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2019-01-18 7:47 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Thanks everyone for the kind words - it really is appreciated.  Yesterday I cleaned/oiled the chain and gears on the bike, swapped out the saddle (which is no small feat on my bike, trying to get the barrel thing to sit still underneath the saddle to put the bolt in from below is a test of patience!), got the saddle positioning sorted, and went for a 19.5 mile ride in the 70 degree Florida sunshine.  Then when I got home I went out for a 40 min run/walk with my wife, daughter, brother in law, and nephew.  We're all doing the 'Me Strong' 5k in a few weeks, which is a local charity set up for people going through cancer treatment, started by one of my daughter's 'Girls On The Run' coaches.  Couldn't have been a better way to celebrate Helen than that, I think.  

2019-01-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Gretchen - you don't screw around when you get sick or injured do you?  It's never "ah I've got a chest cold, going to take a couple days off" it's "i've contracted a rare form of the plague unseen previously by medical science.  Going to move my 4 hour ride from this morning to this afternoon".  Feel better soon!!!

Andrew - getting the bag in the car is a big first step!  Is it as hot there as it is in Australia right now, or are you far enough away to be spared the extreme heat wave?

Originally posted by aviatrix802 John, Pats fan here! Sox too and I worked for the Celtics back in the Bird, Parish, McHale days. Welcome to the newcomers!! Only a 3 mile run this week but good news, it looks like they’re giving a few of us a month off due to backups in training! So after class tomorrow I’m heading home (hopefully) to bask in the 24” of snow we’re due to get this weekend!! Woohoo!! I hope to use the month to get ahead on studies but also get more of a consistent base workout going before I come back. I found a gym just a few buildings down that will work a 2 month membership for me and they have a tri group! They do monthly mini tri’s! I hope to be back in time for the March tri and I’m not in testing when it happens! So cool! Oh! Bell’s Two Hearted Ale has been gracing my fridge this week! Yum!

YES!!  This is fantastic news.  And apologies if I knew this already and forgot.  I've spent the last few years in hiding as a Pats fan, so now that we have Jackie we have a majority over the Ravens fans MWOOHAHAHAHAHAHA! worked for the Celtics!?!  THAT'S AWESOME!

Also Bell's Two Hearted is one of my all time favorites.  Not like Dave where it's his favorite ever...  But I do consider it hoppy, also well balanced with the malt.  Are you starting to become an IPA drinker?  Hahaha. 

Also also really exciting about the tri group on the road!  I need to find something locally......

2019-01-18 8:23 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
John, I'm so sorry for your loss. Sounds like you are honoring her in a great way. It definitely puts a lot of things into perspective.

Mike and Gretchen, glad you are starting to feel better. Hopefully you can get back out there soon!

I was also feeling sick, I think from my vaccinations, so I had to get someone to cover my swim lessons Wednesday. Because of that, I felt like I couldn't go to swim squad the next morning, so took it easy yesterday. This morning used my new workout trampoline for the first time. It was okay but I need to find a video that challenges me more I think.

As for Guinness, I never really drink it, but we did just get a Guinness Brewery in Baltimore that I hope to go to soon. They make the new Guinness Blonde Ale there, which I've had and really like. I will let you guys know when I make it there!
2019-01-18 8:53 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Honest question - what's a workout trampoline?

2019-01-18 3:14 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by firebert

Honest question - what's a workout trampoline?

Haha you haven't seen these?! Here's a video that demonstrates a workout on one. It's just a small trampoline.
It's a great calf and hammy workout, and gets your heart rate up a little. The one I did this morning wasn't that great but I'm going to try this one next I think.
2019-01-18 7:46 PM
in reply to: #5254156

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Back in the saddle (literally) today with a 45’ easy spin today after I spent two hours getting my new pedal power meter installed. Yes, two hours for a five minute job. The old pedals were really stuck on there! I was beginning to think I was going to have to take my bike to the shop just to get the darn things off!

2019-01-19 9:43 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

As for Guinness, I never really drink it, but we did just get a Guinness Brewery in Baltimore that I hope to go to soon. They make the new Guinness Blonde Ale there, which I've had and really like. I will let you guys know when I make it there!


Do you guys get the Guinness lager over there?

