General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2015-10-20 6:42 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

I do this one -

about 30 miles, 3 times. it should take about 4.5 hours to do 3 times, maybe 5 accounting for pit stops or whatever.

if get bored by the end of the second loop, i head to rose bowl, that's about 30 miles roundtrip but with a bit more climbing.

2015-10-20 6:42 PM
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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by alex_korr

That's my training spot as well. I am doing a long ride this saturday (about 100, 3 big loops), and my long run is on thursday early in the morning. Does this work for you?

Just curious, what loop gets you to 35 miles in Griffth Park? Do you go up and over the Observatory and down past The Greek?

The route I used is LA River bike path (from Riverside bridge to end and back. ~14 miles), climb past Travel Town, descend around golf course driving range and pony ride, back to golf course and LA Zoo, bridge then on bike path again (out and back).

ETA: This route is about 36 miles long.

Edited by kloofyroland 2015-10-20 6:48 PM
2015-10-21 8:28 AM
in reply to: mikoy

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by mikoy

I did 8:08 in my first IM. It was St. George. I had some GI problems on race day. I had to stop at every port a potty on the course. I laugh at it now. My bike computer said I did a 7 hr ride but the official time was 8. I'm glad I was clueless, I don't think I could do that course again. First IM and 2nd triathlon. I ended with a 14:55 on the day. I don't think I could do 8hrs on the bike now. Your gonna kill this thing!

DUDE...I don't know how you finished that entire course! My first 70.3 was St George and I got my a$$ handed to me and (at the time) I considered cycling to be my strongest discipline. That race almost had me swearing off triathlons all together. Toughest single day I've ever had and you did the FULL! You're an animal.
2015-10-27 12:15 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
3 weeks out.

Athlete Guide is up on the website.

I need some advice/help/talk me off the ledge...I was planning on doing my last big run yesterday morning because I didn't have time this weekend. I got out there and was cruising along when at about 5-6 miles into it my IT band started barking at me. I noticed it but kept on trucking. Around mile 9-10 is where it stopped barking and started biting. I had to stop at 11.75 miles and limped back to my buddy's house for a ride home. I got home and stretched/foam rolled it, then iced. I used a heating pad to warm up the muscle and tissue around it last night and stretched and rolled it again. It still hurts today but I'm able to walk fine. I had a friend of mine suggest a patella band to get rid of the pain and taper off and race with it. I've had tightness in my IT band on my other leg but nothing like this. Do you guys/gals have any suggestions on how I should go about this? Do patella bands work for this? Have any of you guys used them? Should I limit my running to shorter, faster efforts? Ideas? Thoughts? Help.
2015-10-27 1:35 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

3 weeks out.

Athlete Guide is up on the website.

I need some advice/help/talk me off the ledge...I was planning on doing my last big run yesterday morning because I didn't have time this weekend. I got out there and was cruising along when at about 5-6 miles into it my IT band started barking at me. I noticed it but kept on trucking. Around mile 9-10 is where it stopped barking and started biting. I had to stop at 11.75 miles and limped back to my buddy's house for a ride home. I got home and stretched/foam rolled it, then iced. I used a heating pad to warm up the muscle and tissue around it last night and stretched and rolled it again. It still hurts today but I'm able to walk fine. I had a friend of mine suggest a patella band to get rid of the pain and taper off and race with it. I've had tightness in my IT band on my other leg but nothing like this. Do you guys/gals have any suggestions on how I should go about this? Do patella bands work for this? Have any of you guys used them? Should I limit my running to shorter, faster efforts? Ideas? Thoughts? Help.

That sucks. For what it's worth, I had IT issues a few years ago before a 70.3. Definitely limited my running to shorter efforts for the few weeks before race. as it heated up around 4-5 miles the pain set in, so stopped before then. went to PT and they did ART treatments. I also did wear the patella band. cannot say if it worked or not but made it thru the 13.1 miles without too much pain. might have been placebo. Not sure it this will help for the full 26.2 miles.

Definitely search this forum and ST. there are a bunch of threads on it. Good luck.
2015-10-27 2:06 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

3 weeks out.

Athlete Guide is up on the website.

