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2012-04-27 11:45 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
I have to admit, I have no idea what orienteering is! I know this race group is REALLY good about explaining details, so hopefully I'll be alright. Laughing If nothing else, I got an awesome discount on the race fee, so at least it was cheap! It truly will be all for fun.

2012-04-28 1:39 AM
in reply to: #4177489

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-04-27 11:24 PM

go Jo - Big Sur whatever that is sounds fun!  Why doesn't HIM sound fun.  If you call it triathlon 70.3 it sounds less intimidating, that is it's new name in my mind.  It's just a tri just longer!

Felicia - not a bad mum.  Our children all make choices regardless of our direction, it's good the school have consequences for these actions.  Nothing you could have done here - I think sucks that you have to wear some of the consequences too!

I had a good friday night - went straight to the pool after work and did 2.5km in 1 hour.  Not fast or pretty but very manageable.  Figure at that speed I could do 70.3 swim in 44mins.  But there are not turns to deal with and no kids in the lane, plus a wetsuit and hopefully some drafting, I'd like to knock it off in around 40mins.

I then came home and jumped on the trainer for an hour RPE3 and RPE5 it said.  Well I did half an hour hard then half an hour in the biggest gear - awesome!  Wondered why I fell alseep on the couch!

This morning I am heading off for a 2 hour run at 9am when my hubby returns from his group personal training session.  It's a gorgeous sunny autumn morning, not warm for sure but the beach will be lovely to run beside today.

That's it for today, gonna do some more tyre change practice, why not!  Then I have a facial booked at the spa this afternoon, a 3 year old birthday party at 5.30 and that's Sautrday done

Wow, you're really in the zone right now. (except for the spelling of Saturday). I am both impressed and a little bit green with envy

2012-04-28 1:53 AM
in reply to: #4177566

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-28 12:28 AM
ukweeble - 2012-04-28 4:01 AM
bcraht - 2012-04-27 8:55 PM
ukweeble - 2012-04-27 12:43 PM

Brie, did i also see you mentioned as racing this weekend?

If so then hope you have a great time. What are you doing cos i don't know your race either.

I feel such a silly Englishman

Gosh I wish I could hear your accent when I read this.

Hugh Grant meets a northerner

So, ^^^^^ that in an English accent minus most of the consonants? Tongue out

And vowels.

2012-04-28 1:59 AM
in reply to: #4177911

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

kgore - 2012-04-28 5:16 AM I did a little (25 minute) run, and my full swim workout (2200m)...There was no pain, and thankfully, there still isn't. There better NOT be any either! I have a run/obstacle race on Sunday, and my back will NOT stop me!!!!Yell 

Go Kate. Have a great time tommorrow.

2012-04-28 2:11 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Goooood Saturday morning Manatees. Hope you are all geared up for a great weekend at whatever you have planned.

I'm off for a little run soon. (it's 8am here) then i have to go into work for a 3 hour meeting. Will be taking my daughter swimming this afternoon so i can get a few lengths in before we play 'crocodiles'.Laughing

Tommorrow there is another free 6hr triathlon coaching session but in the interest of family harmony, i have had to turn it downFrown. Perhaps i will get a bike session in but the forecast is heavy rain and high winds so maybe i won't.

GOOD LUCK again to all our racers this weekend.

Back from my 25 min jog. Pleased to say that i got in 4.2km, not far short of my sprint distance and my calf behaved really well.

Edited by ukweeble 2012-04-28 3:06 AM
2012-04-28 5:37 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

that facial kicked a*ss!  I feel younger in the face department!  Ready to face the elements tomorrow on my bike.  Got to do a 2.5hr session - though I'd like to get to at least 70km.  We shall see, whichever is the shorter shall win!  Then a 20min run off the bike, no drama.

Lord these big training weeks make me so sleepy, I'm in bed most nights before 9pm!

