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2013-12-30 4:20 PM
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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Sorry, my name is Lacey. My schedule isn't very consistent..but i figure that mornings are the only way to ensure that I get a workout in as my day can easily extend far into the evening. I will look into the Masters Swim program at the gym

Edited by Lcarslake 2013-12-30 4:25 PM

2013-12-30 4:26 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: swim question

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by Lynn! I have been back in the pool this week for the first time in years. I do have some swim experience having swum on a team as a child through my late teens but that was decades ago! I have been using my shiny new Garmin 910 to capture my information. I feel really slow and awkward, but some other folks asked me how I swim so fast. So my average pace is 1:38-1:42 ish per/100m and I am doing about 10-11 strokes per length. What is considered slow, average, fast etc.? I feel like I am barely moving and struggling. I figure I will get much faster as I continue to practice. Thanks, Lynn

Lynn, those times are actually quite good -- and given that you're feeling awkward and slow means they're only going to get better with more time in the water!  Middle of pack (MOP) times are probably in the 2:00/100 range.  Swim speeds vary widely (especially in open water) with slower swimmers in the 3:XX/100 range to the fishes (like Arend!) in the 1:1X/100 range.

Yeah, that's really good if you ask me seeing as you have been out of the water for so long.  When I started up again after 12 years out of the pool I think I was in the 1:35-1:40 range and was able to get to the 1:25-1:30 range after a month or two.  Now I am a high 1:1x to low 1:2x guy.  That regularly gets me out of the water in the races at or very near the front.  I did my IM swim in 54:02 which is a 1:25/100m pace and I was 14th of 2200 out of the water.  A 1:40/100m pace gets you out of the water in an IM in 1:03 and that would likely put you in the top 10% of the field.

In summary, you are well ahead of the curve there.  

2013-12-30 5:56 PM
in reply to: weirdfish

Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies
Yikes! This is a pricey endeavour! Thanks for the advice about getting a fit. I didn't know that. Went to a bike store today but it's closed for the holidays, so I"m going to do some researching online.

2013-12-30 6:45 PM
in reply to: Gizmosmom

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies

Originally posted by Gizmosmom Yikes! This is a pricey endeavour! Thanks for the advice about getting a fit. I didn't know that. Went to a bike store today but it's closed for the holidays, so I"m going to do some researching online.

Fair warning - it can be!  There is an endless series of toys, gadgets etc that you can buy if you want to.  However, there are many, many people who do it and keep the expenses reasonable.  Unfortunately you do need a bike and that is one of the bigger up front costs.

2013-12-30 7:01 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Olney, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Hi Everyone---I'd love to join this group if there's still room:

Name: RobinRN/Robin

Story: I'm 42 and live in Olney, MD (a DC suburb). In 2010, my son's school was sponsoring a 5K that, on a whim, I decided to sign up for. I was in nursing school at the time (second career change) and really needed something to help me get back into some semblance of fitness. When I left the military in 2004, I vowed that I would never willingly run for fun---never say never! Surprisingly, I enjoyed training for the 5K and, eventually, the running bug bit. Between 2010 and 2012 I ran quite a few races of varying distances, including the Marine Corps Marathon in 2011, and culminating in a hospice fundraiser in the fall of 2012 in which I ran 3 marathons in 6 weeks (Chicago, Marine Corps, and Philly), gaining official Marathon Maniac status (what a crazy experience!!). Unfortunately, I was so burned out after that streak that I went nearly an entire year without any noteworthy training or racing, gaining the 20 pounds I had previously lost in my running journey. I'm ready to get back in the saddle and I'm really excited to learn as much as I can about the triathlon world. This is going to sound COMPLETELY nuts but my first triathlon is going to be the Raleigh 70.3 in June 2014---I get a pit in my stomach whenever I think about it! Go big or go home, right!? A dear friend that I have run previous races with convinced me, in a moment of weakness, to sign up for it with her. I swam competitively in college but that was 20+ years ago and the only stroke in which I was truly competent/competitive was breast stroke---I know that I'll get laughed right out of the water if I try to swim breast stroke in a triathlon! Since my freestyle is pretty abysmal, I recently went to a swim clinic and had my freestyle filmed/evaluated---got some great feedback that I'm trying to implement. The cycling portion of triathlon is what truly terrifies me. I haven't really been on a bike since I was 10 and had a traumatic bike accident that caused dental damage for which I'm still enduring ongoing dental procedures! I recently acquired a trainer and a hybrid bike (waiting to see if I stick with triathlons before committing to a tri bike). Also recently got clipless pedals/shoes which I'm looking forward to trying out (I hear that it's important to gain confidence on the trainer before trying to clip in on the road!). At this point, if I have any hope of finishing the 70.3 in June, I know that I really need to solidify my training plan instead of just winging it on my own. Recently, I've started going to spinning classes and am also attending a gym bootcamp 1-2 times per week. I've been doing weekly long runs with a half marathon training group and have also been trying to hit Bikram yoga classes from time to time. I've been going to the pool to do laps here and there, though I'm eager to start joining Masters swim practices in January. I recently joined the Mid Maryland Tri club and am looking forward to attending their monthly meeting in January. I'm hoping to get a lead on a coach who would be willing to take me on as a complete beginner. In the mean time, I'm also going to explore the training programs that BT offers.

