple urban adventure races, & 40+ flight stair race, sure I'm forgetting some others 2013 Races: IM Moo in Sept is my main focus. I'm also doing HIM Kansas in June. Still haven't decided on others! WEIGHTLOSS: I'm still struggling with getting off the weight. I could stand to loose about 30lbs to be my idea weight. Hoping to drop some by eating the same as I increase duration & intensity. I really enjoy the insight & motivation the mentor groups on BT provide. I'm not a complete newbie, but still have SO MUCH to learn. Looking forward to the exchange of information & getting to know you all better!

Thanks for posting Ali!!

I am with you on the swimming.  I think some of it is because I have to get up and go to the Y or high school where the run and bike I can either head to the basement in the winter or out the front door the rest of the year.  I do enjoy swimming in the summer a little more since I have a great lake to swim in 2 miles from home.

Don't sweat a missed workout this time of year (or ever for that matter), I don't think anyone has ever said that a missed bike 4 months out cost them an AG placement.  

2013-05-06 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4728592

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Thanks Ken.  I have ridden with a few cycling clubs, but they all roll too late for my schedule.  On occassion I will sleep in and do a Saturday ride with them.    We do have lots of hills in my area that is how I know I Suck  at them.  Ha ha, but i wish it was only a joke.  Yet, I keep trying.  I keep thinging like Nemo "Just keep swimmimg (or cycling in this case)"


2013-05-06 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4728957

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
acv - 2013-05-06 9:10 AM

Hey everyone,

I did it!

I set out back in January to run my HM under 2:00 and I did it. I averaged around 9:00 for miles 1-10 then I picked it up and averaged 8:40 for miles 11-13. It was a struggle at the end but I kept it together and finished strong.

I had a few down moments this winter. I was sick a few times and I felt like my training was never really "on" any any point in time. I really thought I'd be running more like a 10 min/mile this weekend but everything just seemed to come together yesterday.

I'll have a race report up in a few days! Ken thanks for leading this group.

PS - There was a great outpouring of support for Boston. It was nice to see.

Adam, you KILLED IT! Nice work!
2013-05-06 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4729211

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
ritakandel - 2013-05-06 11:37 AM

Thanks Ken.  I have ridden with a few cycling clubs, but they all roll too late for my schedule.  On occassion I will sleep in and do a Saturday ride with them.    We do have lots of hills in my area that is how I know I Suck  at them.  Ha ha, but i wish it was only a joke.  Yet, I keep trying.  I keep thinging like Nemo "Just keep swimmimg (or cycling in this case)"


I am still linked on Facebook to the Jax Cycle shop in Murrietta  which is the group I rode with most often.  It is amazing to me to see the number of people that ride their weekday rides that start at 8 or 9.  It is about the time of year they move them up to 7 or so to beat the heat, but I haven't seen that posted yet.

2013-05-06 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4728957

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
acv - 2013-05-06 9:10 AM

Hey everyone,

I did it!

I set out back in January to run my HM under 2:00 and I did it. I averaged around 9:00 for miles 1-10 then I picked it up and averaged 8:40 for miles 11-13. It was a struggle at the end but I kept it together and finished strong.

I had a few down moments this winter. I was sick a few times and I felt like my training was never really "on" any any point in time. I really thought I'd be running more like a 10 min/mile this weekend but everything just seemed to come together yesterday.

I'll have a race report up in a few days! Ken thanks for leading this group.

PS - There was a great outpouring of support for Boston. It was nice to see.

Yeah Adam - I am so happy for you!!!!!

2013-05-06 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4729211

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
ritakandel - 2013-05-06 8:37 AM

Thanks Ken.  I have ridden with a few cycling clubs, but they all roll too late for my schedule.  On occassion I will sleep in and do a Saturday ride with them.    We do have lots of hills in my area that is how I know I Suck  at them.  Ha ha, but i wish it was only a joke.  Yet, I keep trying.  I keep thinging like Nemo "Just keep swimmimg (or cycling in this case)"


Have you ever thought of doing one day of strictly hill intervals? The more hills you do, the better you will get.
2013-05-06 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4723784

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Hello Ken. I am back again for another round.

NAME: Devinci13 / Dwayne Wheeler

STORY: I am 44 years old. I am 5'6" tall and currently weigh 131 lbs. I fluctuate +/- 1-2 pounds depending on the training schedule. I live in Wintery Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

In the summer of 2008 I began a cycling trip across Canada with a my best friend since grade 2. It was my dream to bike across Canada since early high school. After many years of accumulating holidays I was given leave for 3 months, with pay, from my job and I began my trip. During the trip I noticed that bills weren't being paid and money was disappearing. I made it from Vancouver to Winnipeg in 21 days. When I returned home I discovered that my wife had become addicted to crack cocaine. Over the next several years we tried re-hab multiple times but the lying, cheating, stealing and using continued and after losing our house our cars and our life together she and I divorced. Here I was, 40 years old and back home living in my parents basement, starting from scratch with nothing to show and not a penny to my name. I spent 2 years basically doing no exercising, outside of riding my bike to work out of neccesity. You can't help but take stock of your life and that is what I did. I spent 2 years scrimping and saving and bought a piece of property to build a home on. I am now scrimping and saving to build that house. It is embarrassing to say that I still live at home at 44, but without the help of my mom and dad, I am not sure where I would be right now. I bought a new bike and began training for triathlons. Last year I did 4 Olympic distance tris, 1 half Ironman, 3 half marathons and numerous short and long distance mountain bike races.


