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2007-11-16 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1057192

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Rmaldon240 - 2007-11-16 2:00 PM

DEE - I do and I will. (Anything for the team) Hopefully, your heart can take it.

Deannas - That sucks. I am sorry to hear that but we've got a goal to meet so get another helmet or break out the trainer. (KIDDING, TOTALLY completely kidding)

I'm in Hagerstown, Maryland and it is crazy cold. We did a 30 mile bike ride today and with the wind chill it had to be in the low 30s. Tomorrow's 50 mile run should be interesting.

A 50 mile run????

OK, I'm impressed.

Good luck!

2007-11-17 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1057692

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Important Announcement - It's long, but please read this!

Part I - Google Spreadsheets: You'll enter your own data.

Because this month's challenge is "Your Choice," the weekly reporting for it has proven to be a challenge of its own.

A lot of the goals aren't run/swim/bike, so they aren't listed on the logs. For example, if your goal is to do 1500 situps, that information isn't easily available to your team captains.

As a results, I have set up Team Spreadsheets on Google Docs.

Everyone will be responsible for entering his/her own progress, for each goal.

I will send a PM to two people on your team: your team captain and one other person. Included in the PM will be:
1) The location of your team spreadsheet.
2) Your username and password. (You must enter this to access the spreadsheet.)

Team leaders: Please forward the information that I sent you to each member of your team. I recommend that you do this via PM. Also, if someone on your team has difficulties using the spreadsheet, please help that person or enter their data for them. (You'll also no longer need to post a spreadsheet for me.)

Each Sunday night, I will access the team spreadsheets and copy your information to the Master Spreadsheet. From that, I'll determine individual standings and team rankings.

Part II - This Week's Reporting

This month's challenge is really an INDIVIDUAL one. Everone is organized into teams because, well, I can't keep track of over 100 people!

So this week, I'm going to give results by INDIVIDUALS. That way, people will know exactly where they stand. (I'll also include the usual team standings, for "bragging rights.")

The month will be 60% over on Sunday. So I'll write a list that shows everone who is at 60% or more of their goals.... versus everyone who isn't.

While it'll take more time for me to write this, I'm hoping that it will allow us to better acknowledge everyone who has been working hard (even if the rest of their team has been eating potato chips on the couch all day).


Edited by D001 2007-11-17 12:19 PM
2007-11-17 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I have sent everyone out the info.....If I missed anyone please let me know



2007-11-17 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1058476

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
irongirl39 - 2007-11-17 5:47 PM

I have sent everyone out the info.....If I missed anyone please let me know



Thank you, Jenn!

2007-11-17 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
This sounds like a much saner plan for Dee and the team captains. Good thinking, Dee.

So we're supposed to update the spreadsheet once a week on Sunday? Is it OK if we update it at the very end of the day? I sometimes go for one last run kind of late Sunday night...

Edited by Fielding 2007-11-17 6:13 PM
2007-11-17 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1058531

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Fielding - 2007-11-17 7:12 PM

This sounds like a much saner plan for Dee and the team captains. Good thinking, Dee.

So we're supposed to update the spreadsheet once a week on Sunday? Is it OK if we update it at the very end of the day? I sometimes go for one last run kind of late Sunday night...

How late is ""the very end of the day"?

Worst case, that final run won't appear in this week's info. (But it would still show up as part of the following week's info.)

2007-11-17 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Well, seeing as I'm a West Coaster, very end of the day could conceivably be close to midnight (PST). Which sounds way too late for you. OK, so I'll make sure I update my spreadsheet (possibly without the last run) by Sunday afternoon.

Thanks, Dee!
2007-11-17 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1058557

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Fielding - 2007-11-17 8:01 PM

Well, seeing as I'm a West Coaster, very end of the day could conceivably be close to midnight (PST). Which sounds way too late for you. OK, so I'll make sure I update my spreadsheet (possibly without the last run) by Sunday afternoon.

Thanks, Dee!

Uh yeah. I am addicted to BT.... but by 3 AM eastern time, I generally have already crashed for the night. LOL

It just means that last run will be in the following week's data. But, by the end of the month, it'll all get counted.

2007-11-17 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1058476

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Sorry Jenn... but where is the spreadsheet? 
2007-11-18 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Good morning. I'm not Jenn but I'm here.  You can find the spreadsheet at GoogleDoc web site and then use your passwork and and log in. Hope this helps. Have a great day!!!


2007-11-19 6:25 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Good eve Team!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am going to try to get to the pool more this week and get caught up on my swims. The run and bike are going OK. Everyone have a great week.


2007-11-19 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1061259

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
I hear you Chris!
Finally made it to the Univ pool for the first time today. Need to make sure I keep going back.
Running is going as good as I could hope at this point.
Had to work this past Saturday so I need to make up a day I had planned for the bike.

Hope everyone is doing great!
2007-11-19 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I'm sorry, my brain must be on vacation as I cannot find the spreadsheet.  I have the password/email, but where do I access it?

As for training, last week I met my running goal, shy of bike/swim but am doing 2-a-days this week while home on 'vacation'

 Hope everyone is doing great!

2007-11-19 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1061334

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

November Challenge - Week 2 Results

November is now 60% completed. Are you meeting your goals?

Even though we're organized into teams, your goals for the November Challenge are really INDIVIDUAL ones. Therefore, I'm listing the results by INDIVIDUALS this week. That way, everyone will know exactly where they stand.

