BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training Rss Feed  
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2011-09-16 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Hang in there Rob..homestretch...almost there...looking good and all that usual crap people say near the end of a race.  Hope you enjoy the weekend!


Edited by slornow 2011-09-16 8:35 AM

2011-09-16 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3689112

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

slornow - 2011-09-16 9:34 AM Hang in there Rob..homestretch...almost there...looking good and all that usual crap people say near the end of a race.  Hope you enjoy the weekend!


Thanks Randy, thank god next week is a recovery week, I need it, been really tired this week and I know this weekend will not be any eaisier.  The positive side is that I have NEVER worked out like this in my life and I still feel pretty good.   8.5 hours on Saturday is the longest I've every worked out, new milestone!  Nothing is impossible! 

2011-09-16 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3688529

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Oak Park
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

slornow - 2011-09-15 4:41 PM How is everyone doing?  As most everyone's tri season is either over or winding down thought it might be a good time to look back and see how everyone rates there season.

Grrrrreat idea Randy!

Best thing about the season?  Finishing my first Olympic Triathlon! Without a doubt, that was the highlight. I feel like it was the highlight of my entire summer. (Besides my nephew being born, of course.)

Oh, and my first swim in a wetsuit in Lake Michigan. It was just so perfect, and such a cool new experience.

Worst thing about the season? It might have been that I didn't register for more triathlons. I know that sounds dumb, but really, it's true. I was so worried about getting through my first one that I didn't want to assume it would go great and schedule 1 or 2 more. But after I finished, it would have been fun to do a sprint distance tri while I still had my bike and swim fitness.

Lessons learned?
1. I have a lot of bike work to do. It's very difficult to get faster on the bike, and you spend a LOT of triathlon time on the bike. Definitely something to practice in my off season.

2. I need a wetsuit. This will extend my tri season, and allow me to swim in the lake whenever I want. Which is awesome. Which brings me to my lesson learned. Swimming outside is much better than swimming inside when you have longer workouts to get through. 

3. I need to stop doubting myself. So often I live in my head, I practically talk myself out of doing races. As a friend told me: I'm better than I think I am. I need to embrace that thought.

4. Running takes more muscles than I thought. If I want to stay injury free, I need to work on my strength EVERY week. And foam role.

5. Chiropractors are expensive.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but for now, that is a pretty good summary. I am going to spend lots of time reflecting on number 3 this weekend. My life kind of needs a kick in the pants, and I sometimes forget that I have everything I need right inside of me.  

Edited by nmladic 2011-09-16 5:28 PM
2011-09-16 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Nicole-fantastic stuff.  I will try to get mine up over the weekend.  Self doubt is such a limiter in everything we do.  I love racing but hate the few days prior to races as I always second guess myself and my abilities.  My results are almost always better than what I estimate.

Some good things to work on over the winter.  Time in the saddle is a big thing for cycling.  I have done alot of cycling over the last year and it has really helped.  Some hard rides, some easy, some short and some long..they all help.

Thanks for the reply.....hope we hear from more folks. 

2011-09-16 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Hey all,

Well, I can't believe it, but my 'big' day is almost here. That big day is my first "iron" distance race, Augusta 70.3 a week from Sunday!

Had a decent longish bike (40 miles) in the middle of the day, felt good to be out in the heat and really push it with some strong intervals. Have a long run (going to do around 90-120 minutes, depending on the weather). I am feeling good, more anxious than anything.I have a feeling the next week will be a long one, since I will be in taper, and I will just want to train. This triathlon thing is a blessing, and a curse! Have a good weekend all, I will keep you all updated.

2011-09-17 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Last long run is in the books. Had a great run this morning, it was windy and somewhat cool out. Did 11 miles, and on the way back I did 8:05-:815 miles for the last 3.5 miles going into the wind. Felt really good finishing up as strong as I did. I feel like I am as ready as I will ever be for next weekend. Now it is a matter of getting all my ducks in a row, and getting up to Augusta.


Hopefully everyone is out training today, or at least enjoying their days. Have a good one.

P.S. Rob, keep up the good work. I am currently planning what IM I want to do next year.

2011-09-17 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Nick-nice workout.  One of my key workouts before my HIM last November was similar to the run you did today with quick pace over the last few miles.  You will certainly be ready and primed for a great race.  Cant wait to hear how it goes.  Lots of folks from down my way do Augusta and I've heard only great things.

No training for me today.  Went to son's cross country meet. He ran a PR 5K of 15:42 winning by 30 seconds.  Fun morning.  Back home and back to training tomorrow.