I need some advice/help/talk me off the ledge...I was planning on doing my last big run yesterday morning because I didn't have time this weekend. I got out there and was cruising along when at about 5-6 miles into it my IT band started barking at me. I noticed it but kept on trucking. Around mile 9-10 is where it stopped barking and started biting. I had to stop at 11.75 miles and limped back to my buddy's house for a ride home. I got home and stretched/foam rolled it, then iced. I used a heating pad to warm up the muscle and tissue around it last night and stretched and rolled it again. It still hurts today but I'm able to walk fine. I had a friend of mine suggest a patella band to get rid of the pain and taper off and race with it. I've had tightness in my IT band on my other leg but nothing like this. Do you guys/gals have any suggestions on how I should go about this? Do patella bands work for this? Have any of you guys used them? Should I limit my running to shorter, faster efforts? Ideas? Thoughts? Help.

Oh crap! Sorry to hear about this happening so close to race day! You can still fix it! I had this problem before and fixed it with a good strength training regimen to keep it at bay. You'll need medium strength theraband and do at least these exercises twice a week after you foam roll well:

2x10-15 leg lifts with band around both ankles lying on your side
2x10- 15 side shuffles band around ankles
2x10-15 clam shells with band above knees
2x10 2 legged squats
2x10 single legged squats
2x10-15 hip abductor lifts
2x10-15 gluteal body raise

After this foam roll the ITB and stretch it gently. You should feel some relief.

Keep your runs short and use a ITB strap to hold the ITB in place and minimize discomfort.

2015-11-03 10:40 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Not sure how often I will be on here in the remaining time before IMAZ, so I wanted to wish everyone an absolutely great race! I don't post too much but read a lot, so I also want to thank everyone for all the information and advice they have shared. You are an awesome community. Really excited about my first 140.6 and looking forward to seeing you all there. Stay healthy and have the race of your lives! As for me, I will be looking to make this old quasi-joke my mantra:

Q: What do you call the last place finisher at IMAZ?
A: An ironman.
2015-11-03 6:24 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
How's your IT band feeling tmoran?
2015-11-03 6:29 PM
in reply to: kalish

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kalish

Not sure how often I will be on here in the remaining time before IMAZ, so I wanted to wish everyone an absolutely great race! I don't post too much but read a lot, so I also want to thank everyone for all the information and advice they have shared. You are an awesome community. Really excited about my first 140.6 and looking forward to seeing you all there. Stay healthy and have the race of your lives! As for me, I will be looking to make this old quasi-joke my mantra:

Q: What do you call the last place finisher at IMAZ?
A: An ironman.

2015-11-04 10:49 AM
in reply to: kalish

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Good luck to everyone next week. Be safe and have fun. That's why we do this, right? I want to read some cool RRs.
2015-11-04 11:11 AM
in reply to: StevenC

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

Good luck to everyone next week. Be safe and have fun. That's why we do this, right? I want to read some cool RRs.

You too man!

2015-11-04 2:45 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kloofyroland

How's your IT band feeling tmoran?

No Bueno. Thanks for asking. I Ran 5 miles easy last week and around mile 4 is when I started feeling it. I stretched and rolled it as soon as I got home. I've been stretching and rolling it and icing it for the last week and a half. Today I went out to test it and got 2 miles in and it was painful. I'm worried.

So i have another the IT band just Pain Management? If I can suffer through it will it do any permanent damage?A little Alieve/Ibuprofen before and during the run ok? This bums me out. I really wanted to go into race day healthy and pain free...
2015-11-04 9:23 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Lakeville, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread

Not really sure what to tell you about your IT band. I think it is just pain management but a quick call to a PT or DR might help you make the right decision.

I did a single loop of the run course yesterday and thought I would pass along some info. We have had a lot of rain and some of the parts of the run course that are dirt have a few some type of vehicle was driven through the soft dirt. It's not a big deal but there are a few areas that are under some trees and when I ran the shade was in just the right spot that made them hard to see. I made a mental note that it would be easy to roll your ankle if you weren't paying attention and stepped on the rut just right. Like I said it's not a big deal and they may be gone by the time the race rolls around but thought I would mention it just in case.

I hope everyone has a great race and enjoys their time here in Phoenix. Oh yeah one more thought... when you are out on the Beeline it's easy to get caught up in staring at the road...don't forget to pick your head up and take a look at the mountains they really are pretty! 

Take a minute and thank all the people that helped get us to this point and on race day have fun!

2015-11-05 12:26 AM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by kloofyroland

How's your IT band feeling tmoran?