Next week is recovery week, a measly 5 hours - sounds great huh?  Nope I hate it, get very cranky and sad when I'm not training hard - maybe just do heaps of swim squad so at least while miserable I can stare at Coach Johnny.Kiss

2012-04-28 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4126290

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Hey all, I'm starting to taper for my HM next week.  Of course it's not too much of a taper when I still have to swim and bike, LOL.  I need to get in a long trainer ride today, but will have to break them up in to two sessions if I don't have time.   My hubby and I are going to a funeral today.  My hubby's grandpa died last week, so we'll be visiting his relatives for most of the day.  

Tomorrow is my daughter's 7th birthday and so I'll be busy with that all day tomorrow.  Must fit in a run if I can.  Hope everyone's weekend is going well.  Good luck to the Manatees racing this weekend.  

2012-04-28 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Good morning peeps!  Slept in today, I needed it since the last 3 nights I average 5 hours sleep.  Ran yesterday morning then was on my feet all day BBQ'ing, helping at an event check-in, the directing traffic.  Oh, also hanging banners, then pulling stakes out of the ground after the event.

The Event was the Kansas City Coporate Challenge Kick-Off party.  This type of event is really cool, 176 companies competing in everything from bowling to Triathlon, YES!  They have a sprint tri and a duathlon.  And this year for the first time, a Half Marathon.  Some of this will "interfere" with my tri training as I am our company coordinator.  But I' what they call a "Random" trainer anyhow so it will NOT interfere with my training plan Smile

Today I was thinking of doing a bike tour (Spring Classic with K.C. Metro bike club) but me getting up at 6:00 AM was not happening.  Think I'll ride this afternoon, at least 2.5 hours worth.

My knee was bothering me yesterday during my run, hope it's nothing major.  I'll see how it feels tomorrow when I attempt a long run (If I don't ramdomly go out and join a group ride at the IMKS 70. course).

Stay healthy my friends!

2012-04-28 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Felicia, I have a daughter who skated through school getting great grades on tests while never turning anything in. ARGH! Her first semester of college was an eye opener, but after a while she buckled down, made dean's list her final year and graduated. It was a challenge at times, but she did it. I couldn't be prouder. She learned much more then just what school taught, she learned about hard work, discipline, etc. I guess you just have to trust and have faith, because in the end they become adults and find their own way. They learn some from you and some the hard way, but I'm sure you've laid a solid foundation for them to grow from.

I had a group ride this morning with the LBS that is in the next town up from me. I actually have 2 groups locally that I can ride with. One is a bit slower and more social, but they also do clinics and such. The other is the LBS and they all ride $$$$$ bikes and are fast. It is a great ride to go on, as it pushes me much more than I push myself. It is always cool to be in the lead group and be pushing real hard, look down and see 29 on the computer. Of course, 2 minutes later they dropped me like a hot potato, but that is fine with me. I was pushed today, and that makes me smile like I just found $20 in my pocket. And my wife did a walk for the March of Dimes this morning, so all in all it is a great day. Now we will practice some music for tomorrow's church service and possibly get a nap in.

Enjoy, and race well if you are doing so!
2012-04-28 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4177890

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-27 10:47 PM

Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. It's been a tough semester for parenting. As Chris mentioned, my oldest son is living with us now, and he is challenging. Amazing, but challenging. He's "home schooled" taking college classes and he even though he's 16, he gets the highest grades in his classes . . . when he turns his work in. It's just so frustrating. He is at serious risk for bombing out this semester, and there is absolutely no reason for it.

And then there are good things about him -- tonight he was in a one act for the directing class and did a great job. Monday night, his Improv group is giving a show, and he is absolutely hysterical.

Ben is the same way as his brother regarding school work -- blows off stupid work and gets Ds and Fs (not in everything, thankfully). So at his conference this week, I seriously asked his teacher if he needed to go to summer school or if he was going to have to re-do 5th grade. The teacher looked at me like I was insane, and said, in front of my son: "Oh, we don't really base anything on these grades. It's all about state assessments, and he's at the 98th and 88th percentiles in reading (he reads at a 12.9 grade level) and math, so of course he'll go on to 6th grade, and of course, he doesn't need summer school."