Family Status: Married for 19 years; 10yo son---husband is very supportive; son could care less!

2014 Races (a very unorthodox season!):

3/16 Yuengling half marathon in Virginia beach
4/6 Cherry Blossom 10-miler
4/27 Irongirl Columbia Half Marathon
5/4 Frederick Half Marathon
6/1 Raleigh 70.3
8/17 Iron Girl Columbia (0.62 swim/ 16mi bike/ 3.4 mi run)
9/7 Iron Girl Rocky Gap (0.5 swim/ 16 mi bike/2.5 mi run)
10/26 Marine Corps Marathon (deferred entry from 2013)
11/9 Across the Bay 10K

Weight Loss: I am horrified by the 20 pounds I have gained in the last year and am eager to get rid of it once and for all! On 1/2, I'm going to embark on a Whole30 challenge and am determined to maintain a paleo diet once the initial Whole30 is complete. I may be very cranky for the next few weeks!

I am really looking forward to learning as much as possible from this group. I have allot of ground to cover between now and 6/1! While I will never be a fast athlete, I love the camaraderie and the challenge of endurance races. I also love how the benefits of training/competing positively impact every other aspect of my life. I am determined to get back to a level of fitness and health in 2014 that I can be proud of.

2013-12-30 7:16 PM
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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Thanks Jason, Nicole and Arend...ok, I am going to do this! I will take your advice and pick routes I have to stop/start at and get over this. Thinking about purchasing a trainer now....does the cost ever end? lol...


Edited by luvschips 2013-12-30 7:27 PM

2013-12-30 10:06 PM
in reply to: luvschips

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Donna -- thought you might find something useful in this:

Also, Jason's comments on unclipping early and being in the proper gear are probably the two most important things to do. If you miss your clip the first time, don't panic -- just pedal around a time or two with that foot out of the clip and re-clip when your comfortable.
2013-12-31 12:49 AM
in reply to: Jason N


Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Thanks, Jason. Yes, that helps.
2013-12-31 3:40 AM
in reply to: #4915173


Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Omg! Sooooo happy I found this! Up at 4am stressing about the swim, 6 months out! I'm registered for EMan HIM on June 8th and began LEARNING to swim 2 weeks and 6 trips to the pool ago! (Hence the stressing over a 1.2 mile swim in 6 mos.)

Name: Ericka

Story: I'm a runner, it's my strentgh! I watched a lot of my friends transition into triathletes and thought hmmm, I'd like to do that too. Looking to mix it up!

I got in the water 2 weeks ago, committed to learning and making my swim strong. After 5 trips to the pool, not being able to swim at all on my first time in, I did my very first lap this past weekend, I swear I heard a voice over the loud speaker ERICKA ALSTON, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN! When I finished that one lap, then I thought, ok chica 76 laps to go! Still holding my head to high to breath, still kicking like I'm running a marathon in the water and not from my hips, but I'm confident in my discipline and drive that I'll get there!