Hop House 13 Lager Bottle 650Ml


and John - sorry to hear your mentor/friend. 

2019-01-19 12:50 PM
in reply to: #5254203

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Hour trainer ride today. Super easy to start the road back from illness. Tri bike up on the trainer, but man does it remind me that I need to work on finding the right saddle. This one isn’t it!!
2019-01-20 1:46 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Hey Gretchen, good to hear your back from death.

Not a bad week here, two solid runs, a bunch of short easy runs, a good trainer ride, & a nice swim this morning.
2019-01-20 2:44 PM
in reply to: 0

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Hour trainer ride today. Super easy to start the road back from illness. Tri bike up on the trainer, but man does it remind me that I need to work on finding the right saddle. This one isn’t it!!

What saddle you got at the moment?

I did a cheeky 11.67 miles along the canal (with Paris-Roubaix esque cobbles next to all the down locks!) and then home along past my old school: was fun! What was most fun was my slice of Guinness cake after! 

Edited by sappho96 2019-01-20 2:46 PM
2019-01-20 3:16 PM
in reply to: #5253131

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Currently riding a Koobi fusion saddle. I rode it for my HIM in the fall, and didn’t like it, but didn’t have time to get back to the lbs before I took off for Egypt. Just got the tri bike up on the trainer, so this is my third ride with it after an extended break. I know part of my issue is just getting back to it, but man it is uncomfortable!!

Hour trainer ride today with 4x8’ intervals that felt pretty good.

2019-01-20 4:16 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

i run this on my hybrid:

Selle Italia Lady Gel-Flow Road Saddle nice and squishy but with the necessary cut out!

and this on my roadbike:

Specialized Womens Lithia Comp Gel Black EV180912 8500 1_Thumbnail

it took forever with both to find one that works! I feel ya pain sister!

2019-01-21 6:45 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

I'm more or less back from the plague.  Got in a pathetic barely Z2 ride on the trainer on Friday and basically passed out in Bikram Yoga on Saturday but am feeling like 80% now, still some pesky head and chest goo to deal with.  Contemplating swimming later but it's 15 degrees with a -10* F wind chill right now and I don't want to go outside.  LOL

2019-01-21 6:46 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Oh, and &%@*!! Brady.

2019-01-21 7:25 AM
in reply to: #5254245

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
^^^ this
2019-01-21 7:49 AM
in reply to: #5254258

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Heh heh heh. Brady, taking the boy to school... heh heh.
If it’s any consolation, the Saints were ROBBED! Pass interference and helmet to helmet.. those refs will be lucky to make it out of NO alive.

Made it home late Friday night, just in time. We’ve probably got around 20”-22” of snow or so? Spent yesterday digging out.. that’s my workout. Haha.
Today I’m going to finish setting up the wahoo Kick’r and experimenting with that. I have a feeling there might be a bit of a learning curve.
Yes, I should be skiing but it’s -27*F right now so.. no. Yes I’ve skied when it’s been much colder (-72), but I’d like to think I’m older and wiser now. Haha. Debatable.

2019-01-21 1:03 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Oh, and &%@*!! Brady.

Haters gonna hate

2019-01-21 1:13 PM
in reply to: firebert

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Mike and Gretchen glad you guys are making your way back from your respective plagues!  And Jenn glad you made it home safe!  My friends in the north of MA got lots of snow, though of course not nearly as much as you.  My family in the south of MA (for the uninitiated, MA is around an hour's drive north to south) got an inch of snow followed by rain followed by the deep freeze.

Here in FL, I was outside watching the eclipse last night in my short sleeved Patriots jersey with some native Floridians bundled up like it was well below zero.  It was like 40.  Hahaha.

Managed an hour Z2 trainer ride before the AFC Championship game.  Today since it's one of those holidays that school has off but I don't have off work (MLK Day), the family is at Disney and I'm home working.  At least I can get a run or a bike ride in after work before they get home.

2019-01-22 8:16 AM
in reply to: firebert

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Managed a bike ride in the 'frigid' late afternoon January temps of Central FL.  52 degrees hahaha.  The bike trail felt cold too, in the shade and at 85% humidity (high humidity makes the cold feel colder - think raining above freezing vs snowing below freezing).  Even in my time in MA, 50F is about my low limit for riding.  I have pants and thicker gloves and have ridden as low as 20F, but no matter the layering anything less than 50 I hate.