CURRENT TRAINING:  In the 2012 training season I just winged it. I bike a lot, and ran a lot, but didn't swim that much. I was just out having fun and learning along the way. But, I wanted to do a full Ironman so I knew I had to get serious and get help with training. So, with that in mind I started training in November of 2012 for the 2013 season. I joined the Tribalistic Triathlon Team (T3) here in Winnipeg. I joined a running club and a master's swim class. I hired a personal coach and my A Race for this year is Ironman Wisconsin in September. I have 2 B races (half Ironmans) scheduled, one in early June in Liberty, Minnesota and the second in mid July in Morden, Manitoba. I am hoping to squeeze in a couple of local Olympic distance races this season, depending on what my coach allows. I am currently nursing a calf/shin injury, but I am in physio right now and scheduled to begin walk/running again in a couple weeks. 

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2012 was my rookie season. I was a complete noob when it came to racing. My olympic distance times are right at the 2:45 mark. The half Ironman time was 6:20 on a brutally hot day. My half marathon times are 1:35.

2013 RACES: A Race: Ironman Wisconsin. B Races: 2 half Ironmans. A couple Olympic distances and a couple late season half marathons.

WEIGHT LOSS:  No weight loss goals for me. If anything I would like to gain weight. I am what the haters call a hard gainer. I can eat and eat and not gain weight.

I was a member of the fall/winter Kenj mentor group, and I hope to be an active member of this group.


Edited by DeVinci13 2013-05-06 12:08 PM
2013-05-06 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4723784

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Northern CT
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Great job on the HM Adam.

Ali...I'm also following Fink's 30 week competitive plan for IM Mont Tremblant.  I like that I can always fall back on the intermediate or just finish plans.  I'm way ahead on my training then I was last year building up to a HIM first of June.  But like Ken said ..don't stress over missing here and's life.  I needed a mental health day today (missed my long run yesterday since my hubby is traveling) and I just didn't sleep well and even though it's a beautiful day - I just needed a day OFF!  I know I'll pick right back up again tomorrow.

We had a hit & run that seriously injured 2 cyclists on a road I ride at least 2 twice a really just kept me awake last night. I love cycling but hate when I see stuff like this especially so close to home.  

2013-05-06 2:03 PM
in reply to: #4723784

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
If there's still room, I'd like to be part of this group

NAME: Jacedude/ Steve

STORY: I'm 23 years old, originally from Rochester NY, currently living out in CT. I rowed crew through my junior year in college, and got into triathlon after deciding that I wasn't going to row my senior year, and realizing that summer that I needed something to work towards. That summer I ran my first sprint, and got hooked. Unfortunately, the year after I had a bike crash and messed up my back, so that season went out the window, so last year was my "comeback", or at least getting back into it. I dropped about 40 lbs, did a couple sprints and an Olypmic, and really enjoyed getting back into the sport. As far as my strengths and weaknesses, swimming, I'm usually out in front, leading the pack. I never swam on a team, but I've been in the water my whole life. I'm an average cyclist, and a pretty abysmal runner, but I'm working on that.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single, although I have managed to get both of my younger brother into racing too. My middle borther did his first sprint last year, and I've got my youngest brother doing his first one this year.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently focusing on getting my distance up to half ironman, especially running. I'm currently up to my long run being 11 miles, so I'm almost there. After my half, I plan on adding in some speed work so I can try and drop my olympic time.

2012 RACES: 3 Sprints (2 at local YMCA's and an Amica 19.7) and Finger Lakes Olympic

2013 Races: Main focus is the Musselman HIM in July, and then going for a PR at the Finger Lakes Olympic Tri. Also have 3 sprints and another olypmic planned, plus a few 5k's. I'm also volunteering at IMLP to register for 2014!

WEIGHTLOSS: Right now I'm looking to drop maybe 5-10 lbs. Generally just getting back to race weight from last season after gaining a bit in the off season.