2013 Races: I completed 3 full marathons, 10 halfs and a RAGNAR.

Family Status: alone with my cat Ella. I have kids that don't live with me, my 10 year old daughter has taken a love for running finishing a 5k and 10k with aspirations to Tri and finish her first half in 2014.

Currently training for the Eagleman Half Ironman on June 8, 2014.
2013-12-31 6:57 AM
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Lake Orion, Michigan
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Name: Kiefer

Story: I am 52 years young and an avid runner and I am looking to complete a triathlon in 2014. I failed miserably in my first attempt. I had trained for months, but a combination of a wetsuit that was too tight and getting kicked in the face was too much for me in the swim portion. Well....I'm back and ready to try again. I live in Michigan which forces me to train for months indoors. I do my best to get my runs in outside. With 8" of ice of the lakes, it makes it difficult to get a good swim in outside. I train about two hours a day with not much focus. I am looking to get a specific training plan in place to achieve my 2014 goals.

Family Status: Married with 3 kids, an Italian Exchange student and a Golden Retriever. I love them all,

This Years Races: I have a 200 mile Ragnar in California. I'm in the lottery for NYC Marathon and will lottery for USMC Marathon. My fall back will be Chicago.

Weight loss: I'm right where I need to be, but could shed a few cholesterol points. You gotta love genetics!

Edited by Kiefer 2013-12-31 6:58 AM
2013-12-31 8:17 AM
in reply to: Kiefer

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Step 1 taken today. I joined Triathlon Ontario to cover my sanctioning fees for my races this year. And to see what the TO magazine is like. Putting my money where my mouth is.

2013-12-31 9:41 AM
in reply to: Kiefer

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED

Welcome Robin, Erika, and Kiefer.  We're going to close up for now as I think we've got a pretty good size group.

First and foremost, I hope everyone has a very fun and SAFE New Year celebration. 

2013-12-31 9:45 AM
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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED

Erika, if you keep at it, your swim will improve.  Outside of getting some private lessons, do you know any friends that are good swimmers?  Often times a decent swimmer can easily see a new swimmer's biggest flaws and help you with the basics that can make a HUGE difference.  Combine that with consistent time in the pool and you'll get there.

Edited by Jason N 2013-12-31 9:46 AM
2013-12-31 9:50 AM
in reply to: Kiefer

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED

Hi Kiefer.  The nature of open water swimming in triathlons can be quite intimidating.  Getting kicked certainly is no fun, especially if you're body is not comfortable in a wetsuit that's too tight.  Our mind is extremely powerful...when it panics, it can shut our body down completely and leave us helpless.  It has happened to very experienced triathletes as well.

Your race schedule looks exciting.  Seems like once you get out of the water, you would tear up a triathlon.

2013-12-31 9:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED

Hi Robin,

First of all, thank you for your well as any other military/veterans we have in this group if I missed it.

While there are people who have completed a 70.3 as their first tri, it is a huge challenge to put if front of yourself.  I would be cautious about it especially considering that you suffered from a previous burnout in running.  If you want to make endurance sports a part of your lifestyle long term...believe have tons of time to move on to longer distances.  Your current schedule also worries me a bit as you seem to be focusing a lot on running races leading up to Raleigh.  Anyway, in no way am I telling you what you should or shouldn't do...just trying to give a 3rd person perspective. 

Edited by Jason N 2013-12-31 10:00 AM
2013-12-31 10:05 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN

Today was my last training in "old year".
I took part of 10th Krakow New Year's Eve Run, great fun (there were a lot of people in costumes, here are some pictures: Gallery)!
There wear two routes to choose 'Cheerful Ten' (10 km) and 'Dragon Five' (5 km). I did 10km in 50:21

Happy New Year!
I wish you All, to make "TRI" dreams come true in new year


2013-12-31 10:45 AM
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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN

Welcome Robin, Ericka, and Keifer!