Anyway got a good lesson in bike handling on the trail.  Was coming down the only real descent, a ramp from the bridge over the railroad tracks.  Seriously, the only hills in FL besides the 340' Sugarloaf 'mountain' are bridges.  It's hard to be on the brakes on the way down because instead of being smooth, it's stepped with flat bits like some of the wheelchair accessible ramps are, which cause me and the bike to get little bits of air on each.  And then right at the bottom is a quick left/right chicane.  In the late afternoon sun/shadows, with the sun setting in my eyes, I misjudged the chicane and went off roading.  Would be no big deal if it was grass, but it was more of a sand pit from where all the 4 wheelers cross over the bike path to the sand trails.  There was a split second of thinking I was going over the handlebars and wondering how much it was going to hurt.

I managed to save it, basically using knowledge from motorcycle safety classes.  Brake as much as you can while pointed straight and on a stable surface (the pavement before I left it), then let go of the brakes and go straight through the dip and the sand pit, having scrubbed enough speed.  Came out the other side without even a bobble.  I really need to work on my bike handling skills....

2019-01-22 9:55 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Went to masters practice Saturday (can't remember if I posted about it already or not). Got out after about an hour b/c my shoulder was bothering me. I badly need a massage!
Had vball last night and Swim Squad this morning. Got in 2300 yds. I hurt two of my fingers at vball last night so gripping the water was a bit tricky, but overall it still went okay.

Mike, in case you haven't been there yet, the part of the locker room with the entrance to the pool is closed. They are planning to get some temporary changing areas in the corner of the pool deck until they reopen everything (~April), but for now you have to traipse through the gym to get to the locker room after the swim. Bring extra clothes! I put on some clothes just to cover up while i walked through, then changed into dry ones.
2019-01-22 10:12 AM
in reply to: #5254260

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Glad everyone is feeling better (I say this with a scratchy throat lmao)!

I officially got my first tri bike.......and I think it's slightly too large. If I could just move the drops back 2 inches it would be perfect. Very excited to get it back in working order and take it out.

Wife and I did a 10 mile ride over the weekend and saw multiple red tail hawks fighting. It was freaking awesome.

(Cough bradys the GOAT cough)

2019-01-22 10:38 AM
in reply to: JACKEDjames123

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

We need pics of the bike!  New Bike Day (NBD) is very important around here.  Any new gear actually but especially bikes since they cost so much they're few and far between.  Congrats on NBD!!!

Regarding bringing the drops in closer - 2 inches is a lot but there are adjustments that can be made usually.  At least on road bikes, tri bikes tend to be more 'integrated'...  Can you move the saddle forward at all?  The height usually has to be adjusted to compensate but if you can get it forward at all it will help.  Also, is there a stem or is the 'cockpit' so integrated that the drops/aeros/stem are all one piece?

2019-01-22 11:06 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Congrats on the new bike, James! Pictures!!

I am officially back on full training schedule. Two workouts every day this week except Thursday (who knows why Thursday!). I already went on a short run this morning, to be followed later this afternoon with a swim. The new semester started last week and so I'm trying a new schedule. It is 11am and I've already done everything on my to-do list today and have one workout finished. I think 5-9am are the golden hours of productivity for me. There is no one awake to bother me!!
2019-01-22 1:49 PM
in reply to: #5254337

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Thanks yall!
I'll post pictures after work, I'm hoping I can make the adjustments since I bought it outright but even if I cant Its an upgrade from my current starter roadie. It is a tri bike but the stem looks adjustable or it looks as if I can at least adjust it.
All the measurements are the same except the length from the saddle to the stem (no idea what its called) is 1.5 inches longer. Finger crossed lol

I have 2 and a half weeks before my official "training" begins and it is daunting lol
2019-01-22 7:23 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96
Do you guys get the Guinness lager over there?

Hop House 13 Lager Bottle 650Ml


and John - sorry to hear your mentor/friend. 

We don't get that in NZ, but last year we visited the UK for my sisters wedding, and I enjoyed a lot of the hop house 13. No idea that it was guinness tho.

Side note, there is never a good reason to fly 24 hours with a 1 year old not even a good beer.
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