2011-09-17 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Wow, 15:42...I'd be happy if that was  my 2 mile split!
2011-09-19 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Oak Park
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Happy Monday gang. Did a 7 mile run this weekend. The weather is cooling off nicely - I was delighted to be wearing long pants for my run yesterday (and not have to spray my legs with Deep Woods Off). I hope you guys all have a great week. Missing everybody!
2011-09-19 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3690643

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Savage8778 - 2011-09-17 5:01 PM

Last long run is in the books. Had a great run this morning, it was windy and somewhat cool out. Did 11 miles, and on the way back I did 8:05-:815 miles for the last 3.5 miles going into the wind. Felt really good finishing up as strong as I did. I feel like I am as ready as I will ever be for next weekend. Now it is a matter of getting all my ducks in a row, and getting up to Augusta.


Hopefully everyone is out training today, or at least enjoying their days. Have a good one.

P.S. Rob, keep up the good work. I am currently planning what IM I want to do next year.

Good luck on the 70.3!  You are going to do AWESOME! 

thanks for your encouragement.

2011-09-19 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3690659

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

slornow - 2011-09-17 5:22 PM Nick-nice workout.  One of my key workouts before my HIM last November was similar to the run you did today with quick pace over the last few miles.  You will certainly be ready and primed for a great race.  Cant wait to hear how it goes.  Lots of folks from down my way do Augusta and I've heard only great things.

No training for me today.  Went to son's cross country meet. He ran a PR 5K of 15:42 winning by 30 seconds.  Fun morning.  Back home and back to training tomorrow.


congrads to your son!  Great time

2011-09-19 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Happy Monday Everyone!  I just went through the longest of my IM training!  Wahoo it's all downhill from here

Here is the recap:

Friday: Swim for 30 mins in Gulf of Mexico.  Was stung by jellyfish, ouch

Saturday: Biked for 7 hours, 120 miles.  Left at 4:30am, was still dark!  Bike included 6 BIG bridges, rode slow in dark for first two hours, its hard riding early in the morning.  Only people that were up were me and the fish captians on Ft Myers beach. Than I ran 30 mins (wicked hot!).  Legs felt really wierd after riding for 7 hours.  Than swam 20 mins in pool.  I looked like a injured elephant seal but it was cool and refreshing!

Sunday: Ran 10 took about 1:30:00 on treadmill, man did it hurt.

Monday: Day off getting a MASSAGE!

How do I feel? Awful, I went to bed at 8pm last night and man did I sleep hard!  Now starts the taper before the race.  Training has been extremely hard but I feel good and was encouraged by Saturdays workout.  For motivation I downloaded the song 'Ironman' to my IPod.  Tacky I know! But whatever works

2011-09-19 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Rob-great month....I mean week of training.  Embrace the taper!  Stay healthy.

Nicole-I know what you mean about the cooler weather.  It has been so much nicer running over the past 10 days.  I did a run last Thursday and I actually felt a little cool early in the run....can't remember when that last happened.

Good run at lunch today and then an hour on the bike tonight.  Right hamstring is really tight so I probably need to get in and see the chiropractor for some ART.

2011-09-19 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3692126

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
[email protected] - 2011-09-19 11:25 AM

Happy Monday Everyone!  I just went through the longest of my IM training!  Wahoo it's all downhill from here

Here is the recap:

Friday: Swim for 30 mins in Gulf of Mexico.  Was stung by jellyfish, ouch

Saturday: Biked for 7 hours, 120 miles.  Left at 4:30am, was still dark!  Bike included 6 BIG bridges, rode slow in dark for first two hours, its hard riding early in the morning.  Only people that were up were me and the fish captians on Ft Myers beach. Than I ran 30 mins (wicked hot!).  Legs felt really wierd after riding for 7 hours.  Than swam 20 mins in pool.  I looked like a injured elephant seal but it was cool and refreshing!

Sunday: Ran 10 took about 1:30:00 on treadmill, man did it hurt.

Monday: Day off getting a MASSAGE!

How do I feel? Awful, I went to bed at 8pm last night and man did I sleep hard!  Now starts the taper before the race.  Training has been extremely hard but I feel good and was encouraged by Saturdays workout.  For motivation I downloaded the song 'Ironman' to my IPod.  Tacky I know! But whatever works

You are insane!  This makes me kind of glad I'm putting of an IM for another year   Enjoy your taper!!


2011-09-19 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3690659

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

slornow - 2011-09-17 4:22 PM Nick-nice workout.  One of my key workouts before my HIM last November was similar to the run you did today with quick pace over the last few miles.  You will certainly be ready and primed for a great race.  Cant wait to hear how it goes.  Lots of folks from down my way do Augusta and I've heard only great things.

No training for me today.  Went to son's cross country meet. He ran a PR 5K of 15:42 winning by 30 seconds.  Fun morning.  Back home and back to training tomorrow.


15:42 5k? Are kilometers shorter down there?  That's crazy fast! 


2011-09-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3690643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Savage8778 - 2011-09-17 4:01 PM

Last long run is in the books. Had a great run this morning, it was windy and somewhat cool out. Did 11 miles, and on the way back I did 8:05-:815 miles for the last 3.5 miles going into the wind. Felt really good finishing up as strong as I did. I feel like I am as ready as I will ever be for next weekend. Now it is a matter of getting all my ducks in a row, and getting up to Augusta.