Robin — that’s a packed race schedule! Looks fun….and a HIM for your first tri? Cool, but do listen to your body as it seems like a lot of running with not a ton of recovery time. Coming from a competitive swimming background, I suspect you’ll pick up the swim quickly, even if freestyle wasn’t your stroke of choice. I have a friend who had a strong swim and running background and was terrified of the bike….she picked it up quickly by spending lots of time on the trainer. Looking forward to following along with your journey!

Ericka — congrats on making your first full lap swimming! You start with one, then two, then three….and next thing you know, you can do 1.2 miles! Do you have anyone who can help you with your swim or access to a Master’s swim program? Which Ragnar did you do? I’m not a particularly strong runner, but I’ve done a couple Ragnar races which were all incredibly fun!

Keifer — open water swimming can be very intimidating, but with a bit of practice (you know, after your 8” of ice melts!), they can become enjoyable. Lots of people have to suffer through real winters and are forced to train inside, so you’re not alone. And although I live in an area where I can run and bike outside year round, I still do lots of indoor bike training for the convenience. Are you doing the Ragnar Socal road race? I did that in 2012 and had a blast….did the trail race a couple months ago and also had a blast. Will it be your first Ragnar?

Edited by ligersandtions 2013-12-31 10:47 AM
2013-12-31 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4915173


Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Thanks! Yes that's who has been assisting me, my swimming, triathlete friends, they've been great at getting in with me and sharing tips and pointers.

I'm making the best of it. Private lessons start in 2 weeks. I'm committed to 3 days per week, headed to the pool now.

I failed to mention that I have a tri bike and have completed duathlons at the sprint, olympic and the 70.3 distance. Thus swimming is my focus now. In march I'll begin run bike run bikes, to get my speed up, I can do the distance but really need to work on speed.

Today I'll work on total immersion and breathing, I've got to get my head down.

I'm confident that once I get this breathing thingee together, I'll be ok.
2013-12-31 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4921124


Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
I did ragnar DC Nicole, it was awesome!
2013-12-31 10:59 AM
in reply to: Ericka_Finish

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Olney, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Originally posted by Ericka_Finish

I did ragnar DC Nicole, it was awesome!

I did Ragnar DC in 2012---truly one of the most memorable experiences of my life! Running alone in the middle of the night up South Mountain, I was unnerved by the little beady eyes peering out at me from the woods. I was pretty certain that I was going to be eaten by a bear before I reached the next exchange. Would love to do it again sometime!
2013-12-31 11:02 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Lake Orion, Michigan
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN

The SoCal Ragnar will be my first. I was recruited (Shanghaied, conscripted, bullied and just plain kidnapped) to do this.
I am really looking forward to a great year of training and races.

Happy New Year to all my new Triathlon Friends!

2013-12-31 11:42 AM
in reply to: Ericka_Finish


Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - OPEN
Hi Jason,

I would love to join your mentor group. I am a total newbie and just registered for my first Sprint Tri in April.

I can swim, ride a bike, and run a little but have never done a lot of any it. Breathing on the swim is very difficult for me, my endurance stinks and I wonder if I am going to drown at any moment.........cycling is ok...but the run, well, a turtle could beat me right now.

My goals for 2014:

Complete sprint in April and Olympic in September.

Lose 50#.

So as you can see, I am older, heavier and a total newbie. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

2013-12-31 12:12 PM
in reply to: golfgirl88

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED

Hi Sandra, you're in.  Welcome.


2013-12-31 12:14 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED

Now that we're closed up, can we all make sure that if we are replying to a message, that the subject line reads "CLOSED." 



2013-12-31 12:24 PM
in reply to: golfgirl88

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: 2014 Rookies - CLOSED
Originally posted by golfgirl88

Breathing on the swim is very difficult for me, my endurance stinks and I wonder if I am going to drown at any moment

heavier and a total newbie.

I started last year at 300lbs. Conservativley 80lbs more than I should be. And my early swims were catastrophic.

1) Tri trinaing is great for balanced cardio that just eats fat.
2) The swiming does come together. A few freakouts here and there for sure. But it does get only easier from this point on.
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