BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-03-28 4:38 PM
in reply to: #4677429

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

wannabefaster - 2013-03-28 10:27 AM ps. I don't really know what kinisthetic linking means, but it sounded good when I was typing it.

LOL! I was impressed! Sounds like something of the future, like beaming in Star Trek. Cool

FINALLY done recovering. I was probably done Tuesday, but I've been milking it. Coach is putting together a plan for starting April. There is an Olympic distance in July that will gauge my progress for Maui. I'm kind of excited.

Today I'm meeting up for an MTB session with some ladies to practice the tricky hills on the Xterra course. Should be fun.

Happy training!

Edited by Blanda 2013-03-28 4:39 PM

2013-03-28 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Renee, my thoughts are with you and your surgery. Randy, your pre race schedule has me worn out, good luck! Blanda, I am excited for you starting your WC training!Had a good swim workout this week, 1,100 total with 400 at one point non stop. I have noticed that about 1/3 of the way into my workouts I feel really warmed up and whatever I am doing seems more natural. How do you guys warm up if you have this same experience.Especially with swimming it comes much more smoothly once I am well into the swim. I am wondering how to prepare for my sprint swim in terms of warming up.
2013-03-28 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4678664

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Mary-bingo on the swim! The first couple of laps feel easy then the next few are tough as I try to get my breathing right. Then I seem to get in a rhythm and am OK. Been that way since I started. Its the body responding to the increase in the need for oxygen and the rising heart rate. This is especially true in races where the excitement and adrenaline make it even worse. Once our minds convince our body that we are not going to drown things get easier. At races I try to get in the water for a good warm up if possible. If I can't get in the water I'll jog in place or jump aroiund...anything to get the HR up a bit. Great progress on the swim.

Rene update-not to steal her good news but from what she has posted on FB and twitter the surgery went well. Arthritis wasn't as bad as feared and she should be able to get back to running. Hope she will not be mad for me posting this but I know everyone was hoping things went well for her today and thought some news would be appreciated. 

2013-03-29 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4678725

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Mary, I find that for the first 300-500 yards of swimming my shoulders always burn and I am always thinking that I won't be able to do my workout today. Miraculously, every time, things get better at about 500 yards and then I can get on with my swim. I am always thinking about this before a race because I guarantee you that I rarely, if ever, warm up for 300 yards before the gun goes off. Hmmmm. I may need to change that......

Randy, Have a great time with prom tonight. It must be crazy to see your baby girl all grown up. I just shuddered a little bit thinking about eight years from now when my daughter will be doing this. Good luck with the race tomorrow as well. I suspect we will be hearing about a very good result.

This has been such a crazy week at work and I have been so tired at night that my wife is mumbling about, "no more Ironman after this year." Hopefully I can be around this weekend and patch things up a little bit She is completely awesome about all of this so I know that when I hear things like this that it is time to back off and make sure that I am pulling my weight at home. I think the worst part is me falling asleep at 9:30-10:00. I wake up early to train and try to minimize the training while my family is awake but it is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. No, I am not training at night, but falling asleep instead of training has the same result; time not spent with my family. Things to think about.
2013-03-29 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Rene - Glad surgery went well ... speedy recovery! 

Randy - Enjoy the prom and good luck on your race this weekend. We all know you will kill it ... I am predicting 1AG :-) No pressure!

Jason - I feel that pain. I used to get up at 4am to train and then come home after work just to take a nap a miss spending the time with my family. I am taking a break from Taekwondo because something needed to give. My wife is very supportive and I am glad I have her the thing is that when the 5 year old daughter comes up and says "Are you going to Taekwondo again?" (Sad Face). At some point we all cross the line and need to take a step back. 

Is anyone else racing this weekend? 

2013-03-29 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4678929

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

wannabefaster - 2013-03-29 8:43 AM my wife is mumbling about, "no more Ironman after this year." Hopefully I can be around this weekend and patch things up a little bit She is completely awesome about all of this so I know that when I hear things like this that it is time to back off and make sure that I am pulling my weight at home. I think the worst part is me falling asleep at 9:30-10:00. I wake up early to train and try to minimize the training while my family is awake but it is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. No, I am not training at night, but falling asleep instead of training has the same result; time not spent with my family. Things to think about.

I'm in the same boat; sleeping early is the biggest difference since I started training as much as I am. Fortunately for me, today started my Spring Break! So, how did I start? I slept in until 10, instead of getting up at 4:30! Hopefully, I can build up some credit this week!