I was so mad. On the way home, Ben was giddy, "These grades don't matter at all!" I told him that they do indeed matter, to me. Is it any wonder then, that he blew off the late paper?

Rant over. We will get through this.

Thanks for listening and understanding.


That part about the grades not meaning much is the wrong thing to say.  My son is similar in that fashion, he's in 10th grade.  I went to a parent/teach conference earlier this year and his teacher said that he hadn't turned in a SINGLE assigment yet (after 4-5 weeks of school).  Then she said he got the highest grade on the test!  So he listens in class and can READ the book.

The problem with that is in H.S. they look at GPA, not just SAT/ACT etc.

But the me the bigger picture is teaching them to get the work done.  In the real world you have to do things that you don't enjoy.  I love my job but there are parts of my job that I do not like to do.  But if they don't get done, that can have consequences.  This is part of life.

I don't stress over grades either.  I just want my kids to make a solid effort and do their best.  I think if I over-stress things that will burn them out.  There's a balance in there somewhere and I'm still trying to find it.

I try to explain to my kids how what they're doing now relates to what I do every day (not easy with 12 and 15 year olds) but I am persistent.

2012-04-28 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Hey all! I got in my (almost) 2.5 ride this morning (the wind messes up my half-way calculations). After that it was back to the real world with errands, housework, etc. I love looking at my logs and seeing that I've already put in more volume in April than in March with a few days left in the month!

Tomorrow I need to do my long run and long swim.  Part of my swim will be the 8X100 that Yanti suggested I start incorporating into my swim time. I did it last time and boy was it a challange! Tongue out

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend!

2012-04-28 10:17 PM
in reply to: #4178760

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

TJ -- I agree. I love seeing the progress I'm making looking back at my charts.

I had a great run this morning. I was planning to run 7, but I wanted to run 90 minutes. I ended up running 7.8 miles. My "distance" pace is getting faster and faster. That makes me happy.

After the run, I worked in the yard pulling weeds for about 45 minutes -- that was my "stretching." Then after lunch, I went back out and worked for another two hours. Needless to say, by the time I got to my shower, I was stinky. And after the shower, I crashed and slept for two hours.

So far, my legs feel good. A little sore, but not achy. It's a good kind of sore -- like I really did some work.

I hope everyone is enjoying his/her weekend. If the weather holds, I'm hoping for a 24-25 mile bike ride tomorrow morning before church.

2012-04-28 10:18 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

I got in 52 km on the bike today--that is my longest ride to date.  It was in 2 different sessions, as I biked to my son's baseball game, watched the game, then biked home.  On the way, I stopped at the LBS to pick up a couple tubes and CO2 cartridges.  I am certain the lady at the store thought I was crazy (I already had one tube), but I would rather have 3 and need none than have 1 and need 3.  And it works, no flats Laughing.  The route was downhill for the first half, then flat for the rest.  About 8km was no stoplights, and I averaged 28km/hr on that section, so was happy with that.  The ride home was a bit tough, wanted to find somewhere to sit down!  And there was a brutal hill to go back up, but I made it.

Had a good lunch, then went over to my mom's to let her dog out for her as she is tied up with all her volunteering duties.  Attached below is the view near her house--the cherry blossoms are so beautiful!

Came home, went for a 30min easy run and now I am resting and contemplating what I am going to eat! 

(Cherry Blossoms.jpg)

Cherry Blossoms.jpg (45KB - 6 downloads)
2012-04-28 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4178880

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-28 8:17 PM

TJ -- I agree. I love seeing the progress I'm making looking back at my charts.

I had a great run this morning. I was planning to run 7, but I wanted to run 90 minutes. I ended up running 7.8 miles. My "distance" pace is getting faster and faster. That makes me happy.

After the run, I worked in the yard pulling weeds for about 45 minutes -- that was my "stretching." Then after lunch, I went back out and worked for another two hours. Needless to say, by the time I got to my shower, I was stinky. And after the shower, I crashed and slept for two hours.

So far, my legs feel good. A little sore, but not achy. It's a good kind of sore -- like I really did some work.

