BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN Rss Feed  
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2017-07-27 8:55 AM
in reply to: #5225114

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Awesome news Matt!! Hope they do figure out what is going on with the poor kid soon, though!

I woke up this morning with a splitting headache due to oncoming storms. I swear, someone should invent a procedure or surgery or whatever that would fill in your sinuses with bone to stop sinus headaches!! Now I'm trying to figure out how to juggle today's scheduled workouts to fit them in, and I'm just not sure I see a way. Swimming and weight lifting should be ok, but there is no way in hell im going for a run with this headache! I've done that before and it is miserable.

2017-07-27 9:27 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove  Anyone racing this weekend?!?!


Oooh ME!  I did!  3rd time I did this particular tri.  Two years ago it was my first tri ever, last year was the double-flat tire lose 45 minutes waiting for service but still finished the race (not in last place) situation.  So this year I could only go up from there right?  I PRd by 4 minutes.  Granted that's compared to my first ever Tri, but I still managed to run slower than I did that first year, so the 4 mins came out of the swim, transition, and the bike!  Very happy with my performance.  I'll get an RR up soon.

Interesting bit about that particular race, and my AG (M40-44) being super competitive in general.  I was 5th in my AG, which is of course nothing to write home about, until you factor in the top 4 - #1 was 2nd place overall, the remaining 3 were in the top 10 overall.  So really I'm the 'best of the rest' hahahaha.

2017-07-27 9:32 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Tavo2311 Nice job hitting every workout Gretchen. A flat on a trainer! ????. That would frustrate me too!! I've been MIA a bit. My 6 year old's health problems that we thought we were in the clear from a couple months ago have resurfaced in the last couple weeks. There's been a lot of doctors visits and procedures and general life stress and not a lot of training at all. Not sure what's happening from here. Ironman Santa Rosa is a week from today. Current schedule is to leave Wednesday morning, but we have a doctors appt Tuesday that will likely determine if and when we head up. My wife says we are going 100% no matter what. But this isn't a 5k. I don't know if I can get through this if I'm not 100% focused mentally and physically. Even though I do know it might be more important now than ever to show the boys that you never ever stop fighting through hurdles... I don't know. Anyway, sorry to be such a downer in a Triathlon forum. Just wanted to explain my absence and vent a little. Hope everyone's weekend is going great. -Matt


Matt really sorry to hear things aren't going well.  Kids are great for scaring the out of you in ways you never imagined possible aren't they?  We're here to support no matter what your decision is - knowing whatever it is, is the right decision for you.  

2017-07-27 9:35 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove Guess I learned that you can't eat left over pineapple chicken with rice 30' before a run and have it turn out well.

Words to live by!  Haha!  Sorry it was a bad experience...

2017-07-27 9:38 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Tavo2311 Hey all. Thanks for all the kind words of support. I was reading but really didn't know how to reply yet. So on Tuesday we had the latest follow up with the hematology / oncology Dr to go over results of a bone marrow biopsy last week. Sparing all the details, the results were great and we won't be going back to them again!!!! It's still a little bit of a mystery what is going on with him but the most serious possibilities were definitively ruled out after almost 4 months of going back and forth, living in denial between visits then facing reality, rinse and repeat. I can't imagine ever feeling more relieved. Thanks again to everyone for caring. So, that appointment was on Tuesday and we had planned to leave for Santa Rosa on Wed morning and so that's what we did. Road tripped about 7 hours from LA starting at 5:30 am and got up here and all checked in. And it's just such a blessing I'm even able to go out there on Saturday that I'm not dreading the pain or anxious or nervous about performance. I'm really just truly excited to try and get through it! -Matt



2017-07-27 10:03 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Here's my RR for anyone interested:

2017-07-27 3:02 PM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by Tavo2311

Hey all. Thanks for all the kind words of support. I was reading but really didn't know how to reply yet.

So on Tuesday we had the latest follow up with the hematology / oncology Dr to go over results of a bone marrow biopsy last week. Sparing all the details, the results were great and we won't be going back to them again!!!! It's still a little bit of a mystery what is going on with him but the most serious possibilities were definitively ruled out after almost 4 months of going back and forth, living in denial between visits then facing reality, rinse and repeat. I can't imagine ever feeling more relieved. Thanks again to everyone for caring.

So, that appointment was on Tuesday and we had planned to leave for Santa Rosa on Wed morning and so that's what we did. Road tripped about 7 hours from LA starting at 5:30 am and got up here and all checked in. And it's just such a blessing I'm even able to go out there on Saturday that I'm not dreading the pain or anxious or nervous about performance. I'm really just truly excited to try and get through it!


Great news! Must be such a relief.

Now go out there and enjoy the race.
2017-07-27 3:20 PM
in reply to: #5225134

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
After a rough start to the morning, I managed to hit all my workouts for the day in a single, monster session at the gym. Five miles on the track, followed immediately by a strength training session, followed immediately by a 2000yd swim. Amazingly, they were all really good workouts too! I figured I'd probably be pretty shot by the time I hit the pool, but I wasn't.

I forgot my post-workout food and had to run to the grocery store after. So, I'm hungry. I didn't really have a list. I finally remembered to bring enough shopping bags (Aldi). I'm pretty sure I now own the entire store!!
2017-07-27 9:14 PM
in reply to: #5225182

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Gretchen - food shopping hungry is always dangerous!!

John - thanks for the race report. Will be reading it in a few after today settles down.

I've heard the IRONMAN Track app is finally improved and working properly. This is 2nd hand info though so not sure. Anyway my bib number is 1419 if anyone has nothing to do Saturday.