Edited by Jacedude 2013-05-07 9:04 AM

2013-05-06 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4729820

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Jacedude - 2013-05-06 3:03 PM If there's still room, I'd like to be part of this groupNAME: Jacedude/ SteveSTORY: I'm 23 years old, originally from Rochester NY, currently living out in CT. I rowed crew through my junior year in college, and got into triathlon after deciding that I wasn't going to row my senior year, and realizing that summer that I needed something to work towards. That summer I ran my first sprint, and got hooked. Unfortunately, the year after I had a bike crash and messed up my back, so that season went out the window, so last year was my "comeback", or at least getting back into it. I dropped about 40 lbs, did a couple sprints and an Olypmic, and really enjoyed getting back into the sport. As far as my strengths and weaknesses, swimming, I'm usually out in front, leading the pack. I never swam on a team, but I've been in the water my whole life. I'm an average cyclist, and a pretty abysmal runner, but I'm working on that.FAMILY STATUS: I'm single, although I have managed to get both of my younger brother into racing too. My middle borther did his first sprint last year, and I've got my youngest brother doing his first one this year.CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently focusing on getting my distance up to half ironman, especially running. I'm currently up to my long run being 11 miles, so I'm almost there. After my half, I plan on adding in some speed work so I can try and drop my olympic time.2012 RACES: 3 Sprints (2 at local YMCA's and an Amica 19.7) and Finger Lakes Olympic2013 Races: Main focus is the Musselman HIM in July, and then going for a PR at the Finger Lakes Olympic Tri. Also have 3 sprints and another olypmic planned, plus a few 5k's. I'm also volunteering at IMLP to resiter for 2014!WEIGHTLOSS: Right now I'm looking to drop maybe 5-10 lbs. Generally just getting back to race weight from last season after gaining a bit in the off season.

Plenty of room Steve, welcome to the group! 

I live in Canandaigua so I am very familiar with all of the races you are talking about.  Doing Musselman myself in July!

2013-05-06 2:16 PM
in reply to: #4729448

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
DeVinci13 - 2013-05-06 1:04 PM

Hello Ken. I am back again for another round.

NAME: Devinci13 / Dwayne Wheeler

STORY: I am 44 years old. I am 5'6" tall and currently weigh 131 lbs. I fluctuate +/- 1-2 pounds depending on the training schedule. I live in Wintery Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

In the summer of 2008 I began a cycling trip across Canada with a my best friend since grade 2. It was my dream to bike across Canada since early high school. After many years of accumulating holidays I was given leave for 3 months, with pay, from my job and I began my trip. During the trip I noticed that bills weren't being paid and money was disappearing. I made it from Vancouver to Winnipeg in 21 days. When I returned home I discovered that my wife had become addicted to crack cocaine. Over the next several years we tried re-hab multiple times but the lying, cheating, stealing and using continued and after losing our house our cars and our life together she and I divorced. Here I was, 40 years old and back home living in my parents basement, starting from scratch with nothing to show and not a penny to my name. I spent 2 years basically doing no exercising, outside of riding my bike to work out of neccesity. You can't help but take stock of your life and that is what I did. I spent 2 years scrimping and saving and bought a piece of property to build a home on. I am now scrimping and saving to build that house. It is embarrassing to say that I still live at home at 44, but without the help of my mom and dad, I am not sure where I would be right now. I bought a new bike and began training for triathlons. Last year I did 4 Olympic distance tris, 1 half Ironman, 3 half marathons and numerous short and long distance mountain bike races.


CURRENT TRAINING:  In the 2012 training season I just winged it. I bike a lot, and ran a lot, but didn't swim that much. I was just out having fun and learning along the way. But, I wanted to do a full Ironman so I knew I had to get serious and get help with training. So, with that in mind I started training in November of 2012 for the 2013 season. I joined the Tribalistic Triathlon Team (T3) here in Winnipeg. I joined a running club and a master's swim class. I hired a personal coach and my A Race for this year is Ironman Wisconsin in September. I have 2 B races (half Ironmans) scheduled, one in early June in Liberty, Minnesota and the second in mid July in Morden, Manitoba. I am hoping to squeeze in a couple of local Olympic distance races this season, depending on what my coach allows. I am currently nursing a calf/shin injury, but I am in physio right now and scheduled to begin walk/running again in a couple weeks. 

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2012 was my rookie season. I was a complete noob when it came to racing. My olympic distance times are right at the 2:45 mark. The half Ironman time was 6:20 on a brutally hot day. My half marathon times are 1:35.

2013 RACES: A Race: Ironman Wisconsin. B Races: 2 half Ironmans. A couple Olympic distances and a couple late season half marathons.

WEIGHT LOSS:  No weight loss goals for me. If anything I would like to gain weight. I am what the haters call a hard gainer. I can eat and eat and not gain weight.

I was a member of the fall/winter Kenj mentor group, and I hope to be an active member of this group.


Good to have you with us again Dwayne!! Thanks for the bio!!

2013-05-06 3:55 PM
in reply to: #4723784

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Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN

Hello Ken, I'd like to join the group also. I'll post a bio later (at work now), but think the group will be good for me.  I have my first IM this year (Wisconsin - Sept 8th). 

Thanks, Todd

2013-05-06 3:59 PM
in reply to: #4730054

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj triathletes in training - IM and HIM focused - OPEN
trei - 2013-05-06 4:55 PM

Hello Ken, I'd like to join the group also. I'll post a bio later (at work now), but think the group will be good for me.  I have my first IM this year (Wisconsin - Sept 8th). 

Thanks, Todd

Post when you can Todd! Welcome to the group!
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