Hopefully everyone is out training today, or at least enjoying their days. Have a good one.

P.S. Rob, keep up the good work. I am currently planning what IM I want to do next year.

Good luck!! You'll do great.

2011-09-19 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Hey all!  Looks like everyone (who's left) is doing great.   I'm slowly getting back into it.  Haven't been logging my workouts, nothing to write home about.  I've started working with a trainer at the gym and i'm looking into a winter biking program.  I'm really going to focus on getting faster on the bike this off season.

I think Randy posted a question about how we feel about this season's races.  I'm very pleased with my races.  I still have a ton of room to improve, but this year was faster than last year.  I'm also REALLY proud of myself for finishing my first half ironman.

As for next season, I've signed up for a few races.  An olympic and a half ironman (a really flat him).   My goal for the olympic is under 3 hours.  This year I was 3:08.  Not sure of a goal for the half.  Finish and have fun

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!



2011-09-22 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Ok, I am enjoying the recovery week, but I feel bad because I am taking time off.  But it feels so good!

Today is an hour swim and hour run.  Nice and easy! 

Enjoy your day!

2011-09-22 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Rob-you have had some big weeks...a few easy days are well deserved.  Enjoy!

Nick-not sure when you are headed to Augusta but GOOD LUCK!  Hope you have a great time.

2011-09-22 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Hey all,

Well, it is finally here, race weekend!

Tomorrow I head up to Augusta. Right now, I am running around with my head cut off, trying to get everything ready...Yikes, there is a lot I need to bring.

Feeling really good, did a 15 min easy spin, followed by a 30 min easy run. Legs feel great, and ready. This taper really did well, especially with one more 20min workout for each discipline left on Saturday, I feel like I will be as ready as I can be. In case anyone wants to follow, I am bib number 317, last name Gregory.I am hoping to finish around the 5:30:xx mark, but I am hoping I can get closer to 5:00 (will solely be on my nutrition). Otherwise, I plan on racing my race, and enjoying this experience. After all, as someone told me today, this will be my only first Half IM. I am going to enjoy it, and remember as much as I can. I'll keep you updated.

2011-09-22 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3697205

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Savage8778 - 2011-09-22 8:56 PM

Hey all,

Well, it is finally here, race weekend!

Tomorrow I head up to Augusta. Right now, I am running around with my head cut off, trying to get everything ready...Yikes, there is a lot I need to bring.

Feeling really good, did a 15 min easy spin, followed by a 30 min easy run. Legs feel great, and ready. This taper really did well, especially with one more 20min workout for each discipline left on Saturday, I feel like I will be as ready as I can be. In case anyone wants to follow, I am bib number 317, last name Gregory.I am hoping to finish around the 5:30:xx mark, but I am hoping I can get closer to 5:00 (will solely be on my nutrition). Otherwise, I plan on racing my race, and enjoying this experience. After all, as someone told me today, this will be my only first Half IM. I am going to enjoy it, and remember as much as I can. I'll keep you updated.

Have a great race! Be sure to enjoy it.

2011-09-26 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Hey gang!  Enjoyed the 'rest' week.  Actually took 3 days off (Monday, Weds, and Friday).  Felt good.  Ready to get back at it this week.  Today going to swim for 90 mins if weather allows, if not its to the gym for treadmill and spin cycle. 


2011-09-26 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

Hey Guys...

Well, my first Half-Ironman is in the books. This was potentially the most incredible and humbling experiences I have ever gone through. I will post a full-race report in the next day or two. But here are few key things that come to mind:

1) My nutrition plan is my Achilles heel.

2) The hills of South Carolina really kicked my Florida butt, mainly because my novice gearing knowledge prevented me from properly tackling the hills. Read: I was too conservative going into them, and would essentially lose all my speed going to the bottom of the hill in hopes of 'saving' my legs for the run.

3) I REALLY like Wetsuit swims.

4) This sport is utterly addiciting

5) I am doing a Full Ironman next year...without a doubt.

2011-09-26 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training

I forgot to add, I ended up finish at 5:39.

And honestly, in spite of my nutrition problems I am extremely happy.

2011-09-26 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3701272

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training
Savage8778 - 2011-09-26 6:46 PM

Hey Guys...

Well, my first Half-Ironman is in the books. This was potentially the most incredible and humbling experiences I have ever gone through. I will post a full-race report in the next day or two. But here are few key things that come to mind:

1) My nutrition plan is my Achilles heel.

2) The hills of South Carolina really kicked my Florida butt, mainly because my novice gearing knowledge prevented me from properly tackling the hills. Read: I was too conservative going into them, and would essentially lose all my speed going to the bottom of the hill in hopes of 'saving' my legs for the run.

3) I REALLY like Wetsuit swims.

4) This sport is utterly addiciting

5) I am doing a Full Ironman next year...without a doubt.

Sounds awesome!  Can't wait to read your race report.


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