2017-07-28 1:01 PM
in reply to: #5225201

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
45 mi bike, 3 mi run brick. Today was super difficult!! I don't know what it was, but everything felt like it was going to push me over the edge. I was nearly hit three times by the morning commuters. After two hours, I called that quits and came home to finish on the trainer. Run was ok, but slow...very slow.

I did another ice bath today. Legs are just leaden. Hoping this helps some. Of course, it makes me happy no matter what, because my not-so-bright dog always thinks I'm getting ready to give her a bath, because we always use the separate shower and until last week, she'd never seen us use the bathtub for anything other than giving the dogs a bath!
2017-07-28 1:21 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

LOL at the dog and the ice bath

We're all allowed bad days of training now and again.  Hard for them not to get you down though... After a single near miss on a bike I would have gone home - that just makes for a sh$#ty start to a day.  The lead feeling should get better.  If it doesn't it may be a sign of overtraining.  I know it was like that for me midseason this year.  Every time I had to carry my daughter somewhere, or walk up the stairs, or heaven forbid carry my daughter up the stairs - the legs felt like lead and just didn't want to do it.  Figured it was probably overtraining but was also in a groove with my training and didn't let up at all, until vacation.

Once vacation hit I was lucky to have one day with a workout followed by only one day off.  Often it was workout then two days off.  That went on close to 4 weeks.  And you know what, granted I was only doing a Sprint, but I crushed my tri.  Just one amateur opinion and observing only myself, rest days are a good thing!  

2017-07-29 12:05 PM
in reply to: firebert

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by drfoodlove  Anyone racing this weekend?!?!


Oooh ME!  I did!  3rd time I did this particular tri.  Two years ago it was my first tri ever, last year was the double-flat tire lose 45 minutes waiting for service but still finished the race (not in last place) situation.  So this year I could only go up from there right?  I PRd by 4 minutes.  Granted that's compared to my first ever Tri, but I still managed to run slower than I did that first year, so the 4 mins came out of the swim, transition, and the bike!  Very happy with my performance.  I'll get an RR up soon.

Interesting bit about that particular race, and my AG (M40-44) being super competitive in general.  I was 5th in my AG, which is of course nothing to write home about, until you factor in the top 4 - #1 was 2nd place overall, the remaining 3 were in the top 10 overall.  So really I'm the 'best of the rest' hahahaha.

Congrats!!! Will read your RR over the weekend, it is always a great feeling to see that time is better year after year!

2017-07-29 12:06 PM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Matt is out of the water in a very good time! 1:16.... now pushing on the bike... this is much more fun than watching TdF !!

2017-07-29 1:19 PM
in reply to: #5225230

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Any updates on Matt's progress? Still on the bike I'm guessing. You're right Juan it is exciting!
2017-07-29 2:44 PM
in reply to: #5225282

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Matt is on mile 75 on the bike. Splits are looking strong!!
2017-07-29 2:47 PM
in reply to: #5225286

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Up very early this morning to get my workouts in before a 10:30am movie my wife really wanted to see before she leaves this week for a conference. Dunkirk wasn't really worth the 4:30am start time, but it made her happy!

Long run this morning starting at 5. It wasn't fast by any means, but I felt strong throughout the whole run, even running up some of the hills I've had to walk up previously. Followed that by a one hour high cadence spin on the trainer. Now it is rest until Monday morning, when I'm right back at it!!

2017-07-29 5:22 PM
in reply to: #5225287

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Matt is in T2 as of 3:20PDT!!!

Run and done!
2017-07-29 8:51 PM
in reply to: #5225292

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Oooohhh so close! Go Matt!
2017-07-30 2:22 AM
in reply to: firebert

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Matt did it, he IS an Ironman! I am sure he must be very proud specially after these last stressing weeks.
Congratulations !!!!

2017-07-30 2:23 AM
in reply to: firebert

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Matt did it, he IS an Ironman! I am sure he must be very proud specially after these last stressing weeks.
Congratulations !!!!

2017-07-30 6:57 AM
in reply to: #5225299

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
YEAH MATT!!! Congratulations Ironman!

2017-07-30 7:58 AM
in reply to: #5225310

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Congrats Ironman Matt!!
2017-07-30 4:25 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Congratulations Matt.
You did it!
2017-07-31 12:09 AM
in reply to: #5225312

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Thanks all!! What an amazing day. Other than the swim it was slower than I would have liked but man does this distance have a way of humbling you! I am glad I checked that bucket list item off and I can't wait to get back to racing sprints and olympics.

Sorry it took me a full day to check in here. I passed out last night like I had been drinking for 15 hours instead! Then today I'm pretty slow moving as expected and we had to check out and drive down to San Francisco.

Being a beer themed group I probably deserve a penalty for not rallying to have a beer after the race, not even a free Lagunitas they were handing out. But today I finally got an Alcatraz brewing company Amber Ale and it was fantastic!!

May write a race report, may not. Will obviously post here if I do.

2017-07-31 7:54 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Tavo2311 Thanks all!! What an amazing day. Other than the swim it was slower than I would have liked but man does this distance have a way of humbling you! I am glad I checked that bucket list item off and I can't wait to get back to racing sprints and olympics. Sorry it took me a full day to check in here. I passed out last night like I had been drinking for 15 hours instead! Then today I'm pretty slow moving as expected and we had to check out and drive down to San Francisco. Being a beer themed group I probably deserve a penalty for not rallying to have a beer after the race, not even a free Lagunitas they were handing out. But today I finally got an Alcatraz brewing company Amber Ale and it was fantastic!! May write a race report, may not. Will obviously post here if I do. -Matt

Awesome job, Ironman.  Must feel ever better considering all you went through lately. 

Well done.

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