I hope everyone is enjoying his/her weekend. If the weather holds, I'm hoping for a 24-25 mile bike ride tomorrow morning before church.

Great run!  I agree with both, I am loving looking back and seeing progress.  I have noticed a difference in my running in the fact that I can keep my HR in Zone 1 at a faster pace. 

I have to get out into my garden too.  My lawn needs mowing again, the flower gardens are a mess, and I haven't even thought about the veggie garden yet.  I love gardens, but hate weeding!  Ah well, you have to work if you want to reap the rewards!

2012-04-28 11:21 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
I got my long ride in today--no back pain either! It felt faster than it was, but still, a good workout to relax and mentally prepare for my race tomorrow!
2012-04-29 12:07 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

YAY!!!!  70km ride done - did it at the track so went round 32 times, was it boring - er no strangely!  I made sure every 5 laps to practice unclipping and stopping - done, not elegant but uneventful.  I drank my water while riding and ate a peanut butter sandwich and a banana - woohoo!  I feel real progress has been made, I may ventrure out on the road soon!

Hopped (staggered) off the bike and did a 20min run, more of a shuffle than a run but by 4 mins in my legs felt normal.  So that is good.

I am very happy but pooped and it's time for a little siesta....

2012-04-29 3:15 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Everyone seems to have had really good workout sessions which is awesome so i thought i would share mine just to balance things up again.

Went to the pool with my 9 year old daughter yesterday in the hope of getting in a few lengths. Jumped into the pool and set off but stopped after 50m to check on my daughter, who was also swimming in the medium pace lane with me (to make sure she didn't get in the way of the other guy who we were sharing with). Did a couple more lengths and did the same thing then set off again. Absolutely no rythm, breathing badly, couldn't concentrate, swimming slowly. Sacked it at the end of the length and went into the 'fun' pool to float about and play treasure hunting instead. (We found 5 hair grips and a piece of indeterminate chain!!!)

Must do something about my swimming. I hate the pool i have to go to and desperately need someone to help me corrrect my poor technique.

 I think the solution may be to join my local Tri club as i met one of the members at my last coaching session and she was really helpful and encouraging about how friendly the club was. I had held off until now because i thought i wasn't fast enough but in my race last week, there were a few other members racing, and i almost beat one of them.

Hoped to get out on the bike this morning as i haven't been on it all week (in fact the only training i have done is running) but it is raining heavily and also windy so i am settled in front of the TV watching the Motor cycle racing.

The only good news is that it was my wife's biirthday during the week and we are going out this evening to celebrate with our children (big and small) plus partners. Going to hit the 'all you can eat' chinese again. There goes the diet up in smoke.

Edited by ukweeble 2012-04-29 3:27 AM
2012-04-29 4:50 AM
in reply to: #4178975

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-29 4:15 PM

Everyone seems to have had really good workout sessions which is awesome so i thought i would share mine just to balance things up again.

Went to the pool with my 9 year old daughter yesterday in the hope of getting in a few lengths. Jumped into the pool and set off but stopped after 50m to check on my daughter, who was also swimming in the medium pace lane with me (to make sure she didn't get in the way of the other guy who we were sharing with). Did a couple more lengths and did the same thing then set off again. Absolutely no rythm, breathing badly, couldn't concentrate, swimming slowly. Sacked it at the end of the length and went into the 'fun' pool to float about and play treasure hunting instead. (We found 5 hair grips and a piece of indeterminate chain!!!)

Must do something about my swimming. I hate the pool i have to go to and desperately need someone to help me corrrect my poor technique.

 I think the solution may be to join my local Tri club as i met one of the members at my last coaching session and she was really helpful and encouraging about how friendly the club was. I had held off until now because i thought i wasn't fast enough but in my race last week, there were a few other members racing, and i almost beat one of them.

Hoped to get out on the bike this morning as i haven't been on it all week (in fact the only training i have done is running) but it is raining heavily and also windy so i am settled in front of the TV watching the Motor cycle racing.