There's a good chance that I missed someone, so if you're supposed to be on a list but aren't -- well, it wasn't intentional. (My eyes started to cross after awhile.) If your name is missing, please DO brag about your progress with your teammates, so you can get the congratulations that you deserve.

People who have a goal at 100%: (Note: You don't get credit for more than 100%. So if you're there already, think about raising your goal! It is only November 19th, after all.)
Moscateers: ell-in-or
Vigilantes: Virtus
Turkey Terrors: Nhmorgan
5ForFighting: Antti_asu, Pulch, Rzzqb8
Twisnibbins: HCS5QA, Kns57, Tnickerson, Brynn
Wild Hippos: Baowolf
Hard Corps Tri Corps: ---
Overall team leading this category: Twisnibbins (4 people)

People who have ALL goals at 54% or higher:
Moscateers: Enders_Shadow, Mosc11, Mosc57, Saling4
Vigilantes: DeannaS
Turkey Terrors: Miche033, Gygyhawk, DMW
5ForFighting: Van_paulus, Max, Karl_Hungus,
Twisnibbins: HCS5QA, D001, Brynn
Wild Hippos: Baowolf, JasonBohn9
Hard Corps Tri Corps: Zipp1
Overall team leading this category: Moscateers (4 people)

People in serious need of intervention. (All goals at less than 15%):
Moscateers: No one!
Turkey Terrors: No one!
5ForFighting: No one!
Twisnibbins: No one!
Wild Hippos: No one!
Hard Corps Tri Corps: No one!
Overall team losing this category: No one!

People not reporting for Week #2:
Moscateers: ---
Vigilantes: Jessicacrouchrt, Medusa_Ann, Rmaldon240, ScotinSeattle, SoManyGoals
Turkey Terrors: Nccgrap, Joebowler, D.Z., TriChica
5ForFighting: ---
Twisnibbins: Barqhead, Legrand, Sparco, Spokes, Donto
Wild Hippos: SoapQueen2, Bajapat, Joemac3, Nate_21, Owl_girl, Vida_Nova
Hard Corps Tri Corps: DeputyDawg, Twins_momma, Szbilicki, Crabsrule, KLynne, Runnerg1rl7, Gillyfev, ACGRAY22, Cleavitt, So_Fresh_So_Clean
Overall teams winning this category: Moscateers and 5ForFighting (100% reported in.)

Team leaders - please contact your team members who have not reported yet. It may be that they are having trouble using the Google Spreadsheet. If so, please help them record their info, or enter it for them.


2007-11-19 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I sent out the webpage to those that didnt find you post of where it was located so they all should be reporting soon.  If anyone else is missing it let me know.....I am heading to the sack for the nite but will try to check before going to work.....I have to get busy this week!!!!


2007-11-19 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1061467

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
irongirl39 - 2007-11-19 9:59 PM

I sent out the webpage to those that didnt find you post of where it was located so they all should be reporting soon. If anyone else is missing it let me know.....I am heading to the sack for the nite but will try to check before going to work.....I have to get busy this week!!!!


Thanks Jenn!

2007-11-20 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I apologize once again for being late.

No excuses I just need to stay on top of it.

I updated the spreadsheet. I need a freakin Yoga intervention. I'll be running and swimming lots this week and I plan on doing a core session every day no matter what.


Jenn -  thanks for sending out the info on the spreadsheet.

Dee - what a great idea the spreadsheet is.


2007-11-21 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
I am super late reporting.....sorry!  Can't get onto the computer for more than a few minutes.  I will try to do it later today--sorry to make the team's numbers look bad (although my lack of exercise will do that on its own).  We are on vacation with the kids in Washington DC and I am pretty worn out!  Happy Thanksgiving!
2007-11-21 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Quick message. I am really not supposed to be typing at all but I wanted to say that I honestly don't know what or where the spreadsheet is etc. There's nothing there for me to see so I am really confused. I am going to put my totals here for the week and hope that it will work in the meantime.



Bike:2h 00m  - 26.91 Mi
Run:4h 19m 50s  - 20.41 Mi
Swim:6h 15m  - 17100 M
2007-11-21 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Happy Day before Thanksgiving to all in the US and Happy day before Thurs to the rest of the planet!

Lynn, I updated it for you. I think I got the %'s correct. Just missed seeing your stats up there with the rest of us and I was just playin' around on the computer anyway. Trying to stay away from the Pie.

Have a wonderful rest of the day everyone

Chris...not eating pie......yet

2007-11-22 6:43 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I am very thankful for so much including all of my BT friends. Many blessings to you and yours on this day. Peace and much love to all.

Chris ....who will be eating pie later

Edited by chrisrunzs26 2007-11-22 6:43 AM

2007-11-22 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1065027

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

First time I don't work the parade in about 15 years. It feels to good to be home watching it on TV.


Rob ..... who will be eating pie, ice cream and italian cookies soon, very soon. 

2007-11-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1065049

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Happy Thanksgiving All!
2007-11-22 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone......I have been pretty good....a little turkey, mashed potatos gravy and broc casarole.   Small amounts because I wanted the french Chocolate silk pie....skipped the pumpkin!

Took the puppy out for a 2 mile walk so maybe burned off the broc.

2007-11-23 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday!  We had a fun time checking out a lot of Washington, DC stuff in amazing weather.  Now a cold front has come in, so we might do some indoor stuff today.  I finally updated my spreadsheet, sorry I was so late.  Sporadic internet at best on this trip.  Heading home tomorrow, bye!

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