BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-04-05 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Thanks Randy.  I was just checking out your race in Galveston.  It looks like a great place to race.  A protected swim and flat bike course should be fast.  You should keep your bib number on your back since everyone else is going to be chasing you!!!Wink

Have a great race.

2013-04-05 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Randy - I wish I could be down there in Galveston ... a good 5 hour drive from Dallas. It might even be a little bit longer than that. I am planning on doing this race next year. My coach and some of his other athletes are down there as well. 

Mentor group? Count me in! This would be my third time around and I continue to learn. 

Tomorrow morning I have a 5k that I have been running for a few years now. I take that 5k as my measuring stick and have always gotten a PR in that race. Wish me luck! Running a 5k in Newtons for the first time. 

2013-04-05 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4688880

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2013-04-05 7:42 PM

Made it to Galveston. Checked in at the race, checked into the hotel and went for an easy run. This is my first WTC event and it is quite a production. Tomorrow morning I will try to get a 30 minute ride in to make sure everything is working correctly. Bike checkin is tomorrow afternoon. Hotel is about a half mile from transition so I'll probably just walk down race morning. Weather is looking pretty good. High in mid 70's withhumidity and a 15mph breeze out of the South. Should make for a quick return ride on the bike.

My bib # is 2764. I'm in one of the last waves going off at 8:20am CST

Stuart since you are a real swimmer I would reccomend that you start at the front and push a pretty good pace for the first 100-200 yards and then fall into a comfortable pace. That should give you some clear water. Not something I would do or recommend for newer swimmers as we would quickly find ourselves gasping for breath .

Not sure what I have done with my font/type...will try to fix it.  

Good luck, Randy! I can't imagine thinking I had a race like that tomorrow; you'll tear it up!

Triathlon turned duathlon in the morning for me too, but just a sprint. I'll update when I get home. I hope everyone has a great Saturday.

Oh, and I'm of course going to sign up for the next group. Laughing

2013-04-05 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Jamie/Nate-good luck tomorrow! I don't race until Sunday. Hoping to meet up with Rene/Catwoman tomorrow for lunch. Always fun to meet up with someone from BT. 
2013-04-05 10:54 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

So while you all are gallivanting about, enjoying all that fine weather in TX and SC, spare a thought for me -- I just did a 10K run in sub-freezing temperatures.   And wind.  And hills.  And I swear there was a dragon out there.

Count me in as well for another round of the mentor group!  

2013-04-05 11:41 PM
in reply to: #4689042

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Hoos - 2013-04-05 8:54 PM

So while you all are gallivanting about, enjoying all that fine weather in TX and SC, spare a thought for me -- I just did a 10K run in sub-freezing temperatures.   And wind.  And hills.  And I swear there was a dragon out there.

Count me in as well for another round of the mentor group!'re going to compalin about a little dragon?



dragon.jpg (12KB - 4 downloads)

2013-04-06 12:28 AM
in reply to: #4689060

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Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Stuartap - 2013-04-05 10:41 PM're going to compalin about a little dragon?


Given the temperatures, I could have used a little fire breathing at the turnaround!   

2013-04-06 5:29 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Just checking in quickly before the day begins - GOOD LUCK if anyone is racing this weekend!

I'll catch up soon.


2013-04-06 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Just shy of seven miles last night in my new Brooks shoes. They are nice and felt great the whole way. It may have been a little much for a pair of shoes right out of the box but they performed admirably. I probably ran a little too hard and that will make today on the bike interesting.

Looking forward to watching Michigan tonight against Syracuse. Not a huge basketball fan but this time of year is always fun and we are pretty excited here in Ann Arbor.
2013-04-06 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Just got home from this mornings 5k race. New PR ... 24.41 minutes. I broke my PR by 2.30 minutes over the same race last year! First time I finished a 5k with a time under 8 minute/mile. 

I am so excited at the moment .... ! 2nd in AG ... 1st place was 5 minutes fast than I was and he was 2nd overall!

Edited by d3term1ned 2013-04-06 10:54 AM
2013-04-06 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4689296

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
d3term1ned - 2013-04-06 8:53 AM

Just got home from this mornings 5k race. New PR ... 24.41 minutes. I broke my PR by 2.30 minutes over the same race last year! First time I finished a 5k with a time under 8 minute/mile. 

I am so excited at the moment .... ! 2nd in AG ... 1st place was 5 minutes fast than I was and he was 2nd overall!

Michael contrats!  Great race. 

8 minute/mile...I can only dream.


2013-04-06 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey everybody, just a quick check-in. The race went really well this morning; it was cold to start, but warmed up nicely. As we thought, it was just a duathlon, but it was still a really fun course. I had a good race and got 2nd in my AG, which I'm pretty thrilled about. I'll let Nate say how he did, but I can tell you he had a pretty good result. I'll do a more thorough Race Report later today or tomorrow, once there are some results posted. 

I still have a 3-hour ride today, and it's not going to ride itself...Sealed

2013-04-06 2:46 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Michael/Jamie-great work guys. Impressive. Looking forward to hearing of Nate's success as well.