No Bueno. Thanks for asking. I Ran 5 miles easy last week and around mile 4 is when I started feeling it. I stretched and rolled it as soon as I got home. I've been stretching and rolling it and icing it for the last week and a half. Today I went out to test it and got 2 miles in and it was painful. I'm worried.

So i have another the IT band just Pain Management? If I can suffer through it will it do any permanent damage?A little Alieve/Ibuprofen before and during the run ok? This bums me out. I really wanted to go into race day healthy and pain free...

Yes, the strap only helps ease the pain but it won't do much over 26.2 miles. I didn't see you write about doing the exercises I recommended. Stretching and rolling won't do much at all until you strengthen the areas causing it to pull and cause the discomfort you are feeling.

You can still race but the run will be a jog/walk pace and you might still be grimacing. I don't recommend pain killers during a race but ask your doctor and see what he says.
2015-11-05 6:38 AM
in reply to: tmoran07

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by kloofyroland

How's your IT band feeling tmoran?

No Bueno. Thanks for asking. I Ran 5 miles easy last week and around mile 4 is when I started feeling it. I stretched and rolled it as soon as I got home. I've been stretching and rolling it and icing it for the last week and a half. Today I went out to test it and got 2 miles in and it was painful. I'm worried.

So i have another the IT band just Pain Management? If I can suffer through it will it do any permanent damage?A little Alieve/Ibuprofen before and during the run ok? This bums me out. I really wanted to go into race day healthy and pain free...

I haven't been too diligent about checking here so I didn't see your original post.

This advice may be worth what you paid for it..... but, I would be taking big doses of Motrin every eight hours for the next 5-7 days. IT band stuff is inflammation and Motrin is a very potent antiinflammatory. I have a couple chronic injuries that occasionally flare up (dealing with one now) and the first thing I do is get on the Motrin schedule. Not for the pain relief but for the antiiinflammatory effect. Take it with food so you are protecting your stomach a bit. I'm taking 800 mg of Motrin every eight hours and have been for several days. My symptoms are getting better.

Hope you feel better and get to race day ready to run. I don't think you will significantly damage anything if you suck it up and run in spite of the pain. It might worsen the pain and make it harder to get over this but I don't think you will do any significant structural damage.

Last thing. The one time I had fairly bad IT symptoms, switching out my shoes to a new pair made a big difference. Worth a try.
2015-11-05 8:50 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by kloofyroland

How's your IT band feeling tmoran?

No Bueno. Thanks for asking. I Ran 5 miles easy last week and around mile 4 is when I started feeling it. I stretched and rolled it as soon as I got home. I've been stretching and rolling it and icing it for the last week and a half. Today I went out to test it and got 2 miles in and it was painful. I'm worried.

So i have another the IT band just Pain Management? If I can suffer through it will it do any permanent damage?A little Alieve/Ibuprofen before and during the run ok? This bums me out. I really wanted to go into race day healthy and pain free...

I haven't been too diligent about checking here so I didn't see your original post.

This advice may be worth what you paid for it..... but, I would be taking big doses of Motrin every eight hours for the next 5-7 days. IT band stuff is inflammation and Motrin is a very potent antiinflammatory. I have a couple chronic injuries that occasionally flare up (dealing with one now) and the first thing I do is get on the Motrin schedule. Not for the pain relief but for the antiiinflammatory effect. Take it with food so you are protecting your stomach a bit. I'm taking 800 mg of Motrin every eight hours and have been for several days. My symptoms are getting better.

Hope you feel better and get to race day ready to run. I don't think you will significantly damage anything if you suck it up and run in spite of the pain. It might worsen the pain and make it harder to get over this but I don't think you will do any significant structural damage.

Last thing. The one time I had fairly bad IT symptoms, switching out my shoes to a new pair made a big difference. Worth a try.

kloofyroland - I did the exercises twice last week and stretched/rolled really well. I forgot to mention that.

Thanks for the suggestion about the Motrin. That made me think about the last flare up of IT issues I had about 2-3 months ago...I really hammered the ibuprofen regularly. Took about 800mg on a steady basis and in about a week it was gone. I didn't even think about that. The last time this kicked up I traded 2 runs for 2 60 minute rides, nailed the stretch and roll after and got the ice and ibuprofen down. I wish I would have thought about this when this kicked up. With the anxiety of the race and work all of a sudden getting crazy my brain is going 200 miles an hour is 200 different directions. I really appreciate all the advice and thoughts. You guys are awesome.