2013-03-29 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4679035

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
d3term1ned - 2013-03-29 10:02 AM

Jason - I feel that pain. I used to get up at 4am to train and then come home after work just to take a nap a miss spending the time with my family. I am taking a break from Taekwondo because something needed to give. My wife is very supportive and I am glad I have her the thing is that when the 5 year old daughter comes up and says "Are you going to Taekwondo again?" (Sad Face). At some point we all cross the line and need to take a step back. 

The only true family "explosion" regarding my training was many years ago when I went directly from Judo to swimming. It became abundantly clear that I had to pick one or the other because both was just not woriking. I went with triathlon and know that it was the right choice...... although I do occasionally miss the combat martial arts.... When this gets really bad I just pick on my 15 year old until he beats the heck out of me (my 15 year old outweighs me by 20+ pounds and is strong as an ox).
2013-03-29 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Wichita, KS
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Randy – enjoy the evening with your daughter. These are the times that really count. I know you’ll do great on your race and the season is still young.

Rene – we’re all behind you. Take care to not overdo it post-op.

Jason – I’m in the same boat. Up at 5 to get a work out in this am. I’ll be putting in slightly over an hour on the bike when I get home tonight. Balance is our biggest struggle, isn’t it? I’m glad to hear someone else has to struggle at the beginning of the swim. I don’t hit my rhythm until 400-500 yds, then the breathing settles down and it becomes much easier.

No racing for me this weekend. Only work (this is my weekend for Holiday coverage), morning training, and some basketball in the evenings. I’m an avid Ohio State fan and my eldest son goes to Wichita State. I’m in turmoil as to who to root for. I figure, I win either way.

2013-03-29 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Man, what a difference sleep makes! I was too caught up in a basketball Thursday night, and didn't go to bed until 11, then had to get up at 4:30 for my swim. I did that and my hour bike, and was pretty exhausted last night. So, I went to bed last night at 11...and woke up at about 9:30 this morning, and I feel great! I feel like a new man. I have my hour run later, which should be good, and then Nate and I are going to try a fairly tough bike course tomorrow. It's the bike portion of a Sprint we're going to do next weekend; it's short, but it's up and down a nearby mountain, so it should be fun!
2013-03-29 5:52 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Surgery went well yesterday. The knee actually feels better now than it did before surgery. Started my first day of Physical Therapy today. It is going to take a long time to get back to where things were before. Thanks for the support and prayers.

The physical therapist cleared me to start "riding" the bike. I'm supposed to ride the bike 3X a day for 5-10 minutes. Given how thing went today that might take a while. Here's a video for your viewing amusement.

2013-03-29 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4679630

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Nice video.

Looking good on the bike on post op day # 1.

2013-03-29 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4679721

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

wannabefaster - 2013-03-29 8:49 PM Nice video. Looking good on the bike on post op day # 1.

+1 Looking good! Nice to see you up and about!

2013-03-30 3:39 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Looking pretty darn good there, Rene! I foresee a swift recovery.
2013-03-30 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
2nd age group. Decent swim. Terrible T1. Dropped chain on bike. Good run @20:47/5k with about half on trails. Will check in later
2013-03-30 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4680014

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2013-03-30 10:53 AM2nd age group. Decent swim. Terrible T1. Dropped chain on bike. Good run @20:47/5k with about half on trails. Will check in later
Congratulations!! I think that is awesome! Trails didn't slow you down either.
2013-03-30 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Congrats Randy! Looks like all of that hard work is paying off!

2013-03-30 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Day 2 Post op- Bike was a lot easier on the recumbent. Averaged 25 watts for 10 minutes..oh yeah! lol..
Physical Therapist took the video. I promise not to bore everyone with any more videos until things are back to normal again.
2013-03-30 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4680014

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

slornow - 2013-03-30 11:53 AM 2nd age group. Decent swim. Terrible T1. Dropped chain on bike. Good run @20:47/5k with about half on trails. Will check in later

Congrats, Randy! That's an impressive time; all that early season work is paying off!

Rene, that recovery is looking good; you'll be back in good form in no time. 

I got my long ride in today with Nate. We rode 3 hours, just under 50 miles, and it was a really good ride. The weather is starting to cooperate, which was really nice. We ended up doing the bike loop of our race next weekend about 6 times, so I think we've got that scouted pretty well. Then came the 30 minute transition run after, which was difficult, but doable. 

Overall, I'm happy with where I am, but an Ironman seems like a daunting prospect. More than double the bike distance...and add about 23 miles to the run...oh, and there's that swim that has to get done. I'll just keep my head down and go a week at a time. After all, the numbers I put out today were impossible for me a year ago. 

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

2013-03-30 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Randy, Excellent! That is a very respectable OPEN 5K time. To do it at the end of a sprint tri, on partial trails, is really impressive. The really important question in all this; how was your daughter's prom?