The only good news is that it was my wife's biirthday during the week and we are going out this evening to celebrate with our children (big and small) plus partners. Going to hit the 'all you can eat' chinese again. There goes the diet up in smoke.

For one thing--going to the pool and trying is infinitely better than never having left the house. And secondly, while there may be more efficient ways to learn to swim well than others, ALL pool time is good--it adds to "feel for the water" (an essential but elusive swim skill) and the strength and endurance you're building up (even with less optimal form) will help you take swim coaching, drills and practice on board much better. The more strength and endurance you have going in, the better and more you'll be able to practice it the right way.

Secondly, every good tri club--and that is most of them, yours sounds like no exception--recognizes that newer members are the lifeblood of the sport. Every fast or experienced person was new once and it is the truly exceptional outlier that comes into the sport "new" and doesn't have a significant weakness. Everyone remembers what it was like trying to overcome that.

Finally, the slower members of the club, new or old, perform a vital service: giving the almost-slow someone to pass as well as to pass information on to. The good news is that it's a temporary service position that you unfailingly have to relinquish after a bit of time in the sport.

2012-04-29 7:05 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Based upon a thread in another forum, I bought the book Swim Speed Secrets by Sheila Taormina.  It arrived yesterday and I've already read it.  It is, obviously, a very easy read.  The main thing I took away from it is that I really need to work on getting my elbows up.  That has been something I really haven't paid too much attention to and since that is vital to speed, I now know why I don't have any

Tomorrow morning I will be in the pool trying to correct this deficiency!

2012-04-29 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Yay! its time to go run and climb and play! Woohooo! Wish me luck!
2012-04-29 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4179117

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

kgore - 2012-04-29 9:22 PM Yay! its time to go run and climb and play! Woohooo! Wish me luck!

Have a blast!!!

I think orienteering is whatever the person who's sent out to look for me has to do when I've wandered off a race course.

2012-04-29 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4179117

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

kgore - 2012-04-29 8:22 AM Yay! its time to go run and climb and play! Woohooo! Wish me luck!

Have a blast ( and bring a compass for the orienteering)! 

2012-04-29 8:36 AM
in reply to: #4179061

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
amd723 - 2012-04-29 8:05 PM

Based upon a thread in another forum, I bought the book Swim Speed Secrets by Sheila Taormina.  It arrived yesterday and I've already read it.  It is, obviously, a very easy read.  The main thing I took away from it is that I really need to work on getting my elbows up.  That has been something I really haven't paid too much attention to and since that is vital to speed, I now know why I don't have any

Tomorrow morning I will be in the pool trying to correct this deficiency!

YAY! Good for you! I really do not know why I haven't posted about it in THIS thread yet ... I think the sheer pigletude in here distracts me.

Post in the Tri Talk thread. Really. Good, bad, or ugly ... please do give your feedback based on your first impressions.

2012-04-29 4:28 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

That was an awesome race! I had a great time--and I came in 3rd in my age group (admittedly it was out of 4, but still!) My race report is up:

It went well over all--apart from poor decision making! This was probably one of my best runs ever too. My knees are a bit sore from getting scratched by gravel on the obstacle course, but not badly. I LOVE doing obstacle courses--apparently, I am somewhat decent at doing them! Clint said that I looked like I was going faster than pretty much anyone else during the obstacle course--maybe he's just saying that, but I did notice a surge of energy at that point. I'll post pics soon.

2012-04-29 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4179627

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
kgore - 2012-04-30 5:28 AM

That was an awesome race! I had a great time--and I came in 3rd in my age group (admittedly it was out of 4, but still!) My race report is up:

It went well over all--apart from poor decision making! This was probably one of my best runs ever too. My knees are a bit sore from getting scratched by gravel on the obstacle course, but not badly. I LOVE doing obstacle courses--apparently, I am somewhat decent at doing them! Clint said that I looked like I was going faster than pretty much anyone else during the obstacle course--maybe he's just saying that, but I did notice a surge of energy at that point. I'll post pics soon.


3rd is 3rd and called a podium finish (regardless of whether there's an actual podium, awards, or how many are in your AG!)

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