Besides this I'm really ready to race. I'm burnt out with training and ready to get going. Regardless of how my leg feels I'm going to have a good time and enjoy the day.

2015-11-05 5:22 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by wannabefaster

Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by kloofyroland

How's your IT band feeling tmoran?

No Bueno. Thanks for asking. I Ran 5 miles easy last week and around mile 4 is when I started feeling it. I stretched and rolled it as soon as I got home. I've been stretching and rolling it and icing it for the last week and a half. Today I went out to test it and got 2 miles in and it was painful. I'm worried.

So i have another the IT band just Pain Management? If I can suffer through it will it do any permanent damage?A little Alieve/Ibuprofen before and during the run ok? This bums me out. I really wanted to go into race day healthy and pain free...

I haven't been too diligent about checking here so I didn't see your original post.

This advice may be worth what you paid for it..... but, I would be taking big doses of Motrin every eight hours for the next 5-7 days. IT band stuff is inflammation and Motrin is a very potent antiinflammatory. I have a couple chronic injuries that occasionally flare up (dealing with one now) and the first thing I do is get on the Motrin schedule. Not for the pain relief but for the antiiinflammatory effect. Take it with food so you are protecting your stomach a bit. I'm taking 800 mg of Motrin every eight hours and have been for several days. My symptoms are getting better.

Hope you feel better and get to race day ready to run. I don't think you will significantly damage anything if you suck it up and run in spite of the pain. It might worsen the pain and make it harder to get over this but I don't think you will do any significant structural damage.

Last thing. The one time I had fairly bad IT symptoms, switching out my shoes to a new pair made a big difference. Worth a try.

kloofyroland - I did the exercises twice last week and stretched/rolled really well. I forgot to mention that.

Thanks for the suggestion about the Motrin. That made me think about the last flare up of IT issues I had about 2-3 months ago...I really hammered the ibuprofen regularly. Took about 800mg on a steady basis and in about a week it was gone. I didn't even think about that. The last time this kicked up I traded 2 runs for 2 60 minute rides, nailed the stretch and roll after and got the ice and ibuprofen down. I wish I would have thought about this when this kicked up. With the anxiety of the race and work all of a sudden getting crazy my brain is going 200 miles an hour is 200 different directions. I really appreciate all the advice and thoughts. You guys are awesome.

Besides this I'm really ready to race. I'm burnt out with training and ready to get going. Regardless of how my leg feels I'm going to have a good time and enjoy the day.

Okay cool. It does take time to get ITBS resolved. You might also have some structural imbalances that a good chiropractor can fix. Might be worth looking into before the race.
2015-11-09 10:37 AM
in reply to: mikfinne

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by mikfinne

Not really sure what to tell you about your IT band. I think it is just pain management but a quick call to a PT or DR might help you make the right decision.

I did a single loop of the run course yesterday and thought I would pass along some info. We have had a lot of rain and some of the parts of the run course that are dirt have a few some type of vehicle was driven through the soft dirt. It's not a big deal but there are a few areas that are under some trees and when I ran the shade was in just the right spot that made them hard to see. I made a mental note that it would be easy to roll your ankle if you weren't paying attention and stepped on the rut just right. Like I said it's not a big deal and they may be gone by the time the race rolls around but thought I would mention it just in case.

I hope everyone has a great race and enjoys their time here in Phoenix. Oh yeah one more thought... when you are out on the Beeline it's easy to get caught up in staring at the road...don't forget to pick your head up and take a look at the mountains they really are pretty! 

Take a minute and thank all the people that helped get us to this point and on race day have fun!

Thanks for that info, Mike. It is all very much appreciated!

My bike is en route to AZ thanks to Tribiketransport and I am following it out on Wednesday morning. Woo hoo!!!
2015-11-10 2:25 PM
in reply to: kalish

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Rain anyone? 55% chance of rain Saturday night/Sunday morning! Picking up race wheels today. Driving out Thursday. Checking in Friday. Freaking out today.

Have a great race everyone! Thanks for all the advice and help about my IT band. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyones race next week!
2015-11-10 4:22 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by tmoran07

Rain anyone? 55% chance of rain Saturday night/Sunday morning! Picking up race wheels today. Driving out Thursday. Checking in Friday. Freaking out today.

Have a great race everyone! Thanks for all the advice and help about my IT band. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyones race next week!