Got up and rode about 35 minutes on the course this morning. Really windy. Definitely requires constant attention with the rear disc. Got back to the hotel and checked out my tires to make sure there were no nicks or cuts. Sure enough on the rear wheel there was a slice right across the width of the tire. Got a new tire, put it on and did a short checkout ride. Everything seems good.

Had a fun lunch with Rene and a great time visiting with her.

Off to bike drop off and athlete meeting in a bit...........nerves.......anxious....... 

2013-04-06 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Great job Michael and Jamie.  Enjoy your 3 hour ride too Jamie.  Sounds like a great day!
2013-04-06 4:30 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Michael, great job! Keep up the great work! Feels good to place in your age group and get a PR.

Duathlon was just as Jamie said. Super cold in the morning, but by the time the race was finishing up, it was gorgeous. I really hope they don't end up cancelling this race, but instead they could move it to later in the summer. Great course overall.

I was privileged to share the podium with Jamie today as I got 1st in my age group. I really was surprised the whole time I was racing that no one was passing me. Especially on the bike, where I am used to getting passed the most. I kept expecting it, but it only happened 3 times. Passed twice on the bike and once on the run. I took 4th place overall!

Finished up my 3 hr trainer ride and I'm heading out to the bookstore to relax with a latte and book.

Randy, good luck tomorrow! Have a great race and kick some butt!

Here is the link to my race report:

Race Report

2013-04-06 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Jason/Randy: I'm going to stick around for the new mentor group, if you don't mind. I learn a ton from you guys.

Hoos: You are a tough cookie getting out and running in that. Sounds so cold! I have a hard time grabbing things out of the freezers at the grocery store. Don't know if I could handle running in that cold! I'd probably see dragons too.

Michael: Congratulations on 2nd place in AG! What an accomplishment and speedy run.

Jamie: Woo hoo! Excellent work. Hope your 3 hour ride went by quickly.

Nate: Wow, great job, in AG and overall! You're getting better every time! Hope you enjoyed your coffee and book break.

Randy: How nice to meet up with Rene. Wish I was close enough to meet up with you all. Kick butt tomorrow!!

Had a double yesterday. 1500m swim and an hour and 40 minutes of mountain biking. I am finally riding all the descents, even the scary ones. No longer scary! I'm getting to know the hills more and more and I flew through it yesterday, minus a couple time suck uphills. I only had an hour and 45 minutes to get a good ride it. Loved getting air on some of the little drops! Not kicking up a back tire or anything, but flying off them. I'm really enjoying mountain biking.

Today I have a little 4 mile run and a soccer game.

Can't wait to see how Randy does!

2013-04-06 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Hi guys, wow some great accomplishments in our group!Jamie and Nate, that is really awesome that you did the same race and came in 2nd and 1st place! Impressive and so nice to do that together.Randy, best wishes to you tomorrow! I suspect you will make the nerves work to your advantage! Blanda, way to rock those descents! You are kicking your fear of it.Michael, congratulations on the 5K PR. Really nice milestone!Jason and Randy, I am definately in for another round of the group. It is very helpful and I enjoy the conversation and encouragement.I walked 12 miles today, HM is 3 weeks. My group ride is 25 miles tomorrow, longer than I have done at once so I hope I can do it and not embarrass myself trying! Legs are sore.
2013-04-06 9:42 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Nice job everyone on their races. You guys are crushing it.

I think that is two AG wins from our group so far this season and some really great PRs.

Randy, no pressure or anything tomorrow....
2013-04-07 1:23 AM
in reply to: #4689508

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Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

So I gotta ask -- Nate & Jamie -- what's it like out there?   Are you guys continually trying to one-up each other?  Do you encourage?  Trash talk?    Dirty tricks?   Do tell!  


2013-04-07 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Randy is flying so far.

Fast swim.

Averaged 23.5 MPH on the bike through the first time-check.

2013-04-07 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Randy is through the 40.5 mile checkpoint and still averaging over 23 MPH. Looks like he is setting up to have a pretty special race.

2013-04-07 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Ok, now Randy is through the bike (23 mph average!!!) and almost done with the run (b/t 7:40 and 8/mile). Let's see if he still has some power for the last couple miles! 

Go Randy!

2013-04-07 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4690160

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Oh, and congrats to Michael/d3term1ned on your 5K PR! That's a huge year-to-year improvement. Good job!
2013-04-07 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
And Randy is finished, with an overall time of 4:47:09! 1:44/100 swim, 23mph bike, and sub-8 run in a HIM, that's pretty incredible! Great job, Randy! Can't wait for the RR!
2013-04-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Wow, what a race Randy! Thanks guys for the updates.

Had a good ride this morning, we did 23 miles and it felt really good.
I had my first fall so I got that out of the way! My shoelace got caught in my bike so now I know to tuck them, doh......
Didn't hurt anything just a tad embarassing.

Good active weekend and great weather, now cuddling with a sleepy puppy.
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