Rene, Keep the videos coming. Looking really good. Don't hurt yourself pushing too hard but it looks like you can not be held back.

Jamie, The IM distance is pretty daunting when you think about it, but somehow, if you follow the plan, it just gets done. It is not easy but it is doable. The first one is really scary because you are going somewhere you have never gone before. Just remember how many people have done this before you (some of them a whole lot less prepared than you as well).

I ran yesterday here in MI and it was 58 degrees and sunny. It was so nice that I ran a little too hard but it was just too fun to slow down. Legs are a bit sore from the vigorous effort but it is nice to run with a little 'pace' sometimes just to remind yourself that you can. I have been procrastinating all day, avoiding getting on the bike. It was so nice today that I could have ridden outside but that would incur the wrath of my wife.
2013-03-30 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Wichita, KS
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Randy – we all knew you were going to perform well. What a 5k split! And you still went to your daughter’s prom?

Rene – can’t say I’d be able to do anything on a bike 1 day after surgery. You look like you’re in good spirits. Good job.

Jamie – I certainly understand your sentiments on the IM. I’m doing shorter distances for now, like you, and hopefully work my way up in a few years. The time commitment is as daunting as the race as the race distance.

Jason – my wife gives me static about going out on my bike too, unless the weather is perfect, the traffic is light, and the sun is up. Kind of limits the time to ride.

2013-03-30 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Crazy couple of days but everything went well. Dorothy looked beautiful at prom and had a good time....other than when she had to dance with me Made it to Tallahassee at 1:15am. In bed by 1:30am and back up at 5am.

The race was a mixed bag. Water temp was about 65 and air temp was 45 coming out of the water. I had decided to put on a zip up cycling jersey in T1 so I would not freeze on the bike. Had trouble getting wetsuit off and numb hands made zipping the jacket tough. T1 time was 2:04 while 1st place winner in my AG was 1:02.  At the bottom of the first big hill I went to shift into the small ring and jumped the chain. Had to stop and put it back on and was at the bottom of a long uphill with no momentum. Looking at PT graph I lost 50 seconds there.  Never had it on the bike and lost another 30 seconds to the AG winner there. Guy in my AG was about 75 yards ahead of me coming out of T2 so I had incentive to push it. Passed him on the trails at 1.5 miles and really pushed the next .25 miles to discourage him from following me. Finished strong. It hurt but the run is right around my best 5K in a tri. Ended up 2nd in AG by 26 seconds.  Not necessarily from performance deficits but from poor execution in transition! Can't do anything about the chain....sometimes these thing happen.  I'll get a race report up in the next day. 

Had a great time racing with my team. I think we placed 5 in the top 12, had grandmasters champ and several other podiums. Overall I think all but 2 of the guys there ended up with an award. It was a small race of about 275 but level of athletes there was pretty high.  

I'll try to attach some pictures. I'm on the far right of the team picture




(redhillsteam (4).jpg)

DWprom1.jpg (59KB - 8 downloads)
DWprom2.jpg (60KB - 4 downloads)
redhillsteam (4).jpg (96KB - 3 downloads)

2013-03-30 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Sorry the pictures are so big! Dang I'm getting more big pictures!
2013-03-31 7:16 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Wichita, KS
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I hope you all have a great Easter Sunday! I got in a got 5.5mile run in before my shift today. My totals this month aren't what I'd like but given that I've had a ski trip and a cruise within this month I did OK. Next month is back to normal our normal routine. Here's the totals:

March's totals:
Bike:13h 26m  - 236.99 Mi
Run:7h 35m 06s  - 49.53 Mi
Swim:5h 05m  - 10800 Yd
Scuba Diving:4h 00m
Snowboarding:18h 00m
2013-03-31 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

nice job, Randy. 

and Rene awesome news on the surgery.

Yesterday we had to put our dog down.  She was in too much pain.  So yesterday sucked and today is being spent talking about the memories, both good and bad.  And tomorrow real life begins again......

My training log needs to be updated.  I'm keeping track and just need to enter it all.  March was kinda sucky so here's hoping April will be better.

2013-03-31 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4680683

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
mtnbikerchk - 2013-03-31 9:52 AM

nice job, Randy. 

and Rene awesome news on the surgery.

Yesterday we had to put our dog down.  She was in too much pain.  So yesterday sucked and today is being spent talking about the memories, both good and bad.  And tomorrow real life begins again......

My training log needs to be updated.  I'm keeping track and just need to enter it all.  March was kinda sucky so here's hoping April will be better.

Randee, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. It is incredibly painful. The memories are bittersweet I know. I am glad you and your dog had that kind of love though it hurts on this end.
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