Relax. Try not to freak out about something you cannot control. forecast for Sun has changed every day for past few days. I wouldn't really take forecast serious until Friday. currently, it looks like very small chance of rain in morning, about 15% between 9-12. that's really low and don't imagine it would be too heavy or long enough to effect bike. if that changes when we get closer just adjust PSI on tires a little bit down. think of the positive, we should have some cloud cover, winds look to be low 6mph ESE, temps look to be perfect probably 55-60 when we get onto bike, high of 75 at 3p and nice mid 60s into the evening. given all the alternatives, I am happy with forecast, assuming it holds.

Have a great race. I am bib #2577 so say go faster Steve if you guys see me. need any encouragement i can get.

Edited by StevenC 2015-11-10 4:25 PM
2015-11-10 9:09 PM
in reply to: croyston

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Extreme Veteran
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Subject: Race Wheel Rentals
Still debating renting race wheels. I will not win, ANYTHING. Their website says it will save a whole 68 seconds per hour. That's like 6-7 minutes. Are there any other benefits? I'm looking at a 404 front/808 rear.

Should I just save my money? Any suggestions?

Looks like we are going to have fantastic weather!!

2015-11-10 10:07 PM
in reply to: rnner66

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Race Wheel Rentals
Originally posted by rnner66

Still debating renting race wheels. I will not win, ANYTHING. Their website says it will save a whole 68 seconds per hour. That's like 6-7 minutes. Are there any other benefits? I'm looking at a 404 front/808 rear.

Should I just save my money? Any suggestions?

Looks like we are going to have fantastic weather!!

Rent them if you've used them on your bike before, don't if you haven't.
2015-11-10 11:19 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by tmoran07

Rain anyone? 55% chance of rain Saturday night/Sunday morning! Picking up race wheels today. Driving out Thursday. Checking in Friday. Freaking out today.

Have a great race everyone! Thanks for all the advice and help about my IT band. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyones race next week!

Relax. Try not to freak out about something you cannot control. forecast for Sun has changed every day for past few days. I wouldn't really take forecast serious until Friday. currently, it looks like very small chance of rain in morning, about 15% between 9-12. that's really low and don't imagine it would be too heavy or long enough to effect bike. if that changes when we get closer just adjust PSI on tires a little bit down. think of the positive, we should have some cloud cover, winds look to be low 6mph ESE, temps look to be perfect probably 55-60 when we get onto bike, high of 75 at 3p and nice mid 60s into the evening. given all the alternatives, I am happy with forecast, assuming it holds.

Have a great race. I am bib #2577 so say go faster Steve if you guys see me. need any encouragement i can get.

You guys race well too! I'm bib#2520!
2015-11-12 9:19 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Originally posted by StevenC

Originally posted by tmoran07

Rain anyone? 55% chance of rain Saturday night/Sunday morning! Picking up race wheels today. Driving out Thursday. Checking in Friday. Freaking out today.

Have a great race everyone! Thanks for all the advice and help about my IT band. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyones race next week!

Relax. Try not to freak out about something you cannot control. forecast for Sun has changed every day for past few days. I wouldn't really take forecast serious until Friday. currently, it looks like very small chance of rain in morning, about 15% between 9-12. that's really low and don't imagine it would be too heavy or long enough to effect bike. if that changes when we get closer just adjust PSI on tires a little bit down. think of the positive, we should have some cloud cover, winds look to be low 6mph ESE, temps look to be perfect probably 55-60 when we get onto bike, high of 75 at 3p and nice mid 60s into the evening. given all the alternatives, I am happy with forecast, assuming it holds.

Have a great race. I am bib #2577 so say go faster Steve if you guys see me. need any encouragement i can get.

You guys race well too! I'm bib#2520!

I'm not freaking out over the weather. I don't mind the rain nor riding in it. On Tuesday I had a semi-freak out-anxiety attack going on. I lived out there for 3-4 years and I know how fast the weather WILL change. I've got alot of nervous excitement and I'm probably making this a bigger deal than what I need to.

I hope everyone has a great race out there! Bib #2026.
2015-11-30 5:20 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona 2015 : Official Thread
Whether you hit your goal or not, I hope everyone had a great race experience! I know I did!
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2009-11-28 7:52 PM dave699
date : May 7, 2008
author : Ingrid Loos
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Newbie blunders teach the mind to overcome the moment